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Baidyanath : The Boidyonātha dhāma at Deoghar claims to be Paralyām Vaidyanātham, fifth of the twelve in Dwādasha Jyotirlingam Stotram. However, the Vaidyanātha at Parali, near Pune, has been traditionally worshipped as the original. The legend: In one of his anusthānas in his worship of Shiva, Rāvaṇa built, consecrated & worshipped a Shivalinga. But Shiva did not appear until after he offered his ten heads one after the other; Rāvaṇa then obtained a boon with which he hoped to destroy all his enemies. Since Shiva attended to Rāvana’s injuries as would a Vaidya, that Shivalinga & temple & location are known as Vaidyanātha.

15 result/s found for Baidyanath

... climate. I mean, who would like to get out of a warm snug bed on a cold wintry day, especially if it was raining or snowing, and the sun rarely showing its face before eight or nine in the morning? In Baidyanath, at my uncle's house, of course the sun rose early, but I didn't follow suit. My uncle would sometimes jokingly comment apropos of the flower-suggestion of my name Aurobindo, 'The sun's rays have... remedy. He would prescribe it for any Page 86 and every ailment - whether it was cold, fever or indigestion! Anyway he understood that his nephew could give back as good as he got. "At Baidyanath there was also my maternal grandfather of whom I have already spoken to you. He was very gentle and kind, and handsome too, with his silvery hair and beard framing his serene face lit by an inner... took me lovingly in her arms. My father had tried every means possible, spending a lot of money on her treatment, but to no avail. Finally she had to live confined, away from everybody else. "Baidyanath was a quiet place, with green hills surrounding it. I used to wander among these hills, and sometimes even go out to practise shooting with Barin. Once, on our way back from one such shooting expedition ...

... Sudhir”. Exhibit 300-21 was found in Aurobindo’s house in an unopened envelope, addressed to Sudhir Kumar Sirkar, C/o Late Raj Narain Bose, Esq., Baidyanath, Deoghar, and across the envelope is written “Confidential.” The envelope bears the Baidyanath postmark of 24th November. It was opened by Mr. Denbam on 11th May. The point of this is to prove that Aurobindo knew Sudhir, the accused. Sudhir says... letter in the light of what appears on the envelope Exhibit… in which it was enclosed, suggests that about the 20th November he must have been staying in the house of the late Raj Narain Bose at Baidyanath, Deoghar. This letter was found unopened at 48 Grey Street, Aurobindo Ghose’s residence, when those premises were searched by the Police, but how it came there does not appear, except that it did... 642. Exhibit … is a rough plan of the neighbourhood of Seal’s Lodge which was found at the garden, and Exhibit 276 is a gunny bag also discovered in the garden on which are the words “P Chaki, Baidyanath”. This becomes material in the light of the oral evidence of the postal peon that Profulla Chaki was at Seal’s Lodge. Among those proved to have been at Seal’s Lodge was V. B. Lele, and Exhibit … ...

... in Bihar. Deoghar, 'God's abode,' has as its presiding deity Shiva. His consort there is known as Bagala; and Shiva himself as Vaidyanath, the Lord of physicians. So Deoghar is also called Baidyanath. 1 People affectionately call the God there 'Booro Shib' (the old man Shiva). When Rajnarain was alive, distinguished 1. It is one of the fifty-two sacred places, straddling India and... poor wretch after the delicious coolness of his iceberg ? I do not know for what enormous crime I have been condemned to Baroda, but my case is just parallel. Since my pleasant sojourn with you at Baidyanath, Baroda seems a hundred times more Baroda. "I dare say Beno may write to you three or four days before he leaves England. But you must think yourself lucky if he does as much as that. Most likely... arrival and of his own family was happy. "I arrived on October 25 th ," he wrote contentedly to his friend Binyon, "and have been staying at a beautiful country Page 62 place called Baidyanath, in my grandfather's house, all among the mountains and green sugar-cane fields and shallow rivers. My own people I found charming and cultivated folk, and spent an extremely pleasant time among ...

... with you at Baidyanath (Deoghar), Baroda seems a hundred times more Baroda...." 11 Sarojini must have greatly enjoyed such an affectionate and entertaining letter from her brother. Describing her brother, she once said: "...a very delicate face, long hair cut in the English fashion, Sejda was a very shy person." Sri Aurobindo used to pass many of his vacations at Baidyanath or Deoghar ...

