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Amrita Bazar Patrika : started in 1868 by Shishir Ghose & his brothers as a Bengali weekly in their village Amrita Bazar in Jessore, the next year it added columns in English. Shifted to Calcutta in 1871, it continued to be bilingual till March 1878 when, due to Gov.-Gen. Lytton’s Vernacular Press Act, it converted overnight (21 March 1878) into an English weekly (published also for a time from Allahabad). It became a daily from February 1891; shortly thereafter Motilal Ghose (q.v.) became one of the editors. Asked whether it was also an extremist paper during his time in Calcutta, Sri Aurobindo replied: “Never…. It wanted safety first.” [Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo, A.B. Purani, 2007, p.570]

37 result/s found for Amrita Bazar Patrika

... Ghose. These accounts, as well as official reports, note that the police allowed many delegates to pass, not just the first three, before attacking the younger men ( Bengalee , April 17 - 18; Amrita Bazar Patrika , April 16, 19; Government of India, HPA June 1906, 152 - 68). Sri Aurobindo, then new to politics, is not mentioned in any of these accounts. 84 ... League's demand for Pakistan without partitioning the country.) [1] In March 1946, before all the details of the proposal were known, Sri Aurobindo was asked his initial reaction by the Amrita Bazar Patrika . He wrote this response on 24 March. Issued in the name of his secretary Nolini Kanta Gupta, it was published in the Patrika on 26 March and later reprinted in other newspapers. [2] Nine... On 11 December 1948 it was read out at a convocation at the university. The message was published in the Hindu on 12 December 1948, and subsequently in other newspapers, such as in the Amrita Bazar Patrika (22 December 1948). In 1949 it was reproduced in the pamphlet Messages of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother . Letters Related to the Andhra University Award. [1] This letter, in which ...


... jumps of his logic from trivial premises to gigantically incongruous conclusions, in his heroic attempt to make bricks out of straw. His chief arguments are that the Arya Samajists read the Amrita Bazar Patrika and the Punjabee , Page 402 —to say nothing of the long defunct Bande Mataram ,—and that some of the prominent members of the Arya Samaj are politicians and yet remain members... Swaraj Case Justice Chandavarkar has declared it to be the law that to condemn terrorism in strong language and trace it to its source is sedition. At Patiala it is contended that to read the Amrita Bazar Patrika and the Punjabee is sedition. We are not quite sure that at Patiala the prosecuting counsel did not hint that to bring Christianity or Mahomedanism into contempt or hatred is sedition. And... Government is accused of injustice, say, in the matter of the deportations or the Gulab Bano case; for that inevitably creates hatred. Therefore strong criticism of the Government is sedition. The Amrita Bazar Patrika and Punjabee strongly criticise the Government. Therefore they are seditious papers and their readers seditious conspirators. Every official is a member of the Government established by law; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... so it lacks the charm of novelty. The Amrita Bazar Patrika has also become an object of Mr. N. N. Ghose's scientific investigations. He has discovered that this great organ of public opinion is returning to light,—in other words, that it was mad and is becoming sane. We do not precisely know why. The passages quoted from the Amrita Bazar Patrika merely repeat views which it has been insisting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... 64 was held back, and the search of the Karmayogin Simultaneously, the police swooped down on his papers Dharma and the Karmayogin. The next day, Tuesday 5 April 1910, Amrita Bazar Patrika published the news. "The Karmayogin office was searched by the police last evening from 5 p.m. to about 8 p.m. Superintendent Creagan, Inspectors of Shyampukur and Burtolla and one... the smallest justification for searching the house of Babu Krishna Kumar Mitter. And we ask again when will proceedings of this kind come to an end?" (6 April 1910) The editorial in the Amrita Bazar Patrika day, "Why was the Sanjivani office and residential house at all searched? That is the question which is just now agitating the educated community in town very much. The object, it ...

