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Atharvan Atharva : eldest son of Lord Brahma & seer of the Atharva Veda. His descendants, Atharvāns, are often associated with Āṇgirasas.

51 result/s found for Atharvan Atharva

... born, the creator of all, the world's protector; he to Atharvan, his eldest son, declared the God-knowledge in which all sciences have their foundation. अथर्वणे यां प्रवदेत ब्रह्माथर्वा तां पुरोवाचाङ्गिरे ब्रह्मविद्याम् । स भारद्वाजाय सत्यवहाय प्राह भारद्वाजोऽङ्गिरसे परावराम् ॥२॥ 2) The God-knowledge by Brahma declared to Atharvan, Atharvan of old declared to Angir; he to Satyavaha the Bharadwaja... सामवेदोऽथर्ववेदः शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं निरुक्तं छन्दो ज्योतिषमिति । अथ परा यया तदक्षरमधिगम्यते ॥५॥ Page 131 5) Of which the lower, the Rig Veda and the Yajur Veda and the Sama Veda and the Atharva Veda, chanting, ritual, grammar, etymological interpretation, and prosody and astronomy. And then the higher by which is known the Immutable. यत् तदद्रेश्यमग्राह्यमगोत्रमवर्णमचक्षुःश्रोत्रं तदपाणिपादम् ...

... Glimpses of Vedic Literature Atharva veda ...

... Glimpses of Vedic Literature A Ahina 56 Antaratma 118 Aranyaka Literature 81 Ashwamedha 43 Atharva Veda 59 ...

... India and of the world. The Vedas speak of the Rishis of the past and of the New Age (pūrvebhih nūtanaih, Rig Veda (RV), 1.1.2). 2 There are four Vedas, — Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. Among the Vedas the Rig Veda occupies a prominent place. It consists of ten books or Mandalas and one thousand seventeen hymns or suktas. The total number of verses in Rig Veda is ten thousand... References may be made in particular, to 1.11.5,1.32.4,1.72.8,1.100.18, V.14.4, VI.60.2, VII.75.7, VII.90.4, VII.99.4. Refer also to IL15.8, III.43.7, III.31.15, VI.44.3 and VII.99.4, X.47.6. 14 Atharva Veda, 12.1.1, RV., X.190.1. 15 Vide., Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Vol. 10, SABCL, 1972, pp. 54-64, 263-271, 351-419. 16. Vide., RV., 1.4. 17 Vide., RV., I.4.8. ...

... Artha, 49 Arthashastra, 105 Arum, 68,69, 70,78,80 Aryaman, 10,11,12 Aryan,12 Ashoka, 84 Ashram, 18,34 Ashwins, 12,13 Ashvamedha, 42 Astronomy, 44 Atharva Veda, 6,105 Atheism, 61 Adantis, 1 Atman, 30, 82 Aurangzeb, 85 Avidya, 29 Ayurveda, 104 Badarayana, 88,95 Bedekar, V.M, 71,75,78,82 Being, Pure, 58 ...

... horses. Atharvan first formed the Path, thereafter Surya was born as the protector of the Law and the Blissful One, tataḥ sūryo vratapā vena ājani . Ushanas Kavya drove upward the Cows. With them may we win by the sacrifice the immortality that is born as a child to the Lord of the Law," yamasya jātam amṛtaṁ yajāmahe (I.83.4-5). Angira is the Rishi who represents the Seer-Will, Atharvan is the Rishi... the Rishi of the heavenward desire that is born from the seer-knowledge. The Angiras win the wealth of illuminations and powers of the Truth concealed behind the lower life and its crookednesses; Atharvan forms in their strength the Path and Surya the Lord of Light is then born as the guardian of the divine Law and the Yama-power; Ushanas drives the herded illuminations of our thought up that path ...

... lights in the sacrifices—and thou growest to greatness. अग्निर्जातो अथर्वणा विदद् विश्वानि काव्या । भुवद् दूतो विवस्वतो वि वो मदे प्रियो यमस्य काम्यो विवक्षसे ॥५॥ 5) The Fire born from Atharvan knows all seer-wisdoms, he becomes the messenger of the luminous sun—in the intoxication of your rapture—dear and desirable to the lord of the law—and thou growest to greatness. त्वां यज्ञ ...

