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... and keep our eyes fixed firmly on the concrete facts supplied to us by Veda. There is a flame burning on the altar; that, say the Europeans, was personified to the Vedic consciousness as Agnidevata, fire the god; Agni had originally no other significance. But now we see Madhuchchhanda with his eyes on that flame beholding in it a vision of wisdom, truth, knowledge, fatherhood, moral force, spiritual... it gains by the occasional materiality of Agni. And from this single hymn we have it established that his materiality in the physical flame was only one circumstance in the personality of the Vedic Agni; we find the conception of him in this hymn identical in important respects with the fiery god of the Vedanta. In the Vedanta we already know him to be Agni Vaisvanara, an universal might filling the... differ if this theory is true, only as the thunder, fire & sky, not as moral forces. The wisdom of Agni is also the wisdom of Indra, it is the common divine wisdom; the moral helpfulness of Agni is also the moral helpfulness of Varuna, it is the common divine helpfulness. This is the reason why sometimes Agni, sometimes Varuna, sometimes Indra appear as the supreme god, because the poet has no reason to ...
... Vaisvámitra I Hymn to Agni 1) Agni I adore, the priest who stands forward for the sacrifice, the god who acts in the truth of things, the giver of the oblation who disposes utterly delight. 2) Agni adored by the ancient seers is adorable still to the new, for he brings here the gods. 3) By Agni one gets day by day energy&increase victorious and full of force. 4) O Agni, whatsoever material... prayer to Agni, Lord of Tejas, composed when the mind of the Yogin Madhuchchhanda was full of sattwic energy and illumination. 1) Agni the brilliant I adore who standeth before the Lord, the god that has the ecstasy of the truth, the fighter that fulfilleth utter bliss. 2) Agni adorable to the sages of old, adorable to the new, holds up the gods with force & might. 3) By Agni one enjoyeth... force. 4) O Agni, the Lord below about whom thou art on every side a flame encompassing, came by the gods into this world. 5) Agni the fighter, the strong in wisdom, the true, the manifold, the high of fame, has come to us, a god meeting with gods. 6) O beloved, that to the foe who would destroy thee thou, O Agni, doest good, this is the Truth of thee, O Lord of Love. 7) O Agni, to thee yearning ...
... his charge. Agni refuses: he says he is not competent to undertake the burden; indeed that is why he ran away and they must not force him. The gods explain, entreat, encourage Agni. They say and assure him that no harm will come to him, rather he will flourish and prosper and become immortal. He is mighty and he will become almighty as he takes up his work and proceeds with it. Agni accepts in... give you the original text in translation: THE COLLOQUY OF AGNI AND THE GODS (Rigveda-X.51.) The gods 1 Huge and firm was that covering with which you shrouded yourself and entered into the waters. 0 Agni! You are conscious from your very birth. The One God saw you in all your multiple universal body. Agni 2 Who saw me? Which of the gods saw my multiple body all... gods 3 0 Agni! god self-conscient, we seek you, you who have entered variably into the waters and into the growths of the earth. You shine richly. Yama has seen you as you flame out of your ten seats. Agni 4 0 Varuna! I fled because I was afraid of the work of the priest. The gods must not yoke me to that work. That was why I imbedded my body variably so that I as Agni may not know ...
... that I as Agni may not know of that pathway. The gods 5.Come, O Agni! Man, the mental being, desires to do the sacrifice, he has made everything ready, and you dwell in obscurity! Make easy-going the path that leads to the gods, with a happy mind carry the offering. Agni 6.There were elders before Agni who covered the same... his charge. Agni refuses: he says he is not competent to undertake the burden; indeed that is why he ran away and they must not force him. The gods explain, entreat, encourage Agni. They say and assure him that no harm will come to him, rather he will flourish and prosper and become immortal. He is mighty and he will become almighty as he takes up his work and proceeds with it. Agni accepts in... original text in translation: The Colloquy of Agni and the Gods (Rigveda-X. 51.) The gods 1.Huge and firm was that covering with which you shrouded yourself and entered into the waters. O Agni! You are conscious from your very birth. The One God saw you in all your multiple universal body. Agni 2.Who saw me? Which of the gods saw ...
... this Yajna and what is this Agni? Yajna, the Master of the Universe, is the universal living Intelligence who possesses and controls His world; Yajna is God. Agni also is a living intelligence that has gone forth, is srishta , from that Personality to do His work and represent His power; Agni is a god. The material sense sees neither God nor gods, neither Yajna nor Agni; it sees only the elements and... Madhuchchhanda Vaisvamitra's Hymn to Agni written in the Gayatri metre in which the first verse runs in the devabhasha, "Agnim île puro hitam Yajnasya devam ritvijam, hotaram ratnadhatamam" and in English, "Agni I adore, who stands before the Lord, the god who seeth Truth, the warrior, strong disposer of delight." So the Rigveda begins with an invocation to Agni, with the adoration of the pure... on. So too the fire is not Agni in himself but Agni in manifestation and the world is not God in Himself but God in manifestation. The man is not manifested only by his body, but also and much more perfectly by his work and Page 522 action, thought is not manifested only by look and gesture, but also and much more perfectly by action and speech. So too, Agni is not manifested only by fire ...
... up his charge. Agni refuses: he says he is not competent to undertake the burden; indeed that is why he ran away and they must not force him. The gods explain, entreat, encourage Agni. They say and assure him that no harm will come to him, rather he will flourish and prosper and become immortal. He is mighty and he will become almighty as he takes up his work and proceeds with it. Agni accepts in the... you the original text in translation: THE COLLOQUY OF AGNI AND THE GODS (Rigveda - X. 51.) The gods 1. Huge and firm was that covering with which you shrouded yourself and entered into the waters. O Agni! You are conscious from your very birth. The One God saw you in all your multiple universal body. Agni 2. Who saw me? Which of the gods saw my multiple body... gods 3. O Agni! god self-conscient, we seek you, you who have entered variably into the waters and into the growths of the earth. You shine richly. Yam a has seen you as you flame out of your ten seats. Agni 4. O Varuna! I fled because I was afraid of the work of the priest. The gods must not yoke me to that work. That was why I imbedded my body variably so that I as Agni may not know ...
... a passage in the first hymn of the first Mandala, the invocation to Agni with which the Rig Veda opens. Agni the god of the sacred flame, ruler of the sacrifice, is described there as the "shining guardian of the Truth increasing in his own home", gopâm ritasya dîdivim . If we wish to render this verse ritualistically and take Agni as nothing but the physical fire we must interpret rita otherwise... suggest a profound psychological character for the god Agni, the shining guardian of the Truth. It does not matter how we take kratu . Kavi is the seer, one who has vision of the revealed Truth and receives the inspired word, the drashtâ of the Vedic mantra with the inspired mind of knowledge. If kratu is sacrifice—Sayana often prefers "work"—then Agni is the priest whose sacrifice is that of the seer... way, cannot be disconnected; the phrase must mean therefore that Agni is guided in his will or his works by the seer's vision of the Truth because he is himself true in his being, free from the cosmic falsehood. What then of chitraҫravastamah ? Has it no connection at all with the two preceding words or does it mean that because Agni is true in being and has the seer-will, therefore he gives man all ...
... 17) Agni has won perfected energy for Kanwa and has won perfected enjoyment; Agni protects for him all friendly things, Agni keeps ever in safe being Medhyatithi who has confirmed him by the song of praise. अग्निना तुर्वशं यदुं परावत उग्रादेवं हवामहे । अग्निर्नयन्नववास्त्वं बृहद्रथं तुर्वितिं दस्यवे सहः ॥१८॥ 18) By Agni we call Turvasha and Yadu from the upper kingdoms; Agni has led... वर्धयामसि ॥११॥ 11) Even that Agni whom Medhyatithi Kanwa has kindled high upon the Truth, may his impulses blaze forth, him may these fulfilling Words, him, even Agni, may we increase. रायस्पूर्धि स्वधावोऽस्ति हि तेऽग्ने देवेष्वाप्यम् । त्वं वाजस्य श्रुत्यस्य राजसि स नो मूळ महाँ असि ॥१२॥ 12) Complete our felicities, O thou who hast the self-fixity; for with thee, O Agni, is effectivity in the... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala One Hymns to the Mystic Fire Kanwa Ghaura [ ] - blank left by the author to be filled in later but left unfilled, which the editors were not able to fill. SUKTA 36 प्र वो यह्वं पुरुणां विशां देवयतीनाम् । अग्निं सूक्तेभिर्वचोभिरीमहे यं सीमिदन्य ईळते ॥१॥ 1) The master of many peoples who labour towards ...
... Hymn to Agni. 1) सोमस्य मा तवसं वक्षि अग्ने वन्हिं चकर्थ विदथे यजध्यै । देवानच्छा दीद्यद्युंजे अद्रिं शमाये अग्ने तन्वं जुषस्व ॥१॥ Sayana renders the sloka—O Agni, since thou for sacrificing in the sacrifice hast made me the bearer of the Soma, therefore desire me who am powerful. O Agni, I shining towards the gods apply the stone (for pressing the Soma) and become calm (or praise). O Agni, cleave... सपत्नी शुचये सबंधू उभे अस्मै मनुष्ये नि पाहि ॥१०॥ Sayana. This Agni bears the world (herbs etc) of the Brahman, father of the whole world, which is the offspring (by rain) of the father (the mid-air); one Agni eats many which have grown; Heaven & Earth co-wives (of the Sun) & beneficent to men are friends to this raining & pure Agni. O Agni, protect them. The rendering of this verse also may be dismissed... very sweet water flow out. Sayana explains the passage to mean that when Agni is pleased with Page 620 the hymn of the sacrificer, then it rains. Possibly; but that is not what Viswamitra says. He says that when Agni increases, then streams of घृत flow out. The pluvial interpretation of the Agni & Indra legends (they are not legends but symbols & metaphors) suffers always from this defect ...
... significance. He then explains that Agni is satya , true, because he brings about the true fruit of the sacrifice. Śravas Sayana renders "fame", Agni has an exceedingly various renown. It would have been surely better to take the word in the sense of wealth so as to avoid the incoherency of this last rendering. We shall then have this result for the fifth verse, "Agni the priest, active in the ritual... and the Immortal. Agni is elsewhere frequently described as the envoy, dūta , the medium of that communication and interchange. We see, then, in what capacity Agni is called to the sacrifice. "Let him come, a god with the gods." The emphasis given to the idea of divinity by this repetition, devo devebhir , becomes intelligible when we recall the standing description of Agni as the god in human... thou wilt create for the giver, that is that truth of thee, O Agni." In other words, the essence of this truth, which is the nature of Agni, is the freedom from evil, the state of perfect good and happiness which the Ritam carries in itself and which is sure to be created in the mortal when he offers the sacrifice by the action of Agni as the divine priest. Bhadram means anything good, auspicious ...
... the Angirases are in their origin closely connected with Agni. In the Brahmanas it is said that Agni is the fire and the Angirases the burning coals, aṅgārāḥ ; but in the Veda itself the indication seems rather to be that they are the flames or lustres of Agni. In X.62, a hymn to the Angiras Rishis, it is said of them that they are sons of Agni and have been born about him in different forms all about... the Angiras Rishis. The word is akin to the name Agni; for it is derived from a root aṅg which is only a nasalised form of ag , the root of Agni. These roots seem to convey intrinsically the sense of pre-eminent or forceful state, feeling, movement, action, light, 2 and it is this last sense of a brilliant or burning light that gives us agni , fire, aṅgati , fire, aṅgāra , a burning coal and... admitted. These Angirases are not human sacrificers, but sons of Agni born in heaven, although their action is precisely that of the human Angirases, the fathers, pitaro manuṣyāḥ ; they are born with different forms, virūpāsaḥ , and all this can only mean that they are various forms of the power of Agni. The question is of what Agni; the sacrificial flame, the element of fire generally or that other ...
