A letter to The Mother on Pakistan


Kittu’s letter to Mother

Sweet Mother,

There has been in my class of The Ideal of Human Unity , an interesting discussion on a problem. The problem is this:
Sri Aurobindo had said in 1947 that the dissolution of Pakistan is inevitable; is it possible for someone who has read the books of Sri Aurobindo and consequently has a unique vision of history to arrive at the same conclusion; in other words, is the disappearance of Pakistan a logical consequence of the historical evolution of man or will Pakistan disappear only because Sri Aurobindo has exercised a spiritual force which escapes the ordinary view of a historian however vast he may be.

I pray to Thee to clarify on this interesting question.

Thy child




Mother’s reply

The disappearance of Pakistan is inevitable; it could already have taken place, but human ignorance has delayed it.

The Mother



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