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21 result/s found for Abhay Singh

... 1. Abhay Singh and Sujata, aged 11 and 9. Page 25 Mother, this time every day during meditation and pranam I can see your light. Mother, could I go on Thursday for an outing in the car? Mother, I like it very much here, so instead of returning with Kaka [Uncle Uday Singh], may I return with Father in February? Yours, Abhay Singh Abhay Singh, You... Sri Aurobindo 30 December 1935 Prithwi Singh, Abhay Singh and Sujata are getting on very well and the Mother has no doubt that the soul in them will grow and the seed of psychic capacity develop. The arrangements for Sujata of which you speak in your letter are approved by the Mother. Abhay Singh has become very fond of the Asram; but the Mother thinks he has need of your... should return with his uncle. Sri Aurobindo Page 26 Prithwi Singh, [...] Abhay Singh and Sujata have their way as Uday Singh is not going before February; they are jubilant over the turn things have taken... Page 27 Dear Abhay Singh, Sri Aurobindo has given this answer to your question. Of course he spoke in English but told me to write ...


... Mother and Abhay Memorial Service Today, we have assembled here to pay homage to Abhay Singh Nahar, and it is a privilege to get an opportunity to pay my respects to him and say a few words about the life of my beloved grand uncle. He was born on 30 th April, 1924 in a house in this very Indian Mirror Street. When he was five years old... with due care and cleanliness which was eaten with relish by the teachers and students of Shantiniketan. The newspapers of Calcutta published a list of all such persons which included the name of Abhay Singh from the Nahar family. Later, when he came to Calcutta, his elders refused to share the same seat with him. Pained by such attitude of the people, Abhay Singh's grandmother rebuked them by saying... advocates no discrimination between caste and creed and the fact that all are equal. Everybody realised their mistake and kept quiet." Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore had special love and affection for Abhay Singh, and wrote a beautiful poem on Page 149 him, which we all will hear in the form of a song a little later. His father, Prithwi Singh, could not settle in Santiniketan also and ...


... j'avais vu a propos de Abhay Singh. Je te dis done ce qui ne s'efface pas de ma memoire: Abhay Singh s'eloignait dans la lumiere sur un chemin en or solide. II s'est tourne et j'ai vu son sourire qui etait tres doux. Quant au detail, Sri Aurobindo dont tu me paries, tout ce dont je me souviens, e'est une atmosphere, une essence de Sri Aurobindo qui enveloppait Abhay Singh. Tu me dis... interme-diaires. Sans doute Abhay Singh y avait« pose le pied » avant de quitter le corps: je sens que son passage n'a ete qu'une continuation lumineuse. Je ne peux pas oublier ce chemin en or solide. * Sumitra-di, good evening, I did not write down what I saw concerning Abhay Singh. So I'll tell you what will not be erased from my memory: Abhay Singh was moving away in the light... booklet dedicated to Abhay Singh which N. sent us recently on your behalf. I had a fine feeling while reading, this feeling so special that comes from the soul. My husband and myself had never met Abhay Singh during all the years that we lived in India, but we came to know him from reading the "Agenda" and Sujata-di's "Chronicles". Hence we know about the special place that Abhay Singh occupied in Mother's ...


... for all. Satprem December 19, 1977 Abhay Singh [Sujata’s brother] resigns from the Ashram Workshop. First step of the onslaught against Nandanam. December 20, 1977 (Personal letter) A few hurried lines to tell you that we are right to leave, Page 311 as it has just been confirmed at last: the trustees finally put Abhay Singh in a position where he could do nothing but... tell them.” Mother: “Will he believe you?” Enter Pranab. Outburst of anger from Pranab. Afterward, Mother says to Satprem: “Will you be able to come every day?” April 8, 1973 Satprem to Abhay Singh [Sujata’s brother]: “One day, Pranab will close Mother’s door on me.” April 10, 1973 Pranab to Pradyot [one of the Ashram’s trustees]: “Get ready for Mother’s departure.” Pradyot, shocked... build Mother’s Press in Nandanam itself? November 21, 1975 (From Sujata to Sir C.P.N. Singh, originally in English) Page 123 Revered Uncle, 43 Yesterday evening Rajabhai (Abhay Singh) brought your letter to Nandanam. It gave me a great pleasure to know that you are now fully recovered. You are aware how much we value your affection. May I add that your letter warmed the ...

