Autobiographical Notes [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [23]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [1]
Record of Yoga [3]
Seer Poets [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [58]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
Vedic and Philological Studies [4]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [23]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [1]
Record of Yoga [3]
Seer Poets [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [58]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
Vedic and Philological Studies [4]
Atri : ‘eater’ or ‘traveller’, one of the Prajāpatis, he composed many Vedic hymns, esp. those composed in praise of Agni, Indra, the Ashwins, & the Vishwadevas. The Atris are a family of Vedic sages to whom is attributed Mandala V of the Rig Veda. Several communities of Brāhmins, Prajāpatis, Kshatriyas, & Vaishyas claim him as their progenitor, i.e. belong to his gōtra.
... Angirasa (35 – 36), Bhauma Atri (37 – 39). These hymns were translated in a notebook of a type used by Sri Aurobindo during the Arya period. Another translation of most of them is found in a Page 727 notebook of a type that he was using mostly in 1913 and early 1914. The latest translation of each hymn is reproduced here. Sukta 40 . Rishi: Bhauma Atri. Reproduced from a notebook... notebook used for the Record of Yoga from April to June 1914. Suktas 73 – 87 . Rishis: Paura Atreya (73 – 74), Avasyu Atreya (75), Bhauma Atri (76 – 77), Saptavadhri Atreya (78), Satyashravas Atreya (79 – 80), Shyavashwa Atreya (81 – 82), Bhauma Atri (83 – 86), Evayamarut Atreya (87). Circa 1915. Different translations of a few of these hymns were published in the Arya , as reproduced in The... notebook of a type that Sri Aurobindo was using mostly in 1913 and early 1914. Suktas 42.1 – 5, 52 . Rishis: Bhauma Atri (42), Shyavashwa Atreya (52). Reproduced from a notebook used by Sri Aurobindo around 1913. Suktas 54 – 60 . Rishi: Shyavashwa Atreya. Reproduced from a notebook of a type that Sri Aurobindo was using mostly in 1913 and early 1914. Sukta 61 . 1914. Rishi: Shyavashwa Atreya ...
... the Rishis are also given, wherever necessary, their significant value, as in the first hymn Gavisthira which means the Steadfast in the Light or the general name Atri. Atri means either the Eater or the Traveller; Agni himself is the Atri as he is also the Angiras; out of a devouring desire, experience and enjoyment of the forms of the world he advances to the liberated truth and delight of the soul ...
... void of sense or poor and incoherent in sense and therefore affects us as inflated and pretentious, the ornament of an inapt and bungling literary craftsmanship. So too when the seer of the house of Atri cries high to Agni, "O Agni, O Priest of the offering, loose from us the cords," he is using not only a natural, but a richly-laden image. He is thinking of the triple cord of mind, nerves and body... high-seated Truth, to the Far, to the Secret, to the Supreme. All these associations are lost to us; our minds are obsessed by ideas of a ritual sacrifice and a material cord. We imagine perhaps the son of Atri bound as a victim in an ancient barbaric sacrifice, crying to the god of Fire for a physical deliverance! A little later the seer sings of the increasing Flame, "Agni shines wide with vast Light ...
... day and night and the life of man between the two poles of light and darkness that the Aryan seers represent the progressive illumination of the human soul. It is so that Shyavashwa of the house of Atri hymns Savitri, Creator, Increaser, Revealer. Surya enlightens the mind and the thoughts with the illuminations of the Truth. He is vipra , the illumined. It is he who delivers the individual human... aggrandises us by a constantly progressive creation until he has illumined the whole world of our becoming. We grow into the complete, the universal, the infinite. So has Shyavashwa, of the sons of Atri, succeeded in affirming Savitri in his own being as the illuminative Truth, the creative, the progressive, the increaser of man—he who brings him out of egoistic limitation into universality, out of ...
... According to the Veda, the spirits of these great ancestors still assist their offsprings; for the new dawns repeat the old and lean forward in light to join the dawns of the future. Kanwa, Kutsa, Atri, Kakshiwan, Gotama, Shunahshepa, have become types of certain spiritual victories which tend to be constantly repeated in the experience of humanity. The seven sages, the Angirasas, had chanted the... apo divyah, 14 divine waters, or what Vamadeva calls Page 7 madhuman urmih, ghritasya dharah, 15 the sweet intoxicating wave, the streams of clarity or clear intelligence, or what Atri calls ritasya dhardh, waters of the Truth. They are figured as fostering cows, dhenavah, mares, asvah, they are called Sapta Vanih, the seven words of the creative goddess Vak, speech, the ...
... for which in the form they have there, I cannot accept responsibility. Page 438 [13] Punamchand No use doing the Vocabulary of the Atri Hymns till the new translation is ready. The old translation is too free for this purpose. Atri hymns not yet ready. Not much use to collect words from the Secret of the Veda. The Vocabulary of the Bharadwaja hymns is very well done; perhaps ...
... on the gods to whom the hymns are addressed: "Agni, the Divine Will-Force" and "The Guardians of the Light". The fifth Mandala of the Rig Veda comprises eighty-seven hymns composed by Rishis of the Atri clan. Sri Aurobindo translated forty-three of these: all twenty-eight hymns to Agni (V.1 - 28), all eleven hymns to Mitra-Varuna (V.62 - 72), both hymns to Usha (V.79, 80), the hymn to Surya Savitri... August 1915. A Hymn of the Thought-Gods . Published in the Arya in February 1916. This is not a translation but a paraphrase of the hymns to the Maruts by the Rishi Shyavashwa of the Atri clan; it is based on Rig Veda V.52 and, in the last three paragraphs, on scattered verses from V.53 - 61. It appeared in the Arya while Hymns of the Atris was running, but did not form part of ...
