The Birth of Savitr

  On Savitri

Select Bibliography

Savitri: Sri Aurobindo

(Part One consisting of the first three Books was published in September 1950, a few weeks before Sri Aurobindo's passing away in December of that year. Part Two and Part Three appeared in a single volume in May 1951. The Sri Aurobindo International University Centre brought out the first complete edition in a single volume in 1954; it also included the author's letters on Savitri. In 1972, on the occasion of Sri Aurobindo's birth centenary, Savitri with letters was issued in two volumes as a part of the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library Publication; it came as SABCL Vol. 28 and Vol. 29. In 1986 Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research presented the proposed corrections and revisions of Savitri based on the author's several manuscripts and dictated drafts; the Revised Edition was finalized as a single volume and issued in 1993. Supplement to the Revised Edition of Savitri (1994) and On the New Edition of Savitri (2000) were published by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram providing the research findings of the Archival group. A separate volume entitled Letters on Savitri as edited by K D Sethna was issued in 2000.)

A Talk on Savitri: The Mother

(Reported by Mona Sarkar in his Sweet Mother—Harmonies of Light, 1978)

Meditations on Savitri and About Savitri: Huta

(Paintings based on Savitri under the guidance of the Mother)

Savitri: An Approach and a Study: A. B. Purani

(Sri Aurobindo Ashram, first published in 1952)

A Study of Savitri: Prema Nandakumar (First published in 1962)

Perspectives of Savitri: edited by R Y Deshpande

(The work appears in two volumes published by Aurobharati Trust Pondicherry in 2001 and 2002; it runs into about 1400 pages and

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contains more than 50 selected letters and articles written by various authors since the appearance of Savitri in 1950.)

Vyasa's Savitri: R Y Deshpande

(This is a verse-by-verse rendering into English of the tale of Savitri as we have in the Book of the Forest of the Mahabharata. The original Sanskrit text is also given.)

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