Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

New Year Music 1971



Bénis sont ceux qui font un bond vers l'Avenir.
(Paroles de la Mère 3, p. 188)

Blessed are those who take a leap towards the Future.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: New Year Messages

यस्ते अद्य कृणवद् भद्रशोचेऽपूपं देव कृतवन्तमग्ने।
प्रतं नय प्रतरं वस्यो अच्छाऽभि सुम्नं देवभक्तं यविष्ठ ॥९॥
उशिक् पावको अरतिः सुमेधा मर्तेष्वग्निरमृतो नि धायि ।
इयर्ति धूममरुषं भरिभ्रदुच्छुक्रेण शोचिषा द्यामिनक्षन् ॥७॥
दृशानो रुक्म उर्विया व्यद्यौद् दुर्मर्षमायुः श्रिये रुचानः।
अग्निरमृतो अभवद्वयोभिर्यदेनं द्यौर्जनयत् सुरेताः॥८॥

yaste adya kṛṇavad bhadraśoce'pūpaṁ deva kṛtavantamagne,
pra taṁ naya prataraṁ vasyo acchā'bhi sumnaṁ devabhaktaṁ yaviṣṭha.9
uśik pāvako aratiḥ sumedhā marteṣvagniramṛto ni dhāyi,
iyarti dhūmamaruṣaṃ bharibhraducchukreṇa śociṣā dyāminakṣan.7
dṛśāno rukma urviyā vyadyaud durmarṣamāyuḥ śriye rucānaḥ,
agniramṛto abhavadvayobhiryadenaṁ dyaurjanayat suretāḥ.8

O god, O happy light, O Fire, he who has prepared for thee the luminous honeycomb (or, the cake of light) him lead forward towards a more opulent state, O youthful godhead, even to the bliss enjoyed by the gods.

An aspirant and traveller and wise of mind, a purifying flame, the Fire who is set within as the immortal in mortals, he sends forth and carries a ruddy smoke striving with his bright flame of light to reach heaven.

Visible, golden of light, widely he shone; resplendent in his glory he is life hard to violate: the Fire by his expandings became immortal when heaven with its strong seed had brought him to birth.

Rig Veda 10.45.9, 10.45.7, 10.45.8

Translation by Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire: Vatsapri Bhalandana

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