... to taunt the government. The Bengal Government was red in the face. Naturally, as is the habit of newspapers, they served the public with a delightful mixture of fact and fiction. The Amrita Bazar Patrika, Friday, March 18, 1910. MR. ARAVINDA GHOSE-MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE "Mr. Arabinda Ghose, who was since his release from 'hajut' [jail] in connection with Alipur Bomb case, residing... not strange that the British rulers who did their best to undermine caste as a social institution were the ones who did their best to perpetuate it? Page 55 On 22 March the Amrita Bazar Patrika reprinted the above text as Editorial Notes. Among the papers which retorted to the sarcastic remarks of the Pioneer, was Bharat Mitra (2 April 1910): 'You may cut jokes at Babu ...

... marked confidential. Now, however, that the matter has got abroad, we may as well correct certain inaccuracies which have appeared not only in the Statesman 's bit of romancing, but in the Amrita Bazar Patrika 's correction. It is entirely untrue that on Monday afternoon or any other afternoon, evening or morning "a notice was served upon the proprietors, editor, manager and printer of this paper... simple reason that none was necessary. The Editorial Department is solely responsible for the policy of the paper and they have no need to consult lawyers about their duty to the public. The Amrita Bazar Patrika is therefore wrongly informed when it says that legal opinion has been taken and given in the matter. It is true that legal opinion is being taken by the Company, but it is on a point of law ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Karmayogin Facts and Opinions The United Congress The controversy which has arisen between the Bengalee and the Amrita Bazar Patrika on the subject of a united Congress does not strike us as likely to help towards the solution of this difficult question. We should ourselves have preferred to hold silence until the negotiations now proceeding between... Pherozshah Mehta before they will admit fellowship with us then farther negotiations are useless. Disunion must take its course. The Spirit of the Negotiations Both the Bengalee and the Amrita Bazar Patrika seem to us to misunderstand the spirit of the negotiations which are proceeding. The Patrika harps on the inconsistency of the Moderate leaders negotiating on one side and at the same time ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... event alone, but even more, the manner in which the arrest had been made, the handcuffing and the other atrocities and humiliations - created a mighty sensation in the whole country. The Amrita Bazar Patrika asked editorially: But why were they (Sri Aurobindo and others) pounced upon in this mysterious manner, handcuffed, and then dragged before the Police Commissioner? Where was the necessity... and daughter of India for help to defend a brother, - my brother and theirs too. 14 This moving appeal, wrung from a sister's heart, was eloquently supported by the Bengalee, the Amrita Bazar Patrika and other leading papers. Response to the appeal was not very slow in coming; and it came - as it often does - from the most unexpected places. A blind beggar - all deathless honour to him ...

... any of the meetings or processions recently organised were disorderly or led to disturbance or public inconvenience. The only fresh emergency was the political. A Hint from Dinajpur The Amrita Bazar Patrika notices a case from Dinajpur which may give a few hints to Sir Edward Baker if he really wants or is wanted to establish police autocracy in Calcutta. Mr. Garlick there justified the caning ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram The Utility of Ideals 03-April-1908 We notice that a correspondent of the Amrita Bazar Patrika , finding himself out of his depth at the Federation Ground Meeting, rather plaintively asks Bipin Babu to come down from the heights of philosophy and talk to the people of Swadeshi, Boycott ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... presence; Madras could muster only twelve; the Central Provinces sent so Page 377 few that the reporters are ashamed to mention the number. The United Provinces sent, according to the Amrita Bazar Patrika 's correspondent, about thirty; the Bombay number is not mentioned, but even the Statesman does not go beyond eighty; the rest came from the Punjab. Even the Anglo-Indian champion of Conventionism ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... for one actually stood thus in the early days of my stay in the Ashram. I would go to the Ashram's Reading Room every morning to pick up only the "Literary Supplements" of the Hindu or the Amrita Bazar Patrika. I used to see the race of the sadhaks, with Nolini generally first at the winning post, when the bag of dailies from the GPO was emptied on the mats. I was placidly unaware that Hitler had ...


... declaration of His Majesty's Government substantially confers that freedom for which Indian Nationalism has so long struggled.     2 This statement was given in reply to a request from Amrita Bazar Patrika for Sri Aurobindo's views on the British Cabinet Mission, 1946. Page 29 THE FIFTEENTH OF AUGUST 1947 I 1 August 15th is ...

