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Augustus Caesar : (63 BC to 14 AD) grandson of Julius Caesar’s sister & first Caesar (Roman Emperor). Born Gaius Octavius, he became, on adoption by the Julian gens (44 BC), Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (Octavian); Augustus was a title granted by the senate in 27 BC. The greatest administrator in European history, his Pax Romana laid the foundation of the civilisation of the Roman Empire.
... that took the form of Leonardo da Vinci had previously manifested as Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome? If so, will you please tell me what exactly Augustus Caesar stood for in the history of Europe and how Leonardo's work was connected with his? "Augustus Caesar organised the life of the Roman Empire and it was this that made the framework ...
... same consciousness that took the form of Leonardo da Vinci had previously manifested as Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome? If so, will you please tell me what exactly Augustus Caesar stood for in the history of Europe and how Leonardo's work was connected with his?" Sri Aurobindo replied: "Augustus Caesar organised the life of the Roman Empire and it was this that made the framework of the first ...
... Problems of Early Christianity Part One EARLY CHRISTIANITY Augustus Caesar and the Birth of Christ Some Reflections on their Contemporaneity December 25, year 0 or else 1 (authorities differ on the point): this has been observed for centuries as the date of the birth of Jesus. The historical situation of... the connection has recently and rightly been reaffirmed in an important study of gospel origins by Wilhelm Schneemelcher." 11 All this attribution of a more-man-human personality to Augustus Caesar, a status comparable in general formulation to that of his contemporary of Palestine in a different sphere, draws our attention because of a certain correspondence between Sri Aurobindo and a disciple... consciousness of a descent or pressure of spiritual planes. Mysticism was no part of what he had to manifest." (16.7.1937) To the question about Augustus, Sri Aurobindo gave the answer: "Augustus Caesar organised the life of the Roman empire and it was this that made the framework of the first transmission of the Graeco-Roman civilisation to Europe - he came for that work and the writings of Virgil ...
... expressing doubt about the historicity of Christ. I am surprised that my article in the Mother India of last December - "Augustus Caesar and the Birth of Jesus" - has revived your scepticism. It accepts the historicity of Christ as much as that of Augustus Caesar. And it would not have done so if Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had anywhere been uncertain. In that very issue you will find on the ...
... wrote an autobiography. What he said was in conversation with his disciples and others. He was certainly quite as much an Avatar as Christ or Chaitanya. Page 501 Augustus Caesar and Leonardo da Vinci Augustus Caesar organised the life of the Roman Empire and it was this that made the framework of the first transmission of the Graeco-Roman civilisation to Europe—he came for that work and ...
... think one could collect some hundreds of names—which would not include of course the still greater number not recorded in history or the transmitted memory of the past. Augustus Caesar and Leonardo da Vinci Augustus Caesar organised the life of the Roman Empire and it was this that made the framework of the first transmission of the Graeco-Roman civilisation to Europe—he came for that work and ...
... The Aśvins, 107, 110, 581, 582 Atar, 445 Atharvaveda, 84, 128 Athenaeus, 237-8, 246, 435, 436 Atiyan Naduman Anji the Satiyaputra, 279 Atiyoha, 278 Attalusī, 236 Augustus Caesar, 450, 454 Aurobindo, Śri, see Śri Aurobindo Āvanti, 242 Āvanti-varman, 490 Āvasyaka Sūtra, 178 Avesm.281, 315, 333 Āyu, 96 Āyudhajlvi Sahghas, 250 ... 247 Cleisobora.94, 95, 397 Clement of Alexandria, 240 Cleophis, 272, 456 Codrington, K. de B., 384 Coins, 40-45, 216, 263-4, 348, 430. 438-52, 467, 469.485, 602-3 of: Augustus Caesar, 450; 'Chandra', 42; Chandragupta I, 40, 216, 440-47; Chandragupta II, 440-41, 449; Gahadavalas, 440; Guptas, 446, 449, 603; Huvishka, 448; KadphisesII, 449; Kanishka, 430.449; Kumāra-gupta ...
... the 1st century A.D. to the end of the 2nd. Thus we may be told: "The title Kaisera (Caesar) adopted by Kanishka of the Āra inscription of the year 41 points to a date considerably later than Augustus Caesar who died in A.D. 14". 1 But we may answer in the words of S. K. Dikshit: 2 "As to the title of this Kanishka (II), both Prof. Luders and Dr. Sten Konow read it as '[Kajisara', of which... Kharoshthī legend on Wema Kadphises' coins has the expressions sarva-loga-iśvarasa-mahiśvarasa. 3 The ground sought for the chronology of the Ara inscription's Kanishka by a backlook at Augustus Caesar seems an utterly misguided ingenuity. 1.Sircar, op. cit., p. 144. 2."The Problem of the Kusanas and the Origin of the Vikrani Samvat", Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research ...