... their respective functions. And it must be illuminative of the double nature of Agni, this Lord of the lustrous flame. Bhāma means both a light of knowledge and a flame of action. Agni is a Light as well as a Force. The Word arrives. Yo martyeṣu amṛto ṛtāvā . Agni is, pre eminently, the Immortal in mortals. It is this Agni by whom the other bright sons of Infinity are able to work out the manifestation... instrument of the sacrificial will. Agni is the power of conscious Being, called by us will, effective behind the workings of mind and body. Agni is the strong God within ( maryaḥ , the strong, the masculine) who puts out his strength against all assailing powers, who forbids inertia, who repels every failing of heart and of force, who spurns out all lack of manhood. Agni actualises what might otherwise... Selected Hymns Selected Hymns The Secret of the Veda Chapter IV Agni, the Illumined Will Rig Veda I.77 कथा दाशेमाग्नये कास्मै देवजुष्टोच्यते भामिने गीः । यो मर्त्येष्वमृत ऋतावा होता यजिष्ठ इत्कृणोति देवान् ॥१॥ 1) How shall we give to Agni? For him what Word accepted by the Gods is spoken, for the lord of the brilliant flame? for him who in mortals ...
... instance. III.9.4 compares Agni to a lion couched in his lair, 6 while III.2.11 tells us that he is "born as a lion." 7 Then there is 1.95.5 where also the lion-image for Agni occurs: Tvashtar's two worlds are said to "turn to him and reverence the lion". 8 If Agni is both lion and eagle or hawk or falcon, Sri Aurobindo could justifiably join the two creatures and set Agni as a griffin acting like... and desirable Name, the luminous seat of the being in the movement of the peace..." (III.5.6). 2 Summing up Agni's functions in the spiritual career of the aspirant, Sri Aurobindo writes: "Agni manifests divine potentialities in a death-besieged body; Agni brings them to effective actuality and perfection. He creates in us the luminous forms of the Immortals. "This he does... Will, that Agni himself takes form in us. The Divine Will becomes present and conscient in a human mind and enlightens it with the divine Knowledge." 3 With these words we come back to the sense of Agni the Seer being born in Aswapathy as - to quote a phrase from Sri Aurobindo's Rose of God - "Guest of the marvellous Hour". 4 And well indeed might Aswapathy be linked with Agni. He may be ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda Agni, the Divine Will-Force The name of this flaming godhead, Agni, derives from a root whose quality of significance is a pre-eminent force or intensity whether in state, action, sensation or movement; but the qualities of this essential significance vary. It means a burning brightness... angry passion on one side, on the other delight and love. The Vedic deity Agni is the first of the Powers, the pristine and pre-eminent, that have issued from the vast and secret Godhead. By conscious force of the Godhead the worlds have been created and are governed from within by that hidden and inner Control; Agni is the form, the fire, the forceful heat and flaming will of this Divinity. As... light and knowledge, glory and greatness are the manifestation of Agni. And when he is entirely delivered and fulfilled out of the envelope of the world's crookednesses, this deity of flame and force is revealed as the solar godhead of love and harmony and light, Mitra, who leads men towards the Truth. But in the Vedic cosmos Agni appears first as a front of divine Force compact of burning heat and ...
... ecstasies Agni, priest of the offering, takes seat in his might for the sacrifice. 6) Mighty for sacrifice Agni of the offerings takes his seat in the lap of theMother, in that rapturous middle world, young and a seer, seated in many homes of his dwelling, full of the Truth, upholding our actions and therefore kindled in the mid-spaces. Page 701 7) Verily, it is this Agni, the illumined... thousand horns of thy flame, strong with that Strength, O Agni, by thy might thou art in front of all others. 9) At once, O Agni, thou passest beyond all others in him to whom thou makest thyself manifest in thy splendid beauty, adorable and full of body and widely luminous, the beloved guest of the human peoples. 10) To thee,Ovigorous Agni, the continents (or the peoples) bring their oblation from... gaṇasya raśanám ajígah, Agni has put forth his collected power for an uplifted and perfect activity, ruśad adarśi pájo,—for redness is always the symbolic colour of action and enjoyment. This pájas, Agni's force or massed army, is again described in the gaṇasya raśanám, but while the idea in the second verse is that of their indistinctive mass, here the gaṇah or host of Agni's powers, the devatás of ...
... the kindling of the Agni. Hence, the importance attached to Agni is fundamental. Just as Yajna is symbolic, even so Agni, too, is symbolic. Etymologically, Agni means mighty, supreme, splendid, forceful, bright, and it is these meanings that we find applicable when we study the various epithets of the Vedic Agni. Discovery of Agni was a momentous achievement of the Vedic seers. Agni is the divine Flame... works offered as a submission to the Divine Will, Agni; similarly, the Yajamdna is the soul or the personality of the doer. Gods are continually spoken of as officiating priests, and this can also be symbolic. The very first mantra of the Rig Veda brings this out very clearly when Agni is referred to as purohita, ritwij, and hota, Yajna and Agni are inalienably related to each other. Yajna is... he is as if our eternal child." 12 He is "the shining King who was hidden from us". 13 Agni is the aspiration, and as such it is the priest, purohita, that kindles the fire of aspiration and initiates man's journey. Agni is the soul, that which guides from within and illumines the path of the journey. Agni is the all-pervading energy and heat in the earth and in the heaven and it has the secret ...
... Vaisvámitra. I Hymn to Agni 1) Agni I adore, the priest who stands forward for the sacrifice, the god who acts in the truth of things, the giver of the oblation who disposes utterly delight. 2) Agni adored by the ancient seers is adorable still to the new, for he brings here the gods. 3) By Agni one gets day by day energy & increase victorious and full of force. 4) O Agni, whatsoever material... encompassest with thy being on every side, that goes to the gods. 5) Agni, he that offers the oblation, whose strength is in wisdom, the true, the rich in various inspiration, comes a god with the gods. 6) That thou, O Agni, wilt surely bring about good for the giver, that is the truth of thee, O lord of love. 7) To thee, O Agni, day by day, in darkness and in light we come in our minds bearing ...
... [24] RV IV.3 3. Vamadeva's third hymn to Agni. 1) आ वो राजानमध्वरस्य रुद्रं होतारं सत्ययजं रोदस्योः । अग्निं पुरा तनयित्नोरचित्ता- द्धिरण्यरुपमवसे कृणुध्वं ॥ The fierce king of the sacrifice, the offerer, who effects by sacrifice truth in the two firmaments, Agni for yourselves before the extending ignorance set in his brilliant form for your growth... सुमृळीकाय. ग्रावेव. Sy. interprets "Agni whom the Yajaman praises pressing out Soma as the stone presses it out". Applied to the Yajaman the image is wholly needless & becomes a stupid & inappropriate ornament; for what is meant by the Yajamana producing Soma with the stone just as the stone produces it by itself? The simile has force & propriety only if applied to Agni who produces the Ananda as the stone... hast thou declared that to Varuna,O Agni, how to Heaven? what sin in us dost thou rebuke? How to Mitra bounteous or to the earth hast thou said it or what to Aryaman & what to Bhaga? 6) कद् धिष्ण्यासु वृधसानो अग्ने कद्वाताय प्रतवसे शुर्भंये । परिज्मने नासत्याय क्षे ब्रवः कदग्ने रुद्राय नृघ्ने ॥ What hast thou said in the seats of being, O increasing Agni? what to Wind who driveth forward ...
... delightful and supreme offerer of sacrifice, and to him may we be dear and full of the strengths of Agni. स्वग्नयो हि वार्यं देवासो दधिरे च नः । स्वग्नयो मनामहे ॥८॥ 8) For when the gods are full of the strengths of Agni, then they hold firmly for us the supreme good; full of the strengths of Agni may we be in our meditation. अथा न उभयेषाममृतमर्त्यानाम् । मिथः सन्तु प्रशस्तयः ॥९॥ 9)... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala One Hymns to the Mystic Fire Shunahshepa Ajigarti SUKTA 26 वसिष्वा हि मियेध्य वस्त्राण्यूर्जां पते । सेमं नो अध्वरं यज ॥१॥ 1) Gird on thy robes, O thou adorable one,—master of all abounding mights, conduct this our oblation. नि नो होता वरेण्यः सदा यविष्ठ मन्मभिः । अग्ने दिवित्मता वचः ॥२॥ ... वचः । चनो धाः सहसो यहो ॥१०॥ 10) O Agni, enrich with all thy strengths and confirm, thou masterful user of force, this my sacrifice, this my speech, this delight. Page 125 SUKTA 27 अश्वं न त्वा वारवन्तं वन्दध्या अग्निं नमोभिः । सम्राजन्तमध्वराणाम् ॥१॥ 1) As the swift strength that bringeth blessings I adore thee with obeisances, the strong Agni, supreme and king over all below. ...
... Psychic Being and Agni of the Veda Lastly, lest he should think that the psychic being is something weak and inert, let him understand that the presiding Deity — the adhiṣṭhātṛ devatā — of the psychic plane is Agni. It is the Divine Fire of aspiration. When the psychic being is awakened the God of the plane is also awakened. And even if the whole being is impure it is this Agni which intervenes... obstacles in the way and consumes all the impurities of the being. From Conversations Recorded by A.B. Purani Disciple : Is the psychic being referred to as Agni in the Vedas? Sri Aurobindo: Yes, it is the inner Agni, the priest, purohita , who brings down the real God. From Conversations Recorded by A.B. Purani ...
... hymns to Agni in a small book entitled Hymns to the Mystic Fire . Subsequent editions of this book included translations of hymns to Agni and other materials related to Agni from his manuscripts of various periods. PART I: HYMNS TO THE MYSTIC FIRE This part comprises the complete contents of Hymns to the Mystic Page 747 Fire : Hymns to Agni from the... Note on the Texts HYMNS TO THE MYSTIC FIRE consists primarily of translations of hymns to Agni (the "mystic fire") from the Rig Veda. It also contains prose pieces in which Sri Aurobindo commented on hymns to Agni or expounded his theory of Vedic interpretation with reference to Agni hymns. Other material on the Veda and on philology that was not published during the author’s lifetime... standard text of the Rig Veda. Translations of many of the hymns to Agni in Mandala One and almost all of those in Mandalas Three, Four, Five, Seven, Eight and Ten appear in this part of the present volume. (Translations of the Agni hymns in Mandalas Two and Six and some of those in the first Mandala appear in Part One. There are no hymns to Agni in the ninth Mandala.) The editors have followed tradition by ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala One Hymns to the Mystic Fire Gotama Rahugana SUKTA 74 उपप्रयन्तो अध्वरं मन्त्रं वोचेमाग्नये । आरे अस्मे च शृण्वते ॥१॥ 1) As we move forward to the path of the sacrifice let us speak out the word of our thought to Agni who hears us from afar and from within. यः स्नीहितीषु पूर्व्यः संजग्मानासु... tramp is heard of the horses of thy chariot in its going when thou goest on thy embassy, O Agni. त्वोतो वाज्यह्रयोऽभि पूर्वस्मादपरः । प्र दाश्वाँ अग्ने अस्थात् ॥८॥ 8) By thee fostered the horse of life goes undeviating, each one after that which preceded it, and the giver of sacrifices progresses, O Agni. Page 139 उत द्युमत् सुवीर्यं बृहदग्ने विवाससि । देवेभ्यो देव दाशुषे ॥९॥... ॥९॥ 9) Yea, and thou lodgest throughout his being for the giver and his gods, O God, Agni, a vast and luminous completeness of energy. SUKTA 77 कथा दाशेमाग्नये कास्मै देवजुष्टोच्यते भामिने गीः । यो मर्त्येष्वमृत ऋतावा होता यजिष्ठ इत् कृणोति देवान् ॥१॥ 1) How shall we give to Agni? For him what Word accepted by the Gods is spoken, for the lord of the brilliant flame? for him who in mortals ...
