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Balkh : ancient Bactra, capital of Bactria. As capital of Khorasan under the Abbassides & Samanids, it was a noted centre of Islamic learning.
... and Beās." The people living round Balkh or Bactria are also known as the Vāhlīkas. Then there is the dynasty of three Bāhlīka rulers placed by the Purānas in the region of Mahisamati on the Narmada. The last can be rejected immediately since these rulers are to the east of the Indus and do not involve its crossing. The people living round Balkh are to be rejected too, because, as Allan... testified. He 5 wrote: "In former times Khurāsān, Persis, Irāk, Mosul, the country up to the frontiers of Syria, was Buddhistic, but then Zarathustra went forth from Ādarbaijan and preached Magism in Balkh (Bactria). His doctrines came into favour with King Gushtasp, and his son Isfandiyad spread the new faith both in East and West, both by 1."The Yavanas", The Age of Imperial Unity, pp. 113-14... their religion (i.e., Zoroastrianism) the obligatory state-religion for Persis and Irāk. In consequence, the Buddhists were banished from these countries and had to emigrate to the countries east of Balkh... Then came Islam." Evidently, with his reference to the frontiers of China and the Greek empire, Albērūnī is following the popular Persian tradition which places King Gushtasp (or Vistašpa ...
... ingots told Entirely, nor the cloths Damascus yields, Nor what the seas give up, nor what the fields. He gathers ever with exhaustless hands: His camels heave across the endless sands. Through Balkh when to Caboul or Candahar The wains go groaning or the evening star Watches the pomp of the wide caravan Intend to provinces Arabian, Half is Abdullah the Emir's: and he Gets spices of the south ...
... to the God Vishnu. From this epigraph we may conclude that the Greeks, who in all their early advances towards and into India came via Bactria, old Bāhlīka, modern Page 595 Balkh, were known in the 4th century B.C., as Bāhlīkas and not as Yonas or Yavanas. The latter terms came into vogue in a subsequent period - and then too it was not exclusively applied to the Greeks. Seleucus ...
... Bālāditya, 403, 507, 508, 509, 510, 601, 606 Baladeva (Balarama, Rama, Sankarshana), 242, 578, 579, 580, 582 Balkrishnan Nayar, T., 239 Balarāma, see Baladeva Balkh 528, 529 Banākataka 469 Bandhu-varman, 497 Banerji, R. D., 42 Barbarikon/Barbarie, 173 Barhadrathas, 5, 9, 10, 69, 78, 106, 224 Bartholomae, 281 Barua, B. M., 144, 176 ...
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