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Bahadur Shah : (1) Bahadur Shah I, 7th Moghul Emperor (1707-12). (2) Bahadur Shah (1775-1862), 19th & last Moghul emperor (1837-1857): a philosopher-poet ‘convicted’ by the blood-thirsty Octopus on the blatantly false charge of being the kingpin of 1857-58 Mutiny against its ‘legal’ possession of the subcontinent, & hanged after being made to witness the public massacre of all his possible successors.
... & HE) Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Sashtri Bhavan New Delhi Prof. Arun Nigavekar Vice Chairman University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi Prof. S.P. Thyagarajan Registrar-in-charge Madras University Chennai-600005 Tamil Nadu Dr. N.S. Rame ...
... we became cosmopolitans and men of enlightenment. Page 1101 Yet all the time India was as much & more outside the great life of the world than it was in the days of Mahomad Tughlak or Bahadur Shah. The number of men in educated India who had any vital conception or any real understanding & mastery of the great currents of life, thought & motive which sway the vast world outside, was always ...
... parade, Meerut exploded. Enraged sepoys broke open the town gaol and released their comrades. The cantonment was put to the torch and the sepoys moved down the main road to Delhi and the Palace of Bahadur Shah, the last of the Moghuls. Although initially the mutiny was spontaneous, it quickly became more organised and the sepoys even took over the cities of Delhi and Kanpur. However, by the winter of ...
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