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Apis : classical Greek form of Hape or Hapi, the sacred Egyptian bull worshipped at Memphis; protector of the sign ‘Jar’ in the European zodiac.
... Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or Bhava (Apollo Phoebus) the Archer, Saraswati called also Ganga (Nais) the Crocodile, Parjanya (Apis) the Jar, Nara (Nereus) the Fish. All these gods have their own character and tend to imprint it on their protégé. Or it would be truer to say, that men of particular characters tend to take birth under ...
... its own impetus just as a locomotive does when the steam is shut off, but a time must come when it will slow down and stop altogether. This is the moment towards which the process moves. Na kinchid api chintayet:—the Yogin should not think of anything at all. Blank cessation of mental activity is aimed at leaving only the sakshi, the witness watching for results. If at this moment the Yogin entrusts ...
... of the demand in our own Yoga that desire shall be expelled, the mind stilled, the very play of reason & imagination silenced before a man shall attain to knowledge,—as the Gita puts it, na kinchid api chintayet. The illumination of the vijnana, when it is complete, shows us not a collective material unity, a sum of physical units, but a Page 428 real unity. It reveals to us Space, Time ...
... agree. The Greek has kept the form ana which the Sanscrit has lost, lost the form anu which the Sanscrit has kept. Both are without the form ani which must, logically, have existed (cf apa , api , Greek άπó & ἐπί). Greek has also the form ἄνω which corresponds to an OA [Old Aryan] anā and suggests at once long forms anū (Vd?) and anī . In sense άνά & ἄνω differ from anu only by preferring ...
... temperamental likes & dislikes, ought to be entirely silent in this matter; its role is to be submissive and receptive, detached, without passion; passivity, not activity, should be its state, na kinchid api chintayet. For the Sruti carries with it, in its very words, a certain prakash, a certain illumination. The mind ought to wait for that illumination and receiving it, should not because it is contrary ...
... even before we can attain or are firmly seated in that universal vision, we have by all the means in our power to insist on this receptive and active equality and calm. Even something of it, alpam api asya dharmasya , is a great step towards perfection; a first firmness in it is the beginning of liberated perfection; its completeness is the perfect assurance of a rapid progress in all the other members ...
... shown you in what direction the higher knowledge of self and the world points you; I have now shown you in what direction your social duty and the ethical standard of your order point you, svadharmam api cāvekṣya . Whichever you consider, the result is the same. But if you are not satisfied with your social duty and the virtue of your order, if you think that leads you to sorrow and sin, then I bid ...
... in her because it is the one supreme self of all these personalities, is not changed by the mutations of quality because it is itself undetermined by quality, does not act even in action, kartāram api akartāram , because it supports natural action in a perfect spiritual freedom from its effects, is the originator indeed of all activities, but in no way changed or affected by the play of its Nature ...
... transform it all, exalt the gods to their highest, Nature to her summits, and go beyond them to the very Godhead, realise and attain to the Transcendent. Devān deva-yajo yānti mad-bhaktā yānti mām api . Still the supreme Godhead does not at all reject these devotees because of their imperfect vision. For the Divine in his supreme transcendent being, unborn, imminuable and superior to all these ...
... nibadhnanti , and that he whose self has become the self of all existences, acts and yet is not affected by his works, is not caught in them, receives from them no soul-ensnaring reaction, kurvann api na lipyate . Therefore, it says, the Yoga of works is better than the physical renunciation of works, because, while Sannyasa is difficult for embodied beings who must do works so long as they are in ...
... the signs of the setting in of old age. In another well-known hymn, Sankara writes: Balastavatkridasakta Tarunastavattarururakta Vrdhastavaccintamagnah Pare brahmani ko api na lagnah (As a child, one is absorbed in play, as a young man, attached to women. As an old man, one is lost in one's thoughts; Alas! no one is attracted to the Supreme Brahman.) ...
... ever with the rhythm of the cycles by unending act of creation and unconcluding act of cessation; the Soul too which takes on this or that form in Nature, is no less eternal than she, anādī ubhāv api . Even while in Nature it follows the unceasing round of the cycles, it is, in the Eternal Page 424 from which it proceeds into them, for ever raised above the terms of birth and death, and ...
... faultless instrument of divine action in the freedom of the immortal Dharma. Page 525 × II. 31. svadharmam api cāvekṣya. × III. 35. ...
... from his relishing the mango-buds. And about the white jasmine ( kuṇda ) Kalidasa says: kundaiḥ sa-vibhrama-vadhū-hasitāvadātair uddyotitāny upavānani manoharāṇi/ cittam muner api haranti nivrtta-ragam... 107 The white jasmines pure as the smile of a passionate bride steal even the passionless hearts of sages... When we compare Kalidasa's lines with those ...
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