... number of words in the Rigveda is 1,53,826 and the number of letters is 4,32,000. Some of the great names of the poets who have received the mantras include Vasishtha Vishwāmitra, Vāmadeva, Bhāradwāja, Atri, Madhuchhandas. Six of the Mandalas or books are given each to the hymns of a single Rishi or family of Rishis. Thus the second Mandala is devoted chiefly to the sūktas of the Rishi Gritsamada, the... the third and the seventh similarly to the great names of Vishwāmitra and Vasishtha, respectively, the fourth to Vāmadeva, the sixth to Bhāradwāja. The fifth is occupied by the hymns of the house of Atri. In each of these Mandalas the sūtra addressed to Agni are first collected together, followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other Gods, Brihaspati, Sūrya, the Ribhus, Ushā ...
... Gritsamada, the third Mandala and the seventh Mandala to Vishwamitra and Vashishtha, respectively, the fourth to Vamadeva, the sixth to Bharadwaja. The fifth is occupied by the hymns of the house of Atri. Other Mandalas contain the hymns of several Rishis and Rishikas. The prominent names of Rishikas in the Rig Veda are: Romasha, Lopamudra, Apala, Kadru, Vishwavara. 2. The great names that we find... from the records of the Veda and the Upanishads which will provide a few glimpses into the early stages of Indian concepts of education and of the good teacher and the good pupil. Rishi Atri and his wife (Anasuya), from a Mahayana manuscript. Page 39 ...
... will. He has not lied, he has the knowledge. He And I are one. How then shall I refuse? Does it not say, the Veda that you know, When one knows That, then whatso he desires, It shall be his'?" And Atri sage replied, "Let him then rule a season and be slain." And He who reigns, "Something you know, O Seers, Not all My purpose. It is long decreed, The Rákshasa shall rule the peopled earth. He takes ...
... the human forefathers, and the spirits of these great Ancestors still assist their offspring; for the new dawns repeat the old and lean forward in light to join the dawns of the future. Kanwa, Kutsa, Atri, Kakshiwan, Gotama, Shunahshepa have become types of certain spiritual victories which tend to be constantly repeated in the experience of humanity. The seven sages, the Angirasas, are waiting still ...
... likeness, phantom .. line, row (to cut) .. protection (to cover) .. colour, light, beauty (to shine, probably छी) .. bribe .. Durga .. shadow of gnomon .. Sun .. nightmare छायामय छगः a goat, छागः छगलः (Atri), छगलकः (also adj, Aries), छागलः (also adj). छगी, छगला, छगली, छागी, छागली छागं goat’s milk .. an oblation. छगणः, छगणं dried cowdung (to cover, smear?) छागणं a fire of dried ...
... arocayaḥ (III.44.2). These are his great achievements, jajāna sūryam uṣasaṁ sudaṁsāḥ (III.32.8), that with his shining comrades he wins for possession the field (is this not the field in which the Atri saw the shining cows?), wins the sun, wins the waters, sanat kṣetraṁ sakhibhiḥ śvitnyebhiḥ sanat sūryaṁ sanad apaḥ suvajraḥ (I.100.18). He is also he who winneth Swar, svarṣā , as we have seen, by ...
... the wide continent of the riches that milks out its abundance, O godhead: like a thief thou holdest in the secrecy that plane, awakening him to the consciousness of the great riches thou hast rescued Atri. Page 280 × Or, breaks through his converging hunters ...
... Yajnavalkya & Ajatashatru, we shall recover perhaps the inspired thoughts of Vasishta and Viswamitra, of Ghora from whom perhaps Srikrishna heard the word of illumination, of Madhuchchhandas, Vamadeva and Atri. And we may even find ourself enriched in spiritual no less than in psychological knowledge; rejoice in the sense of being filled with a wider & more potent knowledge & energy, with jnanam, with tapahshakti ...
... dictated to A. B. Purani in the 1940s and published in 1952 in the second (enlarged) edition of Hymns to the Mystic Fire . The fifth Mandala of the Rig Veda contains hymns attributed to members of the Atri clan. Sri Aurobindo’s first translations of hymns of this book — including those to Agni and some to other gods — were published in the Arya between August 1915 and December 1917 in "Hymns of the ...
... into Indra when he pours the intoxication of his delight. The swift word of Truth climbs on to the hundred-powered God. (3) To the Angiras seers thou hast uncovered the pen of the cows and wast to Atri the finder of the path amid the hundred doors and even in sleep thou broughtest to Vimada the treasure when thou madest dance thy adamant bolt in the Page 215 battle while he shone with ...
... esotericism. "Mortal" calls Page 75 for an implication exceeding the mere vocable "man" which too occurs for the occult enemy the Rishi meets with, as in the verse: "O Fire,... may Atri overcome the destroyers who satisfy thee not, may he overcome forces and men" (V.7.10). 18 We may consider "mortal", when applied to the Rishi's occult enemy, as pointing to a hostile supernatural ...
... expressive of divergent sentiments by attendants, the foremost of whom were Sunanda and Nanda; by Sanaka and other sages; by Divinities like Brahmā and Rudra; and by the nine Brāhmana sages (Marīci, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrigu, Va-sishtha and Daksha); and by great Bhāgavatottamas like Prah-lada, Nārada, Vasu and others. 55. He was being adored by deities like Śrī , Pusti, Saraswatī ...
