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Alaka Ullaca : capital of Kubera, half-brother of Rāvaṇa, king of Gāndharvas & Yakshas on Mt. Sumeru.
... scents, the sacred & cherished places, the historic cities of their country as they are—or alas as they were—he lifts these cherished things into a magic world, bathes them in an immortal beauty. Ullaca, the city without death, is but Kalidasa's beloved Ujjaini taken up into the clouds & transformed into a seat of ideal bliss & loveliness. In the same moment he strikes straight home at one of the ...
... lord of wealth, who protect hoards and treasures and dwell in Ullaca, the city of beauty, the hills of mist Golden, the dwelling place of Faery kings, And mansions by unearthly moonlight kissed:— For one dwells there whose brow with the young moon Lightens as with a marvellous amethyst— Ullaca, city of beauty, where no thought enters but that of love, no ...
... might have been chosen by Shelley himself; they are two lovers of Faeryland, a cloud, rivers, mountains, the gods & demigods of air & hill & sky; the goal of the cloud's journey is the ethereal city of Ullaca upon the golden hill crowned by the clouds and bathed at night in the unearthly moonlight that streams from the brow of Sheva, the mystic's God. The earth is seen mainly as a wonderful panorama by... exempted from mortal affection; like a true Hindu he insists on translating the ideal into the terms of the familiar, sensuous & earthy. For death and birth keep not their mystic round In Ullaca; there from the deathless trees The blossom lapses never to the ground But lives for ever garrulous with bees All honey-drunk—nor yet its sweets resign. For ever in their girdling ...
... 422, 442, 443, 478 Ajatasatru, 368, 369 Ajivikas, 241, 242 Akhnaten, 332 Alakanda/Alakkhanda/Alak- shandah/Alakshandrā/Alasanda/ Alashanda, 277-8 Alaka-Sundara, 278 Albērūnī, 18-27, 41, 131, 217, 227-8, 231, 366-7, 486, 490, 515-6, 517, 518, 604 Albright, W. F., v Alemukham/Alikamukham, 278 Alexander, 278; of Corinth ...
... equivalent of it. And there is no need to bring in "Alexander", either. "Alikasudara" could be a perfectly Sanskrit name Prākritized. "Alika" seems a Prākritization of "Alaka" while "sudara" is easily the Prākrit for "sundara". In Sanskrit "Alaka-sundara" would describe "one whose face is beautiful with forelocks". 2 There is also the possibility of a queer nomenclature. "Alika" as itself a Sanskrit ...
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