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Auddalaki aruni : descendant of Uddālaka Āruni. Āruni is the patronymic normally referring to Uddālaka whose mother was the revered yogini Arūṇā Aupaveśi.
... when I return to my father; this boon I choose, the first of three boons." Yama replied, while granting him the boon: "Even as before, assured in heart and by mere leased shall he be, Auddalaki Aruni, thy father; sweetly shall he sleep through the nights and his passion shall pass away from him, having seen thee from Death's jaws delivered." Having received the first boon, Nachiketas asked ...
... पुरस्ताद् भविता प्रतीत औद्दालकिरारुणिर्मत्प्रसृष्टः । सुखं रात्रीः शयिता वीतमन्युस्त्वां ददृशिवान्मृत्युमुखात्प्रमुक्तम् ॥११॥ 11) "Even as before assured in heart and by me released, shall he be, Auddalaki Aruni, thy father; sweetly shall he sleep through the nights and his passion shall pass away from him, having seen thee from death's jaws delivered." स्वर्गे लोके न भयं किंचनास्ति न तत्र त्वं न जरया ...
... greet me from thy grasp delivered; this boon I choose, the first of three." Page 39 Yama speaks: 11. "Even as before assured in heart and by me released shall he be, Auddalaki Aruni, thy father; sweetly shall he sleep through the nights and his passion shall pass away from him, having seen thee from death's jaws delivered." Nachiketas speaks: 12. "In heaven ...
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