... 182 Aragon, 88 Aristotle, 89, 248 Arjuna, 254 Arnold, Matthew, 71, 189,234 -Essays in Criticism, 234n Arya, the, 131,227-8 Asia, 284 Asuras, 159 Aswins, 45 Atri, 162 Auden,88 Aurelius, 70 BACCHUS, 182 Bacon, 108 Banerji, Sanat Kumar, 230n Banquo, 171 Barnardo, 173-5 Baudelaire, 66, 78, 94, 96, 214, 287 -us Fleurs du Mal ...
... Gritsamada, the third Mandala and the Seventh Mandala to Vishwamitra and Vashishtha, respectively, the fourth to Vamadeva, the sixth to Bharadwaja. The Fifth is occupied by the hymns of the house of Atri. Other Mandalas contain the hymns of several Rishis and Rishikas. The prominent names of Rishikas in the Rig Veda are: Romasha, Lopamudra, Apala, Kadru, Vishwavara. Page 31 literature ...
... descendants. The authorship of the third Mandala goes to the Rishi Vishwamitra. The fourth Mandala is attributed to Vamadeva, while the fifth, the sixth, the seventh are respectively attributed to Atri, Bharadwaja and Vasishtha. The whole of the ninth Mandala has been exclusively devoted to the god Soma. The first and the tenth have been the contributions of many Rishis. Each sukta of these two ...
... are familiar to you. Vedic rishis are perhaps not so. Today I will speak of one of the Vedic rishis. Some names of great Vedic rishis must have reached your ears —Vashishtha, Vishwamitra, Atri, Parasara, Kanwa (I do not know if it is the same Kanwa of whom Kalidasa speaks in his Shakuntala), Madhuchchanda. All of them are seers of mantra, hearers of mantra, creators of mantra; all ...
... from the pure reflective mentality. As for the pasture of the cow we are already familiar with it; it is the field or kṣetra which Indra wins for his shining comrades from the Dasyu and in which the Atri beheld the warrior Agni and the luminous cows, those of whom even the old became young again. This field, kṣetra , is only another image for the luminous home ( kṣaya ) to which the gods by the sacrifice ...
... plunderer, from das to divide, hurt, injure). The Pani is the robber who snatches away the cows of light, the horses of the swiftness and the treasures of the divine plenitude, he is the wolf, the eater, atri, vṛka ; he is the obstructor, nid , and spoiler of the word. He is the enemy, the thief, the false or evil thinker who Page 238 makes difficult the Path by his robberies and obstructions; ...
... seventh similarly to the great names of Vishwamitra and Vasishtha respectively, the fourth to Vamadeva, the sixth to Page 59 Bharadwaja. The fifth is occupied by the hymns of the house of Atri. In each of these Mandalas the Suktas addressed to Agni are first collected together and followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other gods, Brihaspati, Surya, the Ribhus, ...
... बोध्यविता तनूनाम् ॥९॥ 9) O knower of all things born, carry us through all difficult passages, through all calamities as a ship over the ocean. O Fire, voiced by us with our obeisance even as did Atri, awake and be the guardian of our bodies. Page 262 यस्त्वा हृदा कीरिणा मन्यमानोऽमत्यँ मर्त्यो जोहवीमि । जातवेदो यशो अस्मासु धेहि प्रजाभिरग्ने अमृतत्वमश्याम् ॥१०॥ 10) I think of thee ...
... जस्त्वादातमा पशुं ददे । आदग्ने अपृणतोऽत्रिः सासह्याद् दस्यूनिषः सासह्यान्नृन् ॥१०॥ 10) Even so, irresistible born, I receive the force of mind, the cow of vision given by thee. O Fire, then may Atri overcome the destroyers who satisfy thee not, may he overcome forces and men. Page 269 SUKTA 8 त्वामग्न ऋतायवः समीधिरे प्रत्नं प्रत्नास ऊतये सहस्कृत । पुरुश्चन्द्रं यजतं विश्वघायसं दमूनसं ...
... रेरव तं सृजन्तु निन्दितारो निन्द्यासो भवन्तु ॥६॥ 6) The hostile powers have hidden within in mortals the king of those who dwell in creatures in whom all creatures dwell; let the wisdom-words of Atri release him, let the binders themselves become the bound. शुनश्चिच्छेपं निदितं सहस्त्राद् यूपादमुञ्चो अशमिष्ट हि षः । एवास्मदग्ने वि मुमुग्धि पाशान् होतश्चिकित्व इह तू निषद्य ॥७॥ 7) Shunahshepa ...
... Fire Vishwasaman SUKTA 22 प्र विश्वसामन्नत्रिवदर्चा पावकशोचिषे । यो अध्वरेष्वीड्यो होता मन्द्रतमो विशि ॥१॥ 1) O thou of the universal peace, as the Atri sing the word of illumination to Fire of the purifying light who is to be prayed in the pilgrim-sacrifices, the Priest of the call, most rapturous in man. न्यग्निं जातवेदसं दधाता देवमृत्विजम् ...
... निरदहज्जरुथम् । अग्निरत्रिं घर्म उरुष्यदन्तरग्निर्नृमेघं प्रजयासृजत् सम् ॥३॥ 3) Fire has protected the ear 2 of the worshipper, 3 Fire burnt out the Waster 4 from the waters; Fire delivered Atri within Page 424 the blaze, 5 Fire united man's sacrifice with its progeny. 6 अग्निर्दाद् द्रविणं वीरपेशा अग्निर्ऋषिं यः सहस्त्रा सनोति । अग्निर्दिवि हव्यमा ततानाऽग्नेर्धामानि ...