... of anxiety or worry on his face. His Kindness and Nobility I got malarial fever from my frequent visits to Chandannagore. Sri Aurobindo took me with him to his maternal grandfather’s house in Baidyanath (Deoghar) along with his wife, sister and a cook. A large thick cotton carpet was spread on the floor and we all slept on it. Sri Aurobindo used to type on long foolscap paper; his rendering of the... — how could I manage both? So I had objected to her, but later I made the hot water, etc.”… And so the matter ended. His Tenderness and Consideration After the Pujas, having spent a month in Baidyanath, we returned to Calcutta. My parents had become anxious, not receiving any news of my whereabouts and had sent my elder brother to enquire at the Yugantar office and take me back home. I mentioned ...

... "Daughter, soon your wish will be fulfilled. Your son is engaged in tapasya at Baidyanath, on the Tapoban hill. He is now called Balananda. Go there and you will find your lost son." Thus mother and son met after forty years. An emotional reunion. What amazes me is how the old lady oxcarted or trudged all the way to Baidyanath-Deoghar from Ujjain —a matter of some 920 kilometres as the crow flies and ...

... poor wretch after the delicious coolness of his iceberg? I do not know for what enormous crime I have been condemned to Baroda but my case is just parallel. Since my pleasant sojourn with you at Baidyanath, Baroda seems a hundred times more Baroda. I dare say Beno may write to you three or four days before he leaves England. But you must think yourself lucky if he does as much as that. Most likely ...


... the Karakahini he has given us very sympathetic sketches of the Jail Superintendent, Mr. Emerson, calling him 'an embodiment of Europe's nearly vanished Christian ideals', the assistant doctor, Baidyanath Chatterjee, and his superior officer Dr. Daly, an Irishman who had 'inherited many of the qualities of that liberal and sentimental race'. Indeed it was because of Dr. Daly that Sri Aurobindo was ...


... poor wretch after the delicious coolness of his iceberg? I do not know for what enormous crime I have been condemned to Baroda, but my case is just parallel. Since my pleasant sojourn with you at Baidyanath, Baroda seems a hundred times more Baroda.... You say in your letter 'all here are quite well'; yet in the very next sentence I read 'Bari has an attack of fever'. Do you mean then that Bari is ...


... poor wretch after the delicious coolness of his iceberg? I do not know for what enormous crime I have been condemned to Baroda, but my case is just parallel. Since my pleasant sojourn with you at Baidyanath, Baroda seems a hundred times more Baroda. I dare say Beno may write to you three or four days before he leaves England. But you must think yourself lucky if he does as much as that. Most likely ...


... nervous, said he didn't know how to shoot, closed his eyes and then fired. After firing, he opened his eyes, smiled and said, "I didn't know it was so easy!" When my brother Barin and I were at Baidyanath, we used to go out with guns to shoot at birds, obviously with the idea of practising. My auntie saw us and said, "These two boys will be hanged." The prophecy almost came true, for Barin got a ...


... 693, 739 Chanakya, 498 Chandidas, 72 Chandradip, 579 Chandrasekharam, Veluri, 411, 427, 440, 536,540 Chatterji, Amarendranath, 285-6 Chatterji, Baidyanath, 317 Chatterji, Bejoy, 222,324 Chatterji, B. C., 217, 239, 272 Chatterji, Bankim Chandra, 15, 16, 19, 27, 49, 50, 58ff, 184,194, 219-20, 228, 235, 280, 281, 321, 514 ...

... poor wretch after the delicious coolness of his iceberg? I do not know for what enormous crime I have been condemned to Baroda, but my case is just parallel. Since my pleasant sojourn with you at Baidyanath, Baroda seems a hundred times more Baroda. 11 How prettily Sri Aurobindo laughs away his sense of exile; and how sweetly, yet indirectly, he compliments his sister! No wonder people found his ...

... drive one to distraction and lunacy. There was the other side of the medal too, for there were not wanting officers - like Emerson the Jail Superintendent, Dr. Daly the prison physician and Baidyanath Chatterji the assistant doctor - who were polite, considerate and kindly. There was also a change for the better in the outer circumstances of Sri Aurobindo's life. Dr. Daly - "a gentleman and ...

... Barin had taken with him Madhavrao's gifts, the rifle and breech-loading gun. The two brothers would go to the Daroa river bank to shoot birds. Ostensibly. "While my brother Barin and I were at Baidyanath," Sri Aurobindo recalled, "we used to go out with guns to shoot at birds, obviously with the idea of practising. My aunty saw us and said, 'These two boys will be hanged.' The prophecy came almost ...