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Bali : principled king of the Asūras, who after obtaining the boon of lordship over the three worlds, held a Yajña. After which, as required by Dharma he gave whatever alms mendicants asked as Dāna from him. Lord Vishnu incarnated as Vāmana (q.v.) a child mendicant, & obtained the right to the land he covered in three steps. Resuming His universal form, he covered Swarga & Pṛthvi (Heaven & Earth) in two steps. Bali, recognising the Lord, offered his head as the third for Him to step on. Pleased, Vishnu gave him the kingdom of Pātāla.
... define the precise sort of darkness indicated by the term śyāmaḥ ; Bali has no meaning or association in English, but in the Sanscrit it represents the same idea as "Titan"; only the particular name recalls a certain theosophic legend which is a household word to the Hindu, that of the dwarf-Vishnu who obtained from the Titan Bali as much land as he could cover with three steps, then filling the whole... explain fully what in the original is implicit; Kalidasa for instance compares a huge dark cloud striding northwards from Crouncharundhra to "the dark foot of Vishnu lifted in impetuous act to quell Bali", śyāmaḥ pādo baliniyamanābhyudyatasyeva viṣṇoḥ . This I have translated Page 253 "Dark like the cloudy foot of highest God When starting from the dwarfshape world-immense With... whole world with himself with one stride measured the earth, with another the heavens and with the third placing his foot on the head of Bali thrust him down into bottomless Hell. All this immediately arises before the mental eye of the Hindu as he reads Kalidasa's finely chosen words. The impetuous & vigorous term abhyudyatasya both in sound & sense suggests the sudden starting up of the world-pervading ...
... depend upon these questions at all, but has another basis, meaning and purpose. * * * I have no intention of entering into a supreme defence of Rama — I only entered into the points about Bali etc. because these are usually employed nowadays to belittle him as a great personality on the usual level. But from the point of view of Avatarhood I would no more think of defending his moral perfection... Rama. Also I do not mean that I admit the validity of your remarks about Rama, even taken as a piecemeal criticism, but that I have no time for today. I maintain my position about the killing of Bali and the banishment of Sita — in spite of Ball's preliminary objection to the procedure, afterwards retracted, and in spite of the opinion of Rama's relatives, necessarily from the point of view of the... is according as he fulfilled it or not that he must be judged as Avatar or no Avatar. It was not his business to play the comedy of the chivalrous Kshatriya with the formidable brute beast that was Bali, it was his busi- ness to kill him and get the Animal under his control. It was his business to be not necessarily a perfect, but a largely representative sattwic Man, a faithful husband and a lover ...
... coming is a very familiar one and there have been many who have upheld it. Rama as an Avatar I have no intention of entering into a supreme defence of Rama—I only entered into the points about Bali etc. because these are usually employed nowadays to belittle him as a great personality on the usual level. But from the point of view of Avatarhood I would no more think of defending his moral perfection... not mean that I admit the validity of your remarks Page 490 about Rama, even taken as a piecemeal criticism; but that I have no time for today. I maintain my position about the killing of Bali and the banishment of Sita in spite of Bali's preliminary objection to the procedure, afterwards retracted, and in spite of the opinions of Rama's relatives. Necessarily from the point of view of the... is according as he fulfilled it or not that he must be judged as Avatar or no Avatar. It was not his business to play the comedy of the chivalrous Kshatriya with the formidable brute beast that was Bali, it was his business to kill him and get the Animal Mind under his control. It was his business to be not necessarily a perfect, but a largely representative sattwic Man, a faithful husband and lover ...
... Nishikanto was then twenty-four years of age. He went to stay with his friends Tarakumar, Mohitkumar and Bonbihari at Bali from where he went to his ancestral house at Shivhati to meet his aunt and offer his final obeisance to her. After spending a week at Shivhati he returned to Bali where he stayed for four months. Those four months formed the foundation of his future life. For a few days he worked... proper sale of the paintings. Some of the paintings were sold at Mumbai in an exhibition organized by Vishwa Bharati. With the sale proceeds of his paintings (which amounted to Rs 160) Nishikanto left Bali with a few clothes, a stove to cook on and some other items. He went on a pilgrimage and visited Gaya, Sarnath, Allahabad and Varanasi. One day while meditating on the banks of the river Niranjana, ...
... Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi 12. Bakshi, S.P. Kulachi Hansraj Model School Delhi 13.Balaji, Lata Principal, Blue Bells School Kailash Colony New Delhi -110048 14. Bali, Suryakant ND- 23 Vishakha Enclave Pitampura, Delhi -110034 15.Banerjee, Bela Joint Secretary (Languages) Ministry of Human Rasource Development Shastri Bhawan New... authored by Smt. Sheela Singh, Author in Punjabi Speakers (10 minutes each): Professor Kireetjoshi, Chairman, ICPR Professor Suraykant Bali, Former Editor, Nav Bharat Times Smt. Manorama Jafa, Secretary-General, Association of Writers and Illustrators Professor Alain Bernard, Sri ...
... Asura, as through the body of a bee. Lo, the Lord has assumed the body of a Man-Lion. Victory to the Lord! Victory to the Master of the World! A strange Dwarf, you duped Bali with your cunning; the water touched by your feet purifies human peoples. Lo, the Lord has assumed the body of a Dwarf. Victory to the Lord! Victory to the... sung by the poet Jayadeva. I bow down to Krishna, to his ten incarnations, to him who saves the Vedas, who bears the world, uplifts the earth, slays the Titans, confounds Bali, destroys the Kshattriyas, conquers the son of Pulastya, wields the Plough, who pours out his compassion, to him who routs the Hostiles. A HYMN ...
... des Scythes", Revue de l'Universitaire de Bruxelles, 42 (1937) Purānas, Agni, Bhāgwata, Brahmā, Brāhmanda, Harivamśa, Kurma, Linga, Mārkandeya, Matsya, Śiva, Vāyu, Vishnu Puri, Bali Nath, India in the Time of Patahjali (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1958) Page 615 Pusalker, A. D., "Aryan Settlements in India", "Traditional History from the... 50, 98-99, 104, 225 Page 636 Sapta Rishi/Seven Rishis (Great Bear) cycle, 6-7, 11, 46-9, 98-9, 105-111, 224 Table of dates, 223-8 Puri, Bali Nath, 344, 346, 401 Purindrasena, 477 Pūrnavarman, 479 Pūrnotsanga, 584 Puru, 96 Purugupta, 494 Purūravas, 96 Pusalkar. A. D., i, ii, 3, 68, 71, 96, 126, 127, 261 ...
... power. I did the Rájayoga in three days, Which men with care and accuracy minute Ceaselessly follow for an age in vain— Not Kali's Rájayoga, but the means Of perfect knowledge, purity and force Bali the Titan learned and gave to men, The Yoga of the old Atlantic Kings. I came to Vyása, shining like a sun. He smiled and said, "Now seek the world's great Lord, Sri Krishna, where he lives on earth ...
... destroy the unrighteous oppression of Ravana, of Parashurama to destroy the unrighteous license of the military and princely caste, the Kshatriyas, of the dwarf Vamana to destroy the rule of the Titan Bali. But obviously the purely practical, ethical or social and political mission of the Avatar which is thus thrown in popular and mythical form, does not give a right account of the phenomenon of Avatarhood ...
... in view of the tradition transmitted by Tāranātha that a "successor of Aśoka, Virasena by name, set up at Gandhāra" 2 and even more in view of what scholars call "the Mauryan passage" in Patanjali. Bali Nath Puri 3 writes apropos of it: "Commenting on the Sutra Jivikārthe cāpanye (V.3.99) [of Pānini] 'in the case of a life-sustenance, serving an object which is an image (pratikrti) the affix ...
... × Preparation of rice and pulse. × bali : sacrifice. × Perhaps Sri Aurobindo refers to the way somebody used to mispronounce the word "joke" ...
... Asura, 148,272 Aswins, the, 144 Ashram (Sri Aurobindo), Iin., 63, 70-1 BACH, Richard, 82n. –Jonathan Livingston Seagull, 82n. Bajula, 280 Bali , 148-9 Baroda , 10-11 Bengal , 11, 164-5, 281 Bhade,280 Bhaskara, Guru, 151 Bhasunaka, 77 Bhattacharya, Purnenduprasad, 172 Bhattacharya, Sanjoy, 175, ...
... psychic centre and if that opens first, it is a very good opening. Disciple : It is said that in the Vāman , incarnation God, in the form of the dwarf, demanded three steps from the Titan, Bali. Does that signify that the three worlds – the physical, the vital and the mental – were in the Asura's possession and the Divine demanded that they should be liberated and become the dominions ...