... waiting; Mother tells her Bonjour and gives her a small biscuit tin which is kept ready. Formerly—Mounnou was then ten—Mother used to hold her hand and walk with her up to Pavitra's laboratory. Abhay Singh and Sujata are waiting near Pavitra's laboratory door; and, a little further, stands Jayandlal. Inside the laboratory are Pavitra, Noren Singh, Sumantra, Suprabha and Sumkra. 2 Nolini and Amrita... Mrityunjoy 4 . She greets them all, though not in the same way every day. She may look at them or just glance at them and go straight to the Balcony. As Mother goes to the Balcony, Sujata and Abhay Singh follow her and wait in Pavitra's laboratory. After the Balcony, she sees those who are waiting in Pavitra's laboratory. If anyone has any work, she attends to it and gives instructions. Then it... × Sumantra Kothari settled here in 1944, ten years after his uncle Parichand Kothari. Suprabha, Sujata, Sumitra, Abhay Singh and Noren Singh, are children of Prithwi Singh Nahar for whose proof-reading ability and dedication Sri Aurobindo expressed much appreciation (see title “Compassion” above). He was also in charge ...


... Mother's Birthday Messages 30.4.63 a Abhay Singh Bonne Fete! avec l'appreciation de tout le bon travail que tu as fait l'année dernière, et mes benedictions pour que cette année-ci soit encore meilleure. * to Abhay Singh Happy birthday! with the appreciation of all the good work that you have ... want to have peace do not listen to what people say. Blessings Mother Page 33 Bonne Fete a Abhay Singh avec ma tendresse et mes benedictions pour son bon travail * Happy Birthday to Abhay Singh with my love and my blessings for his good work Mother Page 34 ... done last year, and my blessings so that this year be still better. Mother 28 May 1963 Abhay Singh, mon cher enfant, je suis tout à fait satis-faite de ton travail qui est excellent à tous les points de vue, et je n'ai nulle intention d'utiliser l'atelier pour le travail de la défense. De plus tu as tout à fait raison de m'écrire pour confirmation quand quelqu'un ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 August 30, 1958 ( In the presence of Pavitra and Abhay Singh, Mother recounts a vision she had during the night ) [Abhay Singh: The disciple who managed the Ashram 'Atelier': mechanical workshop, maintenance garage, automobile service, etc.] It was just at four o'clock in the morning, and... know. What does he represent? ... The first impulse was to tell Abhay Singh, 'Forbid him to drive the tractor.' Page 189 (Pavitra:) What was he holding in his hands, Mother? Huge tires... He was standing there, like that, with a very majestic air. He was wearing his white outfit, those long pyjamas... (Abhay Singh:) Yesterday he drove the station wagon for the visitors. Does... A little bigger than jeep tires. No, it came up to here ( gesture to the top of the head ). It seemed to be a tractor tire, but it did not have the heavy tread that tractor tires have. (Abhay Singh:) There are tractor tires that have no tread. Ah! So... He was standing, and it came up to here ( same gesture ). So it must have been a tractor tire. What could it represent, he, and the ...


... the Mother. Light exuded beauty and power. I felt the Mother was pouring power into her. Abhay Singh was the standard bearer of the men’s group. Light and Abhay Singh would gently lower the flag in front of the Mother in a gesture of obeisance. An aura of strength and beauty enveloped both Light and Abhay Singh. And we members of the group would feel at that moment a descent of tremendous power. Even ...


... even here also. I do not like this. He disturbs me very much. Will you kindly tell me now what to do? I want your help.' My pranam to you and Sri Aurobindo. Your son Abhay Singh I suppose he will come no more now that you have told me about it. But if ever he comes you have only to call me for help and he will go away. My blessings... "Bloc House" for playing deck-tennis. Is it all right, Mother? [Yes, it is all right. My love and blessings] My pranam to you and my sweet father Sri Aurobindo. Your son Abhay Singh Page 44 Sans le Divin, la vie est une illusion douloureuse. Avec Lui, tout est félicité. Expliquez. En Europe les hommes sont arrivés au plus haut sommet de l'intelligence ...


... gives me immense joy when I am associated with this touching tribute. Samir Kanta Gupta Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Abhay Singh Nahar His father's name was Prithwi Singh Nahar. His mother's name was Suhag Kumari. They hail from Rajasthan. They are the descendants of a Royal family—and royal in every way, in the... Next day—There was a little blood about the eyes, mouth, and nostrils, a sign that his life breath had passed out of the sahasrara, Most probably something similar happened in the case of Abhay Singh also. Page 21 ...


... Abhay Abhay-the achiever by Raman Reddy Abhay Singh Nahar, who was a student in our centre of education from 1943 to 1950, made important contributions to the Ashram's development over the years. Abhay Singh Nahar passed away on 14 August 2001. He collapsed in front of the Ashram Laundry gate at around 5 p. m. Though he ...


... with her children and her friends, for the next bus. You can understand her difficult position. All of a sudden, there floated, or flashed, before her mind's eye, the picture of an old driver of Abhay Singh. 275 She is somewhat perceptive. She thought, "What's this? Let me go out and see if there is an Ashram car there, by chance." And lo and behold, she found the same driver she had visualised... arrive after Sri Aurobindo's accident! (Laughter) It was taking very long. Mind you, Pondicherry at that time was not what it is today. Madras was not a stone's throw from here, and there was no Abhay Singh with his cars to rush from Madras to Pondicherry at every beck and call. There were just a few cars plying in the town. Pondicherry is very different today. The local people will not be happy ...


... the beginning Arun used to play at the goal. Arun’s game was flawless and he was a most dependable player. As backs we had Hriday and Sudhir from Chittagong. Later Kashi Das too joined. Bir Singh, Abhay Singh, Dayakar, Kunjbehari and Robi Gupta used to play in the midfield. As forwards we had Sunil-da, Amiyo, Kanak, Jayant, Manju and Ranju Gupta. Sunil-da often led the team. His game had courage, agility ...


... Tamil boy confessed it. Mother laughed and remarked, "He was candid!", and then asked, "I hope no violence was used?" "No, Mother. We have now dismissed him." "What can we do?" Abhay Singh (Sri Aurobindo Ashram Atelier) can train Patnaik for Auroville Vehicles Maintenance and advise me about it. Mother signed a note to this effect and wrote 'blessings'. Requests of candidates ...

... Tamil boy confessed it. Mother laughed and remarked, "He was candid!", and then asked, "I hope no violence was used?" "No, Mother. We have now dismissed him." "What can we do?" Abhay Singh (Sri Aurobindo Ashram Atelier) can train Patnaik for Auroville Vehicles Maintenance and advise me about it. Mother signed a note to this effect and wrote 'blessings'. Requests of candidates ...

... Sarada Devi (courtesy Ramakrishna Mission) 576 Mother before leaving Japan to return to India (from Abhay Singh's collection) 582 The stairs Mirra climbed to meet Sri Aurobindo (from Abhay Singh 's collection) 583 Sri Aurobindo at Pondicherry (from Abhay Singh's collection) 47, 147,488, Drawings by Sujata 511 ...

... the peaceful nationalist movement was suppressed in that year, thus making room for what neither the Government nor the 1 Courtesy National Archives, Pondicherry, procured by Abhay Singh Nahar. Page 230 Nationalists really wanted, viz., terrorist violence. "My public utility was thus unexpectedly checked—let me hope, temporarily—and I had no special love for ...

... gentle to all creatures. Smiling and sedate in her movements and moods, she was liked by all. She danced well. No wonder the gods plucked her away early in her life. She was the main flag bearer with Abhay Singh, when only two flags were taken out (as on Darshan Days even now). Madhuri = Bubu was the youngest and the second sister. She was pampered by all her elder brothers and sister. She was a good ...


... absolutely sure." Removing her from her room was in effect condemning her to a sure death. No one ever informed us of anything. We were not among those "close" to Mother. It is Sujata's brother, Abhay Singh—himself alerted by the public rumor, who sent word to us. We arrived at the Ashram around six in the morning, stunned, to find thousands of people filling past—it had been six months since we had ...


... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six Table of Illustrations Page Frontispiece Sri Aurobindo around 1919, writing for the Arya (from Abhay Singh Nahar's collection) 29 Front page of India, a Tamil weekly 33 The old pier at Pondicherry (Abhay Singh's collection) 34 A horse cart like the ones used around 1910 (Abhay Singh's ...

... room] where Navinchandra makes cardboard boxes for Prosperity. The entrance to Rosary House has not changed, only the doors of the gate have been replaced. Upstairs, on the eastern side, where Abhay Singh's rooms are, there was just one room and it was allotted to Doraiswami. On the opposite side, where Navajata's rooms are, there was a large terrace in which pots of rose plants were kept. Mother was ...
