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Armstrong : John (1709-79), physician, author of The Art of Preserving Health.
... Altekar, A.S., Education in Ancient India, Banaras, 1951. Appayya, DTksita Siddhanta Les'asangraha with the commentary of Krsnanadafirtha, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Banaras, 1916. Armstrong, D.M., A Materialist Theory of Mind, Routledge & Keganpaul, 1968. Arokai Swami, M., The Classical Age of the Tamils, University of Madras, Chennai, 1972. Ayer, A.J., Language, Truth ...
... the Mother wrote on 22 July 1969: "This answer is a very interesting one as it deals with the centre of the question." 9 It was only on the previous day that the American astronauts, Aldrin and Armstrong, had made their spectacular landing on the moon, and the Mother may have felt that Sri Aurobindo's obiter dictum of 1934 was relevant to the present situation, and accordingly made it the message ...
... dealing with human emotion or human life they are generally even more incapable than the Pope school. 1 There is beside a tendency to force poetry to the service of the most unpoetical subjects, Armstrong writing in verse of the Art of Medicine, Dyer of Agriculture & Thomson of jail reform. On the other hand Satire is less practised or even abandoned. (2) In language, the discarding of the idea of ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1969 July 23, 1969 ( The American astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon on July 21. Mother shows the following text which was suggested to her as a "message" for August 15. ) It's Nolini who suggested this text... because of the people who landed on the moon! ( Mother laughs ) But it's far ...
... , p.910. 92. ibid., p.917. 93. ICor, iii, 16. 94. Shao Yung (Tr. by H.A. Giles). 95. Tr. from the Flemish by Jane T. Stoddart. 96. A.H. Armstrong, Plotinus (1953), p. 131. 97. Charles Gore, The Philosophy of the Good Life,p. 215. 98. Surprised by Joy, pp. 221-2. Cf. Dadu the Indian mystic: "From separation I have come ...
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