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Ascent to Earth of the Daughter of Hades : poem by George Meredith.

3 result/s found for Ascent to Earth of the Daughter of Hades

... Songs to Myrtilla ; even afterwards I did not make myself acquainted with all his poetry, it was only Modern Love and poems like the sonnet on Lucifer and on the ascent to earth of the daughter of Hades [ The Day of the Daughter of Hades ] that I strongly admired and it had its effect in the formation of my poetic style and its after-effects in that respect are not absent from Savitri . It is only... Shelley and Coleridge. I cannot tell you much about it from that point of view; I did not draw consciously from any of the poets you mention except from Phillips. I read Marpessa and Christ in Hades before they were published and as I was just in the stage of formation then—at the age of 17—they made a powerful impression which lasted until it was worked out in Love and Death . I dare say some ...


... s of Meredith's Ascent to Earth of the Daughter of Hades "are not absent from Savitri." See, SABCL, VoL 26, pp. 264-65. Page 443 spiritual is rooted in the natural." 13 In Indian myths Sri Aurobindo discovers the power that can accomplish fully the union of the Earth and the Spirit. "Inferior in warmth and colour and quick life and the savour of the earth to the Greek," he... transformation. There is, I think, a subtle relation between the birth and growth of Kalidasa's Parvati and that of Sri Aurobindo's Savitri. Parvati is the Mother of the Universe bom as Himalaya's daughter. Mythologically she is divine. Yet when we read carefully about her birth and childhood, about her childish plays with her friends, about her youth the beauty of which Kalidasa describes in most... myths in contrast to the Hellenic which had more warmth of human passion and the savour of the earth. 12 But Sri Aurobindo was fashioning a poetic art that would fuse the forces of the earth with those of the Spirit. He was certainly aware of the effort of Meredith whom he admired. In Meredith's vision, "Earth's ultimate goal is Spirit... the 9 Sri Aurobindo on Himself, SABCL, Vol. 26, pp. 264-65 ...

... influence on Songs to Myrtilla; even afterwards I did not make myself acquainted with all his poetry, it was only Modern Love and poems like the sonnet on Lucifer and the Ascent to Earth of the Daughter of Hades that I strongly admired and it had its effect on the formation of my poetic style and its after-effects in that respect are not absent from Savitri. It is only Swinburne's early... the Times Literary Supplement grants deep thought and technical excellence as the only merits of my uninspired poetry. It is otherwise with Stephen Phillips: I read Marpessa and Christ in Hades, the latter in typescript, shortly before I left England and they aroused my admiration and made a considerable impression on me. I read recently a reference to Phillips as a forgotten poet, but ...