Two sets of exercises especially planned for women, including girls and grown-ups : a keep fit programme for beginners and an advanced series as the next step.

Health exercises for Women and Girls

  Physical Edu.

Not to go on for ever repeating what man has already done is our work, but to arrive at new realisations and undreamed-of masteries. Time and soul and world are given us for our field, vision and hope and creative imagination stand for our prompters, will and thought and labour are our all-effective instruments.

Sri Aurobindo

Essays in Philosophy & Yoga > Aphorisms

Without the Grace of the Divine nothing can be done, but for the full Grace to manifest the sadhak must make himself ready.

Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Yoga II

Some answers from The Mother

What should be the ideal of a woman's physical beauty?

A perfect harmony in the proportions, suppleness and strength, grace and force, plasticity and endurance, and above all, an excellent health, unvarying and unchanging, which is the result of a pure soul, a happy trust in life and an unshakable faith in the Divine Grace.

What should be the ideal of physical education for a girl from the point of view of her sex?

I do not see why there should be any special ideal of physical education for girls other than for boys.

Physical education has for its aim to develop all the possibilities of a human body, possibilities of harmony, strength, plasticity, cleverness, agility, endurance, and to increase the control over the functioning of the limbs and the organs, to make of the body a perfect instrument at the disposal of a conscious will. This programme is excellent for all human beings equally, and there is no point in wanting to adopt another one for girls.

Will a girl's appearance change and become muscular like a muscular man's and make her look ugly if she practises vigorous exercises?

Weakness and fragility may look attractive in the view of a perverted mind, but it is not the truth of Nature nor the truth of the Spirit.

If you have ever looked at the photos of the women gymnasts you will know what perfectly beautiful bodies they have; and nobody can deny that they are muscular!

What attitude should a girl take towards her monthly periods?

The attitude you take towards something quite natural and unavoidable. Give it as little importance as possible and go on with your usual life, without changing anything because of it.

Should a girl participate in her normal programme of Physical Education during her periods?

Certainly if she is accustomed to physical exercise, she must not stop because of that. If one keeps the habit of leading one's normal life always, very soon one does not even notice the presence of the menses.

How can a girl overcome her suffering and pain during periods?

There are some exercises that make the abdomen strong and improve the circulation. These exercises must be done regularly and continued even after the pains have disappeared. For the grown-up girls, this kind of pain comes almost entirely from sexual desires. If we get rid of the desires we get rid of the pain. There are two ways of getting rid of desires; the first one, the usual one, is through satisfaction (or rather what is called so, because there is no such thing as satisfaction in the domain of desire). That means leading the ordinary human-animal life, marriage, children and all the rest of it.

There is, of course, another way, a better way,—control, mastery, transformation; this is more dignified and also more effective.


The world is moving towards a new age of freedom, equality and progress under the pressure of a new Truth and a new Consciousness. Some people are aware of it; many are not. But that does not matter. The movement is going all right in the individual and in collective life: there is unrest, turmoil and upheaval everywhere; old bases and old values are getting shaken and are gradually yielding place to the new.

Women, whether in India or elsewhere, are no exception to this universal trend, and are coming forward and making their presence felt in every sphere of life.

It is also being recognised in an increasing measure that women too must equip themselves for their changing role; that they should be physically fit, strong and healthy through regular physical exercise, proper and adequate food, sufficient rest and sleep, hygienic habits, a regular life and a happy, cheerful disposition.

I am giving in this pamphlet two sets of exercises especially planned for women. Girls from the age of 10 to 12 as well as grown-up women also can do these. If done regularly, these exercises can help to keep the body in good order throughout life.

The beginner should start with the first schedule, and in each exercise, perform the number of repetitions which she can do comfortably. (The number of repetitions indicated in the schedules is only a guideline for beginners.) The number of repetitions should be increased gradually, say, one additional repetition for each exercise every day (or every 2 days). When she is capable of doing daily 30 repetitions of each exercise and also finds no difficulty in going through the entire set, then, she must stop this schedule, and go over to the second schedule.

In the second set also start with the number of repetitions you can do comfortably; then, increase the number gradually. It is not necessary to do more than 30 repetitions of each exercise.

Thereafter you can go by your feeling, and take up one or the other schedule. The number of repetitions also can be varied according to the physical condition on a particular day.

Proper breathing during the exercise is very important and should be done as indicated.

Concentrating on the parts being exercised will produce quicker and better results.

Select a suitable time for your exercise -when you are not in a hurry, or tired, or too hungry, or haven't just had a heavy meal, etc., - and stick to that time. Regularity is very important. One day a week may be taken off.

Do not exercise when sick or unwell. Do not do these exercises during periods of menstruation you find uncomfortable; but on the other hand, you may continue to do so as on normal days if you have no difficulty. In fact, regular exercise will help you out of those difficult and uncomfortable days.

