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62 result/s found for Ahmedabad

... against your seeking admission to colleges in Ahmedabad. He wanted you to go to Jamnagar or Rajkot so that you could visit us every week and thus be under our constant watch and guidance. But I wanted my brilliant son to grow wider wings and to fly farther and farther to ever- widening horizons. I had pleaded that you must go to Bombay or to Ahmedabad, even though it was so difficult for us to afford... and yet failed to secure admission to the Medical College. You were so keen that I should go to Bombay or Ahmedabad for my College studies, and I was deeply happy that you thought of this. Page 199 Ultimately, I got admission to the Gujarat College and I proceeded from here to Ahmedabad. "Now during the last two years, I have mounted myself on two wheels and am trying to keep a good balance... Page 226 In the course of one year I passed my higher secondary examination and went away to Ahmedabad. For the next two years I did not see her, and letters between us were rather infrequent and brief. But the last letter that I received from her just before my departure from Ahmedabad to Dwarka was rather long and it gave me a glimpse of how that beautiful flower that was withering away ...

... Gujarat, Ahmedabad, in 1963. By this time Prakash had passed his S.S.C. examination with first class and had joined St. Xavier's College of Science. After some years he joined L. D. Engineering College and at the end of three years he passed the last course of B.E. (Elec.) in 1968 and joined the State Government service at Baroda in the beginning, but subsequently he was transferred to Ahmedabad. ... The fusion of the two freedom-fighters gave birth to a girl named Arvinda in 1943, when our medical practice was in full swing in three dispensaries in the surroundings of Gomtipur, a suburb of Ahmedabad. It was difficult to go and attend the distant calls of the patients on a cycle. So a motor-cycle and a motor-car had entered our life to help the work. The work was being poured upon me and I had... son. We prayed to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo for that and our prayer was granted and a boy named Prakash was born in 1946. He is now in the State Government service as an electrical engineer in Ahmedabad. It was after the birth of this child that I thought of proceeding to the Ashram after a period of eleven years to breathe in the bounty of the Grace of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo which led us to ...

... their mill. Since then no less than thirty students have started for Ahmedabad and are there receiving instruction, some in weaving and some in spinning and Mechanical Engineering. Another leading mill in the country offered to teach weaving through a six months' course for a fee of no less than one thousand rupees; the Ahmedabad Mill has undertaken it as a labour of love. The students will be taken... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram A Noble Example 20-July-1907 The proprietors of the Ahmedabad Fine Mills have been doing substantial work not only for the industrial progress of the country but for Indian unity. At the First Industrial Conference held at Benares in December, 1905, Dewan Bahadur Ambalal... wasted simply because there are no enterprising capitalists to utilise them. The whole country, and Page 607 specially Bengal, owes a deep debt of gratitude to the authorities of the Ahmedabad Fine Mills, and most of all to the weaving master, Mr. Keshub Lall Mansukram Mehta, not only for their generous and patriotic work, but also for the almost paternal care they are bestowing on the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... shifting to Ahmedabad where we have an old house purchased by my father but rented out. The house is on the main road and has some shops on the ground floor and residential accommodation on the upper floor. One of the shops was rented to a doctor for his dispensary. We had to request the doctor to vacate the shop and we got the upper floor vacated for our residential use. Ahmedabad was smouldering... were cured. The dispensary began to remain over-crowded with patients, because the city doctors were not able to attend to their dispensaries in suburbs only out of fear of the communal riots in Ahmedabad. This was how the Divine Mother gave us an unexpected miraculous start, and we had a very good response and goodwill from the patients. Slowly and steadily we developed our field of work and opened ...

... saw him for the first time. Who could have thought that this darkish young man with soft dreamy eyes 58 and long, thin, wavy hair parted in the middle and reaching to the neck, clad in coarse Ahmedabad dhoti and 58. Regarding his eyes, "the English Principal of the Baroda College said to C.R. Reddy (who was later Vice-Chancellor of the Andhra University): 'So you have met Aurobindo Ghose... Maharashtra, but in the whole country, though he was not at that time so well-known. His imprisonment on a false charge of instigation of murder191brought him into the limelight overnight. At the Ahmedabad Congress in 1902 "Tilak took him (Sri Aurobindo) out of the pandal and talked to him for an hour in the grounds expressing his contempt for the Reformist movement and explaining his own line of... But a greater call tore him away from this cosy atmosphere of quiet service and silent preparation, and plunged him headlong into the heart of an expanding vortex. Sri Aurobindo attended the Ahmedabad National Congress in 1902, the Bombay Congress in 1904, and the Banaras (Varanasi) Congress in 1905. In all these sessions of the Congress, he tried to prevail upon the leaders to fight for full ...