... n of far and near or far and within is common enough in the Veda; Agni is also constantly spoken of as in mortals, विक्षु, मर्त्येषु that this does not mean simply among—or here "from far and from among us"—is shown by I.60.2 where Agni is described as विश्पतिर्विक्षु वेधाः and the विक्षु is explained by 3, तं .. हृद आ जायमानं. Agni Page 559 created by the human Ritwiks and born from the... it is only when Agni is within it that the sacrificial house becomes worshipable, त्वय्यंतर्विद्यमाने सति हि यज्ञगृहं पूज्यते, therefore to ask Agni to worship his own house amounts to asking him to get into it! Page 575 Comment on such an absurdity is hardly needed. स्वं दमं. The ऋतं बृहत् in the form of the world called स्वः, उ लोक, उरु लोकः is the own home of Agni and all the gods... prepares the manifestation of the vast Truth; this wideness of the Rodasi is always a feature of the ascent of the gods, Agni or Indra, in that upward progress to the plane of the Truth, Swar, of which Agni here is the पुरएता, he who goes in front. Sayana's rendering. Come, O Agni, sit here as the summoning priest; because thou art beyond the injury (of the Rakshasas) be well he who goes in front ...
... be supplied by the editors. [?word] - doubtful reading. Gaya Atreya's Hymn to Agni— 1) O Agni, Light of our embodied being, bring to us an illumination most full of force; do thou by power of an all-environing felicity cleave for us towards the goal of possession our path in front. 2) Thou, O wonderful Agni, becomest by the Will the fullness in us of discernment and in thee the doer climbeth... 3) Do thou for us, O Agni, increase attainment and plenty in these who by the confirming mantras of praise, as Purushas of the Sun, enjoy the fullnesses. 4) They, O Agni rapturous, who by delight of the Steed of Life have joy of the words, are Purushas strong in all energies for whom even in heaven the full perfection of the vaster Being awakens of itself. 5) These, O Agni, are thy burning rays... prays to Agni, Lord of Tapas, the representative in Nature of the Divine Power that builds the worlds & works in them towards our soul's fulfilment in and beyond heaven—Agni, as játavedas, the self-existent luminosity of knowledge in this Cosmic Force—for Force is only Chitshakti, working power of the Divine Consciousness & therefore Cosmic Force is always self-luminous, all-knowing force. Agni Jatavedas ...
... follow Agni as on a path to a great riches रयिं which they find in him, and again in 4, where the thought is expanded and made quite clear, for there it is said the Rishis travel to (व्यंतः) the seat of the god and the wealth they find is श्रवः (श्रव आपन्नमृक्तं), the fullness of the outflowing of the Page 738 Truth which Agni leads us to and which is found in the very self of Agni, त्वे... S. interprets, giving wealth to Agni! This is a portentous feat of learning! I fail to understand how "being wakeful" can mean giving, or how it can govern the accusative रयिं. Evidently रयिं is governed by the sense of "going to" in अनु ग्मन्, an accusative of the destination reached,—in literal English, they followed Agni to the wealth, or in the wake of Agni reached the wealth. रुशंतं. S... to fill. [word] - word(s) omitted by the author or lost through damage to the manuscript that are required by grammar or sense, and that could be supplied by the editors. I. Hymn to Agni 1) Thou, O Agni, art the supreme (or first) thinker (or giver of thought); and art the priest of invocation of this thinking, O doer of works (or,OPuissant); thou hast made an impassable strength for thyself ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala One Hymns to the Mystic Fire Medhatithi Kanwa [ note ] - situations requiring textual explication; all such information is printed in italics. SUKTA 12 अग्निं दूतं वृणीमहे होतारं विश्ववेदसम् । अस्य यज्ञस्य सुकतुम् ॥१॥ 1) We choose Agni, the summoner, the all-knowing, the messenger, the will effective... सोमपीतये । देवेभिर्याहि यक्षि च ॥१॥ 1) With all these gods, O Agni, thou who art the activity of speech, arrive and do thy work. आ त्वा कण्वा अहूषत गृणन्ति विप्र ते धियः । देवेभिरग्न आ गहि ॥२॥ 2) On thee, O Agni, the Kanwas have called, for thee, O master of wisdom, their movements of understanding become articulate; arrive, O Agni, with the gods. इन्द्रवायू बृहस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं... पायय ॥७॥ 7) Make them active to the Yajna, O Agni, they increase by truth, they have with them their female powers; make them drink the sweetnesses, O keen of tongue. ये यजत्रा य ईड्यास्ते ते पिबन्तु जिह्वया । मधीरग्ने वषट्कृति ॥८॥ 8) Those that are active to Yajna, those that are adorable, let both of them drink with thy tongue, O Agni, the heady sweetness of the wine. आकीं सूर्यस्य ...
... RV I.140 Dirghatamas' Hymn to Agni I.140. 1) Offer like a secure seat that womb to Agni the utterly bright who sits upon the altar and his abode is bliss; clothe with thought as with a robe the slayer of the darkness who is pure and charioted in light and pure-bright of hue. (शुक्र = a white brightness.) 2) The twice-born Agni moves (intense) about his triple food; it is eaten... bright for us, O Agni, in our fullnesses, be henceforth the strong master and inhabit in us with the sisters; casting away from thee those of them that are infant minds thou shouldst burn bright encompassing us all about like a cuirass in our battles. (श्वसिः is the Greek χάσɩς and an old variant of श्वसृ—wife or sister. Therefore it is coupled with वृषा—like पत्नी.) 11) This, O Agni, is that which... bright & pure from thy body, thou winnest for us the delight. 12) Thou givest us, O Agni, for chariot & for home a ship travelling with eternal progress of motion that shall carry our strong spirits and our spirits of fullness across the births and across the peace. Page 601 13) Mayst thou, O Agni, about our Word for thy pivot bring to light for us Heaven & Earth and the rivers that ...
... electrical Man, of the Upanishads. In the vijnana, Surya as well as Vishnu is greater than Agni, but here he and Vishnu both work under the dominant energy of Agni and for the satisfaction of Indra,—Vishnu in the Upanishads being younger than Indra,—Upendra. Translated into the language of physics, this means that Agni, commanding as he does heat and cold, is the fundamental Page 472 active energy... essential light which is the basis of the satkosha, the electrical energy or vaidyutam, and the tejas of agni modified by the nature of Surya and determining all other forms of light. The prakasha and vaidyutam can only become active when they enter into Agni and work under the conditions of his being and Agni himself is the supplier of Surya; he creates jyoti, he creates tejas, he creates, negatively, chhaya... of Agni and are in a position to understand the hymn we are studying. The word Agni is formed from the root अग् with the nominal addition नि. The root अग् is itself a derivative root from the primitive अ meaning "to be", of which traces are found in many languages. The ग gives an idea of force and अग् therefore means to exist in force, preeminently—to be splendid, strong, excellent and Agni means ...
... म मननीयं शत्रूणां धनं चित् पूजायां अभ्यसि अभिभवसि प्रतिरसि प्रवर्धयसि (देवताता Agni on high as Hotri of the Adhwara in the Devatati. Agni overpowers every मन्म and carries forward the intelligence of the Vedhâ.) S. High, very high for us stand, O summoner (or, performer of offering), O Agni, a great sacrificer in the sacrifice (in which the gods are extended). Tr. [Translation:]... द्युलोकस्योपरि S. The intelligent offering priest, the enrapturing Agni of great knowledge is settled among the peoples (the priests) in (for) the sacrifices; he resorts upward to his lustre like the sun; like a pillar he supports his smoke above the heaven. Tr. The offering priest inspired of mind has taken his seat in the peoples, Agni, the rapturous, the wise thinker in the gettings of knowledge;... सुमेकः सुदीप्तः सुधितः स्वधितिरित्यर्थः अनक्ति गच्छति. स्वरुणा पशु-मनक्तीति श्रुतेः S. The (ghee-giving) flame (or ladle?) controlled and very swift (or very old) is wealthy (ie full of ghee); he (Agni or the Adhwaryu) becomes or goes (round from left) to right, widening the sacrifice; and also the new-born post becomes high; approaching, very bright, the axe(?) goes to the animals (or the post excellent ...
... [20] RV III.1.1-12 Viswamitra's hymn to Agni. 1) O divine Strength, bear me up, thou who hast made me strong to bear in the knowledge the Soma for life's sacrifice; brightening towards the gods I yoke to them my settled being and tranquillise it; cleave, O Agni, to my body. वक्षि Sayana. कामयस्व- but elsewhere [वह] अद्रिं Sayana ग्रावाणं... attains calm", "tranquillising his heart he adores or desires", "That mortal, O Agni, sacrifices & becomes calm." तन्वं. Say. शरीरं । यद्दा कर्माणि तन्वंतं मां । 2) We have turned towards the supreme our sacrifice, may our expression increase! By fuel of his burning, by worship of submission they have set Agni to his workings, they have declared in the heaven of mind the perceptions of the... of Life worked at him, the gods in his very birth increased the body of Agni. शिशुं न । यथा जातं शिशुमश्वा वडवा अभ्यारुः । अभिगच्छंति तथा नद्य उत्पन्नमग्निमभिजग्मुः । जनिमन् । जन्मन्युदके वा । वपुष्यन् । वपुर्दीप्तिमकुर्वन् । I see no reason for taking janiman in the sense of water, when the whole talk is about Agni's birth, जनुषा, जज्ञानं, जातं, or वपुस् = light, when the whole talk is about ...