... Kuthumi does Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga, each for three days: not the Yogas of our degenerate Kali Age, but the Hatha Yoga of Ravana, Dhruva and of the old Lemurian Kings, and the Raja Yoga of Chakravarti Bali and of the old Atlantic Kings. Directed now by Vyasa to seek out Krishna, make total surrender to Him and then manifest the Divine Truth on earth - an easy task enough till the Iron Age of Kali when ...
... that the Belgian was a student of Rodin's. In 1927 was invited Nara Singhlal Mistri, a Jaipuri mural technician. In the meantime, in the Poet's company, Nandalal had visited Burma, China, Japan, Java, Bali, etc. During his travels, he picked up, among other things, the art of batik. Not only did he indianize it but he greatly simplified the traditional onerous process. During the tenure of Nandalal ...
... it is the greatness of Vishnu's three strides that is celebrated. We must dismiss from our minds the ideas proper to the later mythology. We have nothing to do here with the dwarf Vishnu, the Titan Bali and the three divine strides which took possession of Earth, Heaven and the sunless subterrestrial worlds of Patala. The three strides of Vishnu in the Veda are clearly defined by Dirghatamas as earth ...
... misery & night, till they become demoniac in nature, it may be in furious & hungry insistence on a great aspiration. They may be grandiosely mighty like Hiranyakashipu, ostentatiously largehearted like Bali, fiercely self-righteous like the younger Prahlada. But they fall whether great or petty, noble or ignoble & in their fall they are thrust down by Vishnu to Patala, to the worlds of delusion & shadow ...
... "Elevation." Page 82 2. Shelley. 1 Good poetry, but as a translation vulnerable in head and the tail. In the head because, it seems to me 1 . your se dhan [that treasure] and tā bali [that's why] lays or may lay itself open to the construction that human love is a rich and precious thing which the poet unfortunately does not possess and it is only because of this deplorable poverty ...
... well-developed; they have yet to be harmonised . The Pashu, Pishacha, Pramatha, Rakshasa have all now taken their seat; they have to be harmonised & subjected to the Deva-Asura who will give them the bali . The Ananda of defeat is now right in temperament and well-established. The doubts of the Mahasaraswati vibhuti have not yet been set at rest; they persist and find their justification in the falterings ...
... The authority of the Vani & Trikaldrishti are increasing. They will soon be perfect. The Tapas & Trikaldrishti are yet unharmonised, the fullness of the Tapas is awaited. The obstinacy of the Bali element must now revive along with the growth of the Rakshasa. Equally, the lower forms, Pramatha, Pishacha, Gandharva, Yaksha, Charana, Pashu, must range themselves in their places & grow distinct ...
... destroy the unrighteous oppression of Ravana, of Parashurama to destroy the unrighteous license of the military and princely caste, the Kshatriyas, of the dwarf Vamana to destroy the rule of the Titan Bali. But obviously the purely practical, ethical or social and political mission of the Avatar which is thus thrown into popular and mythical form, does not give a right account of the phenomenon of Avatarhood ...
... (George Allen & Unwin, London, 1968), Vol. I, Page 588 A hint of this pejorative nomenclature from the Veda is in the paragraph in Kangle just preceding our context: "I bow to Bali, the son of Virochana, to Śambara of the hundred guiles, to Nikumbha, to Naraka, to Kumbha, to Tantukaccha, the great Asura." Śambara, who at once rivets our gaze with the power of trickery and magic ...
... Lord Visnu (who bears the mark of Śnīvatsa — a curl of white hair on His breast). The three worlds were covered by you in your three strides in the past. (26) After binding the exceptionally formidable Bali (the ruler of the three worlds) the mighty Indra was crowned king (by you). Sīta is (no other than) Goddess Laksmī (the divine consort of Lord Visnu), while you are (the same as) Lord Visnu. You (alone) ...
... crossing the oceans was that much more unacceptable to an enlightened man like Dr. Ghose, who knew that in ancient times Bengali merchant ships used to ply the oceans. They sailed to Java, Sumatra, to Bali and Siam, and nearer home, to Sinhal (Sri Lanka). They carried finery from Bengal and came back loaded with spices and gems. Was it not a Bengali prince, Bijoy Singha, who had conquered Lanka and given ...
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