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Artemis : daughter of Zeus & Leto & twin sister of Apollo; a virgin huntress sometimes identified with the moon. In Sri Aurobindo’s Ilion she is a power of the future &, with her lightning-tasselled sandals, represents the swift & luminous faculty of Intuition.
... everything was got ready for the sacrifice of Iphigenia. The atmosphere was charged with greatest tension. However, as the Priest raised the knife, the Goddess Artemis bore Iphigenia to Tauris where she became a Priestess in the temple of Artemis. A doe was sacrificed instead to the delight of the troops. Wind immediately filled the sails of the ships, and the Greek fleet sailed out of Aulis on its way ...
... Exulting in might, for though he limped, his thin legs Were nimble enough. But huge bright-helmeted Ares And Apollo with hair unshorn went down to the Trojans, Along with arrow-showering Artemis, Leto, The river-god Xanthus, and Aphrodite, adorer Of smiles. So long as the gods were not there, the Achaeans Won glorious victory, since now Achilles, who had Page 48 ... the winged shafts, And opposite Ares stood bright-eyed Athena. Opposing _______________ * Moldering: crumbling to dust; decaying. Page 49 Hera was Phoebus' sister, the archer Artemis, Goddess of golden shafts and the echoing shouts Of the chase, while coming forth against Leto was powerful Luck-bringing Hermes, and there opposing Hephaestus Came the god of ...
... outlet. Workings immortal obscurely struggling, hints of a godhead Labour to form in this clay a divinity. Hera widens, Pallas aspires in me, Phoebus in flames goes battling and singing, Ares and Artemis chase through the fields of my soul in their hunting. Last in some hour of the Fates a Birth stands released and triumphant; Poured by its deeds over earth it rejoices fulfilled in its splendour... been with me, thy blessing Surely shall help me today in my strife with the strength of Achilles. Surely the gods shall obey in the end the might of our spirits, Pallas and Hera, flame-sandalled Artemis, Zeus and Apollo. Ever serve the immortal brightnesses man when he stands up Firm with his will uplifted a steadfast flame towards the heavens, Ares works in his heart and Hephaestus burns in his... footsteps Page 444 Dumbly repeating her name, as insulted and trampled by beauty Thrill might the soul of a lover and cry out the name of its tyrant. Others there were as mighty; for Artemis, archeress ancient, Came on her sandals lightning-tasselled. Up the vast incline Shaking the world with the force of his advent thundered Poseidon; Space grew full of his stride and his cry. Immortal ...
... the Greeks of Argos, also extended to refer to all the Greeks under the leadership of Agamemnon- Artemis: Greek goddess, daughter of Zeus and Latona and the twin sister of Apollo. She was described in mythology as a virgin huntress and sometimes identifies Artemis (Cyprus, 2nd century Be) Page 111 with the moon. In Ilion she receives... The remains of a monument at Delphi Delos: A small island in the center of the Cyclades in the southern Aegean; it was regarded as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis (twin children of Zeus from Leto or Latona) and was the seat of an oracle of Apollo. Delphi: A rugged spot on the slopes of Mount Parnassus in central Greece, the site of the most important... Phoeba. She had a union with Zeus, but when she was due to give birth, no land would receive her for fear of the wrath of Hera until she reached the island of Delos in the Cyclades. There Apollo and Artemis were born to her. Leieges: one of the peoples who helped Troy fight the Greeks. Priam married Laothoe, and daughter of the Lelege king, Altes. From her he had two sons, Lycaon and Polydorus ...
... of her footsteps Dumbly repeating her name, as insulted and trampled by beauty Thrill might the soul of a lover and cry out the name of its tyrant. Others there were as mighty; for Artemis, archeress ancient, Came on her sandals lightning-tasselled. Up the vast incline Shaking the world with the force of his advent thundered Poseidon; Space grew full of his stride and his... gaze over many forms and high-seated godheads Passed like a swift-fleeing eagle over the peaks and the glaciers When to his eyrie he flies alone through the vastness and silence: "Artemis, child of my loins and you, O legioned immortals, All you have heard. Descend, O ye gods, to your sovereign stations, Labour rejoicing whose task is joy and your bliss is creation; ... o'erpass thee: Helpedare the souls that wait more than strengths soon fulfilled and exhausted. Archeress, brilliance, wait thine hour from the speed of theages." So they departed, Artemis leading lightning-tasselled. Ancient Themis remained and awful Dis and Ananke. Then mid these last of the gods who shall stand when all others have perished, Zeus to the Silence obscure ...