... seest, O god, beyond the darkness of the night. O Agni, secure in thy friendship may we come not to harm. सुप्रतीकः. With a beautiful face. सदृङ्. With the sight of the higher vision, drishti. प्रतीक is that which faces or confronts—so a face or figure. Agni as divine Tapas is everywhere, a thing of beauty & delight behind all being in activity. Agni as force of knowledge is like a flash of lightning... Page 598 forces. Agni is to drive them from the path & make the शंस smooth & easy. 10) When thou hast yoked the rosy and scarlet-red to the car driven by the Wind, thy cry is like a bull's; thou ravagest the forest-places of delight with thy flag of smoke, O Agni, secure in thy friendship may we not come to harm. अरुषा. The rose-red horses of Agni are physically the red flames... simpler senses in classical Sanscrit. "Let us forge strongly a hymn for Agni who deserves it" will make a good grammatical sense, but very poor poetry & no philosophical significance. The Buddhist Arhat certainly did not mean merely a deserving person; it meant one extremely exalted, or one who had risen high above the world. Agni, the high exalted, meaning ultimately one of those who dwell in the Parardha ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala One Hymns to the Mystic Fire Dirghatamas Auchathya SUKTA 140 वेदिषदे प्रियधामाय सुद्युते धासिमिव प्र भरा योनिमग्नये । वस्त्रेणेव वासया मन्मना शुचिं ज्योतीरथं शुक्रवर्णं तमोहनम् ॥१॥ 1) Offer like a secure seat that womb to Agni the utterly bright who sits upon the altar and his abode is bliss; clothe... us, O Agni, in our fullnesses, henceforth be the strong master and inhabit in us with the sisters; casting away from thee those of them that are infant minds thou shouldst burn bright encompassing us all about like a cuirass in our battles. इदमग्ने सुधितं दुर्धितादधि प्रियादु चिन्मन्मनः प्रेयो अस्तु ते । यत् ते शुकं तन्वो रोचते शुचि तेनास्मभ्यं वनसे रत्नमा त्वम् ॥११॥ 11) This, O Agni, is that... या च ॥१२॥ 12) Thou givest us, O Agni, for chariot and for home a ship travelling with eternal progress of motion that shall carry our strong spirits and our spirits of fullness across the births and cross the peace. अभी नो अग्न उकथमिज्जुगुर्या द्यावाक्षामा सिन्धवश्च स्वगूर्ताः । गव्यं यव्यं यन्तो दीर्धाहेषं वरमरुण्यो वरन्त ॥१३॥ 13) Mayst thou, O Agni, about our Word for thy pivot bring ...
... possessed of truth. It is the god Agni, not the physical fire who is described by these epithets. Therefore ते चेतनं in the last verse must mean Agni "awakening to knowledge" or Agni's awakening of man to knowledge,—for चेतयति means either to know or to cause to know, and cannot mean the burning of the physical flame. But what is this truth and knowledge of Agni? It is associated again in the next... least here, to put the thing in its lowest terms, a strong possibility of a deeper psychological functioning of Agni. These are the main points for solution. Let us see then how the physiognomy of Agni evolves in the Riks; keeping our minds open, let us examine whether the hypothesis of Agni as one of the Gods of the Vedic Mysteries is tenable or untenable. And that means, whether the Veda is a semi-barbaric... there is the day or the continuous knowledge, the illuminations of Agni are like stars in the nocturnal heavens. Heaven is the mental as earth is the physical being; all the truth and knowledge of Agni is there, but hidden now by the darkness of night. Men know that the Light is there pervading the skies but see only by the stars which Agni has kindled as his fires of illumination in those heavens. ...
... Agni It is the Agni fire that you feel. Agni is at once a fire of aspiration, a fire of purification, a fire of tapasya, a fire of transformation. Page 371 Agni in the form of an aspiration full of concentrated calm and surrender is certainly the first thing to be lighted in the heart. It [ a feeling of warmth in the heart ] comes sometimes from the approach of Agni fire... felt in the forehead and eyes ] is the power of the Yoga—Yogashakti. That kind of pull [ towards the Divine ] is not the same thing as the lighting of Agni. Agni meets men who are not leading the religious life at all but who have Agni burning in them and are Page 372 intent to keep the fire ablaze—scientists, artists etc. who have the intense will of perfecting what they do and... that works in the Agni. Agni and the Psychic Fire If it is in the heart it may be psychic fire—it is possibly not the joy that created the fire, but the decision you had come to to believe in the Mother's action whether the mind understood or not. Such an attitude encourages the opening of the psychic and would therefore bring at once the psychic joy and the kindling of Agni in the psychic centre ...
... force, Agni, in the Truth, in its waters, in its original home. "He was born, the first, in the waters, in the foundation of the vast world (Swar), in its womb, (i.e. its seat and birthplace, its original home); without head and feet, concealing his two extremities, setting himself to his work in the lair of the Bull." The Bull is the Deva or Purusha, his lair is the plane of the Truth, and Agni the Seer-Will... "May I speak the word towards Agni shining pure, the priest of the offering greatest in sacrifice who brings to us the all; may he press out both the pure udder of the Cows of Light and the purified food of the plant of delight (the Soma) poured out everywhere. He is the infinite being of all the lords of sacrifice (the gods) and the guest of all human beings; may Agni, accepting into himself the increasing... sacrifice and they find there Agni seated self-blissful (V.7.5); they are the wide being which he makes for his own body (V.4.6), the level wideness, the unobstructed vast. It is therefore the infinite being of the Deva to which we arrive on the plane of the Truth, and it contains Page 206 the thrice seven supreme seats of Aditi the Mother, the three supreme births of Agni within the Infinite, ...
... and prayer to Agni, Lord of Tejas, composed when the mind of the Yogin Madhuchchhanda was full of sattwic energy and illumination. 1) Agni the brilliant I adore who standeth before the Lord, the god that has the ecstasy of the truth, the fighter that fulfilleth utter bliss. 2) Agni adorable to the sages of old, adorable to the new, holds up the gods with force & might. 3) By Agni one enjoyeth... and a mastery full of force. 4) O Agni, the Lord below about whom thou art on every side a flame encompassing, came by the gods into this world. 5) Agni the fighter, the strong in wisdom, the true, the manifold, the high of fame, has come to us, a god meeting with gods. Page 465 6) O beloved, that to the foe who would destroy thee thou, O Agni, doest good, this is the Truth of thee... thee, O Lord of Love. 7) O Agni, to thee yearning if day by day we embrace thee with our mind and bear the law, then thou growest in mastery and might:— 8) To thee the shining one of the gods below who guardest the energy of the nectar and increasest in thy home. 9) Do thou therefore, O Agni, become lavish of thy approach to us as a father to his child; cleave to us for our heavenly bliss. ...
... cosmic workings. Much of their other Vedic aspects they keep. Here the three gods Indra, Vayu, Agni represent the cosmic Divine on each of its three planes, Indra on the mental, Vayu on the vital, Agni on the material. In that order, therefore, beginning from the material they approach the Brahman. Agni is the heat and flame of the conscious force in Matter which has built up the universe; it is... force in Matter is Agni Jatavedas, the knower of all births; of all things born, of every cosmic phenomenon he knows the law, the process, the limit, the relation. If then it is some mighty Birth of the cosmos that stands before them, some new indeterminate developed in the cosmic struggle and process, who shall know him, determine his limits, strength, potentialities if not Agni Jatavedas? Full... his force a fragile blade of grass so long as it has behind it the power of the Eternal. Agni is compelled to return, not having discovered. One thing only is settled that this Daemon is no Birth of the material cosmos, no transient thing that is subject to the flame and breath of Time; it is too great for Agni. Another god rises to the call. It is Vayu Matarishwan, the great Life-Principle, he who ...
... troubler do violence to thee, O Agni. स्पश् is exactly expressed by the French éclaireur,—they are the flaming illuminations of Agni Jatavedas which help us to distinguish friend & enemy, Arya & unArya, truth & falsehood. 4) उदग्ने तिष्ठ प्रत्या तनुष्व न्यमित्राँ ओषतात्तिग्महेते । यो नो अरातिं समिधान चक्रे नीचा तं धक्षि अतसं न शुष्कं ॥ Rise up high, O Agni, spread thyself against them... may those protecting powers of thine continuously seated in us, O Agni, shield us, O illimitable Agni. अव्रृकाः. Sy. not tearing. अमूर—अमूढ सर्वज्ञ । यदूा अमूर अप्रति-हतगते । 13) ये पायवो मामतेयं ते अग्ने पश्यंतो अंधं दुरितादरक्षन् । ररक्ष तान्सुकृतो विश्ववेदा दिप्संत इद्रिपवो नाह देभूः ॥ Thy protecting powers, O Agni, which guarded the son of Mamatá from stumbling; the Omniscient guardeth... Annotated Translations Commentaries and Annotated Translations Mandala Four Hymns to the Mystic Fire [25] RV IV.4 4. Vamadeva's fourth hymn to Agni. 1) कृणुष्व पाजः प्रसितिं न पृथ्वीं याहि राजेव अमवानिभेन । तृष्वीमनु प्रसितिं द्रूणानो अस्तासि विध्य रक्षसस्तपिष्ठैः ॥ Make the mass of thy strength like a wide marching, go like a king strong ...
... in the gods as the worker of our perfection, Agni, priest of the offering strong in sacrifice by his might to purify, by the offerings of man to impel him on the path; 2) Iha twam súno sahaso no adya, játo játán ubhayán antar Agne; Dúta íyase yuyujána ṛishva, ṛijumushkán vṛishaṇah sh ukrán sh cha; Here born today, O child of Force, thou, O Agni, goest as our messenger between the births of... carrying him through some danger, so should Agni, similarly pleased by the praises & gifts of the sacrificer, carry him beyond evil or calamity. I suggest that हेम, हेम्या is from हि to rush, throw & when used of a horse in Veda, akin in sense to हयः, the charger, the swift charger. हेम्या will then mean impetuous in speed. स्वे दमे हेम्यावान् refers directly to Agni, not to अश्व, although the idea of the... Of whomsoever thou, O Agni, cleavest to the sacrifice, a god the sacrifice of a mortal, that well-established, thou full of delight, glad indeed becometh that Lady of the offering, O young & vigorous god, of whom disposing the action may we be the increasers. Sayana with startling coolness explains the feminine सा होत्रा as स होता! यस्य surely refers to Agni, who is alone mentioned in this ...
... the Truth which supports the supreme triple world, those highest steps or seats ( padāni, sadāṁsi ) of Agni, of Vishnu, those supreme Names of the Mother, the Cow, Aditi. The Vast or Truth is declared to be Page 118 the own or proper seat or home of Agni, svaṁ damam, svaṁ sadaḥ . Agni is described in this hymn ascending from earth to his own seat. This divine Power is found by the gods... obeisance of submission they set Agni to his workings; they have given expression in the heaven to the knowings of the seers and they desire a passage for him in his strength, in his desire of the word.(2) "Full of intellect, purified in discernment, the perfect friend (or, perfect builder) from his birth of Heaven and of Earth, he establishes the Bliss; the gods discovered Agni visible in the Waters, in... and Heaven) have their common lord and lover; do thou guard them both.(10) "Great in the unobstructed Vast he increased; yea, many Waters victoriously increased Agni. In the source of the Truth he lay down, there he made his home, Agni in the working of the undivided Sisters.(11) "As the mover in things and as their sustainer he in the meeting of the Great Ones, seeking vision, straight in his ...
... it must be taken to mean nectar or immortality and Agni is the protector of the amrita in the body or of the immortality of the body; if with दीदिविम्, it must mean the Immortal, God, and Agni is a splendid energy of the Immortal. The general sense of the verse will be the same, since अमृतस्य दीदिविम् in the latter interpretation explains how Agni has the force to be the protector of all creatures... and अगस्ति,—the former term often applied to Agni. There was another signification, to cling, embrace, love, which we find in the Greek Page 525 ἀϒάπƞ, love, ἀϒανóς, tender, gentle, charming, which seems to have been another meaning of अंगिरः, loving, and appears in the mode of address अंग, in अंकः, अंगम् etc, & in अनंग the god of love. Agni is the bright and strong, the bright god of fire... need to take पुरोहितम् in any but its original and primitive sense. Agni may be described as the Purohita or representative of the gods in the sacrifice, he is in no sense a sacrificer at the ceremony, in no sense either Purohit or Ritwik. He is the eater of the sacrifice not its priest. Even if Yajna is taken to mean sacrifice, Agni cannot rightly be called its priest, and पुरोहितम् will still have ...