... ¹ Guidance from Sri Aurobindo: Letters to a Young Disciple — Nagin Doshi (Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry, 1974), p. 285. Page 48 of him in the past: Augustus Caesar and Leonardo da Vinci. Should we not take all his previous births to have formed only Vibhutis, just as the Mother's evidently did? Going by a certain set of his correspondence with a... es and since the Mother saw the former and not the latter as Krishna, the latter evidently belongs to a line which is not the same. Fourthly, since Sri Aurobindo was present as the Vibhuti Augustus Caesar when Christ lived, the line of Christ too must be dissimilar. So we come to the vision that the Purushottama has more than one line of Avatar and that two general categories may be d ...
... and no shepherds would be grazing their flocks) synchronising with Herod's reign and the governorship of "Cyrenius" (the Roman Quirinius under whom the census was held in 6 A.D.) in the reign of Augustus Caesar. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces 4. A halya Kunti Draupadi Tara Mandodari tatha/ Panchakanya smarenityam mahapataka nashaka/ See my "Riddle ...
... am more convinced than ever that you lived and wrote and sighed ('I am between tears and sighs', said Maecenas as he sat between the weak and watery-eyed Virgil and the aesthetic Horace) under Augustus Caesar. You have kept the spirit and turn and most even of the manner. "Your 'epistolary frivolity' was all right. There is laughter in the Kingdom of Heaven, though there may be no marriage there ...
... Mother—the answer is yes. It may even be said that each Vibhuti draws his energies from the Four, from one of them predominantly in most cases, as Napoleon from Mahakali, Rama from Mahalakshmi, Augustus Caesar from Mahasaraswati. 31 October 1935 "Four great Aspects of the Mother, four of her leading Powers and Personalities have stood in front in her guidance of this Universe and in her dealings ...
... Mother—the answer is yes. It may even be said that each Vibhuti draws his energies from the Four, from one of them predominantly in most cases, as Napoleon from Mahakali, Rama from Mahalakshmi, Augustus Caesar from Mahasaraswati. 31 October 1935 ...
... Champaklal said, "My eyes always remain watery." Sri Aurobindo: Virgil had eyes like that, while Horace used to breathe hard. Once Mycaenas, the great patron of literature in the reign of Augustus Caesar, was sitting between the two poets and remarked, "I am sitting between sighs and tears." Addressing Dr. Manilal with whom he was very free during the talks, Sri Aurobindo said, "Your mention ...
... 528. Page 158 Christian religion and much less as inevitably true. Miracle-avid believers in an epoch when not only were human figures (e.g., Plato, Apollonius of Tyana, Augustus Caesar, the last two Jesus' own contempories) said to have been virginally born but also Mother-Goddesses were rife - such believers were most likely to support the Creed-makers, particularly as Matthew ...
... (as declared by Nolini), I guess I must have belonged to the period of the one or the other. The two certainties about Sri Aurobindo's past, as deducible from his correspondence with me, were Augustus Caesar and Leonardo da Vinci. To Amrita he said he still felt the edge of the guillotine on his neck. This would indicate that his birth immediately before the present one was associated with the French ...
... in Bethlehem, the birth occurring in Joseph's own house; Luke (2:4-7) makes Joseph and Mary travel from Nazareth, where Jesus has been conceived, to Bethlehem in order to attend a census under Augustus Caesar, which, in Brown's words, 32 is "a Lucan device based on a confused memory" and "almost surely represents an inaccuracy", and it is there that the time comes for Jesus' birth: he is born in a ...
... field, because once you start thinking who you were, there is no end to the riot of imagination. But, while he said "No" to all, he didn't answer in the negative to my proposal of Leonardo and Augustus Caesar. And what Vasari has said about Leonardo's face would apply in a superlative degree to Sri Aurobindo's. Even as I remember his face, all my skin seems to bristle. It is not only sadhaks who have ...
... (interrupting the talk) : My eyes always remain watery. SRI AUROBINDO: Virgil had eyes like that, while Horace used to breathe hard. Once Mycaenas, the great patron of literature in the reign of Augustus Caesar, was sitting between the two poets and said, "I am sitting between sighs and tears." (Laughter) To get back to Becharlal's question: one offers one's vital being, one's heart and one's mind ...
... of Pondicherry, have brought up not only potsherds bearing epigraphs, terracottas, but also a megalithic tomb and a trove of gold ornaments, including a ring with the seal of the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar, besides quantities of Roman coins in silver and gold. As Roman commerce was officially authorized at Pondicherry, the Romans owned here a 'loge,' and minted their coins to pay wages to the Indian ...
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