... of the month Hecatombaeon,1 which the Macedonians call Lous, the same day on which the temple of Artemis at Ephesus was burned down. It was this coincidence which inspired Hegesias of Magnesia to utter a joke which was flat enough to have put the fire out: he said it was no wonder the temple of Artemis was destroyed, since the goddess was busy attending to the birth of Alexander. But those of the Magi ...
... Workings immortal obscurely struggling, hints of a godhead Labour to form in this clay a divinity. Hera widens, Pallas aspires in me, Phoebus in flames goes battling and singing, Ares and Artemis chase through the fields of my soul in their hunting. Last in some hour of the fates a Birth stands released and triumphant... But we shall have some more insights into these Greeks gods... dropsy* in his seventies. He lived most of his life like a hermit in the mountains, and expressed his views in pithy"" and enigmatical apophthegms*** on nature, which he deposited in the temple of Artemis. Heracleitus' philosophy is certainly one among the major products of the Greek mind. The first nucleus of his thought was the oneness of all that is, with fire at its core. All things are one ...
... This story is the mythical explanation behind the siege of Troy. Lesbos: island and city off the coast of Asia Minor south of Troy. Leto: Greek goddess, mother of Apollo and Artemis by Zeus. Libation: the pouring out of a liquid as an offering to the gods. Lyre: a stringed instrument of the harp class used by ancient Greeks to accompany song and recitation... by King Peleus and commanded at Troy by his son Achilles Mysians: Trojan allies living east of Troy. Niobe: a Phyrigian woman whose six daughters and six sons were killed by Artemis and Apollo. Paris: the son of Priam and Hecuba, said to be the handsomest of mortal men. At birth he was left on the mountainside because a prophecy forecast that he would bring about the d ...
... birth from the foam of the spaces white Aphrodite Rose in the cloud of her golden hair like the moon in its halo. 90 And others too, "aegis-bearing Athene, shielded and helmeted", "Artemis, archeress Page 641 ancient", "immortal Apollo", Themis, and Ananke, and Hephaestus, and the "ancient Dis", "into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning". In Sri Aurobindo's... love and valour and hate. Nevertheless, she is neither the whole nor the really wholesome efflorescence of Woman as" Shakti. In the Western tradition, Penthesilea could be linked with Atlanta and Artemis and even Ishtar of the still earlier myths. But Sri Aurobindo sees her in other possible lights as well. In European literature, the Iliad and the Aeneid led up to The Divine Comedy and its ...
... important: according to Herodotus, “the father of history”, most of the Greek gods were the counterparts of the Egyptian gods. “In the Egyptian language”, he writes, “Apollo is called Horus, Demeter Isis, Artemis Bubastis”. Neith is identified with Athena, Osiris with Dionysus, Hathor with Aphrodite, Ammon with Zeus, and so on. 5 In the present context more need not be said about this fascinating topic ...
... religion Apollo was the god of the sun, but he was also the god of poetry & prophecy; Athene is identified with Ahana, a Vedic name of the Dawn, but for the Greeks she is the goddess of purity & wisdom; Artemis is the divinity of the moon, but also the goddess of free life & Page 190 of chastity. It is therefore evident that in early Greek religion, previous to the historic or even the literary ...
... all adult male citizens. 17 sun and moon are gods: The cult of the sun was prevalent in Greece, though it tended to be merged in the worship of Apollo. The moon (associated with Artemis and Hecate) was of especial importance in magic. The object of the question is to lead up to the doctrines of Anaxagoras. 18 Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (about 500-428 BC), one of ...
... open to all adult male citizens. sun and moon are gods: The cult of the sun was prevalent in Greece, though it tended to be merged in the worship of Apollo. The moon (associated with Artemis and Hecate) was of especial importance in magic. The object of the question is to lead up to the doctrines of Anaxagoras. Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (about 500-428), one of the most original ...
... Apollo, 177,220 Aquinas, Thomas, 150 Aristotle, 128, 182,219,322 Arjuna, 60, 188-9,384-5, 391 Arminius, 88 Arnold, Matthew, 68, 192, 240, 272 Artemis, 195 Asia, 16, 48, 70, 101, 148, 152-3, 240, 245 Asoka,93,195 Asura, 18, 69-74, 186, 201, 234, 267, 272, 291, 376, 382-3, 386 Aswatthama, 298 Aswins, 9 ...