... Life-principle, is he who brings down Agni from Surya in the high and far-off supreme world. Life calls down the divine Will from the Truth-consciousness into the realm of mind and body to prepare here, in Life, its own manifestation. Agni, enjoying and devouring the things of Life, generates the Maruts, nervous forces of Life that become forces of thought; they, upheld by Agni, prepare the action of Indra... Immortality; Knowledge is incomplete without action. Chit fulfils itself by Tapas, Consciousness by energy. And as Surya represents the divine Light, so Agni to the ancient Rishis represented divine Force, Power or Will-in-Consciousness. The prayer to Agni completes the prayer to Surya. THE INDIVIDUAL WILL As in knowledge, so in action, unity is the true foundation. The individual, accepting division... our crooked branchings towards the straight path which will be the final result of their toil and seeking. The emergence of this Will and that Light is the condition of immortality. This Will is Agni. Agni is in the Rig Veda, from which the closing verse of the Upanishad is taken, the flame of the Divine Will or Force of Consciousness working in the worlds. He is described as the immortal in mortals ...
... be pleased = pleasure, satisfaction and is coupled with मयः bliss, happiness. Agni is the प्रिय अतिथि because he is अतिथिः सुप्रयाः, a force of work inhabiting us that gives perfect pleasure as the result of the working. Because he is सुप्रयाः, therefore he is मित्र इव. All these expressions must be taken in sequence. Agni is a force of will resident in man that gives a perfect light (सुद्योत्मानं)... house of the soul. Sayana's rendering. The gods established Agni who satisfies them among the human peoples when they were about to seek their home as men departing to seek wealth establish a friend; he shines in (or, illumines) the desiring nights, who is a giver for the giver of the offering in his house (of sacrifice). I render. "Agni the gods have set in the human peoples, a satisfying friend... billowing Nights, he who for the giver of the sacrifice dwells in his house as a power of discernment." The purpose of the gods and the action of Agni thus expressed explain verse 2) The vast worlds are the home of Mitra; in taking possession of them Agni is fulfilling the purpose of the gods in setting him here as well as the arrangement made by the Bhrigus; he is bringing Mitra to his home. And he ...
... to them in other hymns. And so, sometimes you become helpless. The general idea of the functions of Agni is the same. He is kavi-kratu – "one with a seer-will" or "one possessed of the seer-will". You have also to see the connection of Agni with Satya, the Truth. The good, the "Shreyas", which Agni does is the increase in Truth – Satyam. In the Brahmanas there are many hints that suggest the symbolism... highest Truth. Agni's "own " – svam damam – is the highest Truth., In V.12. the Rishi does not want the mixture of Truth and falsehood but wants only the Truth. Agni's own is full of joy : Ananda is the pratistha – basis of the Divine Will. Swadhdwdn means "having the law of its own being". In Mandala 1.95 there is mention of the "child" that is One – that child is Agni. He is called "the ...
... thy embassy, O Agni. 8) By thee fostered the horse of life goes undeviating, each one after that which preceded it, and the giver of sacrifices progresses, O Agni. 9) Yea, and thou lodgest throughout his being for the giver and his gods, O God, Agni, a vast and luminous completeness of energy. The Hymn is a hymn of the Adhwara Yajna, the Sacrifice of the Path. Agni, the Divine Will-Force... speak out the word of our thought to Agni who hears us from afar and from within. 2) He who supreme (ancient, first) in the worlds of our action that pour forth the clarity meeting together (or, when our labours that drip their fruit combine together), protects for the giver his attaining (or movement). 3) Yea, let all creatures born (be able to) say, "Up Agni comes into being, slayer of Vritras... च नो वसो सचा । इंद्र यज्ञं च वर्धय ॥ which gives in a few words the theory of the divine acceptance of the Mantra. 2) सनीहितीषु. Sayana takes as "slaying", "those who slay" and he explains that Agni protects the sacrificer's wealth गय when the peoples who hurt come together in the battle to destroy or plunder. His note is वधकारिणीषु—ष्णिह स्नेहने । स्नेहयतीति वधकर्मसु पठितः । स्नेह्यंते हिंस्यंते ...
... indeed, it is a great trouble. Agni did not want to take the trouble because man, the normal man also refuses it. But as I said, there was a happy ending, for at last Agni agreed. Here we find Agni hiding under water. What does water signify? Water is the symbol of vitality, vital-power, the life-force. This also is a form of the same Consciousness-Force that is Agni, but robed, clothed in a material... the leader. Next Agni was directed to take the Shakti along with him on the way. Agni means, as I have said, the light and fire of aspiration to rise up. Agni first initiated the ignorant Shakti with a mantra, it is like a normal human initiation when you enter the spiritual life. You have to go to a Guru and the Guru gives you the mantra that awakens your consciousness. Now Agni gave as mantra... recollect here also the image of Parvati sojourning in her earthly mother's home and returning to Kailash, to her heavenly Lord. There is also another, similar or parallel story in the Veda about the God Agni, about the disappearance of this very important God, Fire. He is, as you know, the God who presides over and even carries out the sacrifice, the Vedic ritual of yajña. Sacrifice cannot be done without ...
... the Upanishads . 5 Nor was it insignificant that fire, Agni , was the core of the Vedic mysteries: Agni , the inner flame, the soul within us (for who can deny that the soul is fire?), the innate aspiration drawing man towards the heights; Agni , the ardent will within us that sees, always and forever, and remembers; Agni , 'the priest of the sacrifice,' the 'divine worker,' the 'envoy... But the divine fire is not our exclusive privilege— Agni exists not only in man: 'He is the child of the waters, the child of the forests, the child of things stable and the child of things that move. Even in the stone he is there...' (I.70.2). But we have not yet reached the heart of the Vedic secret. The birth of Agni , the soul (and so many men are still unborn) is merely the start... from a 'heaven of mind' to the 'great heaven' without leaving the body, without, as it were, going off into ecstasies? The secret lies in matter. Because Agni is imprisoned in matter and we ourselves are imprisoned there. It is said that Agni is 'without head or feet,' that it 'conceals its two extremities': above, it disappears into the 'great heaven' of the supraconscient (which the Rishis also ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Fifth Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Lord of Light and Creator of Godhead [The Rishi hymns Agni as the Seer-Will whose whole being is the light and the truth and the lavishing of the substance of divinity. He is the son born to the thought of the seers and he gives himself... × The Son of the sacrifice is a constant image in the Veda. Here it is the godhead himself, Agni who gives himself as a son to man, a Son who delivers his father. Agni is also the War-Horse and the steed of the journey, the White Horse, the mystic galloping Dadhikravan who carries us through the battle to the goal of our voyaging ...
... sacrifice who stands in front of the consciousness and the action and conducts it. This is always the force of the "placing in front" which is so common an idea in the hymns. Normally this place belongs to Agni who leads the sacrifice. देवं. Sy. दनादिगुणयुक्तं. Sayana's dealing with the word देवः is peculiar; sometimes he renders it simply "god", sometimes he gives it some root value, दान, देवन, sometimes... Darkness. ऋत्विजं. "He who sacrifices at the right season" is the outward or ritualistic sense; but ऋतु in the Veda, as we shall see, is the order of the truth, its arranged law, time, circumstance. Agni is the representative priest who sacrifices according to the law, order, season of the Ritam. होतारं. Sy. "because he utters the Mantra" and he quotes अहं होता स्तौमि; but he renders it sometimes... offering, therefore the invocation or praise might also fall to Page 541 the part of the होता; but in the system of the Rigveda the proper name for the reciter of the Mantra is ब्रह्मा. Agni is the Hotri, Brihaspati the Brahma. रत्न. Sy. यागफलरूपाणां रत्नानामतिशयेन धारयितारं पोषयितारं वा. धा to hold and धा to nourish (cf धात्री nurse). But in other passages he takes रत्न = रमणीयं धनं ...
... Translations Mandala Four Hymns to the Mystic Fire [22] RV IV.1 1. Hymn to Agni. Subject. The final siddhi and liberation by true knowledge into the triple fullness of Sachchidananda. 1) Thee verily, O Agni, have the gods, thee too a god, ever & always (सदमित्) in their activity of mind sent down into the world (ni) as the worker (in man)... ar to fight, to labour, to drive on (Ashti)—Agni is the divine worker & fighter who pushes Page 634 man on in his journey. इतिशब्दो हेत्वर्थः—therefore men too send thee by the work (hymn). नि = नितरां according to Sy.; rather = in = into the strife & labour of the lower world. आदेवं—नानादेशवर्तिषु यज्ञेषु व्याप्तं. 2) So do thou, O Agni, by right thinking turn towards the gods Varuna... 4) Thou, O Agni, know and put away from us by thy workings the wrath of Varuna, the god; mightiest in the act of the sacrifice and in its upholding, burning bright, do thou deliver us from all hostile powers. Text. Twam no Agne Varuṇasya vidván, devasya heḍo ava yásisíshṭháh; Yajishṭho vahnitamah shosh ucháno, vi sh vá dweshá n si pra mumugdhi asmat. 5) So, O Agni, do thou with ...
... is ज्योतिः, भाम is rather तेजः. देवजुष्टा. S. सर्वैर्देवैः सेवितव्या वाक्. The gods have to be created by Agni in the mortal, therefore a revealing word is needed to which the cosmic deities will attach themselves, making it their dwelling-place, so that through its instrumentality Agni may create the corresponding godheads in the individual. गीः like Page 582 शंसः is the word which... which expresses, which brings out, makes प्रशस्त what is unexpressed in the state of अशस्ति and therefore latent. मर्त्येषु अमृतः. The usual description of Agni, the divine Will; he is the precondition of man's immortality, always present even in his mortality, always shining though smoke-obscured even in his state of night; it is this Will that wakened to greatness and clarity by the Dawn rises up... man is necessarily beyond the understanding of the ritualist; but what gymnastic feats are needed to wriggle out of the plain sense of a plain phrase! Sayana's rendering. How should we give to Agni, what praise that can be accepted by the gods is spoken to the shining one, who, Hotri immortal and possessed of sacrifice, a great sacrificer, dwelling in (among?) mortals makes the gods possessed ...
... bharataṁ supradānuṁ devā agniṁ dhārayan draviṇodāṁ 3 Rig Veda 1.96.3 Praise him, ye men approaching Agni, the first (among the Gods), performer of sacrifice, gratified by offerings, propitiated by lauds, son of Strength, sustainer, continual giver. The Gods held the wealth-bestowing Agni. ( 3 ) (Translated by T.V. Kapali Sastry) भूतशृङ्गाटाच्छिरः सुषुम्नापथेन जीवशिवं परमशिवपदे योजयामि... Shiva from the mountain of bhutas along sushumna canal I unite him with that state which is called Parama Shiva, Swaha. Om. Ram. Burn, burn up the limiting bodies. (Prayer to Agni Devata, ram being the bijaakshara of Agni). Om. Paramashiva. Along the path of the Sushumna, on the mountain of matter, blow, blow upon, inflame, inflame, illumine, illumine. He am I, I am He, Swaha. (Translation ...