... riches of the vast, gracious for the conquest of the riches. अग्निरत्रिं भरद्वाजं गविष्ठिरं प्रावन्नः कण्वं त्रसदस्युमाहवे । अग्निं वसिष्ठो हवते पुरोहितो मृळीकाय पुरोहितः ॥५॥ 5) Fire protected Atri and Bharadwaja and Gavishthira, protected for us Kanwa and Trasadasyu in the battle, Fire Vasishtha the vicar priest calls, the vicar priest calls him for grace. ...
... truth and confirm our spiritual gains by its workings.] आ मित्रे वरुणे वयं गीर्भिर्जुहुमो अत्रिवत् । नि बर्हिषि सदतं सोमपीतये ॥१॥ 1) With the words we sacrifice to Mitra and to Varuna as the Atri. Sit on the seat of the largeness for the drinking of the wine. व्रतेन स्थो ध्रुवक्षेमा धर्मणा यातयज्जना । नि बर्हिषि सवतं सोमपीतये ॥२॥ 2) By your working you keep firm the gettings ...
... × Arcanānas , he who travels to the illumination created by the word, the significant name of the Rishi of this hymn, one of the line of Atri. ...
... the human forefathers, and the spirits of these great Ancestors still assist their offspring; for the new dawns repeat the old and lean forward in light to join the dawns of the future. Kanwa, Kutsa, Atri, Kakshiwan, Gotama, Shunahshepa have become types of Page 29 certain spiritual victories which tend to be constantly repeated in the experience of humanity. The seven sages, the Angirasas ...
... automatically, but he can be, he has the power, the potentiality to be. Page 187 × Anusuya : wife of the rishi Atri and endowed with a great inner force. In her husband's absence, three gods came (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) disguised as brahmins and asked her for something to eat. Then they refused to eat unless she ...
... 12. Ablutions: ritual bath. Page 32 13. The Seven Rishis (saptarshi): seven great Rishis of the vedic times: Gotama, Bhardwaja, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni, Vasishtha, Kashapa and Atri. They are sometimes represented by the seven stars of Ursa Major. They are described as bathing in the heavenly Ganges, sitting in its waters, practising Pranayama and other yogic disciplines. ...
... 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 31, 72 Aldous Huxley 33 Antigone 40 Aphrodite 34 Apollo 34 Aristotelian 49 Arnold 43 Arya 90, 92 Ashram 92 Asuras 5 Athens 47 Atri 8 Atul Gupta 102 Auchathya 8 Avatara 27 B Bacchus 34 Balaka 92 Bamardo 23, 24 Baudelaire 72 Bauls 84 Beethoven 9 Bengal 91, 104 Bengalis ...
... rishis are familiar to you. Vedic rishis are perhaps not so. Today I will speak of one of the Vedic rishis. Some names of great Vedic rishis must have reached your ears-Vashishtha, Vishwamitra, Atri, Parasara, Kanwa (I do not know if it is the same Kanwa of whom Kalidasa speaks in his Shakuntala), Madhuchchanda. All of them are seers of mantra, hearers of mantra, creators of mantra; all of them ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Sixth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Twin Upholders and Protectors [Mitra and Varuna perfect the vastness of the superconscient being which is the object of sacrifice; they possess the full abundance of its force. When they reach that luminous origin and home, they... individual being; leaders of the journey and the battle they create the wideness of that higher consciousness even out of our narrow and distressed mortality. It is that highest which the thought in the Atris desires and reaches to by affirming Mitra, Varuna and Aryaman, the god-heads, in the "bodies" inhabited by the human soul.] बळित्था देव निष्कृतमादित्या यजतं बृहत् । वरुण मित्रार्यमन्वर्षिष्ठं... Not the physical body only; the soul dwells here in five sheaths or embodyings. × The Atris,—literally, eaters; the word may also mean Travellers. ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Fourth Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Deliverer and Protector [The Rishi invokes the Divine Will for protection from evil and for the fullness of the divine light and substance.] अग्ने त्वं नो अन्तम उत त्राता शिवो भवा वरुथ्यः । वसुरग्निर्वसुश्रवा अच्छा नक्षि द्युमत्तमं ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Tenth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna An Invocation to the Sacrifice [The Rishi invokes Mitra and Varuna to the Soma-offering as destroyers of the enemy and greateners of our being and as helpers of our thoughts by their mastery and wisdom.] आ नो गन्तं रिशादसा वरुण ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Second Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Journey to the Perfect Joy [Man, the eater of things, seeks a fulfilment of his desires in a final equality of delight. To this end he has to be purified by the divine Flame, the Seer-Will who holds in himself the conscious vision ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twentieth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Work and the Attainment [The Rishi desires a state of spiritual wealth full of the divine working in which nothing shall fall away to the division and the crookedness. So, increasing by our works the divine Force in us daily, we shall ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-First Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Divine Flame in Humanity [The Rishi invokes the divine Flame to burn as the divine Man in humanity and to raise us to our perfection in the seats of the Truth and the Bliss.] मनुष्वत् त्वा नि धीमहि मनुष्वत् समिधीमहि । अग्ने ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Third Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Rich and Conquering Soul [The Rishi desires through Agni that opulence of the divine Light against which the armies of darkness cannot stand; for it overpowers them by its plenitude and force. This it does on all the successive planes ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Thirteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of Affirmation of the Divine Will [The Rishi declares the power of the Word affirming the Divine Will who attains to the touch of heaven for man. That Will affirmed in us by the word becomes the priest of our sacrifice and the winner in us of ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Ninth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Increasers of Being and Deliverers [The Rishi desires the wide and multiple fostering of our being and its powers which Varuna and Mitra give and their complete impulsion of our strength towards the perfect foundation of the divine ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Fourteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Finder of Light and Truth [The Rishi declares Agni as the Priest of the sacrifice, the slayer of the powers of Darkness, the finder of the world of the