Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition


Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil

Sunil Bhattacharya
Sunil Bhattacharya

Sanksrit Mantra used in the music composed by Sunil for Savitri readings as well as New Year Music

Mantra in Music by Sunil 120 pages 2011 Edition

New Year Music 1992



...chaque atome de la matière contient quelque chose de Ton absolu.
Tu es, Tu vis, Tu rayonnes et Tu règne.
(Prières et Meditations, p. 62)

...each atom of matter contains something of Thy Absolute.
Thou art, Thou livest, Thou art radiant and reignest.

The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: January 13, 1914

महेशान्नापरो देवो महिम्नो नापरा स्तुतिः।
अघोरान्नापरो मन्त्रो नास्ति तत्त्वं गुरोः परम्॥

maheśānnāparo devo mahimno nāparā stutiḥ,
aghorānnāparo mantro nāsti tattvaṁ guroḥ param.

There is no greater God than Siva, there is no better Hymn than the Hymn to Siva, there is no greater Mantra than the Sivamantra, there is no greater truth than Guru.

Sivamahimnastotram 35

न गुरोरधिकं तत्त्वं न गुरोरधिकं तपः।
तत्त्वज्ञानात् परं नास्ति तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥

na guroradhikaṁ tattvaṁ na guroradhikaṁ tapaḥ,
tattvajñānāt paraṁ nāsti tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ.

There is no greater truth than Guru, there is no greater askesis than Guru, there in no greater knowledge than the knowledge of Truth. Salutations to Him the Guru.

Gurustotram 11

मामुपैहि शरणं
श्रीअरविन्द शरणम्।

māmupaihi śaraṇaṁ
śrīaravinda śaraṇaṁ

O Sri Aurobindo, come to me as Thou art my refuge.

नग्नो निःसङ्गशुद्धस्त्रिगुणविरहितो ध्वस्तमोहान्धकारो
नासाग्रे न्यस्तदृष्टिविदितभवगुणो नैव दृष्टः कदाचित् ।
उन्मन्यवस्थया त्वां विगतकलिमलं शङ्करं न स्मरामि
क्षन्तव्यो मेऽपराधः शिव शिव शिव भोः श्रीमहादेव शम्भो॥

nagno niḥsaṅgaśuddhastriguṇavirahito dhvastamohāndhakāro
nāsāgre nyastadṛṣṭirviditabhavaguṇo naiva dṛṣṭaḥ kadācit.
unmanyavasthayā tvāṁ vigatakalimalaṁ śaṅkaraṁ na smarāmi
kṣantavyo me'parādhaḥ śiva śiva śiva bhoḥ śrīmahādeva śambho.

I have never seen Thee, the robeless, companionless, devoid of the modes of nature, free from ignorance and illusion, whose eyes are fixed on the tip of the nose, who is settled in Yoga and is the knower of the Reality of the World.

I have never thought of Thee, the listless, faultless, enmity-less and Bright. Pardon my offence O Siva, Siva, Siva, O the Great Lord Sambhu.

Sivaparadhakshamapanastotram 10

वन्दे गङ्गाधरं शङ्करम्
वन्दे मेऽत्यर्थं वैश्वानरम्
वन्दे त्रैलोक्यसारं श्रीपार्वतीवल्लभम्॥
वन्दे श्रीअरविन्दम्
प्रसीद कमला परापराणां परमेश्वरी।
शरणागतं रक्ष रक्षाधुना॥

vande gaṅgādharaṁ śaṅkaram
vande me'tyarthaṁ vaiśvānaram
vande trailokyasāraṁ śrīpārvatīvallabham.
vande śrīaravindam
prasīda kamalā parāparāṇāṁ parameśvari,
śaraṇāgataṁ rakṣa rakṣādhunā.

I sing the glory of Shiva who holds Ganga.
I sing the glory of the God Agni.
I adore the beloved of Parvati, the essence of the three worlds.
I worship Sri Aurobindo.
O Supreme Goddess Kamala, higher than the high, be gracious, protect now the one who has come to Thy refuge.

(Source unknown)

वन्दे देवीं जननीम्।
वन्दे मातरं सुरधुनीम् ॥
वन्दे मीरां पतितपावनीम्।
शरणं शरणं मीरा शरणम् ।
मीरा मम शरणम्॥

vande devīṁ jananīm,
vande mātaraṁ suradhunīm.
vande mīrāṁ patitapāvanīm,
śaraṇaṁ śaraṇaṁ mīrā śaraṇam,
mīrā mama śaraṇam.

Salutation to Mother, the goddess.
Salutation to Mother, the Ganges.
Salutation to Mira, the deliverer of sinners.
Mira is my refuge.

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