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Athanasian Creed : Christian profession of faith, also known as the Quicunque vult, a Latin exposition of orthodox teaching on the Trinity & the incarnation in about forty verses. Regarded as authoritative in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, & some Protestant churches, the creed begins & ends with stern warnings that unswerving adherence to Christianity is indispensable to salvation.

1 result/s found for Athanasian Creed

... they coerce with their irrational authority. Europe is certainly not going to exchange a Catholic for a Theosophical Pope, the Council of Cardinals for the Esoteric Section, or the Gospel and the Athanasian Creed for Ancient Wisdom and Isis Unveiled . Will India long keep the temper that submits to unexamined authority and blinds itself with a name? I believe not. We shall more and more return to ...