Sun of Truth, of his radiant herds and of his luminous waters; he is the seer in us ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Second Hymn to the Dawn [The Rishi hymns the divine Dawn, daughter of Heaven, as the bringer of the Truth, the bliss, the heavens of light, creator of the Light, giver of vision, maker, follower, leader of the paths of Truth, remover of the darkness, the eternal ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Seventh Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Lords of the Great Force [Because they hold the great battle-force of the Truth, Mitra and Varuna lead us to the vastness of that Truth. By that force they rule all imperially, contain the Truth's clarities and their powers are ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Nineteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Revealing Ray and Conquering Will [That epiphany of the soul is sung in which all the coverings of its higher states are penetrated and open to the divine light. It is the opening of the whole third plane of our existence which was before ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Eighth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the High-Blazing Flame, King of Immortality [The Rishi celebrates the flame of the Will high-blazing in the dawn of knowledge as the King of Immortality, the giver to the soul of its spiritual riches and felicity and of a well-governed ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Sixth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Priest and Sacrificial Flame [The Rishi invokes the Divine Flame in all its usual attributes as the sacrificer, the luminous seer who has the vision of the luminous world, the bringer of the gods, the carrier of the offering, the envoy ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Fourth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Lords of the Journey [The Rishi invokes the two great increasers of the truth in our being to lead us in our journey to the plenitudes, to the vastness of our true existence which they conquer for us out of the narrow limits of ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Fifteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Divine Upholder and Conqueror [The Rishi hymns the Divine Will as the Seer and the Mighty One, the upholder of the Bliss and the Truth, by which men attain to the supreme-seated godheads. He breaks leonine through an army of opposers, ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Sixteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Bringer of All Desirable Good [The Rishi affirms the Divine Will in man as the offering and representative priest who brings light and strength and inspired knowledge and every desirable good; for he is the aspirer by works in whom is ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Seventeenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of Enlargement and Ultimate Aspiration [A state arrives in which man goes beyond the mere subtlety and fineness of the intelligence and reaches to a rich and manifold largeness of soul. Even then though he has now the wide law of his being ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Fifth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Givers of Self-Rule [The Rishi invokes Varuna, the vast form of the Truth, and Mitra the beloved, godhead of its harmonies and large bliss, who conquer for us the perfect force of our true and infinite being, to change our imperfect ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Eighth Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Holders of the Luminous Worlds [The Rishi invokes Mitra and Varuna as the upholders of the worlds or planes of being, especially the three luminous worlds in which the triple mental, the triple vital, the triple physical find ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Eleventh Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Divine Priest and Sacrificial Flame [The Rishi hymns the birth of the wakeful and discerning sacrificial Flame who is vision and will-power, the seer whose passion of effort turns into a divine knowledge, in the heavens of mind. This seer-will ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda A Hymn to Savitri [The Rishi hymns the Sun-God as the source of divine knowledge and the creator of the inner worlds. To him, the Seer, the seekers of light yoke their mind and thoughts; he, the one knower of all forms of knowledge, is the one supreme ordainer of the ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Tenth Hymn to Agni The Hymn of the Splendid Souls Who Attain [The Rishi prays to the divine Flame to work in him by the triple force of Power, Knowledge and Delight. He speaks of the splendid souls of knowledge in our humanity who attain to the Truth and Vastness; they are ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Eighth Hymn to Agni Divine Will, The Universal Fulfiller [The Rishi having declared the continuity of the great effort and aspiration from the earliest times hymns divine Will harboured in us, inmate, priest of the sacrifice, master of this dwelling, who fulfils the universal ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Eighteenth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Lords of the Plenitude [The Divine Will is invoked to complete the manifestation of the divine powers after the second state of the soul when it has passed beyond the mere physical being and is full of the perfect energy of the vital ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Fifth Hymn to Agni A Hymn to the Lord of Light and Creator of Godhead [The Rishi hymns Agni as the Seer-Will whose whole being is the light and the truth and the lavishing of the substance of divinity. He is the son born to the thought of the seers and he gives himself ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Ninth Hymn to Agni Divine Will Ascendent from the Animal to Mentality [The Rishi speaks of the birth of the divine Will by the working of the pure mental on the material consciousness, its involved action in man's ordinary state of mortal mind emotional, nervous, passionate ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twelfth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of Man's Aspiration to the Truth [The Rishi invokes this flame of the Divine Force, this vast Lord of the superconscient Truth, this Truth-conscious One, to accept thought and word into himself, become Truth-conscient in man and cleave out the ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Fifth Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Summoning of the Gods [The hymn calls to the sacrifice by the summons of the divine Flame the principal godheads. Each is described or invoked in that capacity and functioning in which he is needed and helpful to the perfection of the soul ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Second Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Givers of the Rain [Mitra and Varuna are by their united universality and harmony the guardians of the divine Truth and its divine Law eternally perfect in the ether of our supreme being; thence they rain down the abundance of ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Gaupayanas or Laupayanas SUKTA 24 अग्ने त्वं नो अन्तम उत त्राता शिवो भवा वरुथ्यः । वसुरग्निर्वसुश्रवा अच्छा नक्षि द्युमत्तमं रयिं दाः ॥