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Ananias : member of the Christian Church at Jerusalem; he & his wife Sapphira were struck dead for misrepresenting the amount of their gifts to the Saint Peter.
... himself could have told Luke" of his "conversion". 9 How then is it that both here (9:15) and in the second account (22:14) Paul's mission to work among the Gentiles is revealed to him by a man named Ananias of Damascus and is made explicit, according to the second account (22:21) in the Temple, whereas Paul's own direct assertion (Galatians 1:11-21) is that for his mission he was not responsible to anyone... if Paul himself were relating his experience to the Jews of Jerusalem. 11 The third account is again put into Paul's own mouth, now as told to King Agrippa in Caesarea. Here Jesus, not Ananias, sends Paul to the Pagans to open their eyes (26:17-18). 12 So a contradiction is introduced in Acts itself between two accounts which are both ascribed to Paul. And even the third is not wholly "found ...
... own writing. In Acts 9:6 Jesus orders the dazzled Paul, who has fallen to the ground: "Get up now and go into the city, and you will be told what you have to do." 119 And in Acts 9:15 the Christian Ananias of Damascus, who had a vision of Saul's arrival but who protests to the Lord that Saul has harmed Christians, is told by the Lord: "You must go all the same, because this man is my chosen instrument ...
... wealth; for if, professing to make the complete surrender, we consciously Page 452 & willingly keep back one doit or farthing, we are thieves before God, committing the Biblical sin of Ananias & Sapphira,—stena eva sah,—conscious or half-conscious hypocrites,—mithyáchárah sa uchyate,—and, even if the holding back be unwilled or unconscious, still are we imperfect sadhakas not yet having ...
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