... who is also called Brahma, is common; but the distinction is clear. Thus in the Mundaka Upanishad ब्रह्मा देवानां प्रथमः संबभूव, it is the first of Gods, the earliest birth of Time, the father of Atharva, and not the unborn eternal Hiranyagarbha. In the Puranas Brahma is described as in fear of his life from Madhu and Kaitabha, and cannot be the fearless and immortal Hiranyagarbha. Nor would it be ...

... "Kachcha-yana" is the Pall for "Kātyāyana", and "Kabandhī" equates to "Kakuda": see The Indian Historical Quarterly, 1932, 603 ff. Apropos of this equation, Raychaudhuri 3 notes: "Kabandha in the Atharva Veda, X.2.3 means srona and uru (hips and thighs). According to Amara kakudmati has substantially the same meaning." Raychaudhuri 4 goes on: "The reference to Gotama's contemporary as a master ...

... पश्यसि यातुधानम् । अथर्ववज्ज्योतिषा दैव्येन सत्यं धूर्वन्तमचितं न्योष ॥१२॥ 12) Set in thy singer, O Fire, the eye with which thou seest the trampler with his hooves, the demon-sorcerer; even as did Atharvan, burn with the divine Light this being without knowledge who does hurt to the Truth. यदग्ने अद्य मिथुना शपातो यद् वाचस्तृष्टं जनयन्त रेभाः । मन्योर्मनसः शरव्या जायते या तया विध्य हृदये यातुघानान् ...

... Notes and References ' It is believed that in its original condition Veda was one, but it was Rishi Vyasa who divided it into collections, Samhitas, Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and Atharva Veda. The antiquity of the Veda has been a subject of discussion and dispute. But it is acknowledged that it is the oldest available record in the world. '2-Rig Veda (7?VJ, X.67.1. 3 The ...

... of the waters; if perchance it lifted that also, there would be then neither today nor tomorrow, nor would there be day or night nor would there be dawning any more. Atharva Veda 11.4.21 Thus said the Vedic Rishi. Even so, when the Mother withdrew physically from this earth we presumed that she did so with one foot only; the other foot she left planted ...

... nothing but the symbol of an inner giving. And if the Angiras Rishis are also in part symbolic or are, like the gods, semi-divine workers and helpers in the sacrifice, so also must be the Bhrigus, Atharvans, Ushana and Kutsa and others who are associated with them in their work. If the Angiras legend and the story of the struggle with the Dasyus is a parable, so also should be the other legendary stories ...

... which one indeed is it? (20) Out of that they carved out the Riks, out of that they fa­shioned the Yajur: the Samas are its hair. The line of the ¹ Stainless. Page 32 Atharvas and the line of the Angirasa are its mouth. Of that Pillar speak – which one indeed is it? (21) Men established the line of Non-Being and knew it the Sup­reme. Others, on the contrary, recognise ...

... 85 त्वामग्ने पुष्करादध्यथर्वा निरमन्थत । मूर्ध्नो विश्वस्य वाघतः ॥१३॥ 13) O Fire, Atharvan churned thee out from the Lotus, 16 from the head of every chanting sage. तमु त्वा दघ्यङ्ङृषिः पुत्र ईघे अथर्वणः । वृत्रहणं पुरंदरम् ॥१४॥ 14) And Dadhyang too, the Seer, Atharvan's son, kindled thee a slayer of the Python adversary and shatterer of his cities. तमु त्वा पाथ्यो... the wine rightly on its paths the sacrifice. इममु त्यमथर्ववदग्निं मन्थन्ति वेधसः । यमङ्कूयन्तमानयन्नमूरं श्याव्याभ्यः॥१७॥ 17) This is that Fire whom the ordainers of works churn out like Atharvan of old; a Power unbewildered, they led him in his zigzag walk from the dusky Nights. जनिष्वा देववीतये सर्वताता स्वस्तये । आ देवान् वक्ष्यमृताँ ऋतावृधो यज्ञं देवेषु पिस्पृशः ॥१८॥ 18) Be ...

... shall live". —Book XI, Canto I Compare: Gita 12-8; 9, 34; l0, 9 "And step into the Truth, the Right, the Vast." —Book XI Canto I Compare: "Satyam, Ritam, Brihat" Atharva Veda "All earth shall be the Spirit's manifest home" —Book XI Canto I Compare: "All this is for habitation by the Lord" Isha The difference is "Manifest home" in Savitri ...

