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Agamedes : king of Orchomenus in Boeotia, in ancient Greece. [Cf. Ajamida]

1 result/s found for Agamedes

... command. All strong action or quality could be denoted by अग्, as in अग्रः, Gr. ἄχρος, topmost, first, foremost; ἄϒω, ago, I lead, act; ἀϒαθóς, good, brave; ἄϒαν, excessive; names like Agis, Agamemnon, Agamedes (cf Sanscrit अजः, अजमीढः); ἀϒλαóς, brilliant; etc. In Sanscrit the root अर् is much preferred to the guttural combination. There can be no doubt, however, that अग् in अग्निः meant strong, brilliant ...
