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Avernus : entrance to Hades, a lake on whose banks dwelt Homer’s Cimmerians.
... enjoying the same rights as the virtuous sons of Europe. Some are even afraid that the resurgence of Asia may end in the lowering of Western morals. There can then be a descent from as well as to Avernus! In a word, the whole of Europe is now a magnified Alexandria, brilliant forms with a perishing soul, feverish activity in imitation of the forms of health with no capital but the energy of the sickbed ...
... and slowly be led into the mysteries of the highet Realisation of tears. The Roman poet spoke of the easy descent down the cliffs to the river : Facilis descensus Avernil. Easy is the descent to Avernus ( Virgil: Aeneid, II.126) The realisation aimed at demands a wholesale change, an integral transformation; it does not rest content with a partial success, an attainment on one level, in one ...
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