... well we fall under the spell of certain sounds. That reminds me in general of the magical effects of incomprehensible words. A name, in ancient thought, was a clue to the nature of a thing. In the Atharva Veda we find a Rishi saying: "O fever, I know thy name. Page 87 Thou shalt not escape me." The practice of modern doctors, in order to create impressive authority for themselves, is ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... ancient Fathers discovered the path to that world which is a pasture of the Cows whence the enemy cannot bear away the radiant herds." There are four Vedas: the Rig, the Sama, the Yajur and the Atharva. The Rig-veda is known to be the most ancient of these ancient scriptures. "From the historical point of view," writes Sri Aurobindo, "the Rig-veda may be regarded as a record of a great advance made ...

... Sachchidananda on earth. Ancient wisdom saw the potential greatness of the earth. In the Vedas the earth is called the foothold of God and the mother of all creatures whose father is Heaven. In the Atharva Veda we have : "I am a son of Earth, the soil is my mother...May she lavish on me her manifold treasure, her secret riches.... May we speak the beauty of thee, O Earth, that is in thy villages and ...

... a later mortal race in the same divine achievement. Quite apart from the later Yama hymns of the tenth Mandala in which the Angirases are spoken of as Barhishad Pitris along with the Bhrigus and Atharvans and receive their own peculiar portion in the sacrifice, they are in the rest of the Veda also called upon in a less definite but a larger and more significant imagery. It is for the great human journey ...

... Yama and our forefathers sat together to share a drink (X.135.1); two birds of beautiful plumage dwell on it (I.164.22); this is the same tree whose leaves rustle as the Winds blow (V.54.12). In the Atharva Veda this Ashwattha tree is located in the third celestial world, the World of Varuna. Once Agni, in the guise of a horse, Ashwa, stayed under this tree for a year and hence it is called Ashwattha ...

... the third is called Sama Veda; and the fourth is called Atharva Veda. These are four huge volumes. Rig Veda is the biggest. It has ten chapters and totally it has ten thousand verses. Ten thousand verses! In a recent publication, the mere Sanskrit text along with the English translation has come to twelve volumes, the Rig Veda alone. The Atharva Veda is half of the Rig Veda, the Same Veda is the shortest ...

... how the archaeologists have very little evidence that the Harappā Culture is non-Vedic... When you say that the Harappā Civilization belongs to the later phase of the Vedic Culture, that is, the Atharva Veda, etc., it is also understandable. "But we have got to show that there are traces of Vedic Aryans of a still earlier date to be found in India and they must go back to at least two thousand ...

... Indian Yoga Appendix Significance of The Veda in The Context of Indian Religion And Spirituality The four Vedas (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda) are samhitas, collections or compilations of selections made by Veda Vyasa. There was evidently at that time a larger body of compositions, and since they spoke of the old and new Rishis 1 and... are related to Krishna Yajurveda; Brihadaranyaka and Isha, which are related to Shukla Yajurveda; Kena and Chhandogya, which are related to Sama Veda; and Prashna and Mundaka, which are related to Atharva Veda. 12. We may also refer to the passage of the Taittiriya in which Indra appears as a power of the divine mind. The passage of the Prashna Upanishad may also be referred to where the power and ...

... Next, this inquiry is to be aided by a competent teacher, such as Yama in the Katha Upanishad, or as Pippalada in the Prashna Upanishad, or Brahma, the first of the Gods — devanam Prathamah, to Atharvan, he to Angir, Angir to Satyavaha the Bhardwaja, or Angiras in the Mundaka Upanishad or as Uma Haimavati, the Divine Mother who knows the Supreme, in the Kena Upanishad. "Arise, awake, find out the ...

... Saw the Mother today. Mother decided to give me room in Z. house so that I might go to the terrace in the evenings (to stay there as long as she was on the terrace). Spoke about skambha.† (Atharva Veda X.7)‡ I had meditation at the Feet, conversation and music .... *Significances of the flowers given by the Mother are put here in capitals, †Sastriar used to wait on the roof ...

... have the description of the Angirasas, of Atharvan, and Ushanas Kavya, in their process and in their attainment of the Knowledge of the Truth: "The Angirasas held the supreme manifestation (of the Truth), they who had lit the fire, by perfect accomplishment of the work; they gained the whole enjoyment of the Pani, its herds of the cows and the horses. Atharvan first formed the Path, thereafter, Surya ...