... represented the beings did not entirely disappear from iconography; they became the companions or slaves of the divinities whom they used to embody, e.g., the owl of Athene, the eagle of Zeus, the hind of Artemis, the dolphin of Poseidon, and the dove of Aphrodite. In other cases, the bestial or repugnant forms have been left to evil spirits, the enemies of gods and men." 4 Man the Measure ...
... the Nereids stream on their foam-crested pillows, Dryads peer out from the branches, Naiads glance up from the waters; High are her flame-points of joy and the gods are ensnared by her daughters. Artemis calls as she flees through the glades and the breezes pursue her; Cypris laughs in her isles where the ocean-winds linger to woo her. Here thou shalt meet amid beauty forgotten the dance of the Graces; ...
... of the Nereids stream on their foam-crested pillows, Dryads sway out from the branches, Naiads glance up through the waters; Heaven has dances of joy and the gods are ensnared by her daughters. Artemis calls as she flees through the glades and the breezes pursue her, Cypris laughs in her isles where the Ocean-winds linger to woo her. Thou shalt behold in glades forgotten the dance of the Graces ...
... Athene has lost any naturalistic significance she may ever have had and is a pure moral force, the goddess of strong intelligence, force guided by brain; Ares is the lord of battles, not a storm wind; Artemis, if she is the Moon, is also goddess of the free hunting life and of virginity; Aphrodite is only the goddess of Love & Beauty There is therefore a strong moral element in the cult & there are clear ...
... knew well what they meant by Fate, Necessity,Ate, Themis, Dike, Koros,Hubris; we are in no danger of confusing morally Zeus with Ares, or Ares with Hephaistos, Aphrodite with Pallas or Pallas with Artemis! We will suppose, however, that the higher spiritual development of the Indians, their urge towards universality, prevented them from arriving at this clearness of individual conception. Or else that ...
... Earth they called the Great Goddess or the Mother Goddess by many names, (Gaea, Rhea, Demeter). Most of the female divinities in Greek mythology were originally Great Mother Goddesses; Hera in Argos, Artemis in Crete, Aphrodite in Cyprus. Their role changed when they were incorporated into the male-dominated religion of Zeus. Aphrodite was also known as Ishtar Page 68 in Babylon, and as Astarte ...
... took side with Aphrodite, while Poseidon, Lord of the sea, favored the Greeks, a sea people and great sailors. Apollo helped the Trojans for the sake of Hector, son of Priam and mainstay of Troy, and Artemis, his sister, did so too. Zeus, for his part, tried to stay neutral, but, urged by Thetis, who cruelly wounded by her son’s dishonor wanted a Trojan victory, agreed to help and sent a false dream to ...
... hair remembered food, though she saw a dozen children killed in her own halls, six daughters and six sons in the pride and prime of youth. True, lord Apollo killed the sons with his silver bow and Artemis showering arrows killed the daughters. Both gods were enraged at Niobe. Time and again she placed herself on a par with their own mother, Leto in her immortal beauty — how she insulted Leto: All you ...
... gods take up the fight: Athena lays Ares low with a stone, and when Aphrodite, going for a soldier tries to save him, Athena knocks her down with a blow upon her fair breast. Hera cuffs the ears of Artemis; Poseidon and Apollo content themselves with words.- (XXII) All Trojans but Hector fly from Achilles; Priam and Hecuba counsel Hector to stay behind the walls, but he refuses. Then suddenly, as Achilles ...
... other out of even Cecil Day .Lewis: My lover of flesh is wild, And willing to kiss again; She is the potency of earth When woods exhale the rain. My lover of air, like Artemis Spectrally embraced, Shuns the daylight that twists her smile To mineral distaste. In general, however, and as we come down to more and more recent times we find we have missed ...
... rather than submit to outrageous injustice, and is very different from the traditional Andromeda who is more akin to Iphigenia, the innocent maiden sacrificed by her father to propitiate the wrath of Artemis. In Perseus the Deliverer, the kernel of the action lies, not in Andromeda's passive sufferance as in the earlier renderings of the myth, but in her active defiance of the powers of evil. And, in ...
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