Dress for the exercise in such a way that there is no interference with free movements. The dress must also be sufficiently loose to permit free circulation of blood and should be suited to the weather .

The place for exercise should be clean and airy and protected from too much heat, cold or dampness.

After exercise a good bath and a change of clothing will give a clean and fresh feeling. Before the bath, a short self-massage with oil will keep the muscles soft and the skin healthy.

 A tumblerful of either a hot or cool drink after exercising could be very soothing and pleasant.

Finally, before you start on a programme of exercise it would be prudent to consult your doctor. This is particularly so in the case of older women who have not exercised earlier.

Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya
Director J .S.A.S.A.
Department of Physical Education,
Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
Pondicherry -605002.

Keep fit programme

1. Forward Bending - (Min. 5 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet well apart, arms stretched overhead.

(i) Bend forward to touch the floor between the feet. Breathe out.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe in.

2. Knee Raising - (Min. 5 - Max. 15, for each leg)

Starting position: Stand erect, with feet together, arms at sides.

(i) Lift the left knee as high as possible. Grasping the knee and the shin with both hands, pull the leg towards the body. Keep the back straight throughout. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe out.

3. Lateral Bending - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each side)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart, arms at sides.

(i) Bend the trunk laterally to the left while pulling the right fist up along the body and sliding the left hand down as far as possible. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to starting position. Breathe out. Repeat on the other side.

4. Arm Circling - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each arm)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart.

Draw large circles backward with the left and the right arms alternately. Breathe in with one arm movement and breathe out with the other. The body should not move.

5. Partial Sit Ups - (Min. 20 - Max. 25)

Starting position: Lie on the back, hands on thighs.

(i) Raise the head and shoulders off the floor till you can see your heels. Breathe out.

(ii) Return to starting position. Breathe in.

6. Chest and Leg Raising - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each leg)

Starting position: Lie on the stomach, hands under the thighs.

(i) Simultaneously raise the head, shoulders and left leg as high as possible off the floor. Keep the legs straight. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to starting position. Breathe out. Repeat with the right leg.

7. Side Leg Raising - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each leg)

Starting position: Lie on your side, legs straight, lower arm stretched under the head along the floor , upper arm placed in front of the body for balance.

(i) Raise the upper leg laterally as high as possible. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe out. Repeat the other side.

8. Push Ups - (Min. 5 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Lie on the stomach, legs together stretched backward, elbows bent, palms on the floor on either side of the chest.

(i) Push the body off the floor keeping the hands and knees in contact with the floor, breathe in. Sit back on the heels. Breathe out.

(ii) While breathing in return to the starting position. Breathe out.

9. Leg Raising - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each leg)

Starting position: Lie on the back, legs straight and to- gether, arms along the body, palms down.

(i) Raise the left leg till it is at right angle to the body. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to starting position. Breathe out. Repeat with the right leg.

10. Ankle Flex - (Min. 15 - Max. 25)

Starting position: Sit with legs stretched out in front, feet slightly apart, back straight and the hands on the floor behind for support.

(i) Stretch the toes out in line with the legs. Breathe in.

(ii) Pull the toes back towards the body. Breathe out.

11. Back Straightening - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Sit on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and close to the body, arms clasped around the knees, head bent forward and body relaxed.

(i) Straighten the back and lift the head to look forward, pull in the abdominal muscles. Breathe in.

(ii) Relax in the starting position. Breathe out.

12. Breathing Exercises - (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Lie on the back, knees bent at 90 deg., feet flat on floor, arms along the body.

(i) Breathe in as you raise both arms up and over to touch the floor above the head.

(ii) Breathe out as you bring the arms back to the starting position. Keep the lower back pressed to the ground through- out.

Advanced Series

1. Side Bending - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each side)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet together, arms at side.

(i) Raise the right arm sideways and stretch overhead till the shoulder touches the ear. Bend the trunk to the left as far as possible. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe out. Repeat on the other side.

2. Lateral Trunk Circling - (Min. 5 - Max. 10, each side)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet together, arms stretched overhead, palms facing in.

(i) Bend the trunk laterally to the left.

(ii) Swing the trunk laterally to the right, then down, left and upward describing a complete circle to finish with the trunk bent laterally to the right. Breathe out while moving downward and breathe in while moving upward. Repeat on the other side.

3. Trunk Bending Backward - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each leg)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart, arms at side.

(i) Place the left foot foIWard on its ball, raise the arms up, look up and arch back as far as possible. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe out. Repeat with the other leg.

4. Trunk Bending Forward and Back - (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet together, arms raised overhead.

(i) Bend the trunk forward and down to touch the fore-head to the knees while swinging the arms backward and up. Breathe out.

(ii) Return to the upright position and bend the trunk backward as far as possible. Breathe in.

5. Knee Dips - (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet together, arms at side.

(i) Raise the arms in front till they are horizontal, parallel to each other with the palms facing down. Breathe in.

