Vyasa's Savitri

  On Savitri


  1. Savitri's Firm Decision to Marry Satyavan.

Markandeya said:

  1. O Yudhishthira, on one particular occasion, afterwards, the King, the ruler of the Madra country, was in the company of Narad; seated in the royal Hall, he was engaged in conversation with him.

  2. Then, about the same time Savitri, after visiting all the holy places and the cloistered ashramas, returned along with the ministers back to her father's house.

  3. Seeing there her father seated in the company of Narad she, the bright and graceful one, went around and bowed respectfully at the feet of both of them.


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Narad said:

  1. On what mission, O King, did your daughter go and wherefrom is she returning? and why, now that she is a good young woman, do you not give her in marriage to a suitable husband?


Aswapati said:

  1. It was indeed with this intent, O God-sage, that I sent her in quest and it is after that she has just returned; let us hear from her of the one whom she must have chosen for her lord and husband.


Markandeya said:

  1. On being asked by her father to narrate in detail everything of her journey and her discovery she, the, bright and beautiful one, obeying him, spoke this wise.

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Savitri said:

  1. O Lord of the Earth, ruled there far in the Shalwa country a just and warrior king, renowned by the name Dyumatsena; but then he became blind.

  2. Though fixed in wisdom he was, exploiting this opportunity, finding him with his sight gone, and his son still too young, a past enemy of his, a king of the neighbouring land, attacked him and seized his kingdom.

  3. Then he, accompanied by his wife with the child yet at such a tender age, retired to a forest; in that deep and wild forest he began to do austere tapasya by observing great and difficult vows.

  4. His son, though born in the city, was brought up in that penance-grove; in him, whose name is Satyavan, I saw an agreeably proper husband for me and I have chosen him so in my mind.

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Narad said:

  1. Alas! Savitri has, O King, done something accursed, that forebodes a great evil; unknowingly she has made the choice of Satyavan, taking him to be one of high merit.

  2. His father always speaks truth, even as his mother addresses ever in conformity with it; and for that reason was he named by the Brahmins as Satyavan, the Truthful.

  3. As a young person he is very fond of horses and is used to making clay-horses; he is good at painting horses and therefore is also known by the nickname Chitrashwa, the Painter of the Horses.


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The King said:

  1. 14. Prince Satyavan is affectionate towards his father, but is he as well bright and intelligent? Is he, moreover, of a forbearing nature, and is he heroic in deed?


Narad said:

  1. He is bright-shining like the Sun-god Vivasvan, and quick and sharp in intelligence like Brihaspati; and, in valiance a hero-warrior like Indra, he is forbearing in the manner of the Earth.


Aswapati said:

  1. Is prince Satyavan also a giver of gifts? and is he a respecter of the Brahmins? Of excellent features, noble and generous, is he good-looking and handsome too?

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Narad said:

  1. Like Rantideva, the son of Sankriti, he is munificent within the means at his disposal; and like Shibi, the son of Ushinar, he is a counsellor of truth and is established in Brahmanhood.

  2. Like Yayati he is exceedingly bounteous, and is beautiful like the moon; this son of Dyumatsena, strong in build, is as handsome, as if he were one of the Ashwinikumars.

  3. He has subdued his passions, is soft-natured, is a youth of heroic deeds, is full of truth, and has regulated senses; he is friendly with everybody, without envy, and is of a reserved shy disposition, radiant as he is.

  4. Those who have advanced in tapasya, and grown rich in virtuous nobility, say briefly about him that, he is

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always straightforward, and is steadfast, and is well established in those qualities.


Aswapati said:

  1. O venerable Sir, you have been proclaiming all that is noble and beautiful in him, but pray tell also if there are any blemishes too.


Narad said:

  1. Yes, there is but one and is such that, because of it, all the high merits and virtues stand helplessly still; try however one may, it is not possible to erase that blemish.

  2. Satyavan will in one year from today abandon his body, his life here expended; this is the only blemish bearing on him and there is no other.

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The King said:

  1. Come hither, O Savitri; to make a happier choice, O fair and virtuous, proceed again; all the several great qualities avail nothing as they remain suppressed in that flawed measure.

  2. Short is his life-span and as the revered Narad, respected by the gods also, says, he shall at the end of the year give up his body.


Savitri said:

  1. Only once can occur the division of the property, and only once a daughter given in marriage; having been

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made, a gift cannot be made a second time, All these three happen once and only once.

  1. May he be of a short life or a long life, with virtuous qualities or else without them; I have chosen him as my husband arid I shall choose not again.

  2. By perception does one first come to a certain conclusion and then one holds it by speech; only afterwards is it put into action. That perception of mine for me is the one single authority here.


Narad said:

  1. O great among men, firm and unperturbed is the understanding, and discernment, of your daughter Savitri; none can swerve her from that, and in every respect it is in conformity with the dharma.

  2. There is no other person who possesses the qualities which Satyavan has; what therefore looks to me proper is to give your daughter in marriage to him.

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The King said:

  1. O venerable one, what you say is indeed true and what has to be is unavoidable; therefore I shall do what you advise, for you are my Teacher and my Preceptor.


Narad said:

  1. The marriage of your daughter Savitri shall be without any ill-happening; I shall now take my leave; let always noble and propitious things be to all.


Markandeya said:

  1. Uttering these benedictions; Narad got up and left for, his abode in Paradise. And here the King began attending to preparations of the daughter's marriage.

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