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Allahabad : Since 1193, when it was captured by Sultan Mohammad Ghori of Delhi, Prayāga became a property of foreign invaders & masters. Seeing the immense navigational potential of this strategically situated town, Akbar built one of his largest forts on its banks & made it the seat of his Illahabad Subā, one of his twelve original subās (imperial top-level provinces). It was from Illahabad that his prince Salim led a revolt against his father Akbar, & in 1602 held a parallel imperial court in this fort, ignoring the royal summons to leave Illahabad & proceed to Agra. Salim acceded to the Moghul throne under the name Jahangir. In 1765, the combined forces of the Nawab of Awadh & the Mughal emperor Shah Alam II lost the Battle of Buxar to the British. After the British had established a garrison at Fort Allahabad, Warren Hastings later took Allahabad from Shah Alam & gave it to Awadh, alleging that he had placed himself in the power of the Marathas. In 1801 the Nawab of Awadh ceded the city to the E.I. Co. In 1834, Allahabad became the seat of the Government of Agra Province & a High Court was established. A year later both were relocated to Agra. During the Revolt 1857, Allahabad had only a small garrison of European troops & the revolutionaries took over the city. After the ‘Mutiny’ was squashed, the British set up the Police Headquarters & a High Court to squash any dream of patriotic natives of an encore; then to foster the dreams of loyalist & bourgeois natives added a branch of their Public Service Commission. To seal it further, U.P.’s defiant Delhi region was merged with Punjab which had stood soul & sword with their overlords, & transferred the capital of the North-Western Provinces to Allahabad, where it remained for the next twenty years. In 1773 the British extracted a treaty from their ally Shuja-ud-daulah the Nawab of Oudh authorising its usurpation of his districts of Kora & Allahabad. The 4th & 8th INC (1888 & 1892) sessions were held in Allahabad (capital of the United Provinces of Agra & Oudh from 1877 into 1920s) in the grounds of Darbhanga Castle. The Nehru family homes of Ananda Bhavan & Swaraj Bhavan, both in Allahabad, were at the centre of the political activities of the Indian National Congress. It was at Motilal’s residence that in October 1916 the official representatives of the Muslim League & the Congress worked out the final draft of the Lucknow Pact that both passed in 1916. [P. Sitāramayyā’s The History of the Indian National Congress, 1935 & 1946; M.V. Ramana Rao (an official of A.I.C.C.), A Short History of the Indian National Congress, S. Chand & Co., 1959. Foreword by Indira Gandhi; Preface by U.N. Dhebar]
... richly complementary to the other and together they made a formidable combination strong enough to throw out of gear the calculations and contrivances of the phalanx of Moderate leadership from Allahabad, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. II In this delicately poised situation, the Moderate-Extremist debate on the ends and means of Indian political activity gave the necessary handle to the... separately as the Moderate Convention and the Nationalist Conference respectively. The Convention appointed a Committee to draft a new Constitution for the Congress, and this Committee was to meet at Allahabad on 18 and 19 April with Rash Behari Ghosh as Chairman. Sri Aurobindo wished to warn the Committee against certain fallacious courses, and so he wrote in the Bande Mataram on 4 April: The ... convert the Congress into a close preserve of the privileged was not only imprudent, but would be "soon found out by them to be impotent also". Sri Aurobindo returned to the subject on the day of the Allahabad Convention (18 April), and dealt squarely with the Moderates' objections to the Nationalists' supposed unruliness: "If the Nationalists are unruly, the Moderates are autocratic, and it is the ...
... could persuade my father to reach Allahabad as early as possible. She had mentioned that she had something very important to tell my father and she wanted his help. "Unfortunately, because of the psychological remoteness of my father from me I could not show that letter to him. When only 5 or 6 days were left, I asked my father, "When shall we start for Allahabad?" "Tomorrow", he replied. ... "When shall we reach Allahabad?" I asked again. "Don't worry about that," he said. He added, "We shall be in time for the marriage; I know how much you love your sister. Do not worry. We shall be on time." I could say nothing more. "We reached Allahabad just when the bridegroom had already arrived with the entire party, and there was a great hustle and bustle in Page 94 ... keen to Page 93 attend this marriage because this sister who was to be married was very dear to me and even now she is very dear to me. She was older to me by 4 or 5 years; she lived in Allahabad and whenever she used to visit us during vacations, she used to bring all the gifts of her charming presence and wealth of beautiful presents consisting of books, pencils, drawing papers, colour boxes ...
... with spiritual suggestions on the other: "My desire to have a handful of my ashes thrown into the Ganga at Allahabad has no religious significance, so far as I am concerned. I have no religious sentiment in the matter. I have been attached to the Ganga and the Jamuna rivers in Allahabad ever since my childhood and, as I have grown older, this attachment has also grown. I have watched their varying... seek inspiration from it, and as witness of this desire of mine and as my last homage to India's cultural inheritance, I am making this request that a handful of my ashes be thrown into the Ganga at Allahabad to be carried to the great ocean that washes India's shores." What have we in this sustained moving eloquence? First, a personal and private attachment to the Ganga and then an attachment of ...
... children had been arrested by the police in Allahabad for using what the newspaper called 'mesmeric' means to rob people, attack them, etc. (They were operating in Poona, Bombay and Ahmedabad, but they were caught in Allahabad). Probably when they realized that the boy was gone, they got frightened and fled to the North. And they were arrested in Allahabad—I had made a very strong formation and had ...
... qualified as a barrister and returned to India in 1912 to practise at the Allahabad High Court as his father's junior. The seven years Nehru spent in England had left him, as he wrote some years later, "a queer mixture of the East and West, out of place everywhere, at home nowhere. " Nehru tried to settle down at Allahabad as a lawyer, but his heart was not in the legal profession. Deep within him... Life's Philosophy Introduction Among the great leaders of India's renaissance, Jawaharlal Nehru stands out prominently. He was born at Allahabad on November 14, 1889. He was educated at home until the age of sixteen by English governesses and tutors. In 1905, he went to Harrow, one of England's leading schools, where he studied for two years... of Physics (New York: 1936), p. 301. 2. Chorus from The Bacchae of Euripides. Gilbert Murray's translation. A few dates 1889 (November, 14) - Birth of Nehru in Allahabad. 1905 - Goes to England for study in Harrow and Cambridge. 1912 - Return to India. 1912 - First arrest and jail. 1923 ...
... then bolstered up their autocracy by the excuse that Allahabad must not be over-represented at the Conference. This excuse was a palpable trick since under the present rules it is impossible to prevent the place of the Conference from being over-represented. As a matter of fact among the few delegates who attended, Page 234 Allahabad had an overwhelming majority. No sane man can expect... long as it is sought to suppress the new spirit by autocratic methods or dishonest manoeuvres, there can be no talk of peace or unity. The conduct of Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya and his caucus at Allahabad has been both autocratic and dishonest. The delegates elected at the Railway Theatre were elected according to methods that have always been held valid by the Congress and there has never before been... expect concord and compromise between the parties while such trickery is considered a legitimate party manoeuvre. The penalty this time has been the failure of the Allahabad Conference. The penalty next time, unless the caucus learn wisdom, may be open war and the holding of two separate Conferences in the same province. Page 235 ...
... of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology, University of Allahabad: History to Prehistory: Archaeology of the Vindhyas and the Ganga Valley by G.R. Sharma. 2 Co-workers with Sharma were not only Indian archaeologists but also Dr. M.A.J. Williams and Keith Royce, who were members of the team led by Professor J. Desmond Clark of Allahabad University. The following passages from Sharma are well worth... and Koldihwa have yielded evidence of both wild and domesticated cattle, thus presenting an interesting picture of transition from wild variety to 2. Published by the University of Allahabad, Department of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology. Page 152 domesticated ones. The change in size and bone structure attest to nature's law of selection. Evidence of wild... 81) After this Sethna goes on to point out the existence of kapazum in Mesopotamian records, the equivalent of the Sanskrit karpasa. 10. Mookerji, R.K., Ancient India , Allahabad: University Press, 1956, p. 121. Page 160 In this connection Leemans, 11 who also credits the Meluhha-Mlechchha equation we have elaborated, has a number of highly suggestive ...
