Narrates the period in Mother's life when she plunges deep into occultism, meeting with breathtaking adventures and strange powers on her way - till she breaks through the limits of that dangerously deceptive world.

Mother's Chronicles - Book Three

  The Mother : Biography

Sujata Nahar
Sujata Nahar

Narrates the period in Mother's life when she plunges deep into occultism, meeting with breathtaking adventures and strange powers on her way - till she breaks through the limits of that dangerously deceptive world.

Mother's Chronicles - Book Three
 PDF    LINK  The Mother : Biography

Table of Illustrations

Frontispiece Mirra in Tlemcen in 1906
22 Facsimile of a cover of La Revue Cosmique Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris)
26 Théon's postcard to Mirra (courtesy Noren Nahar)
45 Theon, a sketch by Mother (courtesy Abhay Nahar)
54-55 Facsimile of the entry of marriage (courtesy Christian Chanel)
113 An impression of Zarif (by Michel Danino)
132 Zarif: Mirra at her window (courtesy Abhay)
208 The Divine Consciousness emerging from the Inconscient, a painting by Mother
272 Mirra playing tennis (courtesy Abhay)
294 The house on Rue du Val de Grâce (courtesy Davide Montemurri)
315 The crossing between Boulevard St.-Michel and the Luxembourg Gardens, as it was in Mirra's time (from an old postcard)
31, 63, 73,
153, 195, 323 Drawings by Sujata

Achevé d'imprimer

juin 1989

Dépot légal 3' trimestre 1989


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