... experience. The starting of a new life has been a strong idea among many people for a long time. Anukul Thakur, Radhashyam and Dayanand had all the same idea. EVENING NIRODBARAN: In the Amrita Bazar Patrika there is a report that Surendra Mohan Ghose is unanimously going to be chosen as the President of the new B.P.C.C. SRI AUROBINDO: I am rather surprised. Let me see the report. NIRODBARAN: ...


... could have taken Trondjheim if he had been given the command. He is a famous man. (Later, to Purani while lying in bed) The Prabuddha Bharata has a remarkable article quoted from the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Have you seen it? PURANI: No. SRI AUROBINDO: See it. It is there on the table. You may find something familiar in the style. PURANI: It seems to be from your Defence of Indian ...


... always counts in the economy of the universe." After the War, the Labour Government of U.K. sent a Cabinet Mission to India in 1946 for fresh talks. Asked to give his views on the mission by Amrita Bazar Patrika , a leading daily in the country, Sri Aurobindo said: "Sri Aurobindo thinks it unnecessary to volunteer a personal pronouncement... His position is known. He has always stood for India's ...

... Bombay special session to Pune and VOC was among the invitees to discuss the future course of action. When VOC rose to spoke he was "loudly cheered". Motilal Ghose, the venerated editor of Amrita Bazar Patrika, who was present on the occasion, expressed his desire to see the hero of Swadeshi days and warmly hugged VOC. Page 131 Momentous times Tilak's case against ...

... youth to boycott British goods. This was followed by successive calls for boycott of British goods through Krishna Kumar Mitra's weekly paper, Sanjivani on 13 July 1905 and an article in Amrita Bazar Patrika on 17 July 1905 by an unknown correspondent 'G' (probably Sri Aurobindo or his brother Barindra Kumar Ghosh). To cap it all, it was adopted at the Calcutta Town Hall meeting on 7 August 1905 ...

... countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give them all of these but not your souls nor your minds". (Amrita Bazar Patrika, July 4 1940). Thus we see that according to Gandhi, Indian culture was synonymous with absolute nonviolence; recourse to violence was wrong even in as grave a situation as the British were ...

... through his weekly organ, the Sanjivani (July 13, 1905) found a ready response in the country. The Sanjivani's call for Boycott was soon followed by a similar call given out by the Amrita Bazar Patrika which published on July 17, 1905, a letter over the initial 'G', in which the Boycott of English goods was strongly advocated. 'G' was first believed to be the name of Lal Mohan Ghose, but ...

... to which Montagu gave only a partial reply. To an additional query on the fate of the publishers he replied that the Secretary of State was 'not aware' of any other warrants in this matter. Amrita Bazar Patrika, in its editorial on 20 April expressed great surprise. "Mr. Montagu, the Under Secretary of State for India, said in answer to Mr. Ramsay MacDonald: that he was not aware of any warrants ...

... Corrections of Statements Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes The Alipore Bomb Case The Amrita Bazar Patrika asked editorially: " ... but why were they (Aurobindo and others) pounced upon in this mysterious manner, handcuffed and then dragged before the Police Commissioner...." No, tied with a rope; 1 this was taken ...


... the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these but not your souls nor your minds____" (Amrita Bazar Patrika, July 4, 1940, "Method of Non-violence —Mahatma Gandhi's appeal to every Briton.") Page 229 July 7, 1940 With [Sub has] Bose on one side and Gandhi on the other ...


... not know the addresses of the Nationalist members?—did not know for instance, that Mr. Rasul was a Barrister-at-law, or Sj. Motilal Ghose edited a not altogether unknown journal called the Amrita Bazar Patrika or Srijut Bipin Chandra was Page 570 connected with a weekly called New India of which also even Bombay worthies must at least have heard. Or was it merely an amiable bit of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... them that these were the only terms on which the Moderate party would admit of the idea of union. It was not accepted at all by the Bengal Nationalists and it has been recently admitted by the Amrita Bazar Patrika that letters were received from the Mofussil repudiating the surrender on the question of the creed. How is it that the Bengalee persists in ignoring these facts? The compromise was rejected ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... responsibility of Sri Aurobindo, the "Editor", and Shyam Sunder Chakravarti (here spelled Chuckerbutty). [5] A note on the use of Calcutta newspapers. The Englishman, Bengalee, Amrita Bazar Patrika, Empire, Statesman and Daily News were newspapers of Calcutta. Lacking its own reporters and the wherewithal to subscribe to the wire services, the Bande Mataram lifted most of its news ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... centre of scientific and technical education; it can no longer be a workshop in which national spirit and energy are to be forged and shaped. The Progress of China A recent article in the Amrita Bazar Patrika gives a picture of the enormous educational progress made by China in a few years. In the short time since the Boxer troubles China has revolutionised her educational system, established a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... 1946, the British Government decided to send a Cabinet Mission to India to negotiate with Indian leaders for the eventual transfer of power to Indian hands. Sri Aurobindo was requested by the Amrita Bazar Patrika to give his views on this important development and on March 24, 1946, the following statement was issued by him: 'Sri Aurobindo thinks it unnecessary to volunteer a personal pronouncement ...