... not mentioned in the letter the name of the person who was to be responsible to look after the activities of the study circle to be started in Ahmedabad. During my stay at the Ashram, some of my old friends suggested to me to start a study circle at Ahmedabad. I asked one of my friends who was the secretary of the Ashram to explain to me the conditions for starting such study circles and getting the... a decision and wired "I think the time is ripe enough to start a study circle in Ahmedabad. If you permit I can start." I sent another telegram on the same day praying for the blessings of the Divine Mother on the occasion of the opening of an eye clinic to be operated along the lines of Dr. Bates' methods, in Ahmedabad. I received blessings in reply to both of my telegrams and we held our first meeting... Centre To know is Good, To do is Better, To become is the Best. The Mother I went to the Ashram for darshan in 1946 after a long period of ten years. Purani had then gone to Ahmedabad to attend the All-India Dharma Parishad. During his stay there he was the guest of my friend Sri Narendra L. Sheth. Purani gave a series of lectures on Sri Aurobindo's Savitri which created much ...

... sight in almost all the educational institutions of Ahmedabad city; all these institutions accorded a warm welcome to the book. Some high schools purchased 50 copies each and others purchased according to their necessity with the result that the whole edition of 1,250 copies was sold out within a month. I was invited by the All India Radio, Ahmedabad, to give two talks on preservation of health and sight... train them for a natural way of living. Arogyamandir got its establishment on the top floor of the Orient Club, near Gujarat College, on the other side of the Sabarmati river, at the west end of Ahmedabad city. I was living outside the fort area of the city, in a mill area, named Gomtipur at the east end of the city. Every morning my pilgrimage started from the east end to the west end to attend the... exercises to be founded on that sound footing for better and long-lasting results. The theory that I prepared in Pondicherry Ashram found a field of application in Aryogyamandir that was opened in Ahmedabad in 1947. Before opening the eye clinic I had begun to write a series of articles in daily papers and magazines of Gujarat to create a favourable atmosphere and to revolutionize the existing mode of ...

... of the Industrial Exhibition held in Ahmedabad in conjunction with the 1902 session of the Indian National Congress. It certainly was written by Sri Aurobindo. He identified it as his composition in 1940, when one of his disciples commented: "a speech he [the Maharaja] made at the Industrial Exhibition was marvellous". After ascertaining that it was the Ahmedabad exhibition that was meant, Sri Aurobindo ...


... here and not Anilbaran. It is with our full authority and approval that you went to Esha’s marriage in spite of your not being willing to go; your stay in Calcutta and your visits to Bombay and Ahmedabad had our sanction; we wished you to go. You have done good service to us by going and collecting such large contributions – not for the first time. I would ask you to go on cheerfully in your path... made me all but famous in Bengal and Gujarat – for it has been translated into Gujarat! as you must know! I wonder how much he will send me though! Am I getting too commercial after Bombay and Ahmedabad? If you give the money to the Mother that can’t be commercial; commerce implies personal profit, and here your profit is only spiritual. You can publish the two letters; as to ...

... so that She may see to it.' therefore, I concentrated a little. About two weeks later (in other words, ten days or so before September 26), some more news—the boy's older brother, who lives in Ahmedabad (not Bombay), came to visit his mother, father and grandmother (there's also a grandmother), and he asked about his brother. He had come with a friend. 'Your brother has disappeared,' they explained... done. But unfortunately, this spread all over the Ashram, all over everyone—a black cloud everywhere. It was rather ... troublesome! But some days later, a telephone call: the boy was found in Ahmedabad and brought back to Bombay. The boy's story is ... fantastic! It's fantastic. He was thin, gray, empty-headed. I no longer recall all the details, but ultimately it was the same story: abducted... for although his brain did not seem Page 451 to be working outwardly, something deep down was able to observe and remember. Finally, they had him work as a waiter in a small café in Ahmedabad, near the station. One day it even happened that his brother and his brother's friend stopped by (he vaguely recalls having seen them) but he was incapable of speaking to them or of getting them to ...


