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Annam : An Nam or Trung Kỳ means “Pacified South” in Sino-Vietnamese, derived from the Chinese Ānnán. The region was seized by the French by 1884 & with two other Vietnamese regions, Cochin China in the South & Tonkin in the North, became French Indochina in 1887. Nationalist writers adopted the word “Vietnam” in the late 1920s which became its popular name during the revolution of August 1945. In 1949, the three regions were merged to establish the State of Vietnam; the State was divided between communist North & anti-communist South under the terms of the Geneva Accord of 1954.

48 result/s found for Annam

... Page 517 becomes or seems to become Annam, the conscious principle of Bhu. In pure Annam consciousness is involved, implicit, latent; from annam it has to develop or manifest the other six principles and this development or manifestation is the evolution of the modern Jadavadins. It develops them here, under the law of the universal harmony, in annam and the Jadavadins perceiving this principle... principle of evolution, imagine not unnaturally that it is annam which is evolving and suppose the other six, even Mind, to be mere changes and movements of annam. At first prana or vitality which is latent in the metal, manifests in the tree; then mind which is latent in the tree manifests in the animal, first as chitta or mere receptive consciousness, then as manas or sensational consciousness without... illuminated Sleep.He began his task as the supreme animal, Pashu, Vanara, Nrisingha, developing all these potentialities purely in the annamaya kosha Page 518 or physical sheath of his being in Annam & Prana; he went on as the mixed animal, first the Pishacha or scientific, curious animal, then the Pramatha or aesthetic, curious animal; and from these levels climbed to the condition of the Rakshasa ...


... psychology, consists of seven principles, in which the Atman cases itself,—annam, gross matter; prana, vital energy; manas, intelligent mind; vijnanam, ideal mind; ananda, pure or essential bliss; chit, pure or essential awareness; sat, pure or essential being. In the present stage of our evolution ordinary humanity has developed annam, prana and manas for habitual use; and well-developed men are able to... development of the intelligent mind to its highest purity and capacity that the hymns of the Veda are written. In this mind there are successively the following principles: sukshma annam, the refinement of the gross annam out of which the physical part of the manahkosha or sukshma deha is made; sukshma prana, the vital energy in the mind which acts in the nadis or nervous system of the sukshma deha... the first five sheaths or panchakosha are yet sufficiently developed to be visible except to the men of the Satya Yuga and even by them the two others are not perfectly seen. From the vijnanam to the annam is the aparardha or lower part of existence where Vidya is dominated by Avidya; from the ananda to the sat is the parardha or higher half in which Avidya is dominated by Vidya and there is no ignorance ...


... psychology & cosmology of which the keyword is the great Vedic formula OM, Bhur Bhuvah Swah; the three vyahritis and the Pranava. The three Vyahritis are the three lower principles ofMatter, Life & Mind, Annam, Prana & Manas of the Vedanta. OM is Brahman or Sacchidananda of whom these three are the expressions in the phenomenal world. OM & the vyahritis are connected by an intermediate principle, Mahas, Vijnanam... Vijnanam of the Vedanta, ideal Truth which has arranged the lower worlds & on which amidst all their confusions they rest. (2) Corresponding roughly to the vyahritis are three worlds, Bhurloka (Prana-Annam, the material world), Bhuvarloka (Prana-Manas, the lower subjective world), Swarloka (Manas- Buddhi, the higher subjective world). These are the tribhuvana of Hinduism. (3) Corresponding to Mahas... seven worlds and the five bodies. In this system the three vyahritis constitute the lower half of existence which is in bondage to Avidya. Bhurloka is the material world, our dwelling place, in which Annam predominates, in which everything is subject to or limited by the laws of matter & material consciousness. Bhuvar are the middle worlds, antariksha, between Swar & Bhur, vital worlds in which Prana ...