... have in view. Significance of Agni as the First Step Among the four Vedas (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda), Rig Veda is preeminent. In this Veda, the largest number of hymns are addressed and related to Agni, the mystic fire. This fact is significant, and it provides the central key to the treasure of the Vedic system of yoga." Agni, like many other Vedic terms, has many... inconcience. Agni is described also as the messenger, who has a free access to all and communicates the intended message to any destination. Page 15 The Vedic seers affirm their discovery of Agni as not only an impersonal force of will or aspiration, but also as a being, a cosmic being, which is an aspect of the Supreme and Transcendental Reality. It is further affirmed that Agni presides... force, action and energizing. According to the Vedic experience, Agni can be contacted, he can be approached, he can be invited, and he can be made active within us and within the universe. The Veda describes through various hymns not only the nature of Agni, but provides the exact vibratory sounds by which a dynamic contact with Agni can be established. For, according to the Vedic poets, a sound or ...
... with his shining companions won the field, won the Sun, won the waters"; V.14.4, of Agni, "Agni, born, shone out slaying the Dasyus, by the Light the Darkness; he found the cows, the waters and Swar"; VI.60.2, of Indra and Agni, "Ye two warred over the cows, the waters, Swar, the dawns that were ravished; O Indra, O Agni, thou unitest (to us) the regions, Swar, the brilliant dawns, the waters and the... she breaks open the strong places, she gives of the shining herds; the cows low towards the Dawn!" (VII.75.7). Agni is another; sometimes he wars by himself as we have already seen, sometimes along with Indra—"Ye two warred over the cows, O Indra, O Agni" (VI.60.2)—or, again, with Soma,—"O Agni and Soma, that heroic might of yours was made conscient when ye robbed the Pani of the cows" (I.93.4). Soma... with (or by) the Sun and with (or by) the cows the Soma." Agni is also, like the Soma, an indispensable element of the sacrifice and therefore we find Agni too included in these formulas of association, as in VII.99.4. "Ye made that wide other world for (as the goal of) the sacrifice, bringing into being the Sun and the Dawn and Agni," and we have the same formula in III.31.15 with the addition ...
... strong & the joyous the Guest resting at his ease awakens to knowledge, Agni well-pleased, rightly established in his home, gives so to the creature for his journey to the supreme bliss (or gives so the bliss that he may travel to it). Page 433 (5) सदताम् Sit on the seat at dawn & in the night! Cleave in love, O Agni, to this our sacrifice; in Indra, in the Maruts make us victorious;... thou for us, O Agni, be bountiful in the peoples; by thee, O master of force, we [ ] by thy felicity & thy fellowship have the joy of fulfilment (or a common joy) & are free from all hurt. Do ye protect us always with glad states of our being. आस्क्राः ? S. তোমাকর্ত্তৃক অপরিতেক্ত হেইয়া Hymn 44 (1) Dadhikra first of you (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high &... पिश् to separate, distinguish .. or पिष् to crush, mould, shape. (2) सनवित्त चिरलब्ध. This establishes the sense of सानः in ऋषि - सानः etc. Easy of going & securely known to thee is the path, O Agni; yoke in the Soma-offering thy bright steeds & thy fierce-red or those who in their seat are ruddy-active & bearers of energy. I sit & I invoke the births of the gods. सनवित्त सुते (?) युक्ष्वा अरुषाः ...
... persist in the will in spite of every fall. 4) to have an unshakable faith in the help you receive. 7 April 1969 AGNI The true Agni always burns in deep peace; it is the fire of an all-conquering will. Let it grow in you in perfect equanimity. Agni: the flame of purification which must precede all contact with the invisible worlds. ...
... Aurobindo so magnificently deciphered; it is not for nothing that Agni the fire, was at the heart of the Vedic Mysteries — Agni , the inner flame, the soul in us (and who does not know that the soul is fire?), the innate aspiration that draws man towards the heights; Agni , the ardent will of that in us which forever sees and remembers; Agni, the "priest of the sacrifice," the "divine worker," "the Messenger... from the "heaven of mind" to the "great heaven" without leaving this body, without, as it were, going into ecstasies? The secret lies in Matter. Because it is in Matter that Agni is confined and we are confined. Agni is said to be "without head and feet, concealing his two extremities" (IV.1.11): above he disappears in the "great heaven" of the superconscient (which the Rishis also called "the... fleeting dawn breaks forth, then all grows dim again. It is a slow, plodding advance, "digging and digging," a fight against the "wolves," whose fury increases the nearer one draws to the lair—Agni is a warrior. Agni grows through difficulties, his flame burning more brilliantly with each blow from the Adversary. But did not the Rishis say, "Night and Day both suckle the divine Child" (I.95.1)? They even ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The First Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Morning Sacrifice [The Rishi hymns the awakening of Agni the Divine Force to conscious action in the coming of the Dawn. Agni rises towards the luminous Paradise, his goal, feeding on the works of the Discernment which distributes the gifts... certain divine ecstasy and on each plane, in each body or house, Agni establishes these ecstasies. × The mother is Earth, our physical being; the other world is the supramental existence; the vital and emotional being is the world in between. Agni manifests in all of these simultaneously. ...
... waters, released by Indra from the hold of Vritra, the gods find visible the divine Power, Agni. Agni, the child of the earth's growths, called the child of the earth and heaven, with his companion gods and the sevenfold Waters, enters into the superconscient. "In that entire meeting of these great ones Agni moves in all things; the rays of his vision are perfectly straight, no longer affected by the... theirs against the Sons of Darkness and Division." Man responds. In their upward march, he is a close ally of the Gods from level to level of the great hill of being. This is the birth and ascent of Agni. "Agni, the Immortal in mortals." Many are the Sons of Darkness. They are the dividers, plunderers, harmful powers. "There are Eaters and Devourers, Wolves and Tearers; there are hurters and haters;... the lower crookedness." There, in the unobstructed Vast where Truth is born, the shore less infinite, Agni's own natural seat in which he now takes up his home, there he finds the source of the honeyed plenty of the Father of things and pours them out on our life. Agni, the builder of form, is the son of Heaven by the body of the Earth. "The whole Rig-veda is a triumph-chant of the powers of Light ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Eighteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Lords of the Plenitude [The Divine Will is invoked to complete the manifestation of the divine powers after the second state of the soul when it has passed beyond the mere physical being and is full of the perfect energy of the vital... vital plane, for the gods have given all the life's fifty steeds of swiftness; Agni is there as the light and flame of its far-extended existence which has broken the limitations of the material being and he is full of the joys of this new and rich supra-physical life. Now the third state, the free mental being, is to be perfected by a richly varied and luminous play of thought and word ending in the m... manifestation of the highest reach of the mental realms, the power of the supramental Light in the mentality; there begins the manifestation of the intuitive and inspired mind. Agni has to create that vastness and light and divinity of the Truth-knowledge and so crown with it the already attained free swiftness of force and wide range of life and enjoyment proper to the perfected and god-filled vitality ...
... Four Hymns to the Mystic Fire [26] RV IV.5 5. Vamadeva's fifth hymn to Agni. 1) वैश्वानराय मीळ्हुषे सजोषाः कथा दाशेम अग्नये बृहद्भाः । अनृनेन बृहता वक्षथेन उप स्तभायदुपमित्र रोधः ॥ Together how shall we give to Agni Vaishvanara in his bounty, who have gained the wide light (of the Truth); with a vast & illimitable upbearing he supporteth... who in his self-fixity has given to me, to a mortal this felicity, seizer of things immortal & wise in knowledge he has given it to my ripeness—the lord of universal strength, the mighty & mastering Agni. Sy. मा निंदत । स्तुतेत्यर्थः! पाकाय—परिपक्वज्ञानाय. गृत्सो. Sy. मेधाविनामैतत्. Page 666 3) साम द्विबर्हा महि तिग्मभृष्टिः सहस्ररेता वृषभस्तुविष्मान् । पदं न गोरपगृळ्हं विविद्वा-... नग्निर्मह्यं प्रेदु वोचन्मनीषाम् ॥ May the Bull of Force with his thousandfold seed of delight, fiery in his burning strength, express in me, he who has fullness of the two worlds, mighty Sama; may Agni express in me in speech the Intelligence as it were finding perfectly in knowledge the hidden place of the Cow of Light. दविबर्हा. Sy. द्वयोः स्थानयोः परिवृढः. तुविष्मान्. Sy. बहुधनः—तुविः, तवस् ...
... Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Seventh Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Strength and Illumination [The Rishi under the figure of the demigod, Traivrishna Tryaruna Trasadasyu, and the seer Ashwamedha, symbolises the fulfilment in the human mentality of the illumination of the God-Mind Indra, and the power of the God-Will, Agni in the vitality... prays that this Mind-Soul, lord of the triple dawn, may give to the journeying Life that seeks the truth, the mental intelligence and power of possession needed and may itself in return receive from Agni the peace and bliss. The LifeSoul on the other hand has given the hundred powers, the vital strength needed for the upward journey; the Rishi prays that this Life-Soul may attain to that vast strength... is the offering of the Life-power with all its impulses, desires, enjoyments to the divine existence. The Life-Soul (Dwita) is itself the giver of the sacrifice which it performs when by the power of Agni it attains to vision on its own vital plane, when it becomes, in the figure of the hymn, the illumined seer Ashwamedha. × ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Ten Hymns to the Mystic Fire Agni Pavaka SUKTA 140 अग्ने तव श्रवो वयो महि भ्राजन्ते अर्चयो विभावसो । बृहद्भानो शवसा वाजमुक्थ्यं दधासि दाशुषे कवे ॥१॥ 1) O Fire, thy inspiration and thy growth and thy lights blaze in their greatness, O thou who shinest out with thy lustres; O great luminousness, O seer ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Fourteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Finder of Light and Truth [The Rishi declares Agni as the Priest of the sacrifice, the slayer of the powers of Darkness, the finder of the world of the Sun of Truth, of his radiant herds and of his luminous waters; he is the seer in us ...
... is expressed in the 28 th hymn to Agni in the V th Mandala of Rig Veda. In this hymn, the Rishi celebrates the flame of Agni, the Will that rises high in the dawn of knowledge, and Agni is addressed as a king of immortality, since he gives to the soul its spiritual riches and felicity and a well-governed mastery of Nature. Addressing Agni, the Rishi asks of Agni the boon for a vast enjoyment of bliss... The sukta is thus a guideline for the yoga of the supermind. The yoga begins with Agni, the divine force, fulfiller of the Aryan sacrifice. In the Vedic yoga, Page 41 Agni is the beginning, and Agni accompanies the process of seeking and tapasya right up to the end. In answer to the aspiration kindled by agni, Indra arrives with his shining hosts, the Maruts, and it is by the aid of Indra... the Vedic yoga. The hymn opens with a call to man to create Agni who sacrifices in the truth, to create him in his form of golden light before the Ignorance can form itself. The god is asked to awaken to the work of man and the truth in him as being himself "the Truth-conscious who places aright the thought", rtasya bodhi rtacit svadhih. Agni is prayed and all fault and sin and defect in man are offered ...
... existence with their eternal presence, whether we are aware of it or not. " ] Agni : Agni is said to be all the other gods, he is the One that becomes all; at the same time he is said to contain all the gods in himself as the nave of a wheel contains the spokes, he is the One that contains all and yet as Agni he is described as a separate deity, One who helps all the others, exceeds them in... It is now the foreword to the Hymns to the Mystic Fire. Page 170 is symbolic ; there the relation between Agni, Rivers and Waters is stated indicating the symbolic nature of the god Agni as well as that of the Rivers and the Waters. In 1.26.2 Agni is said to be Sada Yavishtha manma- bhih7 " Eternally, the most youthful by thought-forces ". In 1.73.2 Fire is said to be... form of Agni, is spoken of as performing the functions of the Gods. In IV. 40.5-the last Rik; Dadhikravan is so openly symbolic as to leave no •doubt in the minds even of the most reluctant. Saraswati, either the river or goddess, or both, is Sadhayanti Dhiyam nah " perfects our intelligence "; Usha the goddess Dawn is Yuvati pnrani the " semipiternal young beauty ", and Agni, the god ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Third Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Rich and Conquering Soul [The Rishi desires through Agni that opulence of the divine Light against which the armies of darkness cannot stand; for it overpowers them by its plenitude and force. This it does on all the successive planes ...
... divine and immortal in mortals they brought to birth as the conscious knower divine within, they brought to birth the universal, the conscious knower divine within. त्वां हि thee indeed, अग्ने O Agni, समन्यवो देवासो the gods together-minded or like-passioned सदमित् ever indeed न्येरिरे sent in देवं the god, अरतिं the striver, इति therefore न्येरिरे they sent him in क्रत्वा by the will or the work... excel. I take it as connected in sense in the Veda with the words अर्य, अरि, आर्य and since the text immediately adds इति क्रत्वा = कर्मणा I understand it in the sense of "worker", or rather "striver". Agni is the divine worker or warrior. इति. S. says "the gods send him to war, therefore men send him to call the gods or carry the oblation". This seems to me sufficiently pointless and incoherently... the clauses; because they sent him as देवमरतिं the divine worker, therefore it was क्रत्वा by the work (of the Aryan?) or by the working power, strength or the will that they sent him. In other words Agni is the divine and immortal force that labours in the mortal, brought in, created either by the sacrificial work, the तपस्या of the mortal himself or by the will-force of the gods pouring itself into ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Eighth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the High-Blazing Flame, King of Immortality [The Rishi celebrates the flame of the Will high-blazing in the dawn of knowledge as the King of Immortality, the giver to the soul of its spiritual riches and felicity and of a well-governed... Or, set the Will to its workings. × This hymn closes the series addressed to Agni and forming the first twenty-eight hymns of the fifth Mandala of the Rig-veda. ...
... dealings with both worlds depend upon Agni. or (2) गंतव्यः or शब्दनीयः स्तुत्यः—ie Agni is got in the sacrifice by offerings as increase is got. स्तुत्यः not possible—cf 66.2 गिरिर्न भुज्म भोजयिता with its fruits and roots, as Agni by cooking our food, or as Agni gives enjoyment of Paradise or as a mountain protects people in famine by its fruits and nuts, so Agni delivers from sin. शंभु सुखकरं... is strong—Yaska. दिद्युत् वज्रनाम here = इषु like the shining faced arrow of the shooter it frightens the enemy यमः Agni is giver of desires to praisers यच्छतीति or twin because born with Indra. All creatures born or to be born are Agni, because all भावऽ are subject to Agni on account of आहुति—सर्वेषां भावानामाहुतिद्वाराग्न्यधीनत्वात् Possible “Like Yama he controls what is born and what is... passages. वेधाः S. विधाता स्रष्टा. Soma creates the plants which are eaten भोग्यजातं, Agni is the eater भोक्तृ, as सोमो वा ओषधीनां राजा and Taitt. अग्निरन्नादोऽन्नपतिः and in Vajasaneyaka एतावद्वा इदमन्नं चैवान्नदश्च सोम एवान्नमग्निरन्नादः Does वेधा = creator? ऋतजातः born from water शिश्वा S. (1) शयानः. Agni has contracted like an animal in the waters (2) (the cow) with the calf विभुः प्रभूतः ...
... itself to the higher consciousness. THE POWER OF AGNI AND THE PSYCHIC FIRE Coming from the Mother, I felt as if a burning transformation had started. I feel around me a burning sensation. To give an example, each of my fingers feels surrounded by a fire. It is the Agni fire that you feel. Agni is at once a fire of aspiration, a fire of purification, a fire... What is it that acts in the Agni? It is the Mother's Force that works in the Agni. Before my consciousness could realise fully the Self the psychic seems to have come so much forward. Is the experience of a burning action almost everywhere in the being a sign of this? All that is simply the burning of the Agni in various parts of the being. It prepares... of the psychic is another matter and its signs are psychological. Since it is mostly the Agni that burns within me, why does the mind take it for the psychic fire? It is some association in the mind probably coupling Agni with the psychic. Of course the individual Agni fire has its starting point in the psychic, but the mere burning of the fire does not show that the psychic ...
... the Divine Will, the Immortal in the mortal, the Flame Wonderful, Agni Adbhuta. 31 This point is further emphasised by the so-called 'Agni' hymns that are a class apart, although rightly included among the hymns to Agni. They have their own inner structure. The deities mentioned in these hymns are clearly no more than Agni's chameleonic impersonations in the course of his progress in the... hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas addressed to him are placed first, even Indra only following Agni. The very first Sukta in the first Mandala... well as something of the relish of the original. But the near-ubiquitousness of Agni in these Hymns makes Sri Aurobindo himself pose the rhetorical question: "Who, then, is this god Agni to whom language of so mystic a fervour is addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Sixteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Bringer of All Desirable Good [The Rishi affirms the Divine Will in man as the offering and representative priest who brings light and strength and inspired knowledge and every desirable good; for he is the aspirer by works in whom is... together found that blissful state of our being. March with us in our battles that we may grow. Page 443 × Mitra. Agni contains and is all the gods. Mortals have to discover in the action of the divine Will the light, love and harmony of the true knowledge and true existence, the Mitra-power; it is in this aspect that ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Seventeenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of Enlargement and Ultimate Aspiration [A state arrives in which man goes beyond the mere subtlety and fineness of the intelligence and reaches to a rich and manifold largeness of soul. Even then though he has now the wide law of his being... of soul-force and knowledge are not enough, there must be the divine truth in thought, word and act. For we have to attain beyond the enlarged mental being to the beatitude of a state beyond mind. Agni has the light and the force, the Word and the true impulsion, the embracing knowledge and the achieving power. He shall bring the divine wealth in his chariot and carry us towards the blissful state ...
... ion of the Truth which rises out of the soul, formed in the heart, shaped by the mind. Agni growing by the ghṛta , Indra forceful with the luminous strength and joy of the Soma and increased by the Word, aid the Angirases to recover the herds of the Sun. Brihaspati is the Master of the creative Word. If Agni is the supreme Angiras, the flame from whom the Angirases are born, Brihaspati is the one... their earthly representatives, the ancient fathers who first found the wisdom of which the Vedic hymns are a chant and memory and renewal in experience. The seven divine Angirases are sons or powers of Agni, powers of the Seer-Will, the flame of divine Force instinct with divine knowledge which is kindled for the victory. The Bhrigus have found this Flame secret in the growths of the earthly existence... s a state of spiritual riches, prosperity, felicity which is itself a power for the journey and a force of battle. For the sacrifice is a journey, a progression; the sacrifice itself travels led by Agni up the divine path to the gods and of this journey the ascent of the Angiras fathers to the divine world of Swar is the type. Their journey of the sacrifice is also a battle, for it is opposed by Panis ...
... signifies a flame-like or Agni-like brightness, and it is to gather twigs for his agnihotra offering that Satyavan goes to the woods on the fateful day. Agni is the fusion of Light and Power, and also the mediator between man and his gods; Agni is a god who is invoked to come with the other gods; and Agni is also the conveyor from earth to the upper regions. In one of the Hymns to Agni, the god is directly... overcome their deep pits and rapid currents; its aim is to arrive at the far-off ocean of light and infinity. 67 The sacrifice, in the visible or physical sense, involves agnihotra, and Agni is, "at once the flame on the altar and the priest of the oblation. When man, awakened from his night, wills to offer his inner and outer Page 283 activities to the gods of ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 Page 86 Agni WHEN Agni, the Flame awakes, all other gods awake – Vayu and Soma and Indra and Aditi – Aditi, the Mother, one and indivisible, and the Word inviolate. All is burnt, burnt, burnt to ashes! It is the same, the Fire and the offering and the offerer; It is the same ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Gaupayanas or Laupayanas SUKTA 24 अग्ने त्वं नो अन्तम उत त्राता शिवो भवा वरुथ्यः । वसुरग्निर्वसुश्रवा अच्छा नक्षि द्युमत्तमं रयिं दाः ॥१ ॥२॥ 1-2) O Fire, be one inmost to us and our deliverer, one benignant and helpful and with defences to shield us. Fire is ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Ten Hymns to the Mystic Fire Devas and Agni Sauchika SUKTA 51 महत् तदुल्बं स्थविरं तदासीद्येनाविष्टितः प्रविवेशिथापः । विश्वा अपश्यद् बहुधा ते अग्ने जातवेदस्तन्वो देव एकः ॥१॥ 1) Large was the covering and it was dense in which thou wert wrapped when thou didst enter into the waters; one was the god ...
... through the oblation or offering to the five Agnis. The first Agni is Heaven or the Sky-God, and by offering to it one's faith and one's ardent desire, one calls into manifestation Soma or Rasa or Water, the basic principle of life. This water is next offered to the second Agni, the Rain-God, who sends down Rain. Rain, again, is offered to the third Agni, the Earth, who brings forth Food. Food is, in... bring down something of the substance and nature of the Solar reality into the lower world, enlighten and elevate the lower, as far as it is allowed, into the higher. IV. THE TRIPLE AGNI Agni is the divine spark in man, the flaming consciousness in the mortal which purifies and uplifts (pāvaka) mortality into immortality. It is the god "seated in the secret heart, who is the possession... in its turn, offered to the fourth Agni, the Father or Male, who elaborates in himself the generating fluid. Page 22 Finally, this fluid is offered to the fifth Agni, the Mother or the Female, who delivers the Child. The biological process, described in what may seem to be crude and mediaeval terms, really reflects or echoes a more subtle and psychological process. The images used ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Fourth Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Deliverer and Protector [The Rishi invokes the Divine Will for protection from evil and for the fullness of the divine light and substance.] अग्ने त्वं नो अन्तम उत त्राता शिवो भवा वरुथ्यः । वसुरग्निर्वसुश्रवा अच्छा नक्षि द्युमत्तमं ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Sixth Hymn to Agni The Galloping Flame-Powers of the Journey [The flames of Agni the divine Will, home and meeting-place of all our increasing and advancing life-powers, are imaged as galloping on our human journey to the supreme good. Divine Will creates in us the divine... × That is, they take us to our home in the world of Truth, the superconscient plane, own home of Agni, in which all these impulsions advancing find their rest and dwelling-place. It is reached by an ascent from plane to plane opened in succession by the power of the divine illumining Word. ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Seventh Hymn to Agni The Divine Will, Desirer, Enjoyer, Progressive from the Animal to Bliss and Knowledge [Agni is hymned as the divine Force that brings the bliss and the ray of the truth into the human being and light into the night of our darkness. He leads men in their... which is being formed by the gods in his being through the sacrifice. This home is the complete Beatitude into which all human desires and enjoyings have to be transformed and lose themselves. Therefore Agni, the purifier, devours all the forms of material existence and enjoyment in order to reduce them to their divine equivalent. × ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Eleventh Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Divine Priest and Sacrificial Flame [The Rishi hymns the birth of the wakeful and discerning sacrificial Flame who is vision and will-power, the seer whose passion of effort turns into a divine knowledge, in the heavens of mind. This seer-will... the streams of the Truth, etc. × The seven ancient seers or fathers, the Angirasa Rishis, sons of Agni and divine or human types of the seer-will. × The subconseient heart in things. ...