... University of Baroda, Baroda-390 002. 3. Mr. Caeser D'Silva (CD) Headmaster, Firdaus Amrut Centre, Ahmedabad-380 003. Tel. No.786-6393 (0) 4. Mrs. Geeta Mayor (GM) Trustee-Executive, Sangeet Kendra, "The Retreat" (Opp Underbridge), Shahbagh, Ahmedabad-380 009. Tel. No.786- 7901 (O)7866751(R) Page 142 5. Prof. H.M. Joshi (HMJ) V... Vedic Scholar, 10-B, Ankur Park Society, Subhanpura, Baroda-390 007. Tel. No.383186 OR 381759 (R) 5. Mr. R. Uma Anavartam (UA) Teacher, Firdaus Amrut Center, 15-Cantonment, Ahmedabad-380 003.Tel. No.786-6393 , (0). 6. Dr. Savita Guar (SG) Deptt. of Comparative Literature, South Gujarat University, UdhnaMagdalla Road, Surat-395 007. Resi: 803, Prem Aptt.Ravishankar... 1. Mr. Kshitij Joshi Gujarat Samachar,T.V. Div., Ahemdabad. Tel..No.363222 (R-Ahemdabad), 426452 OR 311463 (R-Baroda) 2. Ms. Yasmeen Maqbool Indian Express,Ahmedabad. Page 146 Kireet Joshi (b.1931) studied Philosophy and Law at the Bombay University. He was awarded Gold Medal "and Vedanta Prize when he stood first class first in the M.A ...


... 'New Lamps for Old.' He had seen the writer at Baroda in 1901. It was at the Ahmedabad Congress that the two met again; "there Tilak took him out of the pandal and talked to him for an hour in the grounds expressing his contempt for the Reformist movement and explaining his own line of action in Maharashtra." The Ahmedabad Congress was held in December 1902 under the chairmanship of Surendranath Banerji... was also studying the temperament of the leaders of the day. He met many of them, such as G. K. Page 316 Gokhale. "After an hour's conversation with Gokhale, in the train between Ahmedabad and Baroda," he recorded, "it was impossible for Sri Aurobindo to retain any great respect for Gokhale as a politician, whatever his merits as a man." Khaparde was more plainspoken: "Gokhale has no ...

... Disciple : Sometimes we had discussions about Ahimsa – non-violence and I pointed out the sixth chapter of the Essays on the Gita to my friends of the Sabarmati Ashram Page 55 at Ahmedabad and I found they could not reply to it.  Sri Aurobindo : I am not sure, but the Mahatma's son – Devadas – who came here sent it to the Mahatma who said he was unable to reply to it intellectually... is a state of mind and does not consist in physical or external action or in avoidance of action. Any pressure in the inner being is a breach of Ahimsa. For instance, when Gandhi fasted in the Ahmedabad mill-hands' strike to settle the question between mill-owners and workers, there was a kind of violence towards others. The mill-owners did not want to be responsible for his death and so they gave ...

... would have been a great success. Mussolini at first tried to form corporate state but he also gave it up later on. Disciple : The Socialists did not succeed in breaking the trade-unions in Ahmedabad, which are under the Congress. Sri Aurobindo : Socialism has no chance with the Indian peasant. He will side with you so long as you promise him land and want to end the land-lord system.... would have been a great success. Mussolini at first tried to form corporate state but he also gave it up later on. Disciple : The Socialists did not succeed in breaking the trade-unions in Ahmedabad, which are under the Congress. Sri Aurobindo : Socialism has no chance with the Indian peasant. He will side with you so long as you promise him land and want to end the land-lord system. ...

... distant control over the revolutionaries as Sri Aurobindo was doing in Bengal, and there was a great ground of common agreement between the two leaders. Their first certain meeting took place at the Ahmedabad Congress in December 1902, but their association may go back much further. They could work together because their national aims were identical, and in their equipment one was richly complementary... Chief) told him with a gracious smile: "I assure you, Charu, I shall look after the boys here. But you must go back to your job.... Well, there are reasons why my best recruiting sergeant must be in Ahmedabad just now." (Sunday Times, 17 December 1950)   Page 290 Sri Aurobindo said later, "and made a dozen speeches in the course of three or four days - but I did not manage that in ...

... a number of small retail trades have sprung up, the balance is greatly on the side of decline. The main causes of this condition of things are I European competition and that of such towns as Ahmedabad, Poona etc. II The Introduction of machinery. III The abandonment of ancestral professions. IV The continual drain of money from the State effected by (1) Immense purchases from Europe ...


... fertile province destroying life, human and animal, by the million they had slumbered politically while the rest of India was accustoming itself to some kind of political activity. It was at the Ahmedabad Congress that Gujerat was for the first time moved to a political enthusiasm, an awakening perhaps helped on by the association of a thoroughly Swadeshi Exhibition with the session of the Congress ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... did not say anything. My father provided all facilities for our education but never imposed anything. Thus from childhood he fostered my love for drawing and painting. In 1914, he sent me to Ahmedabad to take the first-grade examinations in drawing, and in 1915 the examinations for the next grade called the intermediate examination. I passed in both. My maternal uncle Shankarlal Bhanabhai Vyas ...


... countrymen, did not fail Page 75 to recognise the finer elements in Gokhale's mind and character; ... Alter as indicated. After an hour's conversation with Gokhale in the train between Ahmedabad and Baroda it was impossible for Sri Aurobindo to retain any great respect for Gokhale as a politician, whatever his merits as a man. [In 1904 an extremist section was formed in the Congress; ...


... Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education On Education Message for the Inauguration of Sri Mirambika High School, Ahmedabad Faith and Sincerity are the twin agents of success. Blessings. 14 June 1966 Page 115 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... a state of mind and does not consist in physical or external action or in avoidance of action. Any pressure in the inner being is a breach of Ahimsa. For instance, when Gandhi fasted in the Ahmedabad mill-hands' strike to settle the question between mill-owners and workers, there was a kind of violence towards others. The mill-owners did not want to be responsible for his death and so they gave ...


... Aśoka by D. R. Bhandarkar and Surendra Nath Majumdar (1920). Manjusrimūlakalpa, R. Sankyana's Appendix to Jayaswal's Imperical History Mankad, D. R., Kālidāsa and the Guptas (Ahmedabad, 1947) Purānic Chronology (Anand, 1951) McCrindle, J., tr. Ancient India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian (Calcutta, 1920) The Invasion of India by Alexander the ...


... with Tilak working from behind in Maharashtra. Here I should also mention that Sri Aurobindo had a long meeting with this great Maharashtrian leader in December 1902 when both were present at the Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress. Sri Aurobindo had an exceptional regard for Tilak and their collaboration in the political field was both close and of immense significance for the national ...


... when I saw him for the first time. Who could have thought that this darkish young man with soft dreamy eyes and long, thin, wavy hair parted in the middle and reaching to the neck, clad in coarse Ahmedabad dhoti and close-fitting Indian jacket, his feet shod in old-fashioned Indian slippers with upturned toes, a face sparsely dotted with pockmarks — who could have thought that this man could be Mr. ...


... being thus called on to preside over the first National Assembly ever yet convened in India. Looking round he saw the representatives of all the important centres of the Bombay Presidency, Karachi, Ahmedabad, Surat, Poona, Bombay itself, and other less populous though still important, towns; almost every district in the Madras Presidency was represented, as well as the towns of Madras, Salem, Coimbatore ...

... Treasurer. The rules prescribed in its constitution for organising branches of the League were not stringent. Hence branches were quickly found at Adyar, Kumbakonam, Madanapalli, Madurai, Calicut, Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Benares, Bombay and Kanpur. Soon, there were as many as 200 branches, all enjoying virtual autonomy. Communications with the headquarters were carried on either through individuals who ...

... Sri Aurobindo went to Western India to study the revolutionary work carried on there, "he contacted Tilak whom he regarded as the one possible leader for a revolutionary party and met him at the Ahmedabad Congress; there Tilak took him out of the pandal and talked to him for an hour in the grounds expressing his contempt for the Reformist movement and explaining his own line of action in Maharashtra ...