(ii) Swing the arms down and back at the same time bending the knees in a dipping movement to finish with the legs slightly bent, body bent forward, arms behind the back, palms facing up. Breathe out.

(iii) With another dip swing the arms down, forward and up to stand erect with the arms stretched overhead. Breathe in.

(iv) Return to the starting position. Breathe out.

6. Double Leg Raising - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Lie on the back, feet together, arms along the body.

(i) Raise both legs together till they are at a right angle the body. Breathe in.

(ii) Lower the legs. Breathe out. Try and keep the lower back pressed to the ground.

7. Sit Ups - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Lie on the back, feet together, arms stretched overhead.

(i) Raise the upper body and bend forward to touch the toes. Breathe out.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe in. Try to curl up and uncurl slowly, without jerks.

8. Single Knee to Chest - (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each leg)

Starting position: Lie on the back. feet together, arms along the body.

(i) Raise the left leg till it is at right angle to the body. Breathe in.

(ii) Bend the left leg and bring the left knee to the chest. hug it with both arms and press it against the chest. Breathe out.

(iii) Arms along the body. straighten the left leg till it is at a right angle. Breathe in.

(iv) Return to the starting position. Breathe out. Repeat with the right leg.

9. Scissors Movement - (Min. 5 - Max. 10 cycles)

Starting position: Lie on the back, feet together, arms along the body.

(i) Raise the left leg till it is at a right angle to the body. Breathe in.

(ii) While slowly lowering the left leg raise the right leg till it is at a right angle. Breathe out.

Repeat the other way.

10. Astride Leg Raising - (Min. 5 - Max. 10 cycles)

Starting position: Lie on the back, feet together, arms along the body.

(i) Separate the leg as far as possible, knees straight, heels touching the floor. Breathe in.

(ii) Keeping the feet apart, raise the legs till they are at right angles to the body. Breathe out.

(iii) Bring the feet together keeping them on the vertical plane. Breathe in.

(iv) Lower the legs to the ground. Breathe out.

Do the movements in reverse order to complete the cycle.

11. Overhead Roll - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Lie on the back, feet together, arms along the body.

(i) Keeping the knees straight and feet together, raise the legs and touch the floor with the toes as far behind the head as possible. Breathe out.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe in.

12. Leg Movements in Shoulder-stand (Min. 5 - Max. 10, each movement)

Starting position: Shoulder-stand.

(i) Lower the left leg to touch the floor behind the head. Breathe out.

(ii) Raise the left leg to shoulder stand. Breathe in.

(iii) Repeat with the right leg.

(iv) Lower both the legs together to touch the floor behind the head. Breathe out.

(v) Return to the starting position. Breathe in.

13. Legs Swaying - (Min. 5 - Max. 10, each side)

Starting position: Lie on the back, feet together, anns along the body.

(i) Raise the legs slightly above the floor and sway them together laterally to the extreme left. Breathe in.

(ii) Swing them to the extreme right. Breathe out. Keep the upper body pressed to the floor.

14. The Boat - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Lie on the stomach, feet together, arms stretched overhead.

(i) Raise the arms, head and feet off the ground, keep the elbows and knees straight, feet together; arch the back as much as possible. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to the starting position. Breathe out.

15. Peacock - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Lie on the stomach, feet together, palms on the ground near the waist, fingers pointing headward.

(i) Arch backward while straightening the elbows.

(ii) Bend the knees and touch the head with the feet while pressing the shoulders down. Breathe in.

(iii) Return to the starting position. Breathe out.

16. Rocking Movement - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Lie on the stomach, feet together, palms on the ground near the waist, fingers pointing headward.

(i) Arch back while straightening the elbows and press the shoulders down. Breathe in.

(ii) Keeping the body taut, roll forward on the chest by bending the elbows and simultaneously arch the back and raise the legs high keeping them straight and together. Breathe out.

Rock back to position (i) and repeat.

17. The Wheel - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Lie on the stomach, bend the legs at the knees and hold the ankles.

(i) Pull the knees upward and outward as much as possible, and arching back make a wheel with the body. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to starting position. Breathe out.

18. Straight Dips - (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Front support position, body perfectly straight, toes curled out.

(i) Lower the body by bending the elbows till the chin touches the floor. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to starting position. Breathe out. Keep the body absolutely straight throughout.

Radha's Prayer

O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering.

Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions, all the sentiments of my heart, all my sensations, all the movements of my life, each cell of my body, each drop of my blood. I am absolutely and altogether Thine, Thine without reserve. What Thou wilt of me, that I shall be. Whether Thou choosest for me life or death, happiness or sorrow, pleasure or suffering, all that comes to me from Thee will be welcome. Each one of Thy gifts will be always for me a gift divine bringing with it the supreme Felicity.

The Mother

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