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Anchises : a Trojan prince. His liaison with Aphrodite on Mt. Ida resulted in the birth of Aeneas. Though forbidden to speak of it, he boasted of it to his friends & was blinded or lamed. After Troy fell, he fled with Aeneas & eventually founded Rome.
... triumphant, Reigned adored by the prostrate nations. Now when all ended, Last of its mortal possessors to walk in its flowering gardens, Great Anchises lay in that luminous house of the ancients Soothing his restful age, the far-warring victor Anchises, High Bucoleon's son and the father of Rome by a goddess; Lonely and vagrant once in his boyhood divine upon Ida White Aphrodite ensnared him... gods: but Aeneas departing Clasped his father's knees, the ancient mighty Anchises. "Bless me, my father; I go to the battle. Strong with thy blessing Even today may I hurl down Ajax, slay Diomedes, And on the morrow gaze on the empty beaches of Troas." Troubled and joyless, nought replying to warlike Aeneas Long Anchises sat unmoving, silent, sombre, Gazing into his soul with eyes that were closed... shades of the house and the dreams of the echoing rafters Trusted his high-voiced call, and from chambers still dim in their twilight Strong Aeneas armoured and mantled, leonine striding, Came, Anchises' son; for the dawn had not found him reposing, But in the night he had left his couch and the clasp of Creüsa, Rising from sleep at the call of his spirit that turned to the waters Prompted by ...
... him," So saying, he breathed great power Into Aeneas, and he, the people's shepherd, Strode out through the front line of fighters, his bronze helmet flashing. Nor was the son of Anchises unnoticed by Hera As out he went through the moil* of men to face The son of Peleus. Calling her friends about her, The goddess spoke thus: "Poseidon, Athena, you two Consider... beat of their feet As they charged toward each other. But now their two greatest champions Came out in the space between the two armies, spoiling To battle each other, Aeneas, son of Anchises, And noble Achilles. First came Aeneas, defiantly Tossing his heavy-helmeted head, gripping His gallant shield close in front of his chest, and brandishing Fiercely his bronze-headed... down from days gone by. Men say you're the son Of matchless Peleus and that your mother is Thetis, She of the beautiful braids, a child of the brine. But I claim descent from courageous Anchises, my father, And Aphrodite herself! And of these two couples, One or the other shall this day mourn a dear son, For I don't think we two shall part and leave this struggle Page 54 ...
... triumphant, Reigned adored by the prostrate nations. Now when all ended, Last of its mortal possessors to walk in its flowering gardens, Great Anchises lay in that luminous house of the ancients Soothing his restful age, the far-warring victor Anchises, High Bucoleon's son and the father of Rome by a goddess; Lonely and vagrant once in his boyhood divine upon Ida White Aphrodite ensnared him... shades of the house and the dreams of the echoing rafters Trusted his high-voiced call, and from chambers still dim in their twilight Strong Aeneas armoured and mantled, leonine striding, Came, Anchises' son; for the dawn had not found him reposing, But in the night he had left his couch and the clasp of Creusa, Rising from sleep at the call of his spirit that turned to the waters Prompted by ...
... personification of compelling Necessity or ultimate Fate to which even Zeus and the gods are subject. Anchises: a member of the younger branch of the Trojan royal house and, in Ilion, a Trojan senator. He had a liaison with Mount Ida and Aeneas was born. Anchises was forbidden to speak of the liaison, but boasted of it to his friends. As a result he was according to different... Zeus and, later, Athene; it is represented variously as a goatskin cloak, breastplate or shield, often bordered with flames or serpents, and possessing supernatural power. Aeneas, son of Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite. He is one of the leading Trojan princes, belonging to the younger branch of the royal house. In Ilion allusion is made to the legend of his escape from Troy at the ...
... lady? ANTONIO Tell her my heart is at her feet, and I Am hers, hers only until heaven ceases And after. Tell her that I am more blest In her sweet condescension to my humbleness Than Ilian Anchises when Love's mother Page 816 Stooped from her golden heavens into his lap. Tell her that as a goddess I revere her And as a saint adore; that she and life Are one to me, for I've no ...
... counsels a policy of lying low and secret preparation. Laocon and Paris, however, counsel defiance as Moloch does in Paradise Lost, and so the die is cast. There are partings on the eve of the battle—Anchises and Aeneas, Antenor and Halamus, Paris and Helen, Paris and Cassandra. Meanwhile Achilles has learned of the rejection of his offer and decides upon instant battle. There is a parallel assembly of ...
... in our regions Clymene when he pursued or yearned in vain for Marpessa; Glorifying earth with a human-seeming face of the beauty Brought from her heavenly climes Aphrodite mixed with Anchises. Glimpsed in the wilds were the Satyrs, seen in the woodlands the Graces, Dryad and Naiad in river and forest, Oreads haunting Glens and the mountain-glades where they played with the ...
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