... the other, so is it in the image of the man. Yajur is the head of him and the Rig-veda is his right side and the Sama-veda is his left side; the Commandment is his spirit which is the self of him, Atharvan Angiras is his lower member whereon he rests abidingly. Whereof this is the Scripture. Chapter Four _______________ ¹Or, attain mastery of Page 52 The delight of the ...

... my mother.... May she lavish on me her manifold treasure, her secret riches.... May we speak the beauty of thee, O Earth, that is in thy villages and forests and assemblies and war and battles. Atharva Veda. (XII. 1. 12, 44, 56.) May Earth, sovereign over the past and the future, make for us a wide world.... Earth that was the water on the Ocean and whose course the thinkers follow by... by the magic of their knowledge, she who has her heart of immortality covered up by the Truth in the supreme ether, may she stablish for us light and power in that most high kingdom. Atharva Veda. (XII. 1. 1, 8.) O Flame, thou foundest the mortal in a supreme immortality for increase of inspired Knowledge day by day; for the seer who has thirst for the dual birth, thou createst divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... does not exist apart from It. He who says it does is still under delusion — he babbles like 1 one asleep. This universe is verily Brahman — such is the august pronouncement of the Atharva Veda. Therefore this universe is nothing but Brahman, for that which is superimposed (on something) has no separate existence from its substratum. Hence whatever is manifested, viz. ...

... brief statement could be useful and may serve the limited purpose that we have in view. Significance of Agni as the First Step Among the four Vedas (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda), Rig Veda is preeminent. In this Veda, the largest number of hymns are addressed and related to Agni, the mystic fire. This fact is significant, and it provides the central key to the treasure ...

... gather them together,—let me see of thee thy happiest form of all; that Conscious Being everywhere, He am I. Isha Upanishad. (Verses 15, 16.) The Truth, the Right, the Vast. Atharva Veda. (XII. 1. 1.) It became both truth and falsehood. It became the Truth, even all this that is. Taittiriya Upanishad. (II. 6.) One point remains to be cleared which we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... to the external life of man; hence the force of prayer, worship, sacrifice for material ends; hence the use of them for worldly life and in so-called magic rites which come out prominently in the Atharva Veda and is behind much of the symbolism of the Brahmanas.12 But in man him- self the gods are conscious psychological powers. Will- powers, they do the works of will; they are the thinkings in our ...

... the other, so is it in the image of the man. Yajur is the head of him and the Rig-veda is his right side and the Sama-veda is his left side: the Commandment is his spirit which is the self of him, Atharvan Ungirus is his lower member whereon he rests abidingly. Whereof this is the Scripture. Chapter IV यतो वाचो निवर्तन्ते । अप्राप्य मनसा सह । आनन्दं ब्रह्मणो विद्वान् । न बिभेति कदाचनेति । तस्यैष ...

... × I.164.47; also IV.21.3 × Atharva XII.1.1. × IV.3.4. × ...

... and gives a character to each successive station. The Ray from the East is red, symbolising the Rik, the Southern Ray is white, symbolising the Yajur, the Western Ray is black symbolising the Atharva. The natural phenomenon, however, might have been or might not have been before the mind's eye of the Rishi, but the symbolism, the esotericism of it is clear enough in the way the Rishi speaks of ...

... and gives a character to each successive station. The Ray from the East is red, symbolising the Rik, the Southern Ray is white, symbolising the Yajur, the Western Ray is black symbolising the Atharva. The natural phenomenon, however, might have been or might not have been before the mind's eye of the Rishi, but the symbolism, the esotericism of it is clear enough in the way the Rishi speaks of ...

... Infinite, its movement or stirring could be seen as Time. The dance of Kali within the bosom of Shiva. Shiva is Space and Kali, Time. In this regard I asked him to go through the Kala-sukta of the Atharva Veda and the famous saying 'Kaloasmi' from the Gita, For me these two facets. Space and Time are two expressions of God. There is a saying in the Veda: 'Kalah sah iyatey paramo noo devah' : the ...

... divided into three groups, known as trayi (a group of three) - Rik, Sama and Yajur. Rik consists of verses or poems; Sama of songs; Yajur of prose works. Miscellaneous things were collected in the Atharva. Thus the Veda developed into four parts. According to the Puranas the Seers who collected these Vedic mantras are named Vedavyasas. They are as many as twenty-eight successive Vedavyasas whose ...

