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Agathon : (445-400 BC) Athenian tragic poet whose first success came at the festival in honour of Dionysus. Plato made that success the occasion for his dialogue Symposium to take place in Agathon’s house.

7 result/s found for Agathon

... Love." A murmur of applause flew like a wild spirit from mouth to mouth. "Record me a confirmed Pythagorean" said Julian "the soul of Agathon did not perish in Macedonia." "Yet I dare say, Vernon" replied Erinna "you do not believe a word of what Agathon has been saying." "Yet your belief is the bastard of Momus rather than the heir of Peitho" rejoined Helen Woodward. "I confess, Powell"... should but spoil it; but I could dive for a pearl of my own finding perhaps." "You shall have a rich meed of praise." "But, my dear critic" said Erinna "what ground was untrod by Plato?" "Agathon painted the loveliness of Love but not Love himself." "Describe him then you" said Julian and raised his hand for silence. Powell lay back a moment with his dark Welsh eyes fixed upon the ceiling ...


... humanity based on the sense of fitness and on the codified or uncodified mass of precedents in which that sense has been expressed in general conduct,—in other words the just or lawful; thirdly, the agathon , the good, based partly on the seemly and partly on the just and lawful, and reaching towards the purely beautiful; then, final and supreme, the kalon , that which is purely beautiful, the supreme... aesthetic motive in conduct limits and must be exceeded in order that humanity may rise. Therefore it was that the Greek mould had to be broken and humanity even revolted for a time against beauty. The agathon , the good, had to be released for a time from the bondage of the kalon , the aesthetic sense of beauty, just as it is now struggling to deliver itself from the bondage of the euprepēs and the ...


... let me go down to the House of Death!" He herded them off with his staff — they fled outside before the old man's fury. So he lashed out at his sons, cursing the sight of Helenus, Paris, noble Agathon, Pammon, Antiphonus, Polites loud with the war cry, Deiphobus and Hippothous, even lordly Dius — the old man shouted at all nine, rough commands: "Get to your work! My vicious sons — my humiliations ...


... chief of the Greek forces against Troy. On his return to Greece, he was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her paramour Aegisthus; his death was avenged by his children, Electra and Orestes. Agathon: Trojan, son of Priam. Argives: alternative name for the Achaeans or Greeks. Alcimus: alternative name for Alcimedon, a Myrmidon commander. Andromache: ...


... mosquitoes. For the rest, the primary & secondary utthapanas have to revive simultaneously & the continuity of the kamananda has to be confirmed. This has to be done today. Agesilaus = Sn [Saurin].    Agathon, Alcibiades, Pericles, Brasidas    Agis, Agesilaus, Sophocles, Pharnabazus.    Lysander, Euripides, Pausanias. Two absolutely perfect, the rest mostly defective. That is already done. Now for the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... T. [Tiberius] Gracchus. Clarence. Louis XII Lafayette. Pompey. T. [Titus] Manlius. Marcellus. Agis. Philip IV. Pausanias. Lysander. B. [Benedict] Arnold Notes - IX χωμοɩ Pericles, Agathon, Alcibiadas, Brasidas.... Agesilaus, Agis, Sophocles, Pharnabazus .. Lysander, Euripides, Pausanias Notes - X 19ṭḥ jagrat developed—except divya. 21ṣṭ thought proved & free from error. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... excess? Excess for somebody else. But if the quantity doesn't affect him, it can't be excess for him. DR. MANILAL: I submit, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: In Plato's Symposium, Socrates, Aristophanes, Agathon and others meet and discuss the nature of love, and drink wine. Everybody gets drunk except Socrates. Even after heavy drinking he keeps on discussing philosophy with some friends, while the rest fall ...
