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Auto-de-fe : “act of faith” in Portuguese, a ceremony or festival during which the sentences upon those brought before the Spanish Inquisition (16th-17th cent.) were read out & batches of the so-called “heretics”, men & women, were burnt alive on huge pyres in the presence of the king & royal family & ambassadors & laity.
... 37 The first place that resurfaced in my memory(!). Probably in remembrance of Gauguin, who died there miserably, while the bishop of the place was lighting an auto-da-fe with the twenty nude pictures that he found "shameless." Derisively, my brother François used to call me "the little Gauguin".... Finally I burnt all my paintings one day in Pondicherry, including... This book was originally published in French under the title Carnets d’un Apocalypse 1978-1982 © Institut de Recherches ÉVOLUTIVES, Paris, 2000. Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 is the English translation © Institut de Recherches ÉVOLUTIVES, France, 2009. Encyclopædia Universalis Vol. 2 Apocalyptic (literature) For a modern mind, the... without any "serious" work?! Besides, we are waiting for the Machine and have a whole, very serious programme. Who knows? Even baskets full of cherries for truant schoolboys. As for Mr. Thierry de Scytivaux 12 ... (let's be serious) who has interviewed heads of states — I don't know if the State will still be on the map — but, well, that's no way to behave. So I take hold of my mental goat ...
... Ashram and you and Mother.... Why not use your Rudra power Guru, and let us verify and enjoy this noble vision of a yogic auto-da-fe ?... Page 178 The pathetic last conversation between Harin and Subho is truly amusing. But I fear there is no chance of the auto-dafe. I have dropped using the Rudra power—its effects used to be too catastrophic and now from a long disuse the inclination... Prithwisingh too now- a- days admits this though formerly he too used to demur. I feel often a little newness in expression vocabulary, etc. is at first a little baffling and unwelcome to many hommes de bonne volonté. For I am not conscious of pedantry, I wrote to Professor, only the words which to them seem a little unusual come to me very easily (believe me) and I like śabdasampad, a wide vocabulary... is magnificent. By the way, sorry could not read even with Nolini's help the last part of your remarks on Browning's horsemanship. Am enclosing it. Do explain how he was rendered hors de combat at Ghent or whatever it is. Nolini could not throw any light on it. Well it runs: Browning's impossible feats of horsemanship in his "How they brought the Good news to Ghent." Those ...
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