... interference, only hampered in its speed. Fluency has been acquired, rapidity prepared and declared due at 8.2 2 a.m. on the morrow. A severe struggle was necessary with the shabda, the attack of the annam being obstinate and furious and added by the necessity of steering clear of the laya of vak in artha-bodha. Involved shabda in implicit vak, not involved vak in arthabodha is the rule of the expression... action of the consciousness on whatever level has to be made vijnanamaya and this is already being done with no farther regard for the hesitations in the chitta. Until the old movements of the annam are entirely cast out, these obstructions will continue; the thought is free, but the thought perception, trikaldrishti and prakamya-vyapti are not free. Still less the lipi & drishti. These have to... and persistent. The Master of the Yoga is more and more manifest in each detail of experience, but half-veiled by the Prakriti in the surroundings. Sahitya is once more hampered by the refusal of the annam to obey or even contain the vijnanamaya movements of the vak. On the other hand artha becomes more & more full and clear, powerful and luminous. Jnanam & Anandam Brahma are steadily deepening. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... sciences and the latter will at once fall into their place. It is with the Sukshma Prana that I am principally concerned; for the Sthula Prana belongs to the Annam rather than to the Antahkarana and I will speak of it in connection with the Annam. The Sukshma Prana is the seat of desire and its purification is of the utmost importance to the Yogin. Until you have got rid of desire, you have accomplished... sukshma prana. All these are in the sukshma deha but connected at these points with the sthula deha. In the sthula deha itself two functions are situated, the physical prana or the nervous system and the annam or the material body. Now the will is the organ of the Ishwara or living master of the body. It works through all these functions, through the Buddhi for thought and knowledge, through the Manas... control of his rebellious and disordered kingdom. Yogic Sadhan - VIII There remains the Sthula, the gross part of man which is composed of the Sthula Prana or physical nervous system and the annam or body in which the prana operates. The prana is the principle of life,—death is brought about by the dissolution of the tie between the sukshma deha and the sthula deha. That tie is the prana. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... first, which is more important – Spirit or Matter, Body or Soul? Naturally, there have been always two answers, according to one's outlook. Some have declared Annam comes first, Annam is of primary importance, Annam is to be increased, Annam is to be worshipped: or again, earth is the firm status, be founded upon earth – ś ar ī ram ā dyam. On the other hand, it has also been declared that the ...

... returned. The profuse stable lipi is being manifested, but the Akasha resists either legibility or stability. The karma deha is clear of the resistance in the sukshmapranavad annam, but not of that in the sthulapranavad annam where the remnants of the impure sukshmaprana have taken refuge. A good many of the predictions in the lipi past, recent & immediate are being justified by the event. Tejas &... nature. Fresh rain in the evening foreseen & also the stages by which the break was overcome; but in the interval there was much uncertainty owing to a fresh stratum of the karmadeha (sthulapranavad annam). There is frequent unease & the equivalent of ashanti in the body & the anna-kosha & the chitta is clouded, but the mind is calm. (N.B The body is only the centralised part of the annakosha.) ... fatigue which came & went four or Page 155 five times, appealing to the vague defect of anima in the body, but disappearing when its appeal was rejected.. This defect of anima in the mere annam continues, but has no real effect, because the pranakosha & the physical nervous system liberates itself more & more from the mere physical experiences & accepts more & more the law of the sukshma deha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... that Matter is the Sole Existence,—Annam Brahma. "For verily out of Matter are these existences born, by Matter they live, into Matter they pass away and enter in." We arrive, then, by reason considering only the forms of things and the changes & developments and disintegrations of form, at the culmination of materialistic Rationalism and a Monism of Matter. Annam Brahmeti vyajánát. But here we cannot... being. Sat, Chit, Ananda, Vijnana are four divine unmodifiable principles; they constitute the divine being, divine nature & divine life, and are called in their sum Amritam, Immortality; Manas, Prana, Annam, Mind, Life & Matter, are inferior & modifying principles constituting in their sum in this material world mortal being, mortal nature, mortal life and are called Mrityu or Martya, mortality. The doctrine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... sahasradal with swift and invariable, though not instantaneous effect. The imperative vyaptis still resisted A general deficiency of force experienced. The old humanity very strong in the annam and through the annam obstructive but not dominant in the whole system Notes - III [ Sanskrit Formulas—Second Chatushtaya ] वीर्यं—अभयं, सहासं, यशोलिप्सात्मश्र्लाघा क्षत्रियस्य, दानं व्ययशिलता कौशलं भोगलिप्सा... means of perception, not revelation. Necessarily no proof. Doubt—Only in anna and with regard to particulars in their details. The Body—Visrishti unusually copious in both kinds. Weakness in annam and rapid fatigue Asus—Working absolutely in the body, with more force than formerly in the buddhi and prana. Sattwic krodh in the chitta manifests free from the rajasic taint of an unsatisfied prana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... thought a vyahriti, whatever one or two thinkers may have held to the contrary. What do we know of this Mahas from Vedantic or later sources? Bhuh, Bhuvah, Swar of the Veda rest substantially upon the Annam, Prana, Manas, matter, life & mind of the Upanishads. But the Upanishads speak of a fourth state of being immediately aboveManas, preceding it therefore & containing it, Vijnanam, ideal knowledge, and... constitute to Vedantic thought the parardha or spiritual higher half [of] our existence; in less imaginative language, we are in our supreme existence self-existence, self-awareness & self-delight. Annam, Prana & Manas constitute to Vedantic thought the aparardha or lower half; again, in more abstract speech, we are in our lower phenomenal existence mind, life & matter. Vijnana is the link; standing ...