... until May 29. Sri Aurobindo uses his leaves and vacations, especially from 1902 onwards, for the organisation of revolutionary action in Bengal. December Meeting with Lokmanya Tilak at the Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress. 1902-1903 Contacts and joins a secret society in western India. 1903 January Recommences teaching at the Baroda College. ...


... he was operated on successfully by Dr. Rangachari. The cure took three months. 4 January. One of the Mother's knee joints become inflamed. There was pain. A telegram was sent to Dr. Kanuga at Ahmedabad. 5 January. Interview of Lala Lajpatrai with Sri Aurobindo. Afterwards Sri Aurobindo spoke also with Dr. Nihalchand, Krishnadas and Purushottamdas Tandon, who had accompanied Lajpatrai. There was ...


... Sri Aurobindo uses his leaves and vacations, especially from 1902 onwards, for the organisation of revolutionary action in Bengal. December Meeting with Lokmanya Tilak at the Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress. 1902-1903 — Contacts and joins a secret society in western India. 1903—January Recommences regular teaching at the Baroda College. ...

... leaders in the country so that the Congress could be first pushed from behind and then, when the time was opportune, the "moderate" leadership displaced by the vanguard men. In 1902, he attended the Ahmedabad session of the Congress, and once Lokamanya Tilak (who had been among the first to be impressed by the New Lamps for Old articles of 1893) took Sri Aurobindo out of the pandal "and talked to him ...

... resigning from the Congress. "Forgive me," he wrote on 26 May 1941 from Nainital, "if I cannot reconcile myself to these injunctions. Since [the movement for] Pakistan has been in action in Dacca, Ahmedabad, Bombay and other places, it is clear that such riots are going Page 231 to be a normal feature of our life for some years." He feared that the riots "will perhaps grow more frequent ...

... Fein organization. — Sri Aurobindo begins organizing revolutionary action in Bengal. July 4 — Swami Vivekananda passes away. December -Sri Aurobindo meets Bal Gangadhar Tilak at the Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress. 1903, May-August — Sri Aurobindo accompanies the Gaekwad on his tour of Kashmir as his Private Secretary. December 17 - First successful flight of ...

... and plenty, who has taken so encouraging an interest in this Exhibition. Page 720 Surely it is a good omen for the success of our industrial revival that this Exhibition takes place in Ahmedabad, a town long famous for its enterprise and energy, which already possesses factories and industrial connections of importance with the industrial world. If only we had a few more Ahmedabads, India ...


... existence is taking a massive swerve towards a far other ocean than the direction of its flow hitherto had ever presaged. If I say that the Congress movement has spent itself, I shall be reminded of the Ahmedabad Congress, the success of the Industrial Exhibition and the newborn enthusiasm of Gujarat. Are these, it may be said, symptoms of decline & weakness? The declining forces of a bygone impetus touching ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... incidents here any connections with outside happenings? For example, I noted that on the day X and Y went from here the Italians finally conquered Abyssinia. There is a story about an occultist in Ahmedabad (in the 16th century Page 362 or so) in which it is related that he was making and unmaking mats and accordingly the wall around the city which had been built during the day fell down ...


... today—the second day of writing. 1 The improvement, which is part of a general abatement of my symptoms, I attribute to a fortnight's determined and cynical laziness. During this time I have been to Ahmedabad with our cricket eleven and watched them get a jolly good beating; which happy result we celebrated by a gorgeous dinner at the refreshment room. I believe the waiters must have thought us a party ...


... it; so you will kindly advise me in this matter. Eagerly awaiting your reply. What the deuce! Is the Asram a caravanserai that everybody who "wants" to live in it can come there? Who is this Ahmedabad monsieur? As these people are sending stamps and envelopes, I suppose they have to be answered. 9 October 1938 Here is a village girl, a young widow, who has heard your call in a dream and ...


... Aurobindo suspended all public activity of this kind and worked only in secret till 1905, but he contacted Tilak whom he regarded as the one possible leader for a revolutionary party and met him at the Ahmedabad Congress; there Tilak took him out of the pandal and talked to him for an hour in the grounds expressing his contempt for the Reformist movement and explaining his own line of action in Maharashtra ...


... then exist only in order to record the decrees and opinions of a few Provincial leaders? The second plea was that Sir Pherozshah Mehta could not understand the meaning of National Education. At Ahmedabad, Page 254 we remember, the Swadeshi Resolution was disallowed in the Subjects Committee because Sir Pherozshah Mehta would not know where he could get his broadcloth, if it were passed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... significant developments. First published, along with the preceding piece, in Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research in 1983. The Congress Movement. Editorial title. Circa 1903 (the Ahmedabad Congress, mentioned in passing in the piece, was held in December 1902). First published in Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research in 1983. Fragment for a Pamphlet. Editorial title ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... 2nd ed., New Delhi: Oxford UP, 1980. Dutt, Michael Madhusudan, Madhusudan Rachanabali , Ed. Kshetra Gupta, 12th ed., Calcutta: Sahitya Sansad, 1993. Gandhi, M. K., Hind Swaraj (1909), Ahmedabad: Navjivan, 1994. Jones, William, Sir William Jones: A Reade r, Ed. Satya S. Pachauri, New Delhi: Oxford UP, 1993. -- The Letters of William Jones , 2 Vols, Ed. Garland Cannon, Oxford: ...


... produced is also shown to have been cotton-producing or at least cotton-using. Wheeler 97 refers to a "reputed example from Lothal" - that is, in Gujerat. Sankalia 98 reports cotton at Nevasa (Ahmedabad District) and at Alamgirpur near Delhi - with the latest date c. 1000 B.C. He 99 lists also Maharashtrian Chandoli whose C-14 dates range from c. 1330 to c. 1040 B.C. Thus, during the first 500 ...


... and so always kept with him a scented handkerchief; and he added a lot of ghee [clarified butter] to his tea. After he left Patan, Lele wrote to me that I should take Lakshmi and go to him in Ahmedabad where he was staying. He had arranged with the famous industrialist Ambalal Sarabhai to keep Lakshmi in his house for study along with his children. But my father did not consent. I don't remember ...


... belonging to different customers. He took me and Kanti along when he visited Palanpur and from there we went to Balarama Mahadev. We were also with him when he went to the Sahitya Parishad in Ahmedabad. Later he went away to the Himalayas. When he learnt that our ashram in Patan was closed, he wrote two letters to me calling me to join him. I was to wire to him if I wished to go. Though I wanted ...


... Aurobindo, p. 211. ². Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother (1953), p. 208. ³. My Pilgrimage to the Spirit (Revised Edition, 1977) by Dr. Govindbhai Patel (Gift Publications, Ahmedabad), p. 17. 4 . The Riddle of This World, p. 5. Page 16 although, unlike the others, he was aware of an ascending range in this "Gnosis" and a far-away culmination of ...

... Oxford, U.K., 1979. Kashi, Light ofKriya Yoga, Yoganiketan, Portland Maine, 2002. Kedamath, Vivek ane Sadhana, Edited by Kishorlal Mashruwala and Ramanlal Modi, Navjiwan Prakashan, Ahmedabad, 1956. Krishna Roy, Henneneutics, East and West, Allied Publishers Ltd, Calcutta, 1993. Kunhan Raja, C., The Vedas, A Cultural Study, Andhra University, 1957. Leahey, T.H., A History ...

... very much like that!" 17 IX. Young Sri Aurobindo's picnic adventurel [This was written by Sri Aurobindo in 1902, when he was thirty years old.] "... During this time I have been to Ahmedabad with our cricket eleven and watched them get a jolly good beating; which happy result we celebrated by a gorgeous dinner at the refreshment room. I believe the waiters must have thought us a party ...

... Sarala Ghosal was indeed the foremost organiser of physical education in Bengal. It will be of some interest to note that Sri Aurobindo first met Tilak in 1901 at Baroda. Later in 1902 at the Ahmedabad Congress, the two met again. Tilak took him out of the pandal and talked to him for an hour in the grounds expressing his contempt of the action of the Reformist movement (of the Indian National congress) ...

... hygienic people – they are the cleanest people in the world. Disciple : Even in India now there is an awakening of the sanitary sense. Sri Aurobindo : Where ? Disciple : In Ahmedabad the Sanitary Committee took the Municipal staff and some volunteers and have cleaned up one of the biggest, narrowest and most thickly populated localities – Mandwi. It took them more than three ...