१ ॥२॥ 1-2) O Fire, be one inmost to us and our deliverer, one benignant and helpful and with defences to shield us. Fire is ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The First Hymn to the Dawn [The Rishi prays for the full epiphany of the Dawn of the light of Truth in all its lavish splendour, with all the bountiful companies of its gods and seers, the shining herds of its thought, the rushing steeds of its force, the luminous ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Twenty-Seventh Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Strength and Illumination [The Rishi under the figure of the demigod, Traivrishna Tryaruna Trasadasyu, and the seer Ashwamedha, symbolises the fulfilment in the human mentality of the illumination of the God-Mind Indra, and the power ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Sixth Hymn to Agni The Galloping Flame-Powers of the Journey [The flames of Agni the divine Will, home and meeting-place of all our increasing and advancing life-powers, are imaged as galloping on our human journey to the supreme good. Divine Will creates in us the divine ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Seventh Hymn to Agni The Divine Will, Desirer, Enjoyer, Progressive from the Animal to Bliss and Knowledge [Agni is hymned as the divine Force that brings the bliss and the ray of the truth into the human being and light into the night of our darkness. He leads men in their ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The First Hymn to Mitra-Varuna The Lords of the Thousand-Pillared Home of Truth and Bliss [The Rishi hymns the eternal and immutable Truth of which the Truth in mutable things is the veil; that is the goal of the journey of the manifested Sun of divine knowledge; ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Sasa SUKTA 21 मनुष्वत् त्वा नि धीमहि मनुष्वत् समिधीमहि । अग्ने मनुष्वदङगिरो देवान् देवयते यज ॥१॥ 1) As the human we set thee within us, as the human we kindle thee; O Fire, O Angiras, as the human offer sacrifice to the gods for the seeker of the godheads. ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Dyumna Vishwacharshani SUKTA 23 अग्ने सहन्तमा भर द्युम्नस्य प्रासहा रयिम् । विश्वा यश्चर्षणीरभ्यासा वाजेषु सासहत् ॥१॥ 1) O Fire, bring by the force of the light a forceful wealth which shall overcome by thy mouth in the plenitudes all the peoples. तमग्ने ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The First Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Morning Sacrifice [The Rishi hymns the awakening of Agni the Divine Force to conscious action in the coming of the Dawn. Agni rises towards the luminous Paradise, his goal, feeding on the works of the Discernment which distributes the gifts ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Fourth Hymn to Agni The Divine Will, Priest, Warrior and Leader of our Journey [The Rishi hymns the Divine Force that knows all the successive births of the soul on its ascending planes of existence and as priest of his upward and onward-journeying sacrifice gives him the ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire The Prayaswats SUKTA 20 यमग्ने वाजसातम त्वं चिन्मन्यसे रयिम् । तं नो गीर्भिः श्रवाय्यं देवत्रा पनया युजम् ॥१॥ 1) O Fire, O thou who art most strong to conquer the plenitudes, the wealth which thou boldest in mind that make full of inspiration by the words and ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Second Hymn to Agni A Hymn of the Liberation of the Divine Force [Nature in her ordinary limited and material workings holds the Divine Force concealed in her secret or subconscient being; only when consciousness enlarges itself towards the One and Infinite, is it manifested ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vavri SUKTA 19 अभ्यवस्थाः प्र जायन्ते प्र वव्रेर्वव्रिश्चिकेत । उपस्थे मातुर्वि चष्टे ॥१॥ 1) State upon state is born, covering upon covering has become conscious and aware, in the lap of the mother he sees. जुहुरे वि चितयन्तोऽनिमिषं नृम्णं पान्ति । ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Dwita Mriktavahas SUKTA 18 प्रातरग्निः पुरुप्रियो विशः स्तवेतातिथिः । विश्वानि यो अमर्त्यो हव्या मर्तेषु रण्यति ॥१॥ 1) Let the Fire with his multitude of delightful things, the guest of man, receive the laud at dawn, he who is immortal in mortals and takes ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to Agni The Secret of the Veda The Third Hymn to Agni The Divine Force, Conqueror of the Supreme Good [The Divine Will-Force is that of which all the other godheads are forms and he manifests all these powers of supreme Truth as he grows in us. Thus the supreme state of conscious being is attained and by that ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Tryaruna Traivrishna, Trasadasyu Paurukutsya, Ashwamedha Bharata SUKTA 27 अनस्वन्ता सत्पतिर्मामहे मे गावा चेतिष्ठो असुरो मघोनः । त्रैवृष्णो अग्ने दशभिः सहस्त्रैर्वैश्वानर त्र्यरुणश्चिकेत ॥१॥ 1) The Master of beings, the Holder of Plenty, the mighty Lord most ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vishwavara SUKTA 28 समिद्धो अग्निर्दिवि शोचिरश्रेत् प्रत्यङ्ङुषसमुर्विया वि भाति । एति प्राची विश्ववारा नमोभिर्देवाँ ईळाना हविषा घृताची॥१। 1) The Fire is kindled, his flaming light is lodged in heaven; 1 he faces towards the Dawn and wide is his lustre. ...
... gods who arrive at dawn, you who have the victor-riches, 1 O Indra, O Fire. Page 344 श्यावाश्वस्य सुन्वतोऽत्रीणां शृणुतं हवम् । इन्द्राग्नी सोमपीतये ॥८॥ 8) Hear the call of the Atris, of Shyavashwa 2 pressing the wine, come for the drinking of the Soma, O Indra, O Fire. एवा वामह्व ऊतये यथाहुवन्त मेधिराः । इन्द्राग्नी सोमपीतये ॥९॥ 9) Thus have I called you for protection ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda Hymn to Varuna [In this hymn there is throughout a sustained double sense. In the exoteric Varuna is hymned as the Asura, omniscient and omnipotent lord and creator, the Godhead in his creative wisdom and might forming the world and maintaining the law of things in ...