... in matter is the beast in him,—the beast so long & with such difficulty subdued & disciplined by Philosophy, Religion & Veda; she keeps telling him, "Thou, O brute body & nerve system, art Brahman," Annam vai Brahma, Prano vai Brahma, until his whole nature begins to believe it. One day, while she yet reigns, he is sure to rise,—the egoistic heartless lust of power & pleasure in man,—and demand that... grasp upon Veda diminished, is now growing actual and imminent. The way to avoid it is not to deny the truth of Science, but to complete, correct and illuminate it. For the Veda also says with Science, Annam vai Brahma, Prano vai Brahma; it acknowledges the animal, the Pashu in man & God as the Master of the Animal, the Pashupati; but by completing the knowledge and putting it in its right relations, it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... ent in itself its six sisters or companions. Nature is composed of Being, Will or Force, Creative Bliss, Pure Idea, Mind, Life and Matter,—Sat, Chit or Tapas, Ananda, Vijnanam, Manas, Prana and Annam. The Soul, Purusha, can seat itself in any of these principles and, according to its situation, its outlook changes and it sees a different world; all world is merely arranged and harmonised outlook... objects & from their sum receives the impression of the whole. It is Manas that measures, limits & divides. The soul in Prana is pure vitality & pours itself out in various life-energy. The soul in Annam is pure matter & forgets force of consciousness in the form of consciousness. Matter is the lowest rung of the ladder and the soul that has descended into Matter tends by its secret nature & inevitable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... (3) Sadi Carnot. (4) Disorder—at once; yes. The last script had reference to the prolonged attack on the first two chatusthayas & also on the new siddhis of the third which had produced in the annam some disorder, mental activity & vague uneasiness; it predicted the immediate removal of the disorder by restoration of passivity & was at once fulfilled. The attack lasted or recurred throughout the... the plane of the Imagination, in the kalpanamayi prakriti of which are the heavens & hells of subjective Page 102 experience objectivised in sensation (to the sukshma indriyas) but not in annam. 24 July 1912 A day of reaction in the body, suspension of health in the stomach, activity of bhautic tejas, visrishti (all the results of excess in madya which the nabhichakra failed to bear) ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... there are seven basic principles sustaining the seven principal worlds: bhuh, bhuvah, swah, mahas, janah, tapas and satya. In the material world, the sat of the satya world has become annam or Matter, cit of the world of tapas has become Life, and mahas has become Mind. Matter, which is derived from sat or the luminous substance of the transcendent existence, is not something... basis of division, darkness and discord, but are meant to recover their essential unity and identity with their divine counterparts and be converted into their substance, force and light. Matter or annam can be converted into the luminous, immortal substance of sat. Life or prāna into the effulgent force of cit-tapas, and Mind into the boundless glory of the Supermind or vijñāna. Their eventual ...

