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Ashutosh Chaudhuri Asutosh Chowdhuri Ashutosh Choudhuri : (Sir) (1860-1924), son of Dewan Ramdev Chaudhuri of Natore, zamindar of Haripur: took, simultaneously, Presidency College’s B.A. & MA. Degrees, 1881: joined St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he founded the Indian Majlis, & obtained his B.A. & LLB, 1884-85: married into the Tagore family: founder-secretary of the Bengal Landholder’s Association & connected it with many educational institutions & organisations: presided over the Bengal Provincial Conference at Burdwan in 1904 & the Pabnā district Conference in 1907: exhorted Nationalists to divert energy from “parochial or provincial politics & employ it in industrial development” because “our salvation” lay in it: judge of Calcutta High Court, 1912-20: knighted 1917.

4 result/s found for Ashutosh Chaudhuri Asutosh Chowdhuri Ashutosh Choudhuri

... Two Book Two Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Mr. A. Chaudhuri's Policy 22-June-1907 Mr. Ashutosh Chaudhuri has used the opportunity given to him by his selection for the chair of the Pabna Conference to make a personal pronouncement of policy. This is the second time that Mr. Chaudhuri has had an... failure, we have not strength to meet the giant power of the bureaucracy; let them have the field, let us quietly pursue our own salvation in the peaceful Ashrams of Swadeshism and self-help." Mr. Ashutosh Chaudhuri with his keen intellectual sensitiveness has felt this tendency in the air and given it expression. It is a beautiful and pathetic dream. We will develop our manufacture, boycott foreign goods... propose to remove them? By shutting his eyes to their existence. Ignore the Government, dissociate yourselves from the men of violence—and the thing is done. Such is the political wisdom of Mr. Ashutosh Chaudhuri. Page 526 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... into which it was put under the influence of others more accustomed to legal notions and legal phraseology than to the plain utterance of the heart. The accused was strongly represented, Srijuts Ashutosh Chaudhuri, Aswini Banerji, Chittaranjan Das and A. K. Ghose appearing for him in the case, and had he chosen, as he did not choose, to make a sensational trial of the Yugantar case and win for himself... authority it was his whole mission to displace, was modified into a legal abstention from any further "action" in an ordinary undefended trial. Later in the day a worse thing happened. Srijut Ashutosh Chaudhuri has been severely criticised for the remarks with which he accompanied his refusal to give any address. It is fair to state that he does not seem to have been accurately reported. We are informed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... my opinions. The rumour suggesting that I support the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and am opposed to Non-Co-operation is without basis. I have nothing to do personally with the manifesto of Sir Ashutosh Choudhuri and others citing a passage from my past writings. The recorded opinions of a public man are public property and I do not disclaim what I have written; but the responsibility for its application ...

... opinions. The rumour suggesting that I support the Montagu Chelmsford Reforms and am opposed to Non-Cooperation is without basis. I have nothing to do personally with the manifesto of Sir Ashutosh Page 248 Chaudhuri and others citing a passage from my past writings. The recorded opinions of a public man are public property and I do not disclaim what I have written; but the responsibility for its ...