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Andromeda : poem in hexameter by Charles Kingsley.

17 result/s found for Andromeda

... Praxilla! women of the household! Bring out the abominable Andromeda Who brought the woe on Syria. Why should you vainly Be ripped and mangled? CRIES OF WOMEN Bring out Andromeda! Bring out the harlot's daughter, bring her out! CRIES OF MEN Andromeda! Andromeda! Andromeda! Bring out this vile Andromeda to die! Andromeda enters from the inner Palace, followed by slave-girls entreating... offender Against our godhead. Then, O Cassiopea, I'll watch thy eyes. PERISSUS Behold her, Polydaon. Perseus and Andromeda enter the temple. CRIES Andromeda! Andromeda! who has unchained her? It is Andromeda! CEPHEUS It is the spirit of Andromeda. THEROPS Shadows were ne'er so bright, had never smile So sunny! she is given back to earth: It is the radiant winged... take the hearts of all the forest. Andromeda enters. PRAXILLA You have slept late, Andromeda. ANDROMEDA Have I? The sun had risen in my dreams: perhaps I feared to wake lest I should find all dark Page 355 Once more, Praxilla. DIOMEDE He has risen in your eyes, For they are full of sunshine, little princess. ANDROMEDA I have dreamed, Diomede, I have dreamed ...


... but perfectly content—of everything, even the "worst calamities" (what are conventionally called "the worst calamities"). I won't use this story as an example because it's self-explanatory, but if Andromeda were a yogi (with "ifs" you can build castles in the air, but I am trying to explain what I mean), she would accept the idea of death readily, easily. Well, it's precisely this conflict between an... The play was performed some eight years earlier, in December 1954. × In Sri Aurobindo's play, Andromeda, daughter of the King of Syria, is condemned by her own people to be devoured by Poseidon, the Sea-god, for some impiety she had committed against him. The story is actually about the passage of a... in terror of the old dark and cruel gods, to a more evolved and sunlit stage. Perseus, son of Diana and Zeus, and protected by Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom and intelligence, comes to deliver Andromeda from the rock she is chained to (the rock symbolizes the Inconscient for the Rishis), and founds the religion of Athene, "... the Omnipotent / Made from His being to lead and discipline / The immortal ...


... entitled Prince of Edur have been published posthumously. It is not surprising therefore that Perseus is the maturest, but there are fine things in all the plays.         Perseus rescuing Andromeda from the sea-monster is a classical legend which has inspired poets and dramatists of the ancient as well as modern world. Sri Aurobindo has made the legend, "the nucleus round which there could grow... Poseidon. She is chained and exposed to the sea-monster. But at the nick of time Perseus saves her. There are many passages of sustained eloquence, for example Polydaon in his mood of megalomania and Andromeda giving utterance to her despair as she is chained to the rock. Perseus speaks the epitaph over the dead body of Polydaon—an epitaph that would fit other fanatics too, a Hitler for instance! Perseus'... can infer the conclusion in terms of poetic causality. Love is the supreme reality—although it may assume different forms like compassion, adoration, love of the woman, love of the mother. Be it Andromeda, Vasavadutta, Rodogune, Anice-al-jalice, Aslaug, Comol Cumary, woman is love, and love has its varied forms and potencies. It is always love that sets the pace of the action; and love is a redeeming ...


... Iolaus, marry Andromeda and rule over Syria (as well as Tyre). In Act III, Andromeda is about to go on her chosen errand when Pallas Athene appears to her to sustain her in her noble purpose. Reaching the temple, she finds that one of the men, Tymaus, has been released, but the despicable Smerdas is still in chains, his inveterate selfishness being the cause. But Andromeda exclaims: Why... made to see "the first promptings of the deeper and higher psychic and spiritual being which it is * The reader is referred to the present writer's "Andromeda" (Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, 194 for a historical study of the Perseus-Andromeda myth from Euripides to Sri Aurobindo.   Page 120 his ultimate destiny to become". 5 The conflict in the play is both individual and cosmic;... blank verse passages that accurately evoke the terrible plight of an Andromeda chained to the cliff, the insane inflated blood-lust of a Polydaon revelling in images of horror, or yet the radiant serenity, the confident strength and the prophetic aura of a Perseus. Although the "heroic" characters - Perseus, Cassiopea, Andromeda, Iolaus, and the rest - are vividly and boldly enough delineated ...

... Andromeda Art thou a goddess? Thy name We hear far off in Syria. Page 80 Athene I am she Who helps and has compassion on struggling mortals. Andromeda (falling prostrate) Do not deceive me! I will kiss thy feet O joy! thou art! thou art! Athene Lift up thy head, My servant. Andromeda ... illustration may suffice—part of a scene from Perseus. Andromeda, who towards the close of the play is chained to a rock to be devoured by a sea-monster but is rescued by Perseus, is here longing to save shipwrecked foreigners condemned to be Page 79 sacrificed to the sea-god Poseidon. The goddess comes as her helper. Andromeda O you poor shuddering men, my human fellows... Stand up, O daughter of Cassiope, Wilt thou then help these men of Babylonia, My mortals whom I love? Andromeda I help myself, When I help these. Athene To thee alone I gave This knowledge. O virgin, O Andromeda, Page 81 It reached thee through that large and noble heart Of woman beating in a little child. But dost ...