... the morning she found a heap of these newspapers, and ourselves making a jolly good feast of them. Suddenly one day to our surprise all the papers stopped coming except The Hindu and the Amrita Bazar Patrika . Sri Aurobindo looked as usual for the Daily Mail . We had to tell him that the Mother had banned all these papers, for they seemed to spoil the atmosphere of the room. The Mother did not ...

... 1940 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 11 JANUARY 1940 Today we showed Sri Aurobindo the Amrita Bazar Patrika "Forecast of the Year" by one Capricornicus. SRI AUROBINDO (after reading it) : Hitler, it says, will be crushed in March; it may happen but there is no sign of it at present. Most of the things will happen, it seems, in the first quarter of the year ...


... Express wrote that it was "the chance of many life-times to be present at the birth of a city, and of a city, too, that will be in tune with the noblest ideals of India and the world". The Amrita Bazar Patrika said that Auroville was "going to be a laboratory of the evolving world city". Angelo Moretta wrote in Giornale d'ltalia that Auroville would "serve to translate into reality the teachings ...

... Bomb Case), 310ff, 359. 367 Alipur Jail, 202, 307, 310, 330, 388, 444, 490,525 Ambedkar, B. R., 496-497 Ambirajan, S., 13fn. Amrita (Aravamudachari), 405, 525, 536, 540 Amrita Bazar Patrika, 229,309, 312 Anandamath, 76, 194, 219, 337 Andal, 497 Andre Morrisset, 726 Andromeda, 128 Anger, Roger, 775,780 Appian, 135 Arabian Nights Entertainments, The, 129 ...

... Aurobindo's maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, had made a plea for boycott in his Sanjivani; and on 17 July, a correspondent "G" had strongly advocated boycott in the columns of the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Was "G" really Aurobindo Ghose? Was it Barindra Kumar Ghose? 14 Anyhow, all climaxed in the events of 7 August, and the swadeshi-boycott offensive received the tardy imprimatur of the ...

... Page 552 Mission's work. She refused. In January 1903 the Mission's authorities, headed by Swami Brahmananda, made her write an open letter which was published the next day in the Amrita Bazar Patrika, and in The Statesman whose editor Ratcliffe was a friend of hers; in the letter she said that she was cutting off her relations with the Mission of her own free will. The Mission made ...

... helped in his cause and acknowledge the congratulatory telegrams and letters that kept pouring in from his innumerable admirers and well-wishers. His letter was published on 18 May both in the Amrita Bazar Patrika and The Bengalee. "Sir, Will you kindly allow me to express through your columns my deep sense of gratitude to all who have helped me in my hour of trial? Of the innumerable friends ...

... were in Calcutta; they were given the news after the funeral. Krishna Dhan died in December 1892, most probably on Wednesday the 14 th . An obituary was published on the 15 th in the Amrita Bazar Patrika. On Saturday, 17 December 1892, the Bengalee published the following on the demise of Dr. Ghose. "It is with very great regret that we have to record the death of Dr. K. D. Ghosh, Civil ...

... but these may be met otherwise or as the Review increases its subscribers. Therefore use your best endeavour towards this end." Motilal endeavoured. On 1 July 1914 Calcutta's newspaper Amrita Bazar Patrika announced under the heading ARYA: "It is perhaps known to everybody that a new philosophical monthly, the Arya, will be published from Pondicherry from the 15 th of August under ...