... The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil Jawaharlal Nehuru sitting with his daughter Indira and niece Chanderlekha Pandit at Anand Bhawan, Allahabad, 1925. Courtesy JMMI, New Delhi Letters from a Father to His Daughter Introduction Aspiration is the hallmark of a good pupil. Through the kindling of aspiration the flame of knowledge... book. Page 376 The Book of Nature When you and I are together you often ask me questions about many things and I try to answer them. Now that you are at Mussoorie and I am in Allahabad we cannot have these talks. I am therefore going to write to you from time to time short accounts of the story of our earth and the many countries, great and small, into which it is divided. You have... written on stone tablets and pillars. Books cannot last long. Their paper rots away and gets moth-eaten. But stones last much longer. Perhaps you remember seeing the great stone pillar of Ashoka in the Allahabad Fort. On this is cut out in stone a proclamation of Ashoka who was a great king of India many hundreds of years ago. If you go to the museum in Lucknow you will find many stone tablets with words ...
... Haridwar to Allahabad, the Ganga flows parallel to the Yamuna, another important river flowing through North India, each describing a huge arc. It flows past Garhmukteshwar, the very place where the goddess Ganga is said to have appeared to Shantanu (ancestor of the Pandavas), and Bithur, a city close to but much older than Kanpur, the site of an ancient Shiva temple, before reaching Allahabad, an important... important religious centre of India. It is said that Allahabad is a sacred place with soul cleansing powers, particularly so because the mythical, subterranean river Saraswati is said to join the Ganga and Yamuna at this point — a speck of white sand known as the Sangam. In Vedic times, there was a settlement at this confluence, known as Prayag, where the Vedas were written. Brahma himself is... is said to have performed a sacrifice here. Huen Tsang visited Prayag in 634 AD. It was under the Mogul Emperor Akbar that Prayag was renamed Illahabas, later to be changed to Allahabad. Overlooking the confluence is a massive, historic red stone fort built by Akbar. Like Haridwar, Varanasi is also a temple town of India. However, it is difficult to describe Varanasi. As Shri Ramakrishna ...
... of Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology, University of Allahabad: History to Prehistory: Archaeology of the Vindhyas and the Ganga Valley by G.R. Sharma. Co-workers with Sharma were not only Indian archaeologists but also Dr. M.A.J. Williams and Keith Royce, who were members of the team led by Professor J. Desmond Clark of Allahabad University. The following passages from Sharma are well worth ...
... Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram Convention and Conference 04-April-1908 When the leaders of the Moderate party meet at Allahabad, they will be on their trial before India and all the world. They have done much in the past for the country. Whatever we may think of the views they hold or the methods dear to them, they are the... end to the natural evolution of the Congress. The Convention was the creation of Sir Pherozshah Mehta who will leave no stone unturned to save his offspring when the Convention Committee meets at Allahabad; it will be seen whether the fear of Sir Pherozshah Mehta or the fear of the country is strongest in the hearts of the Moderate leaders. They are still, it seems, undecided as to their course, a dangerous... events and exercising the influence of its authorised officials to bring about such resolutions as would help the reconciliation of the parties. It depends entirely on the result of the meeting at Allahabad whether the Committee is to assert its existence or quietly allow itself to cease when the main object for which it came into being has been accomplished. Convention and Conference are both mere party ...
... The London Times and the Pioneer of Allahabad seem to have received a commission from the Government of India to take occasional excursions into the region of History and Political Economy to prove that the foreign despotism in India cannot but make for the good of the people. The other day, we pointed out in these columns that the Allahabad Oracle has stumbled upon some economic and scientific ...
