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Austro-Italian : Sri Aurobindo: “[A] feeling or a thought, Nationalism, Democracy, the aspiration towards liberty, cannot be estimated in the terms of concrete power; in so many fighting men, so many armed police, so many guns, so many prisons, such & such laws, ukases, & executive powers…. It was a thought that overthrew the despotism of centuries in France & revolutionised Europe. It was a mere sentiment against which the irresistible might of the Spanish armies & the organised cruelty of Spanish repression were shattered in the Netherlands [see Spanish Netherlands], which… loosened the iron grip of Austria on Italy.” [SABCL Vol.1:411] ― For some 150 years (1559–1713) Spain was the paramount power in Italy. Italy was exhausted by war & burdened by taxation. Spain’s influence was a deterrent to energy & initiative. The Treaty of Utrecht (1713), which ended the War of the Spanish Succession, established the Austrian Habsburgs in the place of the Spanish as Italy’s dominant power. The treaty makers parcelled out Italian territory regardless of history or tradition to compensate the victors. …. Since the Middle Ages, Austria had a great influence over the Italian states, especially in the north of the country. On the other side Italy influenced Austrian culture, architecture & cuisine, many artists & architects like Santino Solari, Martino Altamonte, Giovanni Zucalli, & Vincenzo Scamozzi worked & contributed to the Baroque in Austria & most notable in Salzburg. .... After the Congress of Vienna, Austrian control of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, with its key cities of Venice & Milan, created the conditions in which Italian nationalism & Austrian interests clashed in the three Wars of Italian Independence between 1848 & 1866 ultimately leading to Italian victory. Tensions remained throughout the 1870s as continued Austrian rule over Italian inhabited lands such as in Trentino & Istria, inflamed Italian nationalism which in turn threatened Austrian integrity; as a result the Austrians built further fortifications along the Italian border. .... Despite entering into the Triple Alliance of 1882 (along with Germany), areas of clashing interest remained. Italy’s improving relations with France, Italian interests in the Balkans, & continuing nationalism among Italians within Austria-Hungary concerned leaders in Vienna. Italy’s adherence to the Triple Alliance in the event of war was doubted & from 1903 plans for a possible war against Rome were again maintained by the Austrian general staff. Mutual suspicions led to reinforcement of the frontier & speculation in the press about a war between the two countries into the first decade of the twentieth century. As late as 1911 Count Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, chief of the Austrian general staff, was advocating a military strike against Austria’s supposed Italian allies. .... During World War I, Italy fought against Austria–Hungary despite their defensive alliance signed some decades earlier. By World War I’s end, Italy emerged victorious & gained new territories from Austria & border agreements were secured. [See Internet on Austria-Italy relations, Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states, & Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia]

7 result/s found for Austro-Italian

... the surroundings, known by trikaldrishti before it happened. 12 January 1913 Today's telegrams show remarkably the action of the Power & the vyapti-prakamya, more especially (1) In the Austro-Italian claim of Janina, Scutari and Prizrend for Albania; (2) in the threatened action of Roumania with regard to the Bulgarian territory; (3) in the firm attitude of the Turks & especially in their refusal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... towards other combinations outside the Austrian formula. From that moment the existence of the Austrian Empire was in jeopardy and depended, not on any inner necessity, but first on the power of the Austro-Magyar partnership to crush down the Slav nations within it and, secondly, on the continued power and dominance of Germany and the Germanic idea in Europe, that is to say, on force alone. And although... those who study the working of forces and not merely the trend of outward circumstances, if one yet far-off result of the war were to be the fusion of the one Germanic element still left outside, the Austro-German, into the Germanic whole, although possibly in some other embodiment than Prussian hegemony or Hohenzollern Empire. 1 In both these historic instances, as in so many others, the unification... attempted to reconstitute herself in her mainland, islands and Asiatic colonies, but could not reconstitute the old Greece because many parts had become Bulgarian, Albanian and Turk and no longer Hellenic. Italy became an external unity again after so many centuries because, though no longer a State, she never ceased to be a single people. This truth of a real unity is so strong that even nations which never ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... British grouping rather than the one fuse itself into an increasingly cosmopolitan American nation or the other stand apart as an Australasian union. On the other hand the Slavonic and Latin elements of Austro-Hungary, though they belonged by history, geographical position and economic convenience to that empire, moved strongly towards separation and, where local sentiments permitted, to union with their... race and culture and even by affinities of sentiment to different national aggregations, two of sentiment and culture, the Latin and the Teutonic, three of race and language, the German, French and Italian, and these differences worked sufficiently to bewilder and divide Swiss sympathies in the clash of nations; but the decisive feeling overriding all others is the sentiment of Helvetian nationality... their racial, cultural and linguistic kin. If Austria had dealt with her Slav subjects as with the Magyars or had been able to build a national culture of her own out of her German, Slav, Magyar and Italian elements, it would have been otherwise and her unity would have been secure against all external or internal forces of disruption. Race, language, local relations and economic convenience are powerful ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... does, and half Europe, as it was once, even without proper organisation and development, almost on the way to do, when it interfered as armed arbiter, here deliverer, there champion of oppression in Austro-Hungary and in the Balkans. Even the assimilation of Finland was justified from this point of view; for a free Finland would have left Russia geographically and economically incomplete and beset and... rival principles work out, can be seen by the example of Russia itself which is now prominently before our eyes. Russia has never been a nation-State in the pure sense of the word, like France, Spain, Italy, Great Britain or modern Germany; it has been a congeries of nations, Great Russia, Ruthenian Ukraine, White Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Siberia, all Slavic with a dash of Tartar and German blood, Courland ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... lasting union. Its absence, the failure to create such a sentiment or to make it sufficiently living, natural, forcible has been the cause of Page 572 the precariousness of such aggregates as Austro-Hungary and of the ephemeral character of the empires of the past, even as it is likely to bring about, unless circumstances change, the collapse or disintegration of the great present-day empires... simple act of federation or union, though this has sometimes had to be preceded by a common struggle for liberty or a union in war against a common enemy; so have grown into one the United States, Italy, Germany, and more peacefully the Australian and South African federations. But in other cases, especially in the earlier national aggregations, the sentiment of unity has grown up largely or entirely ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... or by the entry of Italy & the remaining Balkan states into the war & the invasion of Austro-Hungary from two sides. II Those bringing about the weakening or isolation of the British power. This may be done by the Germans destroying the British expeditionary force, entering Paris & dictating terms to France while Russia is checked in its march to Berlin by a strong Austro-German force operating ...

... (akasha) 7) destiny. Page 610 Trikaldrishtis confirmed— 1) The entry of the Germans in Brussels 2) The French check in Lorraine 3) The stiffer resistance to the Russians on the Austro-German frontiers. All these like the Servian victory are contradictions of the Aishwarya. 4) French action between Mülhausen & Alt-Breisach. Shabda (human) is becoming active in the full jagrat... sadhara] 5) French budget—b sadh. [bahirdarshi sadhara] 6) delight definitely established 7) delight agelong. 8) destiny Tuesday    Ak. [Akasha] 9) deputy Bluysen    Chi [Chitra] 10) Italy joined    Ch. 11) It is intended to finish the opposition. Rupa— Arm bare to elbow loosely mantled from shoulder, mediaeval hat; old Flemish type of face & body.         a. cr. [antardarshi ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga