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Aegean : arm of the Mediterranean Sea, between Greece & Asia Minor.
... these essentials he remains Homeric, even if he has more multiplicity within his unity than Homer and his wind blows from directions uncommon to Hellas and his wave has more complex curves than the Aegean. Ilion commences with a new day breaking over the besieged city: Dawn in her journey eternal compelling the labour of mortals, Dawn the beginner of things with the night for their... impatient of Space and its boundaries, Time and its slowness, Xanthus clamoured aloud as he ran to the far-surging waters, Joining his call to the many-voiced roar of the mighty Aegean, Answering Ocean's limitless cry like a whelp to its parent. Forests looked up through their rifts, the ravines grew aware of their shadows. Closer now gliding glimmered the golden ...
... upon vessels wishing to pass through the Hellespont, while it was too far inland to be conveniently assailed from the sea. The city's trade grew rapidly. As Will Durant points out: "From the lower Aegean came copper, olive oil, wine, and pottery; from the Danube and Thrace came pottery, amber, horses and swords; from distant China came so great a rarity as jade. In return Troy brought from the interior... of Odysseus and the surviving heroes of the war set out on the journey home. Many of them were ship-wrecked, and some of them were stranded on foreign shores and founded Greek colonies in Asia, the Aegean and in Italy. Menelaus returned to Sparta along with Helen as his queen. When Agamemnon reached Mycenae he clasped his land and kissed it. But during his long absence, his wife, Clytaemnestra, had ...
... grasses. Headlong, impatient of Space and its boundaries, Time and its slowness, Xanthus clamoured aloud as he ran to the far-surging waters, Joining his call to the many-voiced roar of the mighty Aegean, Answering Ocean's limitless cry like a whelp to its parent. Forests looked up through their rifts, the ravines grew aware of their shadows. Closer now gliding glimmered the golden feet of the goddess... from the panting of Ares' toil to repose, from the wrestle Locked of hope and death in the ruthless clasp of the mellay Leaving again the Trojan ramparts unmounted, leaving Greece unavenged, the Aegean a lake and Europe a province. Choosing from Hellas exile, from Peleus and Deidamia, Choosing the field for my chamber of sleep and the battle for hearthside Page 350 I shall go warring... a moment! Once if the Greeks were triumphant, once if their nations were marshalled Under some far-seeing chief, Odysseus, Peleus, Achilles, Not on the banks of Scamander and skirts of the azure Aegean Fainting would cease the audacious emprise, the Titanic endeavour; Tigris would flee from their tread and Indus be drunk by their coursers. Now in these days when each sun goes marvelling down that ...
... northwest Asia Minor, which was situated a few miles south of the Aegean entrance to the Hellespont (Dardanelles) on a mound commanding the triangular plateau between the rivers Scamander and Simois. In the second millennium BC, it was the strongest power on the coast of Asia Minor and its location gave it control over trade between the Aegean and the Black Sea; the Trojan War (1200 BC) may have actually... Deiphobus: A son of Priam and Hecuba, and a great Trojan hero The remains of a monument at Delphi Delos: A small island in the center of the Cyclades in the southern Aegean; it was regarded as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis (twin children of Zeus from Leto or Latona) and was the seat of an oracle of Apollo. Delphi: A rugged spot on the slopes of Mount... describes Achilles and his men, who came, from Phthia. Hellespont: Narrow strait dividing Europe from Asia at the final exit of the waters of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara into the Aegean; the modern Dardanelles. Hephaestus: God of fire (originally, maybe of the sacrificial fire in particular, later the smithy fire) and of labour and craftsmanship. He is a son of Zeus and ...
... Their wondrous eye that sees the past and future: And I have slain the Gorgon, dire Medusa, Her head that turns the living man to stone Locking into my wallet: last, today, In Syria by the loud Aegean surges I have done this deed that men shall ever speak of. Ascending with winged feet the clamorous air I have cloven Poseidon's monster whose rock-teeth And fiery mouth swallowed your sons and ...
... that is separated from the Mediterranean by a narrow isthmus across which the Israelites could flee during the 20 minutes interval when the Page 189 sea was drawn back towards the Aegean as the cone of Santorini dropped into the sea, the Egyptians drowning in the returning tidal wave. However, like the uncompromising truth-finder that he is, Sethna demolishes this evidence that would ...
... wanderings. There is a dazzling fire, there is a dizzying flight in the former that reveal more and reach farther than all the wondrous discoveries of the "many-counselled" sailor among the islands of the Aegean. In a dissimilar yet perhaps not quite unconnected universe of discourse we may note Sri Aurobindo's rating Shakespeare much higher than Racine in spite of the Frenchman's uniform perfection of art ...
... provides a datum line in sea-level fluctuation. Interestingly, the submergence of the coast and port during this period is not a phenomenon confined to India. Instances of submergence in Bahrain and the Aegean islands have also been reported." Further light is shed by a later report: "The fourth marine archaeological expedition led by Dr. S.R. Rao and sponsored by the Union Department of Science ...
... would destroy, they first make mad". 18. The Peloponnesian War, fought from 431 to 404 BC between the dominant city-state of Athens, master of an empire of allied states stretching across the Aegean Sea, and Sparta, which dominated its neighborhood through the Peloponnesian League. There were several causes for the war including the building of the Athenian long walls, Megara's defection and the ...
... "the elemental Homeric power of sufficient straight-forward speech, the rush too of oceanic sound though it is here the surging of the Atlantic between continents, not the magic roll and wash of the Aegean around the isles of Greece." 28 The magic, the disciplined grace, the unfailing beauty of Homer are absent, but there is energy, there is mass and amplitude. Whitman's Song of Myself is an attempt ...
... except with regard to Adrianople, which is the one serious point of attack. Especially the action of the Powers, the situation at Constantinople and the opinion of the Triple Alliance with regard to the Aegean islands are in exact consonance with the line laid down by Will & prakamya vyapti. Today, the action of the vijnana is very much confused owing to the necessity of harmonising finally tejas & tapas... striking exactness; for the Turkish draft reply to the Note is couched in exactly the terms and contained exactly the reasons about Adrianople that had been suggested; even the modification about the Aegean islands, viz. the insistence on the coast islands alone, is the one that from the beginning was suggested & continually maintained by the thought and the ishita. Aishwarya also in Poincare's election ...
... Sanskrit "Yuvan" which has the same root yu and signifies "young". Perhaps this alignment would bring it directly into touch with the Greek "Iaones" which would connote the young or new race from the Aegean islands and the Asiatic coast as opposed to the "Graichoi", meaning "the old" and denoting the original inhabitants of the Greek peninsula. But this alignment would render it superfluous even to entertain... Jerome Biblical Commentary 2 on Joel IV.6, it is not difficult to affirm with Mitra the earliest form of "Ionia" to be "Uinim". The note runs: "the Greeks: the Ionians (Yewānim), the Greeks of the Aegean Islands and western Asia Minor." The inflected Hebrew word bracketed here is surely a modulation of the Egyptians' "Uinim" which dates back to 1500-1400 B.C. "Ionian" as a name would seem to predate ...
... adopted Greek speech and customs. From this tribe descended the kings of Athens, who brought order and power to that city. Achelous: river in Phyrigia (Asia Minor), east of Troy. Aegean: sea between Greece and Asia Minor. Agamemnon: eldest son of Atreus and brother of Menelaus, King of Mycenae and Argos, Agamemnon was the commander in chief of the Greek forces against... king of Troy, father of Hector and Paris. Thetis: sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus, married to Peleus and by him the mother of the hero Achilles. Thrace: country north of the Aegean and the Hellespont; its inhabitants fought as Trojan allies. Tripod: a vessel on three legs. Trojan, son of Priam. Troilus: Trojan, son of Priam. Troy: This city (also called ...
... now. Only Nicanor and the hills Hardly protect my crown, my brittle crown! CLEOPATRA Antiochus comes! Page 272 TIMOCLES The Macedonian legions Linger somewhere upon the wide Aegean. Sea And land contend against my monarchy. Your brother sends no certain word. CLEOPATRA It will come. Could not the Armenian helpers stay his course? They came like locusts. TIMOCLES ...
... consciousness, they make a mysterious web, a Daedalus' complex. They cast their spell upon me and I heard their voice calling me to know, understand and seize, a voice sweeter and more compelling than any Aegean siren could command. The ring of that voice I sought to give to my words. I aimed at uttering the mystery of things; I aimed at making the Sphinx speak out. What lies hidden, what lies sealed, what ...
... Homeric power of sufficient straightforward Page 165 speech, the rush too of oceanic sound though it is here the surging of the Atlantic between continents, not the magic roll and wash of the Aegean around the isles of Greece. What he has not, is the unfailing poetic beauty and nobility which saves greatness from its defects—that supreme gift of Homer and Valmiki—and the self-restraint and obedience ...