... "Arya" represents. We shall continue the Life Divine , the Synthesis of Yoga and the Secret of the Veda ; but we intend to replace the Selected Hymns by a translation of the Hymns of the Atris (the fifth Mandala of the Rig Veda) so conceived as to make the sense of the Vedic chants at once and easily intelligible without the aid of a Page 101 commentary to the general reader. ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Puru SUKTA 16 बृहद् वयो हि भानवेऽर्चा देवायाग्नये । यं मित्रं न प्रशस्तिभिर्मर्तासो दधिरे पुरः ॥१॥ 1) Create by the illumining word a wide expansion for the Light, for the divine Fire, whom mortals by their proclaimings of him set in their front as Mitra the ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Budha and Gavishthira SUKTA 1 अबोध्यग्निः समिधा जनानां प्रति धेनुमिवायतीमुषासम् । यह्वा इव प्र वयामुज्जिहानाः प्र भानवः सिस्त्रते नाकमच्छ ॥१॥ 1) Fire is awake by the kindling of the peoples, he fronts the dawn that comes to him like a fostering milch-cow; like ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Gaya SUKTA 9 त्वामग्ने हविष्मन्तो देवं मर्तास ईळते । मन्ये त्वा जातवेदसं स हव्या वक्ष्यानुषक् ॥१॥ 1) Thee, O Fire, men bringing offerings pray, mortals the Page 271 godhead; I meditate on thee as the knower of all things born and as such thou earnest ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vasuyus SUKTA 25 अच्छा वो अग्निमवसे देवं गासि स नो वसुः । रासत् पुत्र ऋषूणामृतावा पर्षति द्विषः ॥१॥ 1) Bring to you by your anthem the divine Fire that he may guard you; he comes to us a Prince of the Treasures. He is a son of the Sages, let him lavish his ...
... Ahriman, 287 Akbar, 196 Algeria, 141 Amrita, 29 Arjuna, 206, 350 Aryama, 330 Ashram, the, 57, 118-9, 161, 269, 270, 390 Ashwapati, 237-41, 243, 246, 274 Asura, 250, 287, 368 Atris, 372 BEATRICE, 284 Beethoven, 273 Bharati, 189 Bible, the, 121, 305, 345n – Book of Job, 305n – St. John , 345n Borman, 316 Brahma, 256 Brahman, 181-2, 185, 188-9 ...
... Bhrigu and other seers, was regarded as one of the original sages, progenitors of clans of Rishis who went by their names, the Angirasas, Atris, Bhargavas. In the Veda also there are these families of Rishis, the Atris, Bhrigus, Kanwas etc. In one of the hymns of the Atris the discovery of Agni, the sacred fire, is attributed to the Angiras Rishis (V.11.6), but in another to the Bhrigus (X.46.9). 1 Frequently ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala Five : The Atris Hymns to the Mystic Fire Sutambhara SUKTA 11 जनस्य गोपा अजनिष्ट जागृविरग्निः सुदक्षः सुविताय नव्यसे । घृतप्रतीको बृहता दिविस्पृशा द्युमद् वि भाति भरतेभ्यः शुचिः ॥१॥ 1) Fire the guardian of men has been born, wakeful and discerning for a new happy journey; luminous is his front and ...
... without any reference to Sarama or the Angirases or the Panis. But it is not always Indra who recovers the herds. We have for instance a hymn to Agni, the second of the fifth Mandala, a hymn of the Atris, in which the singer applies the image of the stolen cows to himself in a language which clearly betrays its symbolism. Agni, long repressed in her womb by mother Earth who is unwilling to give him... immortality) in heaven in its regions of splendour (the three worlds of Swar) and in the tripartite worlds the hidden immortality (this is the giving of the Amrita in separate parts alluded to in the Atris' hymn to Agni, the threefold offering of the Soma given on the three levels, triṣu sānuṣu , body, life and mind); he it was supported widely heaven and earth, he it was fashioned the car with the seven ...
... foreword especially written for the book, and an excerpt from "The Doctrine of the Mystics", an essay which had first appeared in the Arya, September 1915, as the introduction to "The Hymns of the Atris". Hymns of Gritsamada, II. 1-10; Hymns of Bharadwaja, VI. 1-16; Hymns of Parasara, I. 65-73: a revised version of "Parasara's Hymns to the Lord of Flame" Page 387 first... 127. Second Edition, Contents: The foreword, all the hymns included in the First Edition, and the following additional material: Hymns to Agni, V. 1-28, taken from 'The Hymns of the Atris" ( Arya, October 1915 to July 1916) but with the translations revised; translations of some more hymns of Mandalas I and IV, and some hymns of Mandalas III, VII, VIII and X, which were found... International University Centre, Pondicherry, 1956 Writings from the Arya: "The Secret of the Veda" (August 1914 to July 1916), "Selected Hymns" (August 1914 to July 1915), "Hymns of the Atris" (August 1915 to December 1917), "Other Hymns" (published intermittently between August 1915 and January 1920). An incomplete essay from manuscripts, "The Origins of Aryan Speech", is added ...
... eating are properties said to be fundamental to the body, and they are no less applicable in the case of the soul. The Gods are memorable eaters and drinkers and a whole family of Rishis has been called Atris, that is to say, 'eaters'. It is said that these physical properites are only metaphorical or symbolical; when used in respect of the spiritual principles and realities they are used as mere tokens ...
