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Arachne : girl whom Athene turned into a spider for having challenged her to a trial of skill in weaving; hence Greek for all arthropods, i.e. spiders, scorpions, mites, etc.

2 result/s found for Arachne

... bliss until I die of it. PHAYLLUS I do not like this violence. Theras, go. Theras leaves the hall. TIMOCLES Drink, brother Phayllus. Your webs will glitter more brightly, You male Arachne. More wine! I'll float my heart out in the wine And pour all on the ground to naked Eros As a libation. I will hide my heart In roses, I will smother thought with jonquils. Sing, someone to me ...


... forces within, forces without which no poetry can come to birth. A follower of Eliot who has made quite a name in our day, William Empson, offers us things like these six lines that open his poem Arachne: Twixt devil and deep sea, man hacks his caves; Birth, death; one, many; what is true, and seems; Earth's vast hot iron, cold space's empty waves. King spider walks the velvet ...

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