... also says " yaj ñas is the head ; the rk is the right side ; saman is the left side ; command is the soul ; atharva-angirasa is the end and foundation". Sri Aurobindo : Rik means the intuitive movement in the mind ; saman is "the rhythm of the movement and harmony.” Atharva means "the effective action of the physical plane". Angirasa , in the Veda at least, means Page 242 ...

... describes the knowledge contained in the pre-Vedic tradition as also the Vedic tradition proper. Among the four Vedas (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and Atharva Veda), the Rig Veda is pre-eminent. According to one tradition, Atharva Veda was a later addition. The Rig Veda consists of 10 Mandalas (parts) and each Mandala consists of a number of Suktas, and each one of the Suktas consists of ...

... total of about 165 epigraphs distributed between fifty-six chapters, as many as 85 are from the Upanishads, nearly 60 from the Vedas (mostly from the Rig Veda, and one from Yajur Veda and three from Atharva Veda), over 20 from the Gita, and one each from the Vishnu Purana and Sankara's Vivekachudamani. To sustain an argument (be it pūrva-paksa or siddhānta) by reference to ancient authority has ...

... as a hero, even after the acquisition of the kingdom from his father, becomes evident when the poet describes his invincibility as a king: "Thus when his preceptor, who was deep-learned in Atharva texts, had performed the rites for his installation, he became irresistible to his foes: as the union of Wind and Fire are sacred lore to the glory of weapons." — Canto VIII. 4 However ...

... is the knowledge that must be known of which the knowers of the Brahman tell, the higher and the lower knowledge." "Of which the lower, the Rigveda and the Yajurveda, and the Samaveda, and the Atharva veda, chanting, ritual, grammar, etymological interpretation, and prosody, and astronomy. And then the higher by which is known the Immutable." "That the invisible, that the unseizable, without ...

... present, because of certain moral scruples, from divulging his arcana to the crowd, but he recognises that so long as he refuses, he has no right to evade the inquisition of the metaphysical logician. Atharvan & Svetasvatara having spoken, Shankara and Ramanuja must be allowed their arena of verbal discussion. The metaphysical question involved turns upon the nature of Avidya, Nescience, and its possibility ...

... our thought; who is above Indra in energy? The Gods have set in him god-might and will and puissances. Singing the word of illumination in the law of thy self-empire. (16) The thought to which Atharvan and our father Manu and Dadhichi gave shape,—in him the Words and the Utterances meet together as of old in Indra. Singing the word of illumination in the law of thy self-empire. SUKTA 81 (1) ...

... to the external life of man; hence the force of prayer, worship, sacrifice for material ends; hence the use of them for worldly life and in so-called magic rites which comes out prominently in the Atharva Veda and is behind much of the symbolism of the Brahmanas. 5 But in man himself the gods are conscious psychological powers. "Will-powers, they do the works of will; they are the thinkings in our ...

... witnesses who saw the truth and put it in human language; for this seeing was not mental sight, but spiritual. Therefore the Vedas are justly called Sruti or revelation. Of these the Rig, Yajur, Sama & Atharvan are the fertilising rain which gave the plant of the Truth nourishment and made it grow, the Brahmanas are the forest in which the plant is found, the Aranyakas are the soil in which it grows, the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... pursuit of the earth, we may recollect, was due to his anger at the neglect of Vedic rites and proper service. In the Rigveda he figures in one hymn (X. 148.5) as a rishi under a name similar to the Atharva-veda's for him: he is Venya Prithī. 3 There is, further, the suggestion from the compilers of the Vedic Index (II, p. 16) that, as Patil 4 puts it, "Prithu of the Rigveda was probably a vegetation ...

... Earth, the soil is my mother...." ( Atharva Veda XII.1) Having traveled to the frontiers of the Infinite, they did not find that the small things here were small: "O Godhead, guard for us the Infinite and lavish the finite." ( Rig Veda IV.2.11) "May we speak the beauty of thee, O Earth, that is in thy villages and forests and assemblies and wars and battles." ( Atharva Veda XII.44.56) They battled, and... 293 On the Veda, 46 × 294 Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda. × 295 According to Indian tradition, each cycle has four periods: Satya-yuga , the age ...

... in mortals... is established inwardly as an energy working out our divine powers." And this: "Let us conquer even here, let us run this battle-race of a hundred leadings." And again this, from the Atharva Veda: "I am a son of Earth, the soil is my mother." And this: "May we speak the beauty of thee, O Earth, that is in thy villages and forests and assemblies of war and battles." The people who uttered ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart