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Ahura Mazda Ahura Mazda Ormuzd : Lord of Wisdom in the Avestā, the sacred book of the Zoroastrian religion. One of the two Primeval Powers, he is the Supreme God, the creator of the universe who manifests Expansion, Creativity, Light & Life.

20 result/s found for Ahura Mazda Ahura Mazda Ormuzd

... who were nearest to it among foreigners took it as a dualism, the God of Light and Goodness, Ormuzd, pitted against Ahriman, the Devil of Darkness and Evil. Actually the Avestan Anramanyu, the Bad Spirit, is set over against Spentamanyu, the Good Spirit, but it seems as if Ahura Mazda, the Avestan for Ormuzd, who is separately mentioned in the earliest scripture, the Gathas or Songs of Zarathustra,... exhortation is always to accept one single deity, Ahura Mazda; in that sense we have a monotheism like the original Judaic monotheism which, while taking Yahweh as one of the many tribal gods of Page 382 the Near East insists on the worship of none save him. The Zoroastrians have been devoted solely to Ahura Mazda, but ontologically Ahura Mazda and Anramanyu appear to be coeval, though the... Zarvan-akarna is the Avestan for "Endless Time". This mysterious entity is taken to be the progenitor of the ever-opposed twins, Ahura Mazda and Anramanyu (or Ahriman). The modern understanding, after the scholar Martin Haug, among the Zoroastrians is that Ahura Mazda, the one and only deity, an aspect of whom may be considered "Endless Time", gave birth to the Good Spirit and the Bad Spirit. But ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 Index Aditi, 46 Africa, 272, 323 Agni,44, 52, 120, 151 Ahriman, 46, 110 Ahura Mazda, 46 Alexander, 56-7 Allies, the, 66 America, 133,214,421 Aniruddha, 44, 207-8 Apollo, 47 Ardhanarishwara, 84 Arjuna,9, 14,76-8,93, 112n., 116, 161 Arnold, Matthew, 92, 119 Aryaman ...

... European scholar or imitate too freely that swiftly leaping ingenious mind of his which gives you in a trice a Scythian or a Persian Buddha, identifies conclusively Murghab and Maurya, Mayasura and Ahura Mazda and generally constructs with magical rapidity the wrong animal out of the wrong bone. We have to combine the laboriousness of the Pundit, the slow and patient conscientiousness of the physical scientist ...

... the Asura, the mighty Lord, divas putrāso asurasya vīrāḥ (III.53.7), an expression which, their number being seven, reminds us strongly, though perhaps only fortuitously, of the seven Angels of Ahura Mazda in the kindred Iranian mythology. Moreover there are passages in which they seem to become purely symbolical, powers and sons of Agni the original Angiras, forces of the symbolic Light and Flame ...

... Saṁhitās or Brāhmaṇas are in connection with Mitrā-Varuṇā. This restriction of the dual usage of ásura-lahura- to MitraVaruṇa in the Vedas and Mithra and Ahura Mazda in the Avesta offers strong support for those who argue that Varuṇa and Ahura Mazda derive from the same Indo-Iranian god." Again, in Yast 10.145 500 we read: "(Standing) by the Barsman plant we worship Mithra and Ahura - the two... again ahura- and mithra- appear with dual endings and thus form a dvandva compound. The other phrase which calls the sun the eye of Ahura Mazda is interesting because the sun is also said to be the eye of Varuṇa (RV 1.50.6)." Derivation of Varuṇa and Ahura Mazda from the same Indo-Iranian deity gets extra support from such a comparison. Yasna 2.11 502 provides a fourth example in dual - once more... Nuristanis have 'Varin' (= Varuṇa) among their deities, the balance of opinion should tilt towards Indo-Aryanism as against the Iranian religion, in which in place of the Rigvedic Asura Varuṇa there is Ahura Mazda. But whatever the final choice, the existence of people like the Kalash Kafirs and the Nuristanis, with their archaic relics in culture and language, should render plausible my alternative to the ...

... under different figures to the same thing. In the Upanishads it is the Daityas that smite with evil all that the gods create, in the Zoroastrian tradition it is Ahriman coming across the work of Ahura Mazda, the Chaldean tradition uses a different figure. But the significance is the same; it is the perception of something that has struck across the harmonious development of creation and brought in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Vedantic māyā , spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is ...

... eastwards into the Indian subcontinent, not as one group, but as several separate tribes over a period of centuries, perhaps. While the Irānians characterized their forefathers (Ahuras) as godly (Ahura-mazda) and their hostile cousins (Devas) as demoniac (Devils), the Vedics did the exact opposite, telling of the monstrous Asuras and the Divine Devas. (Incidentally, in the Graeco-Latin Christian tradition ...