... Swarup, The Aryan Problem: a linguistic approach (Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi). Monier-Williams, M.; Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Oxford, 1899). Mookerji, R.K., Ancient India (Allahabad, 1956). Chandragupta Maury a and his Times (Madras University, 1943). Hindu Civilization I (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1957). Page 439 Natarajan, P., "Home of the... anthropology of India, Pakistan and Nepal, ed. J.R. Lukacs (Plenum Press, N.Y. and London, 1984). Sharma, G.R., History to Prehistory: archaeology of the Vindhyas and the Ganga Valley (Allahabad, 1980). Shastri, K.D., The Ganapatha ascribed to Pānini (Kurukshetra, 1967). Shukla, S.P., "Protohistoric art of Punjāb and Haryana", in Haryana Sahitya Akademi Journal of ...
... CELEBRATE PAL DEMONSTRATION NINTH. HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. [3] [Telegrams from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta to Sitanath Adhikari, Pabna; Ananda Sen, Jalpaiguri; Jatindra Sen care Citizen, Allahabad; Lajpat Rai, Lahore; Bharati, 15 Broadway, Madras; Dr Moonje, Nagpur:] CELEBRATE PAL DEMONSTRATION NINTH. HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. [4] [Telegrams from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta ...
... result has been to raise a storm of Extremism in South and North alike and set the cry of Boycott ringing from one end of India to the other. The shamelessly arbitrary action of the Moderate caucus at Allahabad has done more to kill the old and help the new than the free admission of the Boycotters could possibly have done. The selection at the last moment of Srijut Deepnarain as President in the hope of ...
... the bureaucracy to succeed long in isolating the struggle. The second feature of the year has been the rapid growth of the Nationalist party. It has in a few months absorbed Eastern Bengal, set Allahabad and the North on fire and is stirring Madras to its depths. In Bengal it has become a distinct and recognised force so powerful in its moral influence that petitioning is practically dead and the ...
... May.1908 Bande Mataram What Committee? 11-March-1908 There are signs that the compromise arrived at at Pabna will be ignored by the Moderates at Allahabad. We have received a communication from two leading gentlemen of Barisal enclosing a draft constitution for the Congress which seems to be a reply to another draft forwarded in the name of some Calcutta ...
... the audacity of this assertion. Does the Bengalee imagine that the Nationalists are going to accept a Congress called by the Convention, a Constitution framed by a handful of gentlemen meeting at Allahabad and a creed or "statement of objects" which contradict their fundamental Page 1064 principles? Its appeal to the country to bring about an united Congress stands convicted, coming after ...
... he has himself by calling for the official sword to exterminate us removed that error. He publishes himself now as the righteous Bibhishan who, with the Sugrives, Angads and Hanumans of Madras and Allahabad, has gone to join the Avatar of Radical absolutism in the India Office, and ourselves as the Rakshasa to be destroyed by this new Holy Alliance. Even this formidable conjunction does not alarm us ...
... their separate individuality and existence and decline to enter the Congress on terms Page 272 which would make them an inoperative force and perpetuate the misbegotten creature of the Allahabad Convention Committee under the name of the Congress. Nor should they be drawn into experiments in England which are, at present, of doubtful value or none. OTHER WRITINGS BY SRI AUROBINDO IN ...
... religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, are counted in the hundreds of millions. The Pope draws crowds of hundreds of thousands; in the year 2001 the participants in the Kumbha Mela, at Allahabad in India, the greatest human gathering ever, numbered seventy million; tens of thousands have marched on the White House in Washington for one Christian cause or another; and tens of thousands perform ...
... l. Op. cit., I, p. 20. Page 423 Problems of the Allāhābād Pillar Inscription Face to face with Samudragupta's Daivaputra-Shāhi-Shāhānushdhi-Śaka - Murunda of the Allahabad Pillar Inscription, and even with the constellation of nine obeisance-offering tribes named in it , we are bound to be told : "Can you put in the 3rd century B.C., in post-Alexandrine India ...
