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Amir Abdur Rahman : Abd-ul-Rahman Khan (1844-1901): Son of Afzal Khan, & grandson of the Amir Dost Muhammad: confirmed by his uncle Sher Ali, in 1863, in govt. in Turkistan: took part in the civil war between his father & Sher Ali: escaped to Bokhara when his father was imprisoned in 1864: collected a force & defeated Sher Ali in 1866 & recovered Kabul for his father: 1867 became Commander-in-Chief to his uncle Muhammad Azim: was defeated by Yakub Khan in 1869 & made for Bokhara, receiving an allowance from Russia: in 1880 when Yakub abdicated he was recognised & then nominated Amir of Kabul by the British: subsequently occupied Kandahar when British evacuated from there: established his power throughout Afghanistan in 1881 & had frontier disputes with Russia: visited Viceroy Dufferin at Rawalpindi in 1885: in 1893 received Sir Henry Mortimer Durand’s mission to settle frontier questions which at that time had nearly led to hostilities: ruled with an iron hand: employed English firms & experts of work for him at Kabul & greatly strengthened his kingdom & military power but maintained the tradition of keeping foreigners in general out of his country. [Buckland]
... seen the inception of a great scheme of National Education which may lay the basis of a State, strong in itself, organised on modern lines and equipped with scientific knowledge and training. Amir Abdur Rahman consolidated Afghanistan; it is evidently the mission of Habibullah, who seems not inferior in statesmanship to his great father, to modernise it. In Persia the year has brought about a peaceful ...
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