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Anabaptist : Protestant sect of German origin (1521), it rejects infant baptism, & seeks to establish of a Christian communism.
... engendered such compromises as the Episcopalian Churches, at a higher degree of fervour Calvinistic Puritanism, at white heat a riot of individual religious judgment and imagination in such sects as the Anabaptist, Independent, Socinian and countless others. In the East such a movement divorced from all political or any strongly iconoclastic social significance would have produced simply a series of religious ...
... of the West; Indians speak only of "the eternal law,"; sanatana dharma , which they know is not an Indian monopoly but belongs also to the Moslems, the Africans, the Christians, and even to the Anabaptists. What seems to a Westerner to be the most important part of a religion (namely, the structure that distinguishes it from all other religions, insisting that a person is not a Catholic or a Protestant ...
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