Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

New Year Music 1985


हूतस्त्वयाहं तत आगतोऽस्मि
प्रेमामृतेभ्यो विनिमज्ज बोधय।
अन्तर्मम त्वं प्रतितत्त्वमीश
ततोऽसि लीला इह मातृतायाः।

hūtastvayāhaṁ tata āgato'smi
premāmṛtebhyo vinimajja vodhaya,
antarmama tvaṁ pratitatvamīśa,
tato’si līlā iha mātṛtāyāḥ.

Summoned by Thee I have come from there. Drowning me in the ocean of Thy nectarous love, reveal, O Lord, to my understanding, the motherly play that Thou designest here with each essential element in my being.

(Source unknown)


Ô Seigneur, Seigneur, permets que Ta souveraine Puissance se manifeste; permets que Ton cuvre s'accomplisse et que Ton serviteur soit uniquement consacré à Ton service.
(Prières et Méditations, p. 146)

O Lord, Lord, grant that Thy sovereign Power may manifest; grant that Thy work may be accomplished and Thy servitor be consecrated solely to Thy service.

The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: May 3, 1914

ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविर्ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम्।
ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना॥

brahmārpaṇaṁ brahma havirbrahmāgnau brahmaṇā hutaṁ,
brahmaiva tena gantavyaṁ brahmakarmasamādhinā.

Brahman is the giving, Brahman is the food offering, by Brahman it is offered into the Brahman-fire; Brahman is that which is to be attained by samadhi in Brahman-action.

Srimadbhagavadgita 4, 24.

Translation by Anilbaran Roy
The Message of the Gita, p. 82

एतत् सर्वम् एतत् सर्वं ॐ ब्रह्मार्पणमस्तु ।

etat sarvaṁ etat sarvaṁ om brahmārpaṇamastu,

Om. Let all this, all this, be an offering to Brahman,

ॐ नीलाम्भोजदलाभिरामनयनां नीलाम्बरालंकृताम् ।
गौरागी शरदिन्दुसुन्दरमुखी विस्मेरबिम्बाधराम् ॥
कारुण्यामृतवर्षिणी हरिहरब्रह्मादिभिर्वन्दिताम् ।
ध्यायेत् सर्वजनेप्सितां वरदाम् ॥

om nīlāmbhojadalābhirāmanayanāṁ nīlāmbarālaṁkṛtām,
gaurāṅgīṁ śaradindusundaramukhīṁ vismerabimbādharām.
kāruṇyāmṛtavarṣiṇīṁ hariharabrahmādibhirvanditām,
dhyāyet sarvajanepsitāṁ baradām.

Whose eyes are lovely like the blue lotus-petals, who is at-tired in blue, whose limbs are fair and white, whose face is bright and beautiful like the full moon of Autumn, whose smiling lips are red like Bimba-fruit, who showers the nectar of Her compassion, who is adored even by Lords like Vishnu, Siva, Brahma, She — the aspired for by all and the giver of boons — is to be meditated upon.


वन्दे मीरां जगद्धात्रीम्
मीरा नामैव नामैव मम जीवनम्
मीरा नामैव मम शरणम्
मीरा मम शरणम्

vande mīrāṁ jagaddhātrīm
mīrā nāmaiva nāmaiva mama jīvanam
mīrā nāmaiva mama śaraṇam
mīrā mama śaraṇam

I adore Mira, the Mother of the universe.
The name Mira is verily my life.
The name Mira is my refuge.
Mira alone is my refuge.

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