... both the Dasyu tribes and the 14."Aryan Settlements in India", The Vedic Age, p.250 15. The Vedic Index, II, p. 246. 16. The Secret of the Veda, p. 224. 17. Ancient India (Allahabad, 1955), p. 56. Page 111 Dāsa race, puts forth a sweeping definition of them in terms of the non-human. It has the statement: "they are not men." And the identical expression - amānuṣa ...
... the Puspak, the aerial car) of the dark shore-line, dark with rows of Tamāla and palm-forests, as also in the description of the Page 34 confluence of Ganga and Yamunā at Allahabad, and in the episode of Indumatīsvayamvara (the description where Indumati selects Aja amidst the prospective candidates coming for marriage from all over India) too, but much more so in the episode ...
... Aurobindo for 45 minutes. Then they were joined by Tandon and others. The following excerpt from A.B. Purani's record of the conversation is of interest. SRI AUROBINDO: How are things getting on at Allahabad? P. T.: We are trying to carry out Mahatmaji's programme. LAJPAT RAI: Are you really trying to carry it out? (turning to Sri Aurobindo) They are trying to capture local bodies. P. T.: I ...
... looked upon the Muslim community as a distinct and separate community. That was the justification he gave to create Pakistan. This feeling was echoed by the proposal made by Mohammed Iqbal. At the Allahabad Congress of 1930, he said: "I would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire or without ...
... methods to bring about spiritual and cultural unity. As a first step, they created sacred religious places and distributed them all over the country; some of the places are in Haridwar, Prayag near Allahabad, Gaya, Nasik, Dwarka, Puri, Kumbakonam and Rameswaram. One may also note the great influence of temples all over India. Not only were they religious places of worship, but structures ...
... as a true representative of the Muslims. He looked upon the Muslim community as a distinct and separate community. This feeling was further increased by the proposal made by Mohammed Iqbal. In the Allahabad Congress of 1930, he said: "I would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire or without ...
... pilgrims Page 37 flock. Here are the age-old towns that stand dreaming of the past glory: Ayodhya of Rama of the Raghus, Mathura and Vrindaban of Krishna, Sarnath of Buddha, Allahabad where Ganga the daughter of Himavan meets Yamuna the daughter of the Sun, Agra with its Tajmahal like a teardrop on the cheeks of Time. And here lies its brightest jewel, Benares, where Shiva the ...
... the appeal for funds for the university centre were: S. Radhakrishnan, K. M. Munshi, R. R. Diwakar, Tan Yun-Shan, Nandalal Bose, Hare- krishna Mahtab. Vice-chancellers of the Universities of Agra, Allahabad, Bombay, Gujrat etc. Publication of Parts Two and Three of Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri. Most of Part Three were dictated by him at a stretch in 1950. 1953 December 10 : ...
... what this involved, he replied that the ultimate aim and object was to turn out the foreigners. I know nothing about the manufacturing of bombs, etc., in the garden. About three months ago I visited Allahabad, Bindhachal, Chunar and Benares in order to see what the country was like. After I left the Zillah School, i.e., about a year ago, I preached Swadeshi with Sishir Kumar Ghose in villages, Sagardari ...
... reckoned with and that every one of his moves was worth watching. It was easy for the Moderate leaders - the Lion of Bombay and the seagreen incorruptible of Poona, the two sonorous Pandits of Allahabad, the great lawyers and constitutionalists of Calcutta and Madras, and the clever calculators and formula-hunters everywhere - to try to dismiss the Nationalists with a snigger, poohpooh their adolescent ...
... Parishad. Ramananda Chatterji was the founder editor of the Bengali magazine 1 Rapture of trance. 2 Upalabdhi = realization. Page 277 Prabasi (1901, from Allahabad), as well as the founder editor of the Modern Review (1907); he too was an educationist. Lalit Mohan Das hailed from Barisal, he had taken active part from 1905 onwards during the Partition and ...
... breaking for its own sake. The Bengalee calls upon the people to repudiate these traitors, and the Tribune of Lahore, the Indu Prakash and Social Reformer of Bombay, the Indian People of Allahabad have by this time swelled that cry. The principle that underlay our attempt to get Lajpat elected to the Presidential chair has not been appreciated by the Punjabee , the Hindu and even Lala Lajpat ...