... through the oblation or offering to the five Agnis. The first Agni is Heaven or the Sky-God, and by offering to it one's faith and one's ardent desire, one calls into manifestation Soma or Rasa or Water, the basic principle of life. This water is next offered to the second Agni, the Rain-God, who sends down Rain. Rain, again, is offered to the third Agni, the Earth, who brings forth Food. Food is, in... bring down something of the substance and nature of the Solar reality into the lower world, enlighten and elevate the lower, as far as it is allowed, into the higher. IV. THE TRIPLE AGNI Agni is the divine spark in man, the naming consciousness in the mortal which purifies and uplifts (pavaka) mortality into immortality. It is the god "seated in the secret heart, who is the possession... in its turn, offered to the fourth Agni, the Father or Male, who elaborates in himself the generating fluid. Page 355 Finally, this fluid is offered to the fifth Agni, the Mother or the Female, who delivers the Child. The biological process, described in what may seem to be crude and mediaeval terms, really reflects or echoes a more subtle and psychological process. The images ...
... the god of the Sun; Agni they regarded as the master of fire; but they were not—and this is the important point—simply the god of the sun and simply the master of fire. They were not even merely a Something behind both, unknown & vague, although deep, mighty & subtle; but because of the nature & origin of the sun, Surya was also a god of a higher moral & spiritual function & Agni possessed of diviner... any lowering of tone to appeal with passion and power not to some Supernal Power but to Surya, to Agni. Is it to the earthly Fire and the material Sun that the Rishi lifts his mighty song? Does he pray to Surya to give him the warmth of his beams or to drive away night from the sky? Does he entreat Agni to nourish the sacrificial fire or to receive for the gods on his flaming tongues the clarified butter... his perfect identity with God and to Agni to put aside this siege of the devious attractions of ignorance and desire and raise our kind to that sublime felicity reserved for purified souls. It is for the fulfilment of the loftiest spiritual ends Page 321 that he calls upon Surya; it is for support in the noblest moral victories that he appeals to Agni. This is not Helios Hyperion but another ...
... to them. We say "agni" and think of fire, the word is of no other use to us; to the ancients "agni" means other things besides and only because of one or more of its root meanings was applied to the physical object fire. Our words are carefully limited to one or two senses, theirs were capable of a great number and it was quite easy for them, if they so chose, to use a word like Agni, Varuna or Vayu... s, sun-worshippers, sky-worshippers from their cultured and philosophic Dravidian enemies. But throughout the Veda we have confirmatory hymns and expressions: Agni or Indra or another is expressly hymned as one with all the other gods. Agni contains all other divine powers within himself, the Maruts are described as all the gods, one deity is addressed by the names of others as well as his own, or... all; it is the explicit statement of the Veda itself: "One existent, sages"—not the ignorant, mind you, but the seers, the men of knowledge,—"speak of in many ways, as Indra, as Yama, as Matariswan, as Agni." The Vedic Rishis ought surely to have known something about their own religion, more, let us hope, than Roth or Max Muller, and this is what they knew. We are aware how modern scholars twist away ...
... vitality and revealing itself in it, Agni more than Vayu and especially Agni Dadhikravan was the symbol. For it is Agni who is master of Tapas, the divine Consciousness formulating itself in universal energy, of which the Prana is only a representative in the lower being. Therefore in Vamadeva's hymn, the fifty-eighth of the fourth Mandala, it is Indra and Surya and Agni who effect the great manifestation... small formations of the life-energy Vayu, vātapramiyaḥ . Purified progressively by the experiences of the conscious heart and mind, these energies of Nature become finally capable of the marriage with Agni, the divine Will-force, which breaks down their boundaries and is himself nourished by their now abundant waves. That is the crisis of the being by which the mortal nature prepares its conversion to... it would almost seem as if for the functionings demanded from him by the Vedic Rishis he needed the aid of the superior deity. When there is question of the divine action of the Life-forces in man, Agni in the form of the Vedic Horse, Ashwa, Dadhikravan, takes usually the place of Vayu. If we consider the fundamental ideas of the Rishis, this position of Vayu becomes intelligible. The illumination ...
... Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1956), pp. 43637. 9. The Secret of the Veda, p.112 Page 39 remarks while commenting on a hymn to Agni, the Fire-God (I. 77), the first two stanzas of which run: "How shall we give to Agni? For him what Word accepted by the Gods be spoken, for the lord of the brilliant flame? For him who in mortals, immortal, possessed of the Truth, priest... the priest of the offering, full of peace, full of the Truth, him verily form in you by your surrend'erings; when Agni manifests for the mortals the gods, he also has perception of them and by the mind offers to them the sacrifice." 10 Sri Aurobindo explains how Agni's luminous work of creating the forms of the Immortals in us is accomplished: "This work he does as a cosmic... Rigveda tend to help Wüst out? There is not only an enemy of Indra, called Viśvarupa, who is described as triśirsan, "three-headed" (X. 8.8). There is also the god Agni about whom Apte informs us: "The three-fold nature of Agni is a favourite topic with RV poets: his heads, bodies, stations, splendours and births are each three-fold. He is the earliest representative of the famous Indian ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Dyumna Vishwacharshani SUKTA 23 अग्ने सहन्तमा भर द्युम्नस्य प्रासहा रयिम् । विश्वा यश्चर्षणीरभ्यासा वाजेषु सासहत् ॥१॥ 1) O Fire, bring by the force of the light a forceful wealth which shall overcome by thy mouth in the plenitudes all the peoples. तमग्ने ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Tenth Hymn to Agni The Hymn of the Splendid Souls Who Attain [The Rishi prays to the divine Flame to work in him by the triple force of Power, Knowledge and Delight. He speaks of the splendid souls of knowledge in our humanity who attain to the Truth and Vastness; they are... transcendent Conscious-Force of the Divine that is at work in us to climb to divine mastery. Some have become such souls, others are still hampered but growing. He desires the increasing affirmation of Agni so that all may advance to a rich and all-comprehending universality.] अग्न ओजिष्ठमा भर द्युम्नमस्मभ्यमध्रिगो । प्र नो राया परीणसा रत्सि वाजाय पन्थाम् ॥१॥ 1) O Flame, O Ray in our limited ...
... interpretations. According to the inner esoteric interpretation, one may speak of the gods as well as of principles. If I speak of Agni as Tapas1 it is as a psychological principle. It doesn't mean that by being a god of Tapas he is no more a god of the fire of sacrifice. Agni is taken as a psychological principle as well as a god. (After a while) And he can also quote the Chandi where it says the... form of benevolence. It doesn't mean that because she inhabits them in the form of benevolence she is not a goddess. As a psychological image she is described in the form of benevolence. Similarly, Agni can take the form of Tapas. He can also say that Sri Aurobindo hasn't criticised Sayana's polytheistic interpretation of the Vedas but rather his predominantly ritualistic interpretation. And he ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Ten Hymns to the Mystic Fire Ketu Agneya SUKTA 156 अग्निं हिन्वन्तु नो धियः सप्तिमाशुमिवाजिषु । तेन जेष्म धनंधनम् ॥१॥ 1) May our thoughts speed the Fire on his way like a swift galloper in the battles, by him may we conquer every kind of wealth. यया गा आकरामहे सेनयाग्ने तवोत्या । तां नो हिन्व ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Ten Hymns to the Mystic Fire Samvanana Angirasa SUKTA 191 संसमिद् युवसे वृषन्नग्ने विश्वान्यर्य आ । इळस्पदे समिध्यसे स नो वसून्या भर ॥१॥ 1) O Fire, O strong one, as master thou unitest us with all things and art kindled high in the seat of revelation; do thou bring to us the Riches. सं गच्छध्वं ...
... body variably so that I as Agni may not know of that pathway. [4] THE GODS Come, O Agni! Man, the mental being, desires to do the sacrifice, he has made everything ready, and you dwell in obscurity! Make easy-going the path that leads to the gods, with a happy mind carry the offering. [5] AGNI There were elders before Agni who covered the same path... the vast protection. [52] AGNI AND THE GODS (Rig-Veda – Mandala X, Sukta 51) THE GODS Huge and firm was that covering with which you shrouded yourself and entered into the waters. O Agni! You are conscious from your very birth. The One God saw you in all your multiple universal body. [1] AGNI Who saw me? Which of the gods saw... deep within and they do not move; the fourth is the speech that men utter. [45] They say, it is Indra or Mitra or Varuna or Agni: it is the divine Bird with wings of beauty. The One alone exists: the wise speak of it variously, they call it Agni or Yama or Matarishwan. [46] The luminous birds with wings of beauty have clothed themselves with waters and they surge up along ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vishwasaman SUKTA 22 प्र विश्वसामन्नत्रिवदर्चा पावकशोचिषे । यो अध्वरेष्वीड्यो होता मन्द्रतमो विशि ॥१॥ 1) O thou of the universal peace, as the Atri sing the word of illumination to Fire of the purifying light who is to be prayed in the pilgrim-sacrifices, the ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Ten Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vatsa Agneya SUKTA 187 प्राग्नये वाचमीरय वृषभाय क्षितीनाम् । स नः पर्षदति द्विषः ॥१॥ 1) Send forth the word to the Fire, the bull of the worlds, 1 may he carry us through beyond the hostile forces. यः परस्याः परावतस्तिरो धन्वातिरोचते । स नः पर्षदति द्विषः ॥२॥ ...
... dwelling and in which limb reposes the higher heaven? 1 Energy, Energisation, Will, Divine Energy-will often identified with Agni. 2 Truth in action. 3 Divine Force or Will. 4 Life-force, 'Mother Breath'. Page 29 (4) Whither does Agni yearn to reach and blaze up and whither does the Mother-Breath yearn to reach and blow forward? There where they yearn to reach and... as the Upanishad also describes, with its branches spreading out, i.e. all the multiple aspects of the creation. Even the gods, all of them, find shelter here in one form or other. All gods it is: Agni the Divine Force, Indra the Divine Mind, Soma the Divine Delight. It is Tapas, the upward urge in the Universe, it is Satyam the Truth and Ritam the Truth-action, Vak the Truth-word. Day and Night... IN which limb of That does Tapas ¹ lie? In which limb is Ritam² deposited? Wherein lies the Work? Wherein the Faith? In which limb is the Truth established? (2) From which limb does Agni ³ blaze forth? And from which limb does Matarisvan4 blow? On which limb does the Moon repose as it moves out measuring the limb of the mighty Pillar? (3) On which limb of That does the ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vavri SUKTA 19 अभ्यवस्थाः प्र जायन्ते प्र वव्रेर्वव्रिश्चिकेत । उपस्थे मातुर्वि चष्टे ॥१॥ 1) State upon state is born, covering upon covering has become conscious and aware, in the lap of the mother he sees. जुहुरे वि चितयन्तोऽनिमिषं नृम्णं पान्ति । ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Sasa SUKTA 21 मनुष्वत् त्वा नि धीमहि मनुष्वत् समिधीमहि । अग्ने मनुष्वदङगिरो देवान् देवयते यज ॥१॥ 1) As the human we set thee within us, as the human we kindle thee; O Fire, O Angiras, as the human offer sacrifice to the gods for the seeker of the godheads. ...
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