... & strength it came to mean "horse". The word is therefore used to indicate material existence & the horse (the image usually conveyed by this name) is taken as the symbol of universal existence in annam. The horse is symbolic & the sacrifice is symbolic. We have in it an image of the Virat Purusha, of Yajniya Purusha, God expressing himself in the material universe. ...


... accommodating itself to the limitations of the Idea & confining itself to an action appropriate to the single form of the Idea which has been separated by distributing Manas & numbering Ratio, and Annam, existence in form of substance created by the limitingMind & the self-confining energy of the Prana. This form of substance presents itself to the human mind as Matter; cosmic energy of being working ...


... sides from every power of evil. Sy. explains स्वतवान् = धनवान्. I take it as स्व self & तवान् strong from तु meaning strength as in tavisha, tavishí, tavas. 7) Yas te bharád anniyate chid annam, ni sh ishan mandramatithim udírat; Á devayur inadhate duroṇe, tasmin rayir dhruvo astu dásván. He who bringeth food of matter to thee although rich in matter, intensifies and sends upward his rapturous ...


... सोमस्य रसः । मत्सद् Sy मादयेत् । वसुनि Sy शत्रूणां धनानि । आरूजो Sy समन्ताद् भंक्तुम् । What true and most copious of delights (Ananda) shall intoxicate thee with this (earthly) food (annam), so that thou mayst break down even firm-set states of our being. 3) सखीनाम् Sy समानख्यातीनाम् (जरितृणाम्) स्तोतृणाम् । ऊतिभिः Sy रक्षाभिः । अभिभवासि Sy अभिमुखो भव । Faults of Sayana—1 ...


... eternal existence & inalienable nature, right joy, right awareness & right action as the very self-atmosphere of its manifestation in the universe. Above this inferior trilogy of matter, life & mind (Annam Prana Manas), there is a superior trilogy of Infinite Being, Force & Bliss (Sat, Chit, Ananda) accessible to us & working on us inhabitants of the lower spheres from the symbol of divine beatific c ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... play of all-governing Soul with its own formative Will or Shakti a rhythm of existence of which Matter is the lowest term and pure being the highest. Mind & Life stand upon Matter (Manas & Prana on Annam) and make the lower half of world-existence (aparardha); pure consciousness and pure bliss proceed out of pure Being (Chit and Ananda out of Sat) and make the upper half of world-existence. Pure idea ...


... nothing is inanimate, but all contains, expressed or unexpressed, involved or evolved, secret or manifest or in course of manifestation, not only that state of involved consciousness which we call annam or Matter, but also life, mind, knowledge, bliss, divine force and being,— prāṇa, manas, vijñāna, ānanda, cit, sat . In all things the self-conscious personality of God broods and takes the delight ...


... dynamic in the universe. Agni, according to the Vedic knowledge, is also the force of evolution, which pushes always forward, and breaks the tenebrous layers of Inconscience ( Tamas ) and Matter ( Annam ) and delivers the pulsating Life-Force. It is that which causes growth, and which increases the power, and which forges and welds relations among vegetations, plants and herbs, and which pushes forward ...

... the only Reality. As Bhrigu declares to his teacher: "From food alone, it appears, are these creatures born and being born they live by food, and into food they depart and enter again.ˮ " annam brahmaˮ — Matter is Brahman, — this is the first formulation of thought in its ascent. This is materialism. But Bhrigu did not stop here. He came back to his father and said "Lord, teach me the ...


... name of the country attests to its historical hardship of having been subject to numerous foreign invasions. Historically, Vietnam faced a myriad of aggressions by China. China once called the country Annam, which originates from the fact that Ming subjugated barbarians in the South. With the decline of Ching and the advance of Western powers to Asia, Vietnam was reduced to a French colony. From the late ...

... being. And it is through the touch, the sublimated and most intense physical contact, that you have the direct contact with the substance of the Supreme, his very body. For what is Sat up there is Annam here, both are the same identical thing in a dual aspect. Continuing farther, if we go beyond the five senses, we have still another sense, it is mind, the sixth sense as the orthodox Indian view ...

... being. And it is through the touch, the sublimated and most intense physical contact, that you have the direct contact with the substance of the Supreme, his very body. For what is Sat up there is Annam here, both are the same identical thing in a dual aspect. Continuing farther, if we go beyond the five senses, we have still another sense, it is mind, the sixth sense as the orthodox Indian ...

... formulation of Matter is concerned: even then the opposition is only apparent and relative. This is the very crux of the problem. For, to such a regard Spirit becomes Matter also, it is also Matter —annam brahma eva. Spirit is consciousness, chit; and Matter, it is said, is unconsciousness, achit. But unconsciousness need not be and is not, in our view, the absolute negation or utter absence of ...

... for­mulation of Matter is concerned: even then the opposition is only apparent and relative. This is the very crux of the problem. For, to such a regard Spirit becomes Matter also, it is also Matter – annam brahma eva. Spirit is consciousness, cit; and Matter, it is said, is unconsciousness, act. But unconsciousness need not be and is not, in our view, the absolute negation or utter absence of consciousness ...

... initiated to enable the Mother’s Force and Light to work even in the gross human body. That is why I said sadhana in the guise of sports! How difficult this sadhana is! You cannot ignore the body. Annam Brahman , Matter also is Brahman! Until now the body had been rejected from the path of sadhana but now the Mother radically changed the course of such thinking. So great is the weight of this change ...


... result of the machine. This world in which mind is at present moving, in the system of phenomena to which we are now overtly related, is a world of matter, where, to start with, it is true to say Annam vai sarvam; All is matter. Mind and life awaken in it & seek to express themselves in it. Since & when they act in it, every movement they make, must have an effect upon it and produce a movement in ...


... parastat, and by these seven rays in their subjectivity the subjective world and by these seven rays in their objectivity the phenomenal world is manifested. Sat, chit, ananda, vijnanam, manas, prana, annam are the sevenfold subjectivity of the Jyotirmaya Brahman. Prakasha, agni, vidyut, jyoti, tejas, dosha and chhaya are His sevenfold objectivity. Agni is theMaster of the vehicle of Tapas.What is this ...


... The kingdom of heaven imposes the will of God on the kingdom of earth, the parardha takes possession of the aparardha, Sacchidananda seizes & revels in the ecstasies of a liberated Manas, Prana and Annam. In opposition, therefore, to the Buddhistic declaration of the omnipresence of grief & pain outside Nirvana, we have in the Vedanta the soul's declaration of its ultimate & eternal independence:— ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... rapidly. Ananda to begin to be stable.     Fulfilled . 14 October 1912 The physical akash is still rebellious to the lipi, rupa & other drishtis & to all the siddhis which at all depend on the annam. It only gives normally the minimum results and has to be subjected to pressure of the will in order to give all the results attained. Today, it must be made to give up this habit of inductility due ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Pramatha, Rakshasa, Asura, Deva, Sadhyadeva, Siddhadeva and the Satyadeva. The last three are known by other names which need not be written at present. The Pashu is mind concentrated entirely on the annam, the Vanara mind concentrated on the Prana, the Pishacha mind concentrated on the senses & the knowledge part of the chitta, the Pramatha mind concentrated on the heart & the emotional & aesthetic part ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... garden of the world. Page 6 Shakti Chatusthaya This may be called the siddhi of the temperament or nature in the lower system, in the internal triloka of mind, life & body, manas, prana, annam. To put it from a higher standpoint, it is the siddhi of the divine Shakti working in these three principles. वीर्यं शक्तिश्र्चण्डीभावः श्रद्धेति शक्तिचतुष्टयं । Virya, shakti, chandibhavah, sraddha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... grief, pleasure and pain. Prana—is the hampered dynamic energies which, feeding upon physical substances, are dependent on and limited by their sustenance; also [it] is the lower or vital energy. Annam—is the divisible being which founds itself on the constant changeableness of physical substance. Page 1461 Pravritti—Nature's tendency or impulse to action Nivritti—Withdrawing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... applicable to the active impersonal Brahman. × Therefore physical substance is called in the Upanishads Annam, Food. In its origin, however, the word meant simply being or substance. × Not the abstract mental ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... compel the homage of the intellectual, Sankhya attract the admiration of the analytical mind, Buddha capture the rationalist in search of a less material synthesis than the modern scientist's continual Annam Brahma Pranam Brahma, but these are only grandiose intellectualities. The world at large does not live by the pure intellect, concrete itself it stands by things concrete or practical, although, immaterial ...