... wonderful workings. When we left Pabna we knew that He was at work to unite the Bengali race. We hope yet to see that He is at work to unite the Indian people. When the Convention Committee meets at Allahabad, it will be seen whether it is His will to unite the parties into a single whole or to separate them from each other, so that the work of salvation may be hastened by the energy of the Nationalist ...
... preachings of the Nawab's Mullahs have been as persistent, as malignant in Barisal, in Calcutta, in every strong centre of Swadeshism. But though there have been alarms and excursions even as far west as Allahabad and Benares, the campaign has for the present signally failed outside the limits of Nawab Salimullah's kingdom. This is a fact to be noted. We do not say that Salimullahism carries no dangers with ...
... The Question of the President 03-April-1908 The union of the two parties in the Congress is now in sight. If the Convention Committee which is about to meet at Allahabad, will be guided by the country and not by the single will of one masterful and obstinate personality, the reconciliation of the parties is certain. When this desirable consummation is brought about ...
... Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram The Wheat and the Chaff 23-April-1908 The result of the Convention meeting at Allahabad is now certain and it seems that after a brief struggle Sir Pherozshah has prevailed. We have done much for reunion, and have striven in vain. The personality of Sir Pherozshah Mehta and the votes ...
... British absolutism out of self-interest and not from any love of it or conviction of its goodness and utility. It is these men who have brought about the Surat fiasco, the Convention, the creed and the Allahabad constitution, and the Surendranaths and Gokhales have been tools in their hands. Conventionalism is a factor in our politics which makes for reaction, a revolt against the new ideas and a direct negation ...
... doomed to suffer without reward and fall without glory. The times are thickening already with the shadow of a great darkness. The destruction of the Congress, begun at Surat and accomplished at Allahabad, is the prelude for the outburst of the storm that has long been brewing. Great issues were involved in that historic struggle at Surat of which none of the Page 1071 actors were aware ...
... all life as the field of Yoga, and hence as providing fit subjects for the shilpa-yogin' s contemplation and 25 Abanindranath Tagore, Bageshwari Shilpa Prabandhābali, Calcutta, Allahabad, Bombay, 1969, p.1. (Author's translation). 26 Questions and Answers, CWM, Vol. 3, p. 105. 27 Ibid., Vol. 6, p. 83. Page 251 representation in the new spiritual ...
... of one of the oldest cultures-in Central Asia. Isolated from other Kafir 3. Chandragupta Maury a and His Times (University of Madras, 1943), p. 314. 4.R.K. Mookerji, Ancient India (Allahabad, 1956), p. 247. 5.R.K. Mookerji, The Gupta Empire (Bombay, 1947), p. 137. Page 86 tribes who had been compelled to embrace Islam, they had gods "linked to the old Indian pantheon" ...
... Empire", The Age of Imperial Unity, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalmar (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1953) Aśoka (Rajkamal Publications, Ltd., Delhi, 1955) Ancient India (Allahabad, 1956) Hindu Civilisation (Bhavan's Book University, 1957), II In Indian Culture, I Moreland and Atul Chandra Chatterji, A Short History of India (1945) Muir ...
... the sale proceeds of his paintings (which amounted to Rs 160) Nishikanto left Bali with a few clothes, a stove to cook on and some other items. He went on a pilgrimage and visited Gaya, Sarnath, Allahabad and Varanasi. One day while meditating on the banks of the river Niranjana, he saw the luminous figure of the Buddha appear and tell him: “Though I have obtained my realization here, I am not confined ...
... expression "Bedlam let loose" etc.? Bedlamic syntax = rollickingly mad syntax. Guru, Dilipda requests me, as you will see, to type this letter [Dilip's letter written to Sri Aurobindo, from Allahabad], for your facility. I will certainly type it out, if required. Kindly send ii in the afternoon. I have helped you here and there—in pencil. Surely the Supramental is a greater decipherer than the ...
