Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
Argus : or Panoptes; people of ancient Argos traced their origin to him. He became the 100-eyed guardian of Io, the princess of Argos after she was changed into a heifer. The term Argus has come to mean a very vigilant person, a watcher or guardian.
... in this field, Wallace, as quoted by Hardy, writes in his chapter, "Colours of Animals": We now come to such wonderful developments of plumage and colour as are exhibited by the peacock and the Argus-pheasant.... The long series of gradations by which the beautifully shaded ocelli on the secondary wing-feathers of [the latter] bird have been produced are clearly traced out, the results being a set... is the theory of the "racial plan" that best explains "the secret of homo- logy in face of an ever changing gene complex".23 This theory Page 328 also sheds light on the riddle of the Argus-pheasant's precisely articulated and long-persisting splendour of plumage. Such splendour has "all the appearance of a definite mental conception like that of an artist or designer - a pattern outside ...
... by the Divine. 1 don't think anybody could have prevented it. You have grown considerably - numerous eyes have been opened. Some of them forcibly, others flowerily: you appear to be like a little Argus, half interested in the hundred directions suddenly shining into view, half bewildered by their seemingly different calls. What is to be felt with a clarifying keenness is that all these varied vistas... heart and that each of them leads to the same wide circumference - the Mother -surrounding your life like an embrace from some infinite unknown. When you succeed in feeling these two truths, the little Argus will mature and realise something of that infinite unknown within himself and exclaim to the Supreme Beloved in the words of the young Aurobindo romantically mysticising in some clear evening at Cambridge ...
... that I shall drag you all over the field of ethics before we have done with it. Keshav —It will be the corpse of my intellect you will maltreat. But in extremity I rely upon Treneth to slay my Argus with the bright edge of a paradox. Wilson —We were at the third rung of the ladder, were we not? Keshav —Yes, thou slave-driving Ishmaelite. I declare it is impious on a day like this to bury ...
... interest in the success of his mission, secondly, that he came to Pondicherry afterwards as sub-editor of a new Pondicherry paper, the Independent, subsequently defunct and replaced by another the Argus, belonging to the same proprietor who has been openly acting in concert with the British Police against us in Pondicherry. In this paper he wrote a very sneering and depreciatory paragraph about me ...
... or Back to Methuselah. The same Page 75 holds good between Yeats's essays and Shaw's prefaces. But when Yeats impinges on the field of the intellect, with its demand for an argus-eyed acuteness, he must suffer by comparison with the Shavian genius. Political science, whether concerned with national or international affairs, is not, generally speaking, a poet's metier, what ...
... Page 189 success of his mission, secondly, that he came to Pondicherry afterwards as subeditor of a new Pondicherry paper, the Independent, subsequently defunct and replaced by another the Argus, belonging to the same proprietor who has been openly acting in concert with the British Police against us in Pondicherry. In this paper he wrote a very sneering & depreciatory paragraph about me, (not ...
... of the earth one even continuous plain, as it were. Neither the Poles nor the peaks of the Himalayas can hide any longer Page 100 their millennial secrets from man's newly acquired Argus eye. The span and accuracy of our flying capacity have left no corner of the earth to lie in quiet and splendid isolation. The geographical revolution has led inevitably to the economic ...
... channel between Scylla and Charybdis. The next stop was the Island of Calypso and then, to the island of the Phaeacians. At last, he reached Ithaca. No one recognized him, except his favourite dog, Argus. Odysseus found that his queen Penelope was surrounded by a number of suitors. As Penelope wanted to hear the news about Odysseus, and although she could not recognize him, she wanted to talk to him ...
... and levelled them and made of the earth one even continuous plain, as it were. Neither the Poles nor the peaks of the Himalayas can hide any longer their millennial secrets from man's newly acquired Argus eye. The span and accuracy of our flying capacity have left no corner of the earth to lie in quiet and splendid isolation. The geographical revolution has led inevitably to the economic revolution ...
... spiritual Light. But before this transformation occurs we have a large utterance of the animated intellect in diverse modes. It blends the simple with the subtle as in God, 1 where we can mark even the argu-mentative turn—"Therefore we know..."—and yet the speech has a living suggestion of the Transcendent who is also the Cosmic and the Immanent: the brief crystallised expression strikes home with a concrete ...
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