... they had been successful in carrying out the original idea of the Soviet, it would have been a great success. Mussolini at the beginning tried to form a corporate State but he gave up. PURANI: In Ahmedabad the Socialists didn't succeed in breaking the trade unions. The Indian agriculturists won't have them. SRI AUROBINDO: Socialism has no chance with the Indian peasant. He will side with you so long ...


... kept his meaning a secret. Nor did he recite it to the masses. There were the professional reciters who carried it from door to door and popularised it. That is a different thing. PURANI: At the Ahmedabad Literary Conference, Gandhi as President asked, "What has literature done for the man who draws water from the well?" SRI AUROBINDO: How much has the President done? The man is still drawing water ...


... begun to go downhill. DR. MANILAL: Before this he was really great. A speech he made at the Industrial Exhibition was marvellous. SRI AUROBINDO: Which Industrial Exhibition? DR. MANILAL: At Ahmedabad. SRI AUROBINDO: That was the speech I prepared for him. (Roar of laughter) MULSHANKAR: I heard your lecture at Bombay after the Surat Congress. You had some paper in your hand. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... and a very difficult disposition. Who could have thought that this tanned young man with gentle, dreamy eyes, long wavy hair parted in the middle and falling to the neck, clad in a common coarse Ahmedabad dhoti , a close-fitting Indian jacket, and old-fashioned slippers with upturned toes, and whose face was slightly marked with smallpox, was no other than Mister Aurobindo Ghose, living treasure ...

... Child's Imagination, 175; To R., 175; To the Sea, 176; The Sea at Night, 176; on length in a poem, 176; "most Miltonic", 179; poems and plays with a purpose, 185-6; aim of political action, 187; at Ahmedabad Congress, 190; discussion with Tilak, 190; No Compromise, 190,208; behind-the-scenes activity, 191; political strategy, 191; Vice-Principal & Actg. Principal, 191; experimenting with planchette, 192; ...

... y centre, initiated into the revolutionary cult Hemchandra Kanungo and three or four others who took the pledge given by Sri Aurobindo. Target practice with them. Was at the Ahmedabad sessions of the Indian National Congress where he met Lokamanya Tilak and discussed with him the utter futility of the then Congress politics. Sent Jatindranath Bandyopadhyaya to Calcutta to organise ...

... Aurobindo suspended all public activity of this kind and worked only in secret till 1905, but he contacted Tilak whom he regarded as the one possible leader for a revolutionary party and met him at the Ahmedabad Congress; there Tilak took him out of the pandal and talked to him for an hour in the grounds expressing his contempt for the Reformist movement and explaining his own line of action in Maharashtra ...


... But if the programme is carried out ultimately, the ruling power, if it is oppressive, can be thrown out by the organization etc. 29th November, 1940 Kasturbhai's Arvind Mills of Ahmedabad was using Sri Aurobindo 's picture on their products, without any permission and without paying any consideration. One of the pictures was shown to Sri Aurobindo and it was represented to him that ...

... estimate when I saw him for the first time. Who could have thought that this darkish young man with soft dreamy eyes and long, thin, shoulder-length wavy hair parted in the middle, clad in coarse Ahmedabad dhoti and close-fitting jacket, his feet shod in old-fashioned slippers with upturned toes, a face sparsely dotted with pockmarks, 1 this slim young man was Sriman Aurobindo Ghose, a living fountain ...

... a blurred and misty line announces Bombay." * * * No, Bharatidi did not go to Luck now, although she toured North India extensively: Bombay was her first impact with the country; Ahmedabad was the next stop. It was followed by a tour of Rajputana. Her first visit was to Mount Abu: "How to describe the impression one gets, the enchantment that transports us when we find ourselves in ...

... — the second day of writing. The improvement, which is part of a general abatement of my symptoms, I attribute to a fortnight's determined and cynical laziness. 1 During this time I have been to Ahmedabad with our cricket eleven and watched them get a jolly good beating; which happy result we celebrated by a gorgeous dinner at the refreshment room. I believe the waiters must have thought us a party ...

... politicians. All the possibilities of situation were discussed at this meeting. Sri Aurobindo remained a silent listener." As we have before said, Sri Aurobindo had been a looker-on at the tame Ahmedabad session of the Congress in 1902, where a disgusted Tilak had taken him out of the pavilion and talked with him for an hour expressing his contempt for the Moderates' bankrupt policy of prayer and ...