... Vedantic mayd, spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is ...

... of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification Page 45 of the lower Overmind. Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is ...

... 394, 399 agnipura, 299-300 ahavanaya, 230 ahi, 187, 329 Ahicchatra, 212, 242 ahura/asura, 166, 267, 368-9, 379, 403 Ahura Mazda, 166, 282, 321, 400-403, 419 Aila kingdom, 163-4 Airiyānam vaējo, 270, 271, 277 Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, 296, 298 Ajas, 356, 357 aja 251 a-karman, 309 ...

... and this stream of tendency towards righteousness. He cannot be a mixture Page 148 of good and evil, whether a self-perplexed and struggling or a mysteriously ordered double principle, Ormuzd and Ahriman, or at least he cannot be limited by this duality, for there is much in the universe which is neither good nor evil. Perhaps the greatest part of the totality is either supramoral or inframoral ...

... ESARHADDON     From of old It is. Page 287 ACHAB Then why not call it Baal? ESARHADDON     For me I care not what 'tis called, Mithra or God. You call it Baal, Perizade says 'Tis Ormuzd, Mithra and the glorious Sun. I say 'tis force. ACHAB     Then wherefore strive to change Assyria's law, o'erthrow the cult of Baal? ESARHADDON I do not, for it crumbles of itself. Why keep ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... the rest, we say, is not He or is not His, but was made by some diabolical Power which He suffered for some reason to work out its wicked will or by some dark Ahriman counterbalancing our gracious Ormuzd, or was even the fault of selfish and sinful man who has spoiled what was made originally perfect by God. As if man had created the law of death and devouring in the animal world or that tremendous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... 177 Agrawala.V. S., 249-51, 252, 257, 262, 310, 325-6, 432, 455, 460, 532, 577-8 Aguptayika kings, 27-9, 32, 228 Ahiram, inscription of, 349 Ahlamu/Akhlamu, 327, 328 Ahura Mazda/Auramazda, 281, 333 Aihole inscription, 2, 3, 15, 46, 50, 228, 229, 605 Aikadhirajyam, 215 Aikshvakus, 209 Aioi (Aay), 380 Airikina, 270 Ailareya Brāhmana, 79 ...

... and power of Its being. It has been held indeed that the ignorance, the imperfection, the suffering of this world are not supported by the Divine Existence; but we have then to suppose two Gods, an Ormuzd of the good and an Ahriman of the evil or, perhaps, a perfect supracosmic and immanent Being and an imperfect cosmic Demiurge or separate undivine Nature. This is a possible conception but improbable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... weight. Perhaps the most famous case of multiple resemblance is from Persian history. The sacred book of the Parsis, the Avesta, tells us that the prophet Zarathustra preached his religion of Ahura Mazda at the court of Vistaspa. In Persia the name of Zarathus-tra's God outside the Avesta is found for the first time beyond controversy in the inscriptions of Darius I, and it is found there frequently... taken these passages as genuine evidence. Particularly apt is the Vendidad's reference (1.73) to Hapta-Hindu (Sapta-Sindhu) - the land of the seven-rivered Indus-system - as one of the countries Ahura Mazda created for his own people. 1-. Op. cit., p. 312. 2. Irān (Pelican, Harmondsworth, 1954), p. 90. 3."Foreign Invasions", The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 39. Page 333 ...

... not a blasphemy to envisage Him in the vicious and the criminal? Hence the popular Manicheanism which pervades every religion; hence the persistent idea of a twofold creative power, God and devil, Ormuzd and Ahriman, Allah and Iblis, the one responsible for all that is good, the other for all that is evil. This kind of spiritual and intellectual weakness loves to see God in everything good and pleasant ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... have empire, joy, All the heart needs, the pleasures bodies use. RODOGUNE I need no empire save my high-throned heart, I seek no power save that of sceptred love, I ask no help beyond what Ormuzd gives. Enough. I thank you. PHAYLLUS You're subtler than these Greeks. Must he then pine? Shall he not plead his cause? RODOGUNE I would not have him waste his heart in pain If what ...

... the rest, we say, is not He or is not His, but was made by some diabolical Power which He suffered for some reason to work out its wicked will or by some dark Ahriman counterbalancing our gracious Ormuzd, or was even the fault of selfish and sinful man who has spoiled what was made originally perfect by God.... We have to look courageously in the face of the reality and see that it is God and ...