... opposed, as Coverers or besiegers, its hundredfold activities of will and of thought; in this strength it protected afterwards the rich and various possessions already won in past battles from the Atris and Dasyus , devourers and plunderers of our gains. Although, continues Madhuchchhandas, that Intelligence is already thus rich and variously stored we seek to increase yet more its force of abundance ...
... a few hymns of the Veda, and invariably in connection with the achievement of the Angirases or the winning of the highest planes of existence. The most important of these hymns is the Sukta of the Atris we have already had to take note of in our scrutiny of the Navagwa and Dashagwa Angirases, V.45. The first three verses summarise the great achievement. "Severing the hill of heaven by the words he ...
... The kinship in difference of these passages with the imagery and style of the Veda is evident and the last indeed paraphrases or translates into a later and more open style a Vedic verse of the Atris: Hidden by your truth is the Truth that is constant for ever where they unyoke the horses of the Sun. There the ten thousands stand together, That is the One: I have seen the supreme Godhead of ...
... Odyssey, etc. Volume 9 — The Future Poetry AND LETTERS ON POETRY, LITERATURE AND ART. Volume 10 — The Secret of the Veda: The Secret of the Veda; Selected Hymns; Hymns of the Atris; Other Hymns; Interpretation of the Veda; The Origins of Aryan Speech. Volume 11 — Hymns to the Mystic Fire: FOREWORD: The Doctrine of the Mystics; Translations (Hymns to Agni from the ...
... and limitation, Coverers, Tearers, Devourers, Confiners, Dualisers, Obstructers, as their names indicate, powers that work against the free and unified integrality of the being. These Vritras, Panis, Atris, Rakshasas, Sambara, Vala, Namuchi, are not Dravidian kings and gods, as the modern mind with its exaggerated historic sense would like them to be; they represent a more antique idea better suited to ...
... their opposites. It is not yet certain that this progress will become a fixed and uninterrupted tendency or produce results which will not be broken & need to be reconstituted. The Page 289 Atris & Vrikas are still strong in the sadhana, even stronger than the Vritras & no siddhi is safe from them although all tend to recover themselves once the evil period is passed. The siddhi reconstituted ...
... with 'The Secret of the Veda' sequence, some 'Selected Hymns' also appeared - thirteen in all - in translation, and each carried its own commentary. From August 1915 to January 192O, 'Hymns of the Atris' from the fifth Mandala and a few other Hymns also appeared in translation, with an explanatory Introduction on 'The Doctrine of the Mystics' and several important notes on the 'Guardians of the Light':... Mandalas. In 1952, an enlarged edition of Hymns to the Mystic Fire appeared, and this included Hymns from all the ten Mandalas except the ninth, some of those published earlier (like the Hymns of the Atris' from the fifth Mandala) now appearing in a revised form. In all about 175 of the Hymns to Agni are here in translation, and from these alone it should be possible to test the validity of Sri Aurobindo's ...
... the purely subjective siddhi being lost so that it has to be rebuilt, but only concealed so that it has to be remanifested. The Atris & Vrikas are no longer powerful, but the Coverers, Vritras, still retain their strength. In the less subjective parts of the vijnana, the Atris seem to persist, but they swallow without digesting & the siddhi eventually comes out again with a slight appearance of re-growth ...
... bodily fullness)—and by the efficacy of that protection he enjoys all this fullness & completeness unhurt. No part of it is maimed by the enemies of man, whose activities do him hurt, the Vritras, Atris, Vrikas, the Coverer on the heights, the devourer in the night, the tearer on the path.We may note in passing how important [it] is to render every Vedic word by its exact value; rish & dwish both mean ...
... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Guardians of the Light Surya, Light and Seer The Rig Veda rises out of the ancient Dawn with the sound of a thousand-voiced hymn lifted from the soul of man to an all-creative Truth and an all-illumining Light. Truth and Light are synonymous or equivalent words ...
... Isha and Kena he revised and elaborated in the Arya, so far as I can see. In the Arya he started with the Life Divine, the Synthesis of Yoga, and the Secret of the Veda. Then he added The hymns to the Atris, the Ideal of Human unity etc. The Essays on the Gita was added much later in the Arya. Once in reply to Dilip's question whether the descent of the Supermind was his main work, he said, "Yes ...
... is thy most blessed form of all, that in Thee I behold. The Purusha there and there, He am I." (15, 16) We find that these verses paraphrase or translate a Vedic Page 59 verse of the Atris: "Hidden by your truth is the Truth that is constant for ever where they unyoke the horses of the Sun; there the ten thousands stand together; That is the One: I have seen the supreme godhead of ...
... over the siddhi, through which however it is still entirely visible. Reject the conditions of struggle imposed by the Dwayavins who are now replacing the Nidah as they replaced the Vritras & Atris. A little of the lower activities has been taken up by them, to be afterwards dropped. It has been shown that the personal Power can prevail over the opposition & in its development must certainly... of advance in the fourth & fifth. But real rapidity has yet to be evolved. What is done rapidly, is held back from its finality, even when it is not temporarily veiled or undone. The action of the Atris remains in its remnants, of Vritra in a partial veiling, of the Dwayavins & Nidahs in their practical power of division & obstruction. Until these are removed & the false suggestions of the pranic ...
... Arya represents. "We shall continue The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga and The Secret of the Veda; but we intend to replace the Selected Hymns by translation of the Hymns of the Atris (the fifth Mandala of the Rig Veda) so conceived as to make the sense of the Vedic chants at once and easily intelligible without the aid of a commentary to the general reader.... "Without the ...