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Archimedes : (287-212 BC), Greek mathematician, physicist, & inventor. To illustrate the principle of the lever he is said to have told King Hiero, “Give me a place to stand (pou sto), & I will move the world.”

9 result/s found for Archimedes

... of development with figures of genius like Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Aristarchus of Samos, Hipparchus and Ptolemy. Marvin Minsky regrets the course history has taken, for he is of the opinion that science could now already have been much more advanced “if its progress had not succumbed to the spread of monotheistic religions. As early as 250 BC, Archimedes was well on the way toward modern physics and ...

... Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram By the Way - Necessity Is the Mother of Invention 30-October-1906 Archimedes is said to have set his inventive genius to work at the bidding of the Tyrant of Syracuse. When King Henry VIII was in a hurry to marry Anne Boleyne he is said to have addressed the following in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the physical and nervous sense. The atom bomb is a bombshell not upon your enemies alone, but it is a boomerang likely to turn back upon yourself, upon the whole of humanity and human civilisation. Archimedes asked for a fulcrum outside the earth to be able to move it out of its orbit; we have found out something with which one hopes and fears one would do much more.   Man's invention of ...

... the physical and nervous sense. The atom bomb is a bombshell not upon your enemies alone, but it is a boomerang likely to turn back upon yourself, upon the whole of humanity and human civilisation. Archimedes asked for a fulcrum outside the earth to be able to move it out of its orbit; we have found out something with which one hopes and fears one would do much more. Man's invention of death-dealing ...


... usually tries to pluck the heart of Reality, but he is himself in it and of it, and he finds himself baffled in his attempts to seize it Page 415 in its unity and totality. Didn't Archimedes say that he could lift the world with a lever if only he could station himself for a while elsewhere? Although a strict national comprehension of Reality may thus have to be ruled out, knowledge ...

... Taittiriya Upanishad. × A "where to stand", the station of leverage from which Archimedes, could he only have found it, undertook to move the world. × Sambhūtyā amṛtam aśnute , "by birth ...


... potential. Here we strike upon an extremely significant characteristic of Einsteinian science. Although Einstein acts th8 "observer" in essentially the same manner as Newton or Galileo or even Archimedes and imports no special subjectivism into physics, yet when it comes to correlating the data of observation and reaching fundamental theory he worK5 with a radical dissimilarity to the manner of physics ...

... condition of silence of the mind so created she will see the true origins of things and also the shape of the desired transfiguration of earth into heaven, human life into the Life Divine.         Archimedes is said to have remarked that he could lift the earth with a lever if only he could himself be detached from the earth and find a place outside to stand on. Our efforts to observe and understand ...


... 219, 337 Andal, 497 Andre Morrisset, 726 Andromeda, 128 Anger, Roger, 775,780 Appian, 135 Arabian Nights Entertainments, The, 129, 177 Archer, William, 490,49 1ff Archimedes, 416 Areopagitica, 200 Argov, Daniel, 228fn Arjava (J. A. Chadwick), 514, 575ff, 594, 639 Arnold, Matthew, 164, 177, 615 Arya, 398ff, 402ff, 436, 455, 459, 463,464, 470, 496 ...