... bring about spiritual and cultural unity. As a first step, they created sacred religious places and distributed them all over the country; some of the places are in Haridwar, Prayag near Allahabad, Gaya, Nasik, Dwarka, Puri, Kumbakonam and Rameswaram. Another method they adopted was the repetition of the sacred text, which every Indian had to use every time he went to bathe: ...
... exponents of educated native thought in Bengal they might claim a consideration to which their numerical strength would hardly entitle them. Then, there were the representatives of Lahore, Lucknow, Agra, Allahabad Benares, each representing Political Associations collectively of very widespread influence. Besides these representatives, who would take an actual part in the proceedings, he rejoiced to see present ...
... The rules prescribed in its constitution for organising branches of the League were not stringent. Hence branches were quickly found at Adyar, Kumbakonam, Madanapalli, Madurai, Calicut, Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Benares, Bombay and Kanpur. Soon, there were as many as 200 branches, all enjoying virtual autonomy. Communications with the headquarters were carried on either through individuals who were active ...
... do without what it calls, a "subject", an individual", " a personality". Here is what a great scholar of psychology and philosophy, the late Prof. R. D. Ranade, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Allahabad University, has to say on the subject: " Modern writers on psychology give no attention to Rational Psychology; they consider it either useless or metaphysical. " As Prof. James Ward points out, modern ...
... seemed both of them had agreed on many points. Sri Aurobindo then met the other members of party. He turned to Purushottamadas Tandon. Sri Aurobindo : How are things getting on at Allahabad ? P . T . : We are trying to carry out Mahatmaji's programme. Lajpat Rai : Are you really trying to carry it out ? (Turning to Sri Aurobindo ) they are trying to capture local bodies ...
... intellectual side of yoga which the mind of the Sadhak must grasp as it would be helpful to him. But it is the experience which is the most important thing. 12-10-1925 In a letter from Allahabad a question was asked: “Do you find that you are more energetic after practicing yoga than you were when you appeared for the I.C.S. examination?” Sri Aurobindo, turning to a disciple, asked ...
... only two powers can give the Supermind: Sri Aurobindo or the Higher Power herself. 2 August. A letter from Motilal Nehru asking Sri Aurobindo to contribute an article to his paper published from Allahabad. 3 August. A telegram from Natwarlal Bharatia of Surat. A letter sent in reply. 15 August. Celebration of Sri Aurobindo's birthday. The verandah where he sat was decorated with jasmine garlands ...
... sarcastic editorial which concluded with these pointed and envenomed words: He [Gokhale] publishes himself now as the righteous Bibhisan who, with the Sugrives, Angads, and Hanumans of Madras and Allahabad, has gone to join the Avatar of Radical Absolutism in the India Office, and ourselves as the Rakshasa to be destroyed by this new Holy Alliance. An intimate knowledge of the Ramayana is ...
... came out from July 1909. It was published from N°4 Telkal Ghat Road, Howrah ('Manager-cum-Proprietor: Gyanendra Nath Bandopadhyay, B.A.'). Amar notes that a Hindi Karmayogin was published from Allahabad under the editorship of Prof. Sundarlal. But then Sri Aurobindo had become the centre of life and hope to the Bengalis. They clamoured to read him in his and their mother-tongue. Not translation ...
... lived and looked after a Saiva Math, where Sivan had installed Nataraj. The couple also cared for the visiting pilgrims. At Benares Bharati joined the Central Hindu College, affiliated to the Allahabad University. Here the young man learned both Sanskrit and Hindi, apart from fine-tuning his English. And this time there was no restraining him. Triumphantly he passed the Entrance Examination in first ...
... Arabindo Babu, some were quite hostile, to be frank. The Englishman led the field in anti-Arabindo Babu hectoring. That is not to say that other papers of the ilk trailed much behind! The Pioneer of Allahabad, for instance, wrote sarcastically: "The sudden disappearance of Mr. Arabinda Ghose from Calcutta has naturally enough created some excitement as well as embarrassment among his friends. It ...
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