... the heliotrope toward the sun, the dove toward its companion and man toward we know not what. An immense Need in the heart of the worlds, all the way to the galaxies out there, to the limits of Andromeda, which drew each other into a mortal gravitational embrace. That need we see at our own level; it is small or less small, it asks for air or sunlight, a companion and children, books, art and music... natural, which is why we do not see it. It is even the most natural thing in the world. It was there from the very first blast of atoms, otherwise when would it have ever appeared, at what period of Andromeda, the Crab or the local galaxy we live in, brought by what prophet, what discovery, what miracle? Prophets have come and gone; discovery is added to discovery and today's miracles will form archeological ...


... plot of Perseus the Deliverer derives of course from the Greek legend of Perseus and Andromeda, the most important surviving classical source of which is the fourth book of Ovid's Metamorphoses . Notable among modern retellings of the story are Corneille's An dromede (1650) and Charles Kingsley's Andromeda (1859), a poem in English hexameters with which Sri Aurobindo was familiar. Eric ...


... Shakti, had been sketched earlier by Sri Aurobindo in Vidula (after the Mahabharata), in Chitrangada, in Cleopatra of Rodogune, in Aslaug of Eric, in Cassiopea of Perseus the Deliverer; and Andromeda was the portrait of a woman fearless as well as compassionate, her Shakti playing the role of triumphant Grace rather than that of ruthless power. But Penthesilea still stands apart in her fiery... with their preoccupation with the problem of death and of human felicity, find their remote consummation in the legendary and symbolistic tale of Satyavan, Savitri and Yama; the dramatic heroines, Andromeda, Rodogune, Aslaug, the warrior-queens, Chitrangada and Penthesilea, are all included and exceeded in Savitri; the philosophy of The Life Divine and the "ten limbs" of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga find ...

... Ambirajan, S., 13fn. Amrita (Aravamudachari), 405, 525, 536, 540 Amrita Bazar Patrika, 229,309, 312 Anandamath, 76, 194, 219, 337 Andal, 497 Andre Morrisset, 726 Andromeda, 128 Anger, Roger, 775,780 Appian, 135 Arabian Nights Entertainments, The, 129, 177 Archer, William, 490,49 1ff Archimedes, 416 Areopagitica, 200 Argov, Daniel, 228fn ... cosmic, 121; dialectical progress through conflict and change, 121-22; ludicrous and tragic traits in Polydaon, 122; development of action, 122ff; Polydaon and Hitler, 127; development of Perseus-Andromeda myth, 127-28; union of Power and Pity, 129, 147 Phenomenon of Man, The, 443ff Phillips, Stephen, 32 Pillai, V.O. Chidambaram, 235, 266fn, 299, 300 Pinto "Udar", 579 ...

... Deliverer, Sri Aurobindo projected his dialectical idea of progress through the Poseidon-Pallas Athene confrontation as played in terrestrial Syria by Polydaon and the sea monster on the one hand and Andromeda and Perseus on the other. Translated in general terms, the Asuric and Divine forces wage a fierce war through willing instruments; but the Divine must ultimately triumph over the Asuric, and thus ...

... leave us halfway.... Have you read Perseus the Deliverer , by Sri Aurobindo? Sujata pointed out to me what an extraordinary description it is of all that has happened since Mother's departure — Andromeda is the Agenda , the child of the new world. And the cruel old religion which wants to dismember us. In any case, things are moving, the rock is working loose. If it is negative, it is necessarily ...

... its deliberate prosaism less unsatisfactory in sound than the rest of the passage. × Kingsley's "Andromeda" deserves a mention, for it is the most readable of English hexameter poems; the verse is well-constructed, much better than Clough's; it has not the sing-song tameness of Longfellow, there is rhythm ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... He has also described Aeschylus's imagination as Romantic because it "ranges like Marlowe's among the echoing names of far countries of the world". 30 Then he has remarked apropos of Euripides's Andromeda : "We who possess Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra cannot share the rage of Aristophanes at this first staging of romantic passion." 31 Finally, he has the observation: "There is much ...


... Perissus (a citizen butcher) is enlivened with a rich touch of humour. Some conversations of Praxilla (head of the palace household in the women's apartments) and Diomede (a servant and playmate of Andromeda) are equally humorous in tone. In Rodogune there is very little humour apart from some sarcasm in the words of Phayllus, the Chancellor of Syria. Eric is very intense and compact as ...

... trade" make many a blank verse passage in Sri Aurobindo's poems and plays partake of the character of a symphony that is as contrapuntally rich as it is a beautiful whole. The agonised heart of an Andromeda or Aslaug or of a Pururavas or Ruru finds in blank verse a splendid medium for self-expression; the vaunts and demonic imaginings of Polydaon or Humber, the rages and curses of Cassiopea or Timocles ...

... dark nether forces of the foreign bureaucracy on the one hand and, on the other, the forces of light striving to break into the theatre of Chaos and Old Night and put them to flight. While, like Andromeda lying in chains on the nude high rock, Sri Aurobindo sat in his comer of the exposed cage absorbed in meditation, not listening to the evidence, not attending to the trial; while, in the background ...

... meteors —the Perseids — which appear from the constellation Perseus. Like Jupiter penetrating Danaë's brazen tower in a shower of gold, for the birth of Perseus. The slayer of Medusa. The deliverer of Andromeda. Page 36 Calcutta. Twenty-four minutes before sunrise. 1 A new dawn. From many homes hymns were rising to the Lord of Light, for it was the ...