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Aiyar, T. Paramasiva : a geologist whose The Riks interprets the Vedas in geological terms & the Rishis who composed them as topographical formations of the time.

5 result/s found for Aiyar, T. Paramasiva

... regions in the glacial period. Mr. T. Paramasiva Aiyar by a still bolder departure has attempted to prove that the whole of the Rig Veda is a figurative representation of the geological phenomena belonging to the new birth of our planet after its long-continued glacial death in the same period of terrestrial evolution. It is difficult to accept in their mass Mr. Aiyar's reasonings and conclusions, but... this identity is denounced to us as a philological error; tomorrow it may be rehabilitated. Parame vyoman is a Vedic phrase which most of us would translate "in the highest heaven", but Mr. T. Paramasiva Aiyar in his brilliant and astonishing work, The Riks , tells us that it means "in the lowest hollow"; for vyoman "means break, fissure, being literally absence of protection, (uma)"; and the reasoning ...

... from the Arctic regions in the glacial period. Mr. T. Paramasiva Aiyar [in The Riks] by a still bolder departure has attempted to prove that the whole of the Rig-veda is a figurative representation of our planet after its long-continued glacial death in the same period of terrestrial evolution. It is difficult to accept in their mass Mr. Aiyar's reasonings and conclusion, but he has at least thrown ...

... from the Arctic regions in the glacial period. T. Paramasiva Aiyar has attempted to prove that the whole of the Rig Veda is a figurative representation of the geological phenomena belonging to the new birth of our planet after its long-continued glacial death in the same period of terrestrial evolution. The theories of Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Aiyar have stimulated fresh speculations and, whatever ...

... that besides the sacrificial and naturalistic inter­pretations there are historical (by Abinash Chandra Das), geographical (by Umesh Chandra Vidyaratna), astrono­mical (by Tilak), scientific (by Paramasiva Aiyar) and even an interpretation based on Chemistry (by Narayan Gaur) and so on and so forth. Many minds, many ways: nowhere else may this oft-quoted adage be so aptly applied as in the case of the... ancients. Here in this connection we want only to mention that the language of the ancients used to flow from their heart. It was not subject to any intellectual reasoning and was not analytical as that of t day. The language was simply symbol of their direct reali­sation. All languages originate from the perceptions of the senses and the emotions of the heart. The inner urge was kept intact in the language ...

... contemporary history, partly the formulae and practices of a sacrificial ritualism, not mystic, but merely primitive and superstitious. 13 The Vedic researches of Bal Gangadhar Tilak and T. Paramasiva Aiyar and the attempt of Swami Dayananda to re-establish the Veda as the living religious scripture of the Arya Samaj were new developments that at least testified to the continued fascination exercised... is a giver of Light, "Mind-power released from the limits and obscurations of the nervous consciousness". Vayu is the Lord of Life. Saraswati represents śruti (truth-audition), Ila represent a drsti (truth-vision), and Mahi (or Bharati) the largeness of the truth-consciousness. Sarama the 'Hound of Heaven' and her dogs, the Sarameya, have their symbolic overtones too. These dogs... range ...