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Alcestes : Alcestis daughter of Pelias & wife of Admetus, king of the Pherae in Thessaly. When Admetus was dying, she offered to die in his stead; so he lived & she went to Hades. She was returned to the world of the living by the grace of Persephone (Kore) or, in another account, by the intervention of Heracles.
... French speaker may say, "He is a Harpagon". A hypocrite can be called a "Tartuffe ". Page 179 Someone who has difficulties adjusting to the superficial ways of society may be called an "Alceste ". What has endeared Moliere to so many people, particularly in France, is the deep sense of humanity that pervades his plays. Harpagon, for instance, is above all a miser, but he is also a ...
... Ithaca's chief and Epeus, Idomeneus lord of the Cretans, Acamas, Nestor, Neleus' son, and the brave Ephialtus, Prothous, Meges, Leitus the bold and the king Prothoënor, Page 440 Wise Alceste's son and the Lemnian, stern Philoctetes, These and unnumbered warlike captains marching the Argives. Last in his spacious car drove shaping the tread of his armies, Even as a shepherd who follows ...
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