... persists, while life, mind, soul and all else appear in it as a secondary phenomenon, seem somehow to arise out of it, subsist by feeding upon it,—therefore the word used in the Upanishads for Matter is annam , food,—and collapse from our view when it disappears. Apparently the existence of Matter is necessary to them, their existence does not appear to be one whit necessary to Matter. The Being does present ...


... nearly the whole of it along with Cochin-China. The Chinese call it Fu-nan and have preserved many details of its early history." But the Chinese annals of "states in Malay Peninsula, Java, Cambodia and Annam, with rulers bearing Indian names" 1. Chandragupta Maurya..., p. 339. 2. The Gupta Empire, p. 112. 3. Prehistory and Protohistory of India and Pakistan, pp. 486-87, 565 col. 2. ...


... And it is through the touch, the sublimated and most intense physical contact, that you have the direct contact with the substance of the Supreme, his very body. For what is Sat up there is Annam here, both are the same identical thing in a dual aspect Continuing farther, if we go beyond the five senses, we have still another sense, it is mind, the sixth sense; it is in and through ...

... carries them forward and offers to the Supreme. The soul is the efflorescence of the earth and in that way it adds a new quality of fulfilment to the fulfilment of the Supreme, the Sachchidananda. Annam means both Matter and food. Matter is the earthly food for the Spirit Supreme who has become it, losing Himself in it and regains it consciously and enjoys it in and through His earthly delegate ...

... dynamic in the universe. Agni, according to the Vedic knowledge, is also the force of evolution, which pushes always forward, and breaks the tenebrous layers of Inconscience (tamas) and Matter (annam) and delivers the pulsating Life-Force. It is that which causes growth, and which increases the power, and which forges and welds relations among vegetations plants and herbs, and which pushes forward ...


... things.120 He could have realised in the Purushottama, as the Gita makes abundantly clear and conclusive, or in the Purusha of the Veda and the Upanishads, the eternal oneness of Matter and Spirit, annam Brahma, of the Self and the universe, of unity and multiplicity, vidyā and avidyā. That would have been, indeed, the true, the perfect Adwaita without the bewildering, inexplicable shadow of Maya ...

... flooding all earthly existence with the treasures of the Spirit that he was called. He must have heard the dumb appeal of Matter for a restitution of its innate divinity. For, Matter, too, is Brahman, annam brahma. Another thing that stands out in his letters to his wife is the phenomenal rapidity of his spiritual progress just after he began the practice of Yoga. Not only the signs and symptoms ...

... ascetic spirituality has almost faded away, and mankind is slowly but steadily reverting to the comprehensive aspiration for an integral perfection and harmonious fulfilment in life. Matter, the Annam Brahman of the Upanishads, is receiving again the respectful attention and devout consideration it deserves, not only of the doped worldings, but of the serious seekers of the Spirit. A glorious future ...


... and pale, down to the closing period of the Upanishads, investing the whole of human Page 47 existence with a sacramental significance. Matter, of which the body is made, is Brahman (annam brahman), life is Brahman and mind is Brahman—so declare the Upanishads. This being the essential truth of the parts of human nature, it would not be irrational to hold that, however debased or darkened ...

... त्वन्मनीषास्त्वदुक्था जायन्ते राध्यानि । त्वदेति द्रविणं वीरपेशा इत्थाधिये दाशुषे माय ॥३॥ bhadraṁ te agne sahasinnanīkamupāka ā rocate sūryasya, ruśad dṛśe dadṛśe naktayā cidarūkṣitaṁ dṛśa ā rūpe annam. 1 vi ṣāhyagne gṛṇate manīṣām khaṁ vepasā tuvijāta stavānaḥ, viśvebhiryad vāvanaḥ śukra devaistanno rāsva sumaho bhūri manma. 2 tvadagne kāvyā tvanmanīṣāstvadukthā jāyante rādhyāni. tvadeti draviṇaṁ ...