Tells the story of how Sri Aurobindo lived in Pondicherry as a refugee, evading British spies and schemes, but also the story of his tapasya 'of a brand of my own' – a systematic exploration which sought to build the foundations for a new life on this earth

Mother's Chronicles - Book Six

  The Mother : Biography

Sujata Nahar
Sujata Nahar

Tells the story of how Sri Aurobindo lived in Pondicherry as a refugee, evading British spies and schemes, but also the story of his tapasya 'of a brand of my own' – a systematic exploration which sought to build the foundations for a new life on this earth

Mother's Chronicles - Book Six
 PDF    LINK  The Mother : Biography

Table of Illustrations

Frontispiece Sri Aurobindo around 1919, writing for the Arya (from Abhay Singh Nahar's collection)
29 Front page of India, a Tamil weekly
33 The old pier at Pondicherry (Abhay Singh's collection)
34 A horse cart like the ones used around 1910 (Abhay Singh's coll.)
38 Shankar Chetty's house (Abhay Singh's coll.)
49 V. Ramaswamy Iyengar (Va. Ra. of Tamil literature)
151 A view of Pondicherry in 1790
154 Duplex and his wife
155 Ananda Ranga Pillai
160 Map of Pondicherry by de Fer (1705)
169 Monument to Aayi in Pondicherry's park (Abhay Singh's coli .)
178 Sundar Chetty's house (Abhay Singh's coll.)
185 Sri Aurobindo with five disciples (Abhay Singh's coll.)
188 Ettayapuram palace
193 Subramania Bharati and his wife
196 Front page of Vijaya, a Tamil daily edited by Bharati
209 Dancing Ganesha, a painting by Frederic Joos
243 V. V. S. Aiyar

322 The seven chakras of Tantra, drawing by Maryse Prat
349 Raghavan Chetty House (Abhay Singh's coll.)
388 The Guest House (Abhay Singh's coll.)
391 Sri Aurobindo with Amrita at the Guest House (Abhay Singh's coll.)
425 Amrita sketched by Mother in 1920 (Abhay Singh's coll.)
428 Front page of the first issue of the Arya
21,87,437 Drawings by Sujata

Achevé d'imprimer sur les presses

de Thomson Press (Faridabad, Inde)

October 2001

Depot legal 3C trimestre 2001

Table of Illustrations - 0003-1.jpg

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