... grasses. Headlong, impatient of Space and its boundaries, Time and its slowness, Xanthus clamoured aloud as he ran to the far-surging waters, Joining his call to the many-voiced roar of the mighty Aegean, Answering Ocean's limitless cry like a whelp to its parent. Forests looked up through their rifts, the ravines grew aware of their shadows. Closer now gliding glimmered the golden feet of the goddess ...
... ard speech, the rush too of oceanic sound 1 Ibid., p. 212. Page 117 though it is here the surging of the Atlantic between continents, not the magic roll and wash of the Aegean around the isles of Greece. What he has not, is the unfailing poetic beauty and nobility which saves greatness from its defects—that supreme gift of Homer and Valmiki—and the self-restraint and obedience ...
... of course, experienced by Page 53 the poet not in its utter purity but in association with his own temperament and mood: Aeschylus, viewing the foam-flecked shine and leap of the Aegean, heard unlike Arnold and Yeats The innumerable laughter of the waves. All the same, the flash of knowledge and the shock of feeling by identity are there, a brief transcendence of outward ...
... There is a dazzling fire, there is a dizzying flight in the former that reveal more and reach farther than all the wondrous discoveries of the "many-counselled" sailor among the islands of the Aegean. In a dissimilar yet perhaps not quite unconnected universe of discourse we may note Sri Aurobindo's rating Shakespeare much higher than Racine in spite of the Frenchman's uniform perfection of art ...
... Index to the Supplements Abusir-el-Malik, 262 Abydos, 262 a-deva (adeva-ladeva-), 335, 376, 379-80 a-deva-yu, 309 Aditī, 405 Aegean islands, 201 aes, 234 Afghānistān, 211, 227, 228, 232, 264, 266, 272, 281, 283, 284, 287, 297, 300, 305, 307, 357 Agastya, 360-61 Agni, 195, 213, 259 ...
... the crystal battlements: from morn To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve, A summer's day, and with the setting sun Dropt from the zenith, like a falling star, On Lemnos, the Aegean isle. 6 This is pure melody, though still with a massiveness in it, and the huge prolonged fall is like an exquisite cadence modulated so as to give again and again the sense of helpless ...
... knew that fate would not grant him years enough to conquer the whole world, as he could well have attempted. In fact, it has I. The Dardenelles: An isthmus in present North-West Turkey linking the Aegean Sea with the sea of Marmara. Page 95 been said that the greatest blessing in Alexander's life was his early death, and his greatest good fortune was that the practical common sense of ...
... Granicus, so that Alexander was obliged to fight at the very gates of Asia, if he was to enter and conquer it. Most of the Macedonian officers ____________ 1 The Dardanelles strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara, separating European from Asian Turkey. Ancient name: Hellespont. 2 Troy was an ancient city in northwestern Anatolia that holds an enduring place in both literature and ...
... the elemental Homeric power of sufficient straightforward speech, the rush too of oceanic sound though it is here the surging of the Atlantic between continents, not the magic roll and wash of the Aegean around the isles of Greece. What he has not, is the unfailing poetic beauty and nobility which saves greatness from its defects - that supreme gift of Homer and Valmiki - and the self-restraint and ...
... and included Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Kashmir, as well as some portions of Nepal. Just as his forefathers, through their colonies, had spread India's arts and epics and creeds in the Archipelago (the Aegean Page 40 Sea), so now the message of Buddha which Asoka sent conquered China and Japan and spread westward as far as Palestine and Alexandria, and the figures of the Upanishads ...
... A Dream of Surreal Science Know more > One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, Spoke of the Wheel and ...
... suppressed laughter: A DREAM OF SURREAL SCIENCE One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, ...
... Aurobindo 's Collected Poems: (1) A Dream of Surreal Science One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, Spoke of the Wheel ...
... is the sonnet, A Dream of Surreal Science: One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, ...
... cause the kind of “postmodernist” confusion to which we are now subject. One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean’s brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, Spoke of the Wheel and the ...
... same idea is expressed in even more pointedly satirical terms: One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, Spoke of ...
... at the poems in full: A DREAM OF SURREAL SCIENCE One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey. ____________ 1 Mr. Lal, for some reason, has a new name: One Dreamed and Saw. Page 150 A thyroid, meditating ...
... look at the poems in full: A Dream of Surreal Science 1 One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, At the Mermaid, capture immortality; A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink Composed the Iliad A thyroid, meditating almost nude Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light And, rising from its mighty solitude, Spoke of the Wheel and eightfold ...
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