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Antiochus : Antiochus III, king of Syria (223-187 BC).
... Then thrust you from me? Let Antiochus, My tall Antiochus have now his share. RODOGUNE He is all high and beautiful like heaven From which he came. I have not seen before A thing so mighty. ANTIOCHUS Madam, I seek your blessing; let me kneel To have it. CLEOPATRA Kneel! O, in my bosom, son! Have you too dreamed of me, Antiochus? ANTIOCHUS Of great Nicanor's widow and... voice of Nicanor at the door. NICANOR Guard carefully the doors; let no evasion Deceive you. RODOGUNE Antiochus! Antiochus! Antiochus! EUNICE Call him not; he will wake And Heaven be angry. O my Rodogune, Let us too sleep. RODOGUNE Antiochus! Antiochus! Nicanor enters armed with soldiers and lights. NICANOR Am I in time? Thou? thou? How cam'st thou here? ... shall rise. Page 199 Scene II The colonnade of a house in Antioch, overlooking the sea. Antiochus, Philoctetes. ANTIOCHUS The summons comes not and my life still waits. PHILOCTETES Patience, beloved Antiochus. Even now He fronts the darkness. ANTIOCHUS Nothing have I spoken As wishing for his death. His was a mould That should have been immortal. But since ...
... "Devaputra" for both Antiochus I Sôter and Ptolemy II Phila-delphus, both of whom despatched envoys to the Indian court as respectful allies. Hence, although "Shāhi-Shāhānushāhi" applied with certainty to Antiochus, can we say for sure whether "Devaputra" referred to him or to Ptolemy? There are a number of points which induce us to choose the former. Antiochus I as Both "Devaputra"... xxxix. 5. The Encyclopaedia Britannica (13th Ed.), Vol. XXI, p. 143. Page 236 proved his power by defeating at Sardis in 262 B.C. the accredited king Antiochus I of Syria, the father of the Antiochus our historians have made Aśoka's frontager. His case may be compared with that of Pushyamitra, founder of the Śunga line, who never took the title of King but retained his title... series of Greek kings. Ptolemy, Antigonus, Magas and the two Alexanders were not at all subordinate to Antiochus. And if Aśoka lived in their epoch he would certainly know this through the diplomatic relations with them which our historians claim for him. Just as the father and grandfather of Antiochus II are known to have sent ambassadors (Megasthenes and Daimachus) to the Indian court, so also is Ptolemy ...
... his brother Antiochus. When taken prisoner by the Parthian King, the latter's sister Rodogune marries the captive Nicanor. In revenge, Cleopatra marries his brother, Antiochus, who later commits suicide after an unsuccessful war. On his return to Syria, Cleopatra kills Nicanor, and then kills her first son Seleucus, and is herself forced to drink poison by her second son, Antiochus Grupus. Justin... whoever kills Cleopatra could claim her hand. Now Antiochus tells Rodogune that it was for her to kill one of the rivals and marry the other! But this last move brings out the real Rodogune, who has love - not hate - in her heart. It is now 'check!' everywhere, and so Cleopatra acts on her own: she poisons Seleucus, and tries to poison Antiochus, * For a full discussion of the play, the reader... them delivers to the brothers, Antiochus and Timocles (Seleucus in Corneille), the awful command "Kill and...". Sri Aurobindo greatly humanises Cleopatra and turns Rodogune into a near-angel. On the other hand, Sri Aurobindo introduces two venomous characters, Phayllus the Chancellor (he might be a new version of Almuene) and his sister Cleone. The brothers, Antiochus and Timocles, are presented as ...
... this later community. Contiguous to it was the domain of the outsider "Yona rāja Arhtiyoka". The name has been equated with that of one of Alexander's successors, a king of Syria and Western Asia: "Antiochus". According to us, it denotes not a Greek but an Irānianized Indian, such as must have been the "Yavana rāja Tusāspha" mentioned in the Junāgarh Inscription of Rudradāman I, as the viceroy of Aśoka... The alleged Greek equivalents can be criticized and the components of the names shown to be explicable without resort to them. All in all, it is possible to prove Page 592 "Antiochus" indecisive, "Ptolemy" impossible, "Magas" unnecessary, "Antigonus" inaccurate and "Alexander" unlikely as well as gratuitous. Aśoka can further be proved to have had no connection with Ceylon:... mission to Ceylon could not have preceded the conscience-searing Kalihga war in the 8th year of his reign. The Allāhābād Pillar Inscription's expression Daivaputra-Shāhi-ShāhānuShāhi refers to Antiochus I Soter, the son of Seleucus Nicator by a Persian wife, and his successor who inherited from Seleucus not only Syria but all Western Asia, including the old Persian Empire. He ruled from 281 to 262 ...
... Antardhāna, 78, 96, 123 Antardhi, 122 An tialcidas/ Antialkidas (Amtalikita), 275, 521, 586 Antigenes, 270 'Antināra', 268 Antioche, 269 Antiochus 1, 226, 236-8, 430-31, 433-9, 598 Antiochus II, 267, 434 Antiochus III, 532 Antixeni, 270 Anu, 96 Anupshahr, 170 Aornos, 87 Apāpāpurikalpa, 475fn. Aparānta, 471, 478, 530 Apastamba Grihya Sūtra ...
... in this ill-advised and unscientific endeavour. The beasts and the symbols of Daniel represent the Chaldeans, the Persians, the Greeks, and his centre of interest is that paragon of persecutors, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. To interpret these figures in terms of medieval or contemporary history is to make a plaything of the Word of God and to employ the venerable authority of the Scriptures in the cause... that the coming end of the world and final revelation is always conceived in the context of the seer's actual situation. Thus Daniel sees the coming end in terms of the capture of Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes and St. John sees it in terms of the Roman Empire of his time. Jesus, it seems certain, saw it -in terms of the coming destruction of Jerusalem, which he foresaw. In each case the actual... time to eternity, with only symbolic signposts towards the immediate future. Like his predecessors he meant what he said. Daniel intended to tell his followers that in the wake of the capture by Antiochus Epiphanes of Jerusalem the world's end would come. So also John of Patmos actually meant the conflict of the Roman Empire with Christianity to be the sign of the end of the world. The universal ...
... by the Page 48 insane rivalry of the brothers, Antiochus and Timocles. Their mother, Cleopatra, the Chancellor, Phayllus, Cleone his sister, are a trio of evil-doers. The undemanding Eunice and the honest nurse, Mentho, brighten the picture, the one by her unselfish love, the other by her fearlessness. Antiochus the hero fails by his own excesses as much as through the perfidy of ...
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