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Arabian Nights : The Arabian Nights Entertainment.
... and most of them quite urgent. In fact, if I begin telling you about my political activities my stories will resemble the Arabian Nights! And I am not sure whether you children will begin to grasp or even enjoy the twists and turns of politics." "But we love the Arabian Nights!" said Aditi. "All right, I'll tell you my stories at the right time." "You mustn't omit anything, we want to hear the whole... as their written language. I was rather good at Latin as well as Greek. I wrote some poetry in them and won prizes. I remember once I was asked to select a prize for myself, a book. I chose the Arabian Nights. It was beautifully bound and illustrated and I kept it for years afterwards. Have you read it? What fantastic imagination fills its pages! I think only easterners can have this kind of fantasy ...
... with him for many years an illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights which he had himself selected as a prize." Dinendra Kumar Roy, who was in Baroda for two years to help Sri Aurobindo improve his Bengali, recalls with enthusiasm the deluxe edition of the Arabian Nights. "Never before had I seen such a voluminous edition of the Arabian Nights, it was like a sixteen-volume Webster 1 And with innumerable ...
... they halted atCalcutta. The ‘City of Palaces’ was quite different from the village of Shivhati and young Nishikanto, who had heard the stories of the Arabian Nights from his sister Bela, tried to identify Calcutta with Baghdad, the city of the Arabian Nights. All the descriptions he had heard about the city from Bela matched with Calcutta, so when he asked Sudhakanto: “Is this the city of Baghdad?” ...
... 525, 536, 540 Amrita Bazar Patrika, 229,309, 312 Anandamath, 76, 194, 219, 337 Andal, 497 Andre Morrisset, 726 Andromeda, 128 Anger, Roger, 775,780 Appian, 135 Arabian Nights Entertainments, The, 129, 177 Archer, William, 490,49 1ff Archimedes, 416 Areopagitica, 200 Argov, Daniel, 228fn Arjava (J. A. Chadwick), 514, 575ff, 594, 639 Arnold... Science, A, 159-60,161,169 Vivekananda, Swami, 15, 16, 48, 63, 184, 195,197,235,258,278,287, 305, 321, 336,338, 339, 389 Viziers of Bassora, The, 69, 119-20, 129ff; source in Arabian Nights, 129; action of the comedy, 129ff; the Caliph as "masked Providence", 132; a legend of likeable women, 133,139 Von Kleist, Heinrich, 639 Vyasa, 10, 84, 605 War and Self ...
... the part [of a] demi-official organ of Sir Andrew Fraser's Government, that Sir Andrew "has not the remotest idea of laying down the reins of his office before time"—and like the old man in the Arabian Nights he will, in spite of the repeated snubs he has received from his official superiors, continue to embarrass us for two more years. It matters little who rules the province. The policy of the b ...
... be called "Gnostic") is most prominent in the words put into his mouth by John's Gospel: "I and my Father are one." Richard Burton, the famous nine- teenth-century translator of the unexpurgated Arabian Nights which he entitled A Thousand Nights and a Night, a version Sri Aurobindo intensely admired, wrote a long poem called The Kasidah with an Arabian atmosphere. Among the lines I remember from it ...
... Karl May, fertile writer of some seventy adventure stories for the youth. “Adi” (Hitler’s pet name) had also liked Don Quichote , Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver’s Travels, Uncle Tom’s Cabin and The Arabian Nights , but May remained his favourite author even in adulthood. “Hitler’s cult of May weathered time unscathed. It is said that even when Chancellor of the Reich he took the time to read May’s complete ...
... Pentaur's poem on the conquests of Rameses in ancient Egyptian or at least the fragment of it that survives. I don't know Arabic either but I don't mind that having read Burton's translation of the Arabian Nights which is as much a classic as the original. Anyhow the gaps are vast and many. 13 July 1937 Old Forms into New Shapes Jyoti doesn't want to rest content with the forms. The yugadharma ...
... the room? You take a key and open the door! You must find the key. Or you sit down in front of the door until you have found the word, the idea or the force which opens it―as in the Arabian Nights tales. It is not a joke, it is very serious. You must sit down in front of the door and then concentrate until you have found the key or the word or the power to open it. If one doesn't ...
... marks in Latin and Greek in his I.C.S. examination. He had received heaps of books as prizes from the London University. Among those books, there was an exquisite illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights... in sixteen volumes, which I later saw in his study. I had never seen such a voluminous edition of that book - it dwarfed even the Mahabharata in bulk, looking, as it did, like sixteen volumes ...
... studies. Though some of his teachers used to regret his preoccupation with general reading, he was nevertheless able to win many prizes. He had with him for many years an illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights which he had himself selected as a prize. He was also able to secure an open scholarship to King's College. Aurobindo began writing poetry at a very early age. Even while he was at Manchester ...
... published in the Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual , as well as separately. The source of the plot of The Viziers of Bassora is "Nur al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis al-Jalis", a story told in the Arabian Nights (thirty-fourth to thirty-eighth nights). Sri Aurobindo owned in Baroda a multi-volume edition of Richard Burton's translation of the Arabic text (London, 1894), which he considered "as much a ...
... one aspect, speak of it often as a land of metaphysics, philosophies, dreams and brooding imaginations, and certain artists and writers are apt to write in a strain as if it were a country of the Arabian Nights, a mere glitter of strange hues and fancies and marvels. But on the contrary India has been as much a home of serious and solid realities, of a firm grappling with the problems of thought and life ...
... to school studies. However, Sri Aurobindo did in fact find the class lessons quite easy and secured many prizes. I remember his mentioning to us that one of these prizes was a full set of the Arabian Nights which he read with great pleasure. In the final examination, the young scholar did very well, securing prizes in literature and history; he had already shown exceptional proficiency in Latin and ...
... rhythm and the lord of architecture. The rhythmic unit in Savitri is the blank verse line, the iambic pentameter, and this has been likened by Lytton Strachey to, ...the Djinn in the Arabian Nights; it is either the most terrible of masters, or the most powerful of slaves. If you have not the magic secret, it will take your best thoughts, your bravest imaginations, Page ...
... as is evidenced in Urvasie, Love and Death, Baji Prabhou and the several dramas (including The Hero and. the Nymph). The late Lytton Strachey aptly compared blank verse to the Djinn in the Arabian Nights story: it is either the most tyrannical of masters or the most obedient and efficient of slaves. But one must know the mantra of metrical mastery to be able to awe the Djinn into utter obedience ...
... turning from the storm-tossed ocean ruled by Poseidon to the Palace of Marvels in Haroun al Rasheed's Garden of Delight. And the source is not Hellenic myth or Euripides or Corneille but the Arabian Nights Entertainments. Sri Aurobindo won the book as a school prize in England, and seems to have loved it. The Viziers is principally based on The Tale of the Beautiful Sweet-Friend', a delightful ...
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