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Avanti Avanty Avunthie : also Avaṇtikā; ancient kingdom corresponding roughly to present western Mālwā (q.v.) in Madhya Pradesh. In 600 BC its capital was Mahishmati (probably present Mandhāta on the Narmadā), but it was moved to Ujjayini. At that time it was one of the śodaśa janapadas (16 republics) that occupied the territories from the Kābul valley to the banks of the Godāvari; among the other janapadas were Aṇga (east Bihar), Magadha (south Bihar) Kāshi (Vārānasi), Kōshala (Oudh), Malla (Gorakhpur), Chedi (between Jamunā & Narmadā), Vatsa (Allahabad), Kuru (Thāneshwar, Delhi & Meerut districts) Pānchāla (Bareilly, Badāūn & Farrukhabad districts), Matsya (Jaipur), Gāndhāra (Peshawar, Rawalpindi), Kambōja (SW Kashmir & Kāfiristān). At the time the Buddha (563-483 BC), these janapadas turned into four powerful kingdoms Avanti, Vatsa, Magadha, & Kōshala: Avanti was ruled by Chunda Pradyōta Mahāsena; Vatsa (Kauśāmbi) by Udayana a descendant of the Bharata race who carried off the daughter of Pradyōta & also married a princess of Magadha whose king Ajātashatru built Pātaliputra (roughly Patna in Bihar); & Kōshala by Mahā Koshala a descendant of the Ikshvāku dynasty that ruled from Ayodhyā. In the 4th century BC Chandragupta Maurya conquered Avanti & it became part of his empire. [R.C. Majumdar et al, An Advanced History…]

9 result/s found for Avanti Avanty Avunthie

... INDRANY Do this then, seem to yield, But send her to your fortress on the hills, Page 932 Whence let one take her with a show of force, Whoever's noblest now of Aryan lords In Magadha, Avanty or the South, Fit mate for Atry's stock. Twixt him be strife And the Cashmerian, we escape his wrath. ATRY It shall be so. I'll choose a trusty man Who shall to Magadha before the morn. ...

... received and purified these keen and violent juices, these swift and intoxicating powers of the Wine no longer disturb the mind or hurt the body, are no longer spilled and lost but foster and increase, avanti , mind and body of their purifier; avantyasya pavītāram āśavo . So increasing him in all delight of his mental, emotional, sensational and physical being they rise with him through the purified and ...

... him lose his heart to Princess Vasavadutta, and by this means to make him a mere vassal of Avunthie. At Cowsambie, too, there are plans. Yougundharayan suggests to Vuthsa: One day perhaps thou shall join war with wedlock And pluck out from her guarded nest by force The wonder of Avunthie, Vasavadutta. 73 In the meantime Gopalaca arrives, ingratiates himself into Vuthsa's... Aurobindo in a prefatory Note, "takes place a century after the war of the Mahabharata". A scion of the house of Parikshit, young Vuthsa Udayan rules at Cowsambie, flanked by Magadha in the east and by Avunthie (ruled by the ambitious Chunda Mahasegn) in the west. Cowsambie, ably sustained by Vuthsa's minister Yougundharayan, is the main hurdle against Mahasegn's dreams of empire; and he is determined, whether ...

... × Apratīto jayati saṁ dhanāni, pratijanyāni uta yā sajanyā; avasyave yo varivaḥ kṛṇoti, brahmaṇe rājā tam avanti devāḥ. × Indraś ca somaṁ pibataṁ bṛhaspate, asmin yajñe mandasānā vṛṣaṇvasū; ā vāṁ viśantu indavaḥ ...

... them completely in their every part (prabhur gatrani Paryeshi vishwatah). The consequence is that the soma Juices are no longer spilled and lost as in the unbaked jar, but y tester and increase, avanti, mind and body of their purifier, avantyasya pavitaram ashavah. There is also the Page 13 further consequence: Divasprishtham adhi tishthanti chetasa. They rise with him to the highest ...

... the name of Kalidasa, the facts about one got mixed with that of the others creating confusing myths about his life story. It is generally believed that Kalidasa was a native of Malava (ancient Avanti) and that he lived in its capital Ujjain (in today's Madhya Pradesh). It appears certain that Kalidasa knew Ujjain well and described the beauty of the city including its river, Kshipra. Yet Kalidasa's ...

... heart, strive and enrich your motherland. भो भो अवन्त्यो मगधाश्च बङ्गा अङ्गाः कलिङ्गाः कुरुसिन्धवश्च। भो दाक्षिणात्याः शृणुतान्घ्रचोला वसन्ति ये पञ्चनदेषु शूराः ॥२३॥ You and you, O peoples of Avanti and Magadha, Vanga, Anga and Kalinga, O Kurus and men of Sind; hear me! O southerners, you of Andhra and the Chola country, you are heroes of the land of the five rivers. ये के त्रिमूर्तिं भजथैकमीशं ...

... the attempt of Yudhisthere & Krishna to impose an empire on them? It is a significant fact that the Southern and Western peoples went almost solid for Duryodhana in this quarrel—Madra, the Deccan, Avanti, Sindhu Sauvira, Gandhara, in one long line from southern Mysore to northern Candahar; the Aryan colonies in the yet half civilised regions of the Lower valley of the Ganges espoused the same cause ...

... Buddha, and two Buddhist Councils had already been convened before his time. The Middle Country in which he lived was the seat of active Buddhist work, the religion had extended to both Śūrasena and Avanti (the former being the same as the home of Mêgasthenes's Souresenoi) where important centres were founded in Buddha's own lifetime, and an